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Hope they're not racist

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's all very well holding fire on asylum seeker benefits until they have x-amount of employment history, but rather like the vast (vast) majority of people in the UK I would much rather offer a job to a native Briton who has/whose family has paid into our system for decades (even if someone has left their home country as a political refugee). These people have more of a right to claim benefits for obvious reasons.

And this brings me to the next point: the asylum seekers themselves. This is the very issue which needs to be seriously vetted. Single men with beards, for example, don't bring with them a positive vibe. Suffice to say, looking at some of the hirsute terrorists-in-waiting who've washed up on Kentish beaches in the past decade don't look like asylum seekers to me, RK. Many carry problems from the countries they are escaping from, together with a culture which adopts acid-throwing, machetes and zombie knives – and extreme sexism and homophobia. Men with kids or families, or men with a loving female in tow, bring with them a totally different prospect. For me, this is the 'border force' area which needs the most investment and scrutiny. Make the entrance requirements more tough.

I know views on Rwanda are divided, but who on Earth would wish to enter the UK illegally with the prospect of being deported to a steaming Third World cunthole in the middle of Africa? I think it could – and should – work as a deterrent for those wishing to bring religious ideals and trouble to the UK. 

The problem currently lies with our self-serving, short-termist and corrupt politicians who take little or no action. Just because the UK took more than its fair share of immigrants under EU Parliamentary legislation doesn't mean we need to keep accepting anymore now that Brexit is here. We can't bankroll anyone who just wants to stay here rent-free.


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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:


I know you are blocking me due to a mutually held contempt and hatred that could only be settled by an epic arm wrestling contest along the lines of Twin Peaks: The Return.  However, can I just point out that every male cunt in this country seems to have sprouted a covering of facial hair in various states of growth and design as soon as they left school?  It is an extremely unpleasant "masculine" "look" which is by no means a defining feature of illegal immigrants or ethnic minorities though it might have come from the latter. In Spain, like everything else, it is worse.  Even the women are hairy. 

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29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I know you are blocking me due to a mutually held contempt and hatred that could only be settled by an epic arm wrestling contest along the lines of Twin Peaks: The Return.  However, can I just point out that every male cunt in this country seems to have sprouted a covering of facial hair in various states of growth and design as soon as they left school?  It is an extremely unpleasant "masculine" "look" which is by no means a defining feature of illegal immigrants or ethnic minorities though it might have come from the latter. In Spain, like everything else, it is worse.  Even the women are hairy. 

Twin Peaks the fucking return. I had such hopes for that. Only to be confronted by Cooper now being 3 different people, wandering around looking gormless and not saying anything. Oh, and popping out of electric sockets in a bubble. 
 Fucking outtakes from Eraserhead basically. 
 I loved the original. Audrey Horne… oh yes.

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16 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Not one good laugh in any of the above. Try harder.


16 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:



16 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:


One of my original intentions was to get right under your scaly skin... and the last five of your six comments have been aimed at me.

A job well done!

Let's hope the cancer holds off for a little while longer, so I have time to further annoy you.

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18 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Jesus fucking Christ, Wolfie.

Ever think this sort of bollocks might be why people don't want to discuss shit seriously on here?

It descends into preaching shite cunts already know. No one really wants to debate, they just want to initiate conversation so they can give their opinion.

We're never going to change the world on this shit hole of a site either way. But we can (and should) laugh at it as it burns down around us.


I went into a right political rant earlier Killer, you're quite correct. But you're from the predominantly vast white northeast, while the Londonised southeast I hail from has in parts become virtually unrecognisable. The bottle of Barolo I polished off earlier, together with the fact the area I grew up in is now 30% Asian, somewhat justifies my tirade. But unlike ELC's horseshit it does actually make sense. What other few places on the internet can I spout my heartfelt bollocks without being accused of racism nowadays?

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21 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I went into a right political rant earlier Killer, you're quite correct. But you're from the predominantly vast white northeast, while the Londonised southeast I hail from has become virtually unrecognisable. The bottle of Barolo I polished off earlier, together with the fact the area I grew up in is now 30-40% Asian, somewhat justifies my tirade. But unlike ELC's horseshit it does actually make sense. What other few places on the internet can I spout my heartfelt bollocks without being accused of racism nowadays?

The rest of the internet was sterilised years ago. I'm sure there's a few last bastions but the chances are they're full of hardcore spackers who would consider you a softy for not demanding outright genocide.

There's no middle ground on anything anymore - or at least the majority of the population finds existence more engaging when they pretend that there isn't.

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40 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Twin Peaks the fucking return. I had such hopes for that. Only to be confronted by Cooper now being 3 different people, wandering around looking gormless and not saying anything. Oh, and popping out of electric sockets in a bubble. 
 Fucking outtakes from Eraserhead basically. 
 I loved the original. Audrey Horne… oh yes.

As a whole I'd agree, but it did have some interesting scenes and ideas. I thought the first series rapidly went off the boil for me. There's a whole industry of fandom behind it. 

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

The rest of the internet was sterilised years ago. I'm sure there's a few last bastions but the chances are they're full of hardcore spackers who would consider you a softy for not demanding outright genocide.

There's no middle ground on anything anymore - or at least the majority of the population finds existence more engaging when they pretend that there isn't.

Aaww fuck’s sake. I thought there was about to be a lovely, interesting punch-up to enjoy here. I was hoping for abuse, vitriol and general shit-flinging…I bought fucking popcorn ffs. You pair of ‘disagree agreeably’ old cunts. Fuck off.

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10 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Aaww fuck’s sake. I thought there was about to be a lovely, interesting punch-up to enjoy here. I was hoping for abuse, vitriol and general shit-flinging…I bought fucking popcorn ffs. You pair of ‘disagree agreeably’ old cunts. Fuck off.

That's for your own good. Both me and @Wolfie can be long-winded cunts - unlike @Mrs Roops and @King Billy - we have the self control to understand that an argument between us would hold very little entertainment value for spectators.

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6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Gay pooftah cunts.

There's no pleasing you, is there, Peter?

You complain because you can't handle thick cunts spouting wholesale bollocks, yet you also can't handle intellectual dissection of current affairs, maybe your true home is Mumsnet?

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On 19/03/2024 at 11:12, Roadkill said:

unlike @Mrs Roops and @King Billy - we have the self control to understand that an argument between us would hold very little entertainment value for spectators.

She’ll be gutted to learn this, being the flamboyant crowd pleaser that she thinks we all worship her as. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

She’ll be gutted to learn this, being the flamboyant crowd pleaser that she thinks we all worship her as. 

I think I'm grounded enough to realise I'll never win any popularity contests. OTOH if I were you I'd be more concerned about being seen as a bull-shitting conspiracy moron who never gets anything right.

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On 20/03/2024 at 20:39, King Billy said:

She’ll be gutted to learn this, being the flamboyant crowd pleaser that she thinks we all worship her as. 


12 hours ago, King Billy said:

No shit Sherlock? 🤫

 Make your mind up, KB. Jeeze, can't you get anything right?

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On 20/03/2024 at 22:33, ChildeHarold said:

Do I detect Spring Awakening on these pages? Yum Yum 

Harold, since my return, I've noticed nobody even bothers conversing with you anymore... You are now reduced to a demented running commentary. 

It's disappointing as at one point I thought you'd found your place here. 

What are you going to do about it?

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On 16/03/2024 at 07:06, entitled little cunt said:

Scotland  sadly has Mr.Yousaf, a gentleman who seems to be constantly on the fringes of wrong doing. The uk as a whole or hole , depending on your point of view has a Mr.Sunak, a man who's best talent is to be able to run backwards after he stumbles into yet another  self generated  difficulty . London has Khan , an openly racist individual who has turned his fiefdom into a no go zone of murderers , shoplifters  and terrorist sympathisers. Wales it's seems will most probably have a Mr Gething , an unknown quantity but given the quality of what the country is used to he'll be another self serving , out of touch cunt who can't explain what defines a woman and will be happy to wield a large stick with which to beat the occupants of his fiefdom.  Very soon there is a possibility that all governed parts of the UK will be lead by those from an ethnic minority. On the face of it they're not doing too well and neither is the white working class who now look upon those who lead  them and ask why is there no one  who looks like me to understand and  represent my best interests. Ironically the very same argument ethnic minorities made that lead to the situation described above and tickled the fancy of the traitorous  radical left.

I have noticed that a lot of these devoutly religious folk are often on the fringes (or well over on the wrong-side) of wrong doing .. I have seen this in my own family often accompanied by mean mindedness too. My reckoning is that they "know" that the supreme being" will forgive them just as long as they repent of their sins or perhaps martyr themselves.

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12 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have noticed that a lot of these devoutly religious folk are often on the fringes (or well over on the wrong-side) of wrong doing .. I have seen this in my own family often accompanied by mean mindedness too. My reckoning is that they "know" that the supreme being" will forgive them just as long as they repent of their sins or perhaps martyr themselves.

Religious types are inherently dodgy. All that begging for forgiveness. Forgiveness for what exactly? Fucking weirdo's. 

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