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Lord Cameron of ..

Prints Harry

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11 hours ago, The Beast said:

I don't know what the fuck this is all about, it doesn't make sense because they are going to have their arses handed to them at the general election, January 2025 at the last knockings.

Maybe, there is big trouble coming imminently and they need someone who knows how to start a war or two. It's all hot on the heels of last weekend's debacle, whether this is part of the reason or an excuse to rearrange the deckchairs, it doesn't matter.



That's how the West has worked since Reagan, the end of the Cold War wasn't enough, they are continually on the hunt for more foreign enemies or create situations where I conflict "just happens". 

I like the way Iraq became the "Arab Spring" excuse for bombing Gadaafi Libya (look at the basket case now civil war rages outside the oil fields the French and Yanks got their hands on) then on to taking down Assad in Syria (convenient for Israel) then ISIS. Prior to that undermining covertly Yugoslavia (because it was pro-Russian) then bombing specifically the Serbs. Funny how it's all conveniently lined up to suit the needs of the pro Israeli Zionist wealthy elite in America. 

Cameron was and is so born and bred in that evil web you might be right about a convenient distracting war in the pipeline. After all his family made their dough out of off shore tax evasion schemes. 

I don't call it "avoidance" on this level, it's fucking EVASION not paying your fair share into society by the fucking well caked, while fucking low paid guys are getting taxed on shelf filling jobs. No wonder the young are fucked up. You can't hide it any more, it's under the nose all the time. Not having the money to train our own nurses! What a fucking country. It's just gone all the way doe to the bottom of the toilet bowl as far as I am concerned. Having a curry coloured Home Secretary and Prime Minister is just the label on a bottle of shit. Would Germany or France have a Sunak running the country? Remember, "they" "lost" the War! 

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17 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You seem to forget we were siding up with Hitler right up to 1939 hoping that by appeasement Hitler would be happy to finish off the war against the Bolsheviks which they had started in 1918 then abandoned in 1922. To this end they refused on at least two occasions a direct offer from Moscow for a military alliance against Germany. When the Molotov-Ribbentropf Treaty was signed this gamble blew up in their face and an attack on France after Poland became inevitable. These fucking tories who are so eager to "protect" Jews now and the right of Israel to commit genocide were couldn’t care less about Jews in Germany in the 1930s. We had a fucking abdicated King who remained a Nazi sympathisers all his life. Apart from a brief spell in prison nothing was done about Oswald Moseley and they kept their title. The fucking Lords and Ladies like Halifax who were Nazi sympathisers carried on as normal. 

Congratulations H: this comment above has achieved more than 99% of your recent others, in as much as I made it to the start of the second sentence. Jesus Christ.

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8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Congratulations H: this comment above has achieved more than 99% of your recent others, in as much as I made it to the start of the second sentence. Jesus Christ.

You're on the invitation list to my "private" funeral aka as Bobby's send off in Manchester Cathedral. A very "private" affair. 

Herbert von Karajan spent his whole life in front of millions of concert goers and record buyers and his burial was at the top of a mountain in an unmarked grave outside Salzburg attended only by his wife and a priest. 

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It was interesting dear old Nadine talking to the sexy Ridge on Sky News about Cameron and Greensill, which she said, "tarnished" him over a silly mistake*. Whenever I make a silly mistake, parking, forgetting to pay a bill, meeting a Direct Debit, having overdue Library books, forgetting my Senior Railcard, offside brake light not working.... I get punished. This cunt gets his Lordship and another go at the Westminster gravy train. 

* Fuck me Nadine should know something about tarnish, her hands must be black cleaning it off with an old pair of knickers. 

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On 13/11/2023 at 23:26, The Beast said:

I don't know what the fuck this is all about, it doesn't make sense because they are going to have their arses handed to them at the general election, January 2025 at the last knockings.

Maybe, there is big trouble coming imminently and they need someone who knows how to start a war or two. It's all hot on the heels of last weekend's debacle, whether this is part of the reason or an excuse to rearrange the deckchairs, it doesn't matter.



Yes, it does make you wonder. He's arrived at a time of crisis in the Middle East, though he was also PM when a (still-ongoing) £400m arms deal was licensed to Israeli forces, including UK-supplied aircraft, bombs, armoured vehicles, and ammunition. These are weapons killing Palestinians (and Hamas) in Gaza and West Bank.

So I guess that lot had every right to march in protest, but disrespectfully, and most inappropriately, chose Armistice Day.

They're not going to garner more support from a still-vast white majority (of 88%) any time soon. The overall irony here is Britain supplies arms which kill Palestinian families at a time when our immigration borders have been as wide as the Spirit of Free Enterprise's front doors, adding further hatred (esp. from bereaved relatives) in a growing British Muslim community already 100% anti-Israeli.

For me, his appointment not only speaks of desperation on the part of the Punjab-Ferengi midget but perhaps a hidden agenda for a sinking ship to achieve before it goes down.

What's Dave gonna do, though? Further a new arms deal with Israel, which Starmer is likely to oppose?


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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Yes, it does make you wonder. He's arrived at a time of crisis in the Middle East, though he was also PM when a (still-ongoing) £400m arms deal was licensed to Israeli forces, including UK-supplied aircraft, bombs, armoured vehicles, and ammunition. These are weapons killing Palestinians (and Hamas) in Gaza and West Bank.

So I guess that lot had every right to march in protest, but disrespectfully, and most inappropriately, chose Armistice Day.

They're not going to garner more support from a still-vast white majority (of 88%) any time soon. The overall irony here is Britain supplies arms which kill Palestinian families at a time when our immigration borders have been as wide as the Spirit of Free Enterprise's front doors, adding further hatred (esp. from bereaved relatives) in a growing British Muslim community already 100% anti-Israeli.

For me, his appointment not only speaks of desperation on the part of the Punjab-Ferengi midget but perhaps a hidden agenda for a sinking ship to achieve before it goes down.

What's Dave gonna do, though? Further a new arms deal with Israel, which Starmer is likely to oppose?


50+% of Americans support Palestinians over Israel. Same in Britain. It's only the cappuccino inclusive PM cunt and STARMER the Shit who have reverse sympathies. As for Cameron he'd flog his old man's corpse to Hamas if he could get a percentage. You've got the real face of the Tory Party now and all parts of it are shit. 

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20 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

50+% of Americans support Palestinians over Israel. Same in Britain. It's only the cappuccino inclusive PM cunt and STARMER the Shit who have reverse sympathies. 

I don't know about that, I'd say that the old school far right support Israel in full, which is ironic considering their roots. Could you imagine the Austrian painter coming back from the dead/Argentina tomorrow and seeing his political descendants waving Israel flags whilst simultaneously sporting swastika tattoos?

Of course it's mainly due to the peacefuls visible differences, otherness and numbers. Should every rag head disappear from Britain's green and pleasant land overnight I'm sure that the neo-Nazis would soon rediscover their favourite pastime of Jew-bashing.

Fingers crossed it happens within my lifetime so I can revel in @ZEV getting the old Clifford's tower treatment.

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't know about that, I'd say that the old school far right support Israel in full, which is ironic considering their roots. Could you imagine the Austrian painter coming back from the dead/Argentina tomorrow and seeing his political descendants waving Israel flags whilst simultaneously sporting swastika tattoos?

Of course it's mainly due to the peacefuls visible differences, otherness and numbers. Should every rag head disappear from Britain's green and pleasant land overnight I'm sure that the neo-Nazis would soon rediscover their favourite pastime of Jew-bashing.

Fingers crossed it happens within my lifetime so I can revel in @ZEV getting the old Clifford's tower treatment.

You'd never get hired in Hollywood. Bang, there goes the next Mel Gibson. Er... he's buried isn't he after that drunken rant? 

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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I see your commitment to accuracy has not improved in the short time I’ve been absent. 

The Herald of Free Enterprise left her bow doors open.


I was thinking you were giving me a wide berth – only to finally be heralded by Australia's latest warship, the HMAS Suzie Dent Down Under, armed with a fact-check honing device obsessively aimed at each of my posts.

Welcome back, you insufferable, conceited piece of shit. Have you been holidaying somewhere to escape the unbearable Perth heat?

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On 16/11/2023 at 05:40, Wolfie said:

I was thinking 

And here’s me thinking that burning smell was probably a bushfire. True to form, rather than just simply acknowledge your Herald of Free Enterprise error, you come out of your corner swinging wildly like some fifteenth-round punch-drunk has-been forced out of retirement in his fifties. Apparently it’s somehow my fault you make these continual errors, and pointing them out makes me Susie Dent, obsessed with your every utterance, which is quite difficult when I haven’t logged in for a month. As someone who’s been very free with his metaphorical red pen on The Corner down the years, adding hypocrite to the growing list of charming epithets I throw at you when the mood takes me seems entirely justified.

Sadly I don’t have time to indulge your inevitably tedious reply as I’ll be back on the road tonight and while I travel through remote Australia, checking in to The Corner is just below wondering how Cowdenbeath are getting on in the football in my list of priorities. Sorry if, as you complained elsewhere, this feels like boxing in even slower slow motion but five minutes a month already seems like ample time to give gobshites like you. 

I’ll be back to civilisation for Christmas, so perhaps a little light badinage before the turkey might be charitable? Gives you time to practice. It’s an unbearable 28 here in Perth today, by the way. 

In the meantime, and as is by now traditional, I’ll invite you to get fucked and hope your (singular) sphincteral opening prolapses spectacularly in the not too distant future. Catch ya, cunt. 

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

And here’s me thinking that burning smell was probably a bushfire. True to form, rather than just simply acknowledge your Herald of Free Enterprise error, you come out of your corner swinging wildly like some fifteenth-round punch-drunk has-been forced out of retirement in his fifties. Apparently it’s somehow my fault you make these continual errors, and pointing them out makes me Susie Dent, obsessed with your every utterance, which is quite difficult when I haven’t logged in for a month. As someone who’s been very free with his metaphorical red pen on The Corner down the years, adding hypocrite to the growing list of charming epithets I throw at you when the mood takes me seems entirely justified.

Sadly I don’t have time to indulge your inevitably tedious reply as I’ll be back on the road tonight and while I travel through remote Australia, checking in to The Corner is just below wondering how Cowdenbeath are getting on in the football in my list of priorities. Sorry if, as you complained elsewhere, this feels like boxing in even slower slow motion but five minutes a month already seems like ample time to give gobshites like you. 

I’ll be back to civilisation for Christmas, so perhaps a little light badinage before the turkey might be charitable? Gives you time to practice. It’s an unbearable 28 here in Perth today, by the way. 

In the meantime, and as is by now traditional, I’ll invite you to get fucked and hope your (singular) sphincteral opening prolapses spectacularly in the not too distant future. Catch ya, cunt. 

Sometimes I get a strange, gut feeling that you and Wolfie don’t like each other. But I am very perceptive and notice things that most wouldn’t.

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On 17/11/2023 at 17:40, Eric Cuntman said:

Sometimes I get a strange, gut feeling that you and Wolfie don’t like each other. But I am very perceptive and notice things that most wouldn’t.

Does anybody like the cunt with a Poodle and a dictionary, apart from his (soon to be departed lover) Dickless?

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On 13/11/2023 at 13:40, Penny Farthing said:

Back in government a real major cunt.

Lord Greensill's family (his old man was an offshore tax adviser they still have a big spread in Provence near Avignon) features in the Paradise Papers and Panama Papers. These people are so well caked it makes you sick just to look at it. Will never vote again. 

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On 17/11/2023 at 09:38, Last Cunt Standing said:

And here’s me thinking that burning smell was probably a bushfire. True to form, rather than just simply acknowledge your Herald of Free Enterprise error, you come out of your corner swinging wildly like some fifteenth-round punch-drunk has-been forced out of retirement in his fifties. Apparently it’s somehow my fault you make these continual errors, and pointing them out makes me Susie Dent, obsessed with your every utterance, which is quite difficult when I haven’t logged in for a month. As someone who’s been very free with his metaphorical red pen on The Corner down the years, adding hypocrite to the growing list of charming epithets I throw at you when the mood takes me seems entirely justified.

Sadly I don’t have time to indulge your inevitably tedious reply as I’ll be back on the road tonight and while I travel through remote Australia, checking in to The Corner is just below wondering how Cowdenbeath are getting on in the football in my list of priorities. Sorry if, as you complained elsewhere, this feels like boxing in even slower slow motion but five minutes a month already seems like ample time to give gobshites like you. 

I’ll be back to civilisation for Christmas, so perhaps a little light badinage before the turkey might be charitable? Gives you time to practice. It’s an unbearable 28 here in Perth today, by the way. 

In the meantime, and as is by now traditional, I’ll invite you to get fucked and hope your (singular) sphincteral opening prolapses spectacularly in the not too distant future. Catch ya, cunt. 

I don’t take sides between you two, it’s as good a feud as we have on here. However, I don’t think you can throw punches and then run away, Doc…it ain’t right. I think it’s only fair then that I suggest that if you dare to show your fucking face on here BEFORE Xmas, you’re going to get your vulva hoofed into the middle of Tasmania by all and sundry. Enjoy your dusty road trip.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Lord Greensill's family (his old man was an offshore tax adviser they still have a big spread in Provence near Avignon) features in the Paradise Papers and Panama Papers. These people are so well caked it makes you sick just to look at it. Will never vote again. 

Well publicised, snouts in trough, brown noses, fairy circles ect. I'm off to test some Canon glass .. katchya later.

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4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

This from the singular most despised fucking moron on this site? The utter gall of the deviant.

Peter, why all the resentment?

Even a thick cunt like you should have realised by now, none of what is said about me on here bears even the slightest resemblance to reality.

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11 minutes ago, ZEV said:

Peter, why all the resentment?

Even a thick cunt like you should have realised by now, none of what is said about me on here bears even the slightest resemblance to reality.

Who are you trying to kid, idiot? The reams of bizarre, sinister and obsessive crap you post on here paint a clear image of what a bizarre, sinister and obsessive cunt you are in the real world. 

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Who are you trying to kid, idiot? The reams of bizarre, sinister and obsessive crap you post on here paint a clear image of what a bizarre, sinister and obsessive cunt you are in the real world. 

Self-awareness, or lack thereof, seems to be a difficulty with everybody on CC, or haven't you noticed?

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