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London the barbaric shithole

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

A new low of London history has been reached under the command of Khan.Whats the point  of a description of that low because as usual , its the usual suspects .Murder and violent crime is so common place it barely raises a hair on the eyebrow of the  Muslim mayor  not alone instigates  any form of moral intent to even try to  reverse the decline of  the most historic area of connabation in human history .How did this come to pass ?.How could the indigenious population have stood aside and allowed what is described as "diversity " create a tsunami of a crime wave that makes past invasions of Romans , vikings , Norman's  and others who wanted their hands on this land  look like a Sunday school outing. 



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57 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

A new low of London history has been reached under the command of Khan.Whats the point  of a description of that low because as usual , its the usual suspects .Murder and violent crime is so common place it barely raises a hair on the eyebrow of the  Muslim mayor  not alone instigates  any form of moral intent to even try to  reverse the decline of  the most historic area of connabation in human history .How did this come to pass ?.How could the indigenious population have stood aside and allowed what is described as "diversity " create a tsunami of a crime wave that makes past invasions of Romans , vikings , Norman's  and others who wanted their hands on this land  look like a Sunday school outing. 



The indigenous population did what everybody else does in a city, leave the inner boroughs to newcomers and move outside for housing and jobs and a better quality of life. The real fucking problem is the likes of Southwark and Lambeth who in hot pursuit of intensive redevelopment have ruthlessly demolished streets and communities of traditional housing that could have been refurbished, allowed atrocious office building and buy to let conglomerations for overseas investors, taken public open space away from their residents and sold it off to builders, latterly demolishing whole swathes of public social generously proportioned housing after years of deliberate planned dereliction allowing them to become rundown to the point of slums and replacing them with little or no social housing and rabbit hutch style living spaces or student accommodation. 

These cunts have raped our inner cities methodically pocketing back handers and bribes along the way on a trail of vice, corruption and fraud. 

Anything political in this is merely the skin wrapping a diseased body. 

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36 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

He's a race traitor, to his own and every other race, but he's by no means the worst Mayor of late: sadly, London has got what it deserves over the years.

I mean your favourite position. Please take me seriously. Ever since the GLC was abolished and Red Ken went beserk with his terrapins I haven't been able to take this new fucking London Dissembly of Cretin Shit whoever the fuck they are where they come from and what relation they have with all the publicly owned assets and property taken over the LRB which is just a Thatcherite quango for privatising our stuff particularly properties and land for development and fucking inefficient and corrupt Tfl and its fucking army of top lawyers. As far as I know there's been a few academic studies to show what a tremendous get rich quick scheme the abolition of GLC and ILEA has been but no book which actually exposes this filthy trail of corruption and fraud. 

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14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I mean your favourite position. Please take me seriously. Ever since the GLC was abolished and Red Ken went beserk with his terrapins I haven't been able to take this new fucking London Dissembly of Cretin Shit whoever the fuck they are where they come from and what relation they have with all the publicly owned assets and property taken over the LRB which is just a Thatcherite quango for privatising our stuff particularly properties and land for development and fucking inefficient and corrupt Tfl and its fucking army of top lawyers. As far as I know there's been a few academic studies to show what a tremendous get rich quick scheme the abolition of GLC and ILEA has been but no book which actually exposes this filthy trail of corruption and fraud. 

Please, learn to punctuate. I can promise you with one hundred percent certainty that no one has read more than five seconds of the above shite.

You're an absolute fucking disgrace.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Please, learn to punctuate. I can promise you with one hundred percent certainty that no one has read more than five seconds of the above shite.

You're an absolute fucking disgrace.

I was waning, until the bit about terrapins. Because I thought that Ken Livingstone was into newts.

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5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The indigenous population did what everybody else does in a city, leave the inner boroughs to newcomers and move outside for housing and jobs and a better quality of life. The real fucking problem is the likes of Southwark and Lambeth who in hot pursuit of intensive redevelopment have ruthlessly demolished streets and communities of traditional housing that could have been refurbished, allowed atrocious office building and buy to let conglomerations for overseas investors, taken public open space away from their residents and sold it off to builders, latterly demolishing whole swathes of public social generously proportioned housing after years of deliberate planned dereliction allowing them to become rundown to the point of slums and replacing them with little or no social housing and rabbit hutch style living spaces or student accommodation. 

These cunts have raped our inner cities methodically pocketing back handers and bribes along the way on a trail of vice, corruption and fraud. 

Anything political in this is merely the skin wrapping a diseased body. 

Back in the late 60s, whatever council was in charge in Southwark decided to knock down all those houses you mentioned to build the monoliths of the Five Estates. They were ready by '72 and were peopled by the mainly indigenous population of the area. By the time the late 80s came, the whole area was a like fucking Dodge City So, in their infinite wisdom, southwark council decided to regenerate the area by fucking every scum cunt out of the area, raze the whole pile of shite to the ground and build low rise, desirable housing. I saw the abodes and they were nice. So Southwark council moved most of the scum back into the area in the belief that nice housing will change them into being nice, responsible people. Fucking wrong. The whole area, within 18 months became a fucking morally bankrupt, crime ridden cesspool that it was before. 

The Polish cunt who designed the original 5 estates back in the 60s, topped herself. Whether it was because of the shithole she designed caused her guilt is unclear, but all I can say is I wished she'd cashed her chips in before she decided to put pencil to paper. 

Gilbert and George are cunts 


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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Back in the late 60s, whatever council was in charge in Southwark decided to knock down all those houses you mentioned to build the monoliths of the Five Estates. They were ready by '72 and were peopled by the mainly indigenous population of the area. By the time the late 80s came, the whole area was a like fucking Dodge City So, in their infinite wisdom, southwark council decided to regenerate the area by fucking every scum cunt out of the area, raze the whole pile of shite to the ground and build low rise, desirable housing. I saw the abodes and they were nice. So Southwark council moved most of the scum back into the area in the belief that nice housing will change them into being nice, responsible people. Fucking wrong. The whole area, within 18 months became a fucking morally bankrupt, crime ridden cesspool that it was before. 

The Polish cunt who designed the original 5 estates back in the 60s, topped herself. Whether it was because of the shithole she designed caused her guilt is unclear, but all I can say is I wished she'd cashed her chips in before she decided to put pencil to paper. 

Gilbert and George are cunts 


I think we are all partially right. I thought MOST of the postwar social housing such as Heygate was OK if long term maintenance and caretaking services and some form of security/concierge had been built into the schemes and maintained over their lifetime. Instead the people responsible walked away. The actual layout and interiors of these flats was excellent in stark contrast to the shithole dilapidation they were allowed to fall into. The lack of policing, withdrawal of services across the board, kicking education and schools around like a football, cuts then small catch up funding followed by more cuts is the story of everything since the 1970s. Now that Labour has fell headfirst into the gravy train of privatisation the housing schemes that replace them such as the Elephant and Castle are offering much less social housing than what it replaced and sometimes even that proportion is cut during construction due to "costs". I suppose the thinking is a small amount of social say 15% within a mainly private development is manageable and won't become out of control. The old LCC estates were always seen as better maintained, calmer and more desirable places to live compared to Southwark Ciuncil's estates some of which I remember looked like fucking buildings in Gaza while the Council twiddled its fingers. 

This is the fucking Labour that's going to get in and fill it's boots next year. The fucking sitting MP in Bermondsey is a cunt another Mellish. 

Thank God I'm a Stalinist. Left wing politics only works if you have a cunt at the top who cracks the whip. Social democracy is another sham like one nation Toryism. 

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The shameful dereliction of duty by successive police chiefs in allowing literal "no go" areas to proliferate is also a factor. Into the vacuum steps extremism, gang culture, protection rackets, loan sharks, Sharia law etc., and the downward spiral continues. The "broken windows" theory so beloved by Rudy Giuliani has been largely discredited now, but there is a core of truth to it nonetheless.

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13 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Back in the late 60s, whatever council was in charge in Southwark decided to knock down all those houses you mentioned to build the monoliths of the Five Estates. They were ready by '72 and were peopled by the mainly indigenous population of the area. By the time the late 80s came, the whole area was a like fucking Dodge City So, in their infinite wisdom, southwark council decided to regenerate the area by fucking every scum cunt out of the area, raze the whole pile of shite to the ground and build low rise, desirable housing. I saw the abodes and they were nice. So Southwark council moved most of the scum back into the area in the belief that nice housing will change them into being nice, responsible people. Fucking wrong. The whole area, within 18 months became a fucking morally bankrupt, crime ridden cesspool that it was before. 

The Polish cunt who designed the original 5 estates back in the 60s, topped herself. Whether it was because of the shithole she designed caused her guilt is unclear, but all I can say is I wished she'd cashed her chips in before she decided to put pencil to paper. 

Gilbert and George are cunts 



1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I think we are all partially right. I thought MOST of the postwar social housing such as Heygate was OK if long term maintenance and caretaking services and some form of security/concierge had been built into the schemes and maintained over their lifetime. Instead the people responsible walked away. The actual layout and interiors of these flats was excellent in stark contrast to the shithole dilapidation they were allowed to fall into. The lack of policing, withdrawal of services across the board, kicking education and schools around like a football, cuts then small catch up funding followed by more cuts is the story of everything since the 1970s. Now that Labour has fell headfirst into the gravy train of privatisation the housing schemes that replace them such as the Elephant and Castle are offering much less social housing than what it replaced and sometimes even that proportion is cut during construction due to "costs". I suppose the thinking is a small amount of social say 15% within a mainly private development is manageable and won't become out of control. The old LCC estates were always seen as better maintained, calmer and more desirable places to live compared to Southwark Ciuncil's estates some of which I remember looked like fucking buildings in Gaza while the Council twiddled its fingers. 

This is the fucking Labour that's going to get in and fill it's boots next year. The fucking sitting MP in Bermondsey is a cunt another Mellish. 

Thank God I'm a Stalinist. Left wing politics only works if you have a cunt at the top who cracks the whip. Social democracy is another sham like one nation Toryism. 

I think it's disgusting how vast parts of London have been redeveloped by private building companies (with the help of back handers) to sell to the wealthy, most of whom don't even live in London, let alone the UK. 

Where I live, there has been cunt building work going on in some form or another for at least 10 years. Every fucking day off, some cunt is drilling or making noise. This one particular converted town house opposite my flat has been empty for about 7 years. It's some ridiculous Air BnB which must cost a couple of bags a week to rent. I spoke with the cunt who bought it about 10 years ago, said he'd made at least a million on it, after doing it up (lots of cunt building work going on), some new owner cunts buy it and strip it out and redesign the whole fucking place... more cunt building work. 

They were throwing out expensive rugs that got moths or something, die to place being empty for so long. Cunts are also applying for planning permission every 5 minutes, I simply object to everything now. 

I can't stand these wealthy cunts who don't want to live in an area and be part of the community, this is big business and the amount of dodgy money being pumped into London property via Russians, Chinese and others is a fucking disgrace. 

All approved and allowed by the. Cunt Tories. 

Britain is open for business... What a pile cunt. 


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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I think it's disgusting how vast parts of London have been redeveloped by private building companies (with the help of back handers) to sell to the wealthy, most of whom don't even live in London, let alone the UK. 

Where I live, there has been cunt building work going on in some form or another for at least 10 years. Every fucking day off, some cunt is drilling or making noise. This one particular converted town house opposite my flat has been empty for about 7 years. It's some ridiculous Air BnB which must cost a couple of bags a week to rent. I spoke with the cunt who bought it about 10 years ago, said he'd made at least a million on it, after doing it up (lots of cunt building work going on), some new owner cunts buy it and strip it out and redesign the whole fucking place... more cunt building work. 

They were throwing out expensive rugs that got moths or something, die to place being empty for so long. Cunts are also applying for planning permission every 5 minutes, I simply object to everything now. 

I can't stand these wealthy cunts who don't want to live in an area and be part of the community, this is big business and the amount of dodgy money being pumped into London property via Russians, Chinese and others is a fucking disgrace. 

All approved and allowed by the. Cunt Tories. 

Britain is open for business... What a pile cunt. 


Take a look at Canada Water and the Rotherhithe riverside. Albeit the LDDC wasn't perfect and it was bitterly opposed by Southwark to the point of bloody minded vengeance, but it built civilised low rise social housing (Barnard's Wharf housing estate) in what would now be fucking sold off to an Arab investment company for luxury dwellings OK Barratt had a big swathe and a Danish company built Lawrence Wharf and some nice river front buildings for private sale in Greenland dock but it DID allow a good social mix with plenty of desirable two three bed houses with fucking gardens! Get your fucking head round that:  Council House Building by the LDDC and housing associations in Central London with GARDENS! In addition as part of the deal building firms were required to refurbish and upgrade existing council blocks that been rundown and written off by Southwark like Redriff, Acorn etc AT COST. 

Since then the 1980s Southwark hadn't built any social housing in the area except a 15% in private developments of rabbit hutches and buy to let's fucking as ugly as sin crammed in and shot up by jerry builders after a fast profit. 

Labour and Labour Councils in London have BETRAYED ordinary people since the 1970s and under Starmer the Shit they will fill their boots it will get worse. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I think it's disgusting how vast parts of London have been redeveloped by private building companies (with the help of back handers) to sell to the wealthy, most of whom don't even live in London, let alone the UK. 

Where I live, there has been cunt building work going on in some form or another for at least 10 years. Every fucking day off, some cunt is drilling or making noise. This one particular converted town house opposite my flat has been empty for about 7 years. It's some ridiculous Air BnB which must cost a couple of bags a week to rent. I spoke with the cunt who bought it about 10 years ago, said he'd made at least a million on it, after doing it up (lots of cunt building work going on), some new owner cunts buy it and strip it out and redesign the whole fucking place... more cunt building work. 

They were throwing out expensive rugs that got moths or something, die to place being empty for so long. Cunts are also applying for planning permission every 5 minutes, I simply object to everything now. 

I can't stand these wealthy cunts who don't want to live in an area and be part of the community, this is big business and the amount of dodgy money being pumped into London property via Russians, Chinese and others is a fucking disgrace. 

All approved and allowed by the. Cunt Tories. 

Britain is open for business... What a pile cunt. 


A revolution is needed not an election of more of the same .

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I worked there 40 years ago pre Canary Wharf and it was an absolute fucking hole then, The house prices around Wapping were peanuts relatively speaking and you wouldn't have wanted to live there even if you could have. Fast forward and a £30 grand pad is now best part of a million quid and it's still a fucking shithole. Khan is turning it into a mini Republic and I hope that civil war ensues and the barbarians start killing each other off but I fear that its gone too far to ever return to something bearing acceptable. The infidels are here to stay,let's just hope they turn the M25 into a razor wire filled moat. Great Britain my fucking arse

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

I worked there 40 years ago pre Canary Wharf and it was an absolute fucking hole then, The house prices around Wapping were peanuts relatively speaking and you wouldn't have wanted to live there even if you could have. Fast forward and a £30 grand pad is now best part of a million quid and it's still a fucking shithole. Khan is turning it into a mini Republic and I hope that civil war ensues and the barbarians start killing each other off but I fear that its gone too far to ever return to something bearing acceptable. The infidels are here to stay,let's just hope they turn the M25 into a razor wire filled moat. Great Britain my fucking arse

So you're the real reason those police copters used to fly round all night fucking waking me up. 

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22 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I was waning, until the bit about terrapins. Because I thought that Ken Livingstone was into newts.

Say what you want about Ken being a complete cunt (he is), but as a fellow newt wanker, I naturally find a kinship with the neo Marxist, Jew baiting, commie bastard.


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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I knew he was a newt fiddler.

An endangered species. Once fairly common. Loss of habitats, climate change and pollution have made newts a rare sight in the wild. I remember from my childhood capturing them with a cheap net and carrying them home in a jar, the poor sods didn't last long. So it goes, the misery and death we heap on animals as we "progress" through life. Fucking humans are the worst animal cunt species on earth. 

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27 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

An endangered species. Once fairly common. Loss of habitats, climate change and pollution have made newts a rare sight in the wild. I remember from my childhood capturing them with a cheap net and carrying them home in a jar, the poor sods didn't last long. So it goes, the misery and death we heap on animals as we "progress" through life. Fucking humans are the worst animal cunt species on earth. 

There’s enough of them about 4 miles from here, along with lizards, grass snakes and sloe worms. Believe it or not, in Britain’s scummiest town Jaywick. They’ve got flood dykes and streams at the back of the bit that got washed away in 1953. Standing water everywhere and fuckloads of wildlife on the mile of swampy wasteland between Jaywick and the sewage plant behind it.

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