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Guest 'eavensabove
13 minutes ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

@stoolstabber5000 has proven quite fun fodder. I am happy to get a beating here and there. Chin up snowflake, life on the corner is what you make it!

Phwoarrrrrr, you sexy little minx you. Are you also into necrophilia & bestiality? Why, you could be flogging a dead horse, and then I'd really get to like you. 

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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

A video poem of the flip side of the coin, muslim grooming/raping gangs, Turkish mafia, somalian drug gangs, knife crime, Albanian pick pocket gangs, bursting prisons with foreign criminals, clap them you cunts....

#clap for a criminal

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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

No not at all, no joke about the following statistics, again what I have said that is not true?

Foreign nationals made up 11% of the prison population; People of minority ethnicities made up 27% of the prison population compared with 13% of the general population.23 Jul 2019


UK Prison Population Statistics - UK Parliament

Don’t panic Ed. It’ll be your turn for the bucket soon. Just keep your cheeks clenched.

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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What the fuck has become of this place? When the history of The Corner is ultimately written, the originality and wit of a few years back won’t be remembered, diluted as it is by an ocean of this lazy reactionary shite that would shame your average Millwall fan. Politics aside, it is surely universally accepted how fucking boring it is to see every second nomination quickly degenerate into an ugly racist pile on. If Roops and her Junta spent a third of the effort culling utter dross that they do protecting fragile egos from nonce name-calling then The Corner might be in ruder health, rather than circling the fucking drain. Those that haven’t already fucked off in disgust find themselves voicing opinions they themselves would have mocked mercilessly just a year or two ago, and they know it. It’s not satire, or post-irony, or even edgy. It’s contemptible dogshit. 

No doubt I’ll be shouted down and told to put my tampon back in and fuck off back to Mumsnet, The Guardian comments section, or which ever straw man the mob currently have in their crosshairs, followed by a flurry of circle-jerk like-exchanging and much nodding agreement that “Libtards suck” or some other grunting adolescent conclusion. 

This place used to be funny.

Perhaps they've just seen the light.


P.S. All momentum types deserve to be drowned in raw sewage.

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Guest Bill Stickers
5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What the fuck has become of this place? When the history of The Corner is ultimately written, the originality and wit of a few years back won’t be remembered, diluted as it is by an ocean of this lazy reactionary shite that would shame your average Millwall fan. Politics aside, it is surely universally accepted how fucking boring it is to see every second nomination quickly degenerate into an ugly racist pile on. If Roops and her Junta spent a third of the effort culling utter dross that they do protecting fragile egos from nonce name-calling then The Corner might be in ruder health, rather than circling the fucking drain. Those that haven’t already fucked off in disgust find themselves voicing opinions they themselves would have mocked mercilessly just a year or two ago, and they know it. It’s not satire, or post-irony, or even edgy. It’s contemptible dogshit. 

No doubt I’ll be shouted down and told to put my tampon back in and fuck off back to Mumsnet, The Guardian comments section, or which ever straw man the mob currently have in their crosshairs, followed by a flurry of circle-jerk like-exchanging and much nodding agreement that “Libtards suck” or some other grunting adolescent conclusion. 

This place used to be funny.

Spot on. The forum has become a love-child of stormfront and 4chan. 

The fragility of the racist egos on here is truly breath taking. 

It’s my understanding that James, the previous owner, operated the corner as not just a place to vent, but to, in a very small and insignificant way, protect freedom of speech.

I wouldn’t have any issue wading through the, repetitive, cliche racist diatribes if the site genuinely had a no-holds barred approach in terms of subject matter that can be nominated.

But the forum operates under a different, truly perverse and arbitrary system.

A member can, for instance,  call a celebrity’s child a cunt, or post outright racist comments, such as suggesting specific minorities are universally sexually deviant towards children.

Not only will that member’s post stay on the forum, but they’ll be protected from another member calling their child a cunt, or insinuating they are a peado.

Either all targets are eligible for these types of insults, or none are. Roop’s arbitrary rules has brought the site to knees, protecting snowflakes from a taste of their own medicine.

Imagine the entitlement required, to think you should be allowed to call the Queen a cunt (someone’s mother lest we forget) or Prince Andrew a nonce, but not have it dished back.

I’ve never received a satisfactory answer for this bizarre state of affairs. People call each other nonces and insult other people’s family members all the time on Facebook and a million other websites. Why is it so faux paux on a website with cunt in the name? 

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

I almost gave you a like for this, until I came to "faux paux". 

Ah, fuck it, have one anyway.

I’m on my 7th Stella pint can baws, (otherwise it would be a fair cop), lockdown isn’t all bad. 

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What the fuck has become of this place? When the history of The Corner is ultimately written, the originality and wit of a few years back won’t be remembered, diluted as it is by an ocean of this lazy reactionary shite that would shame your average Millwall fan. Politics aside, it is surely universally accepted how fucking boring it is to see every second nomination quickly degenerate into an ugly racist pile on. If Roops and her Junta spent a third of the effort culling utter dross that they do protecting fragile egos from nonce name-calling then The Corner might be in ruder health, rather than circling the fucking drain. Those that haven’t already fucked off in disgust find themselves voicing opinions they themselves would have mocked mercilessly just a year or two ago, and they know it. It’s not satire, or post-irony, or even edgy. It’s contemptible dogshit. 

No doubt I’ll be shouted down and told to put my tampon back in and fuck off back to Mumsnet, The Guardian comments section, or which ever straw man the mob currently have in their crosshairs, followed by a flurry of circle-jerk like-exchanging and much nodding agreement that “Libtards suck” or some other grunting adolescent conclusion. 

This place used to be funny.

I blame the darkies.

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21 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Spot on. The forum has become a love-child of stormfront and 4chan. 

The fragility of the racist egos on here is truly breath taking. 

It’s my understanding that James, the previous owner, operated the corner as not just a place to vent, but to, in a very small and insignificant way, protect freedom of speech.

I wouldn’t have any issue wading through the, repetitive, cliche racist diatribes if the site genuinely had a no-holds barred approach in terms of subject matter that can be nominated.

But the forum operates under a different, truly perverse and arbitrary system.

A member can, for instance,  call a celebrity’s child a cunt, or post outright racist comments, such as suggesting specific minorities are universally sexually deviant towards children.

Not only will that member’s post stay on the forum, but they’ll be protected from another member calling their child a cunt, or insinuating they are a peado.

Either all targets are eligible for these types of insults, or none are. Roop’s arbitrary rules has brought the site to knees, protecting snowflakes from a taste of their own medicine.

Imagine the entitlement required, to think you should be allowed to call the Queen a cunt (someone’s mother lest we forget) or Prince Andrew a nonce, but not have it dished back.

I’ve never received a satisfactory answer for this bizarre state of affairs. People call each other nonces and insult other people’s family members all the time on Facebook and a million other websites. Why is it so faux paux on a website with cunt in the name? 

Liked for the calling out of blatant hypocrisy, but believe me, 4chan this fucking ain't!

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Guest Bill Stickers
5 minutes ago, nocti said:

Liked for the calling out of blatant hypocrisy, but believe me, 4chan this fucking ain't!

The mindless racism of stormfront and the reeking, virgin loneliness of 4chan.

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What the fuck has become of this place? When the history of The Corner is ultimately written, the originality and wit of a few years back won’t be remembered, diluted as it is by an ocean of this lazy reactionary shite that would shame your average Millwall fan. Politics aside, it is surely universally accepted how fucking boring it is to see every second nomination quickly degenerate into an ugly racist pile on. If Roops and her Junta spent a third of the effort culling utter dross that they do protecting fragile egos from nonce name-calling then The Corner might be in ruder health, rather than circling the fucking drain. Those that haven’t already fucked off in disgust find themselves voicing opinions they themselves would have mocked mercilessly just a year or two ago, and they know it. It’s not satire, or post-irony, or even edgy. It’s contemptible dogshit. 

No doubt I’ll be shouted down and told to put my tampon back in and fuck off back to Mumsnet, The Guardian comments section, or which ever straw man the mob currently have in their crosshairs, followed by a flurry of circle-jerk like-exchanging and much nodding agreement that “Libtards suck” or some other grunting adolescent conclusion. 

This place used to be funny.

Well doc, I have had the pleasure of working for the health service for over 30 years and I can say that the majority of overseas workers I have worked alongside have been decent folk. A few cunts thrown in for good measure, but that applies to the natives too.

However, taking this video at face value, it is nothing but a liberalists wet dream and part of this all conquering faux new religion of NHS worship. The propaganda peddling loonies are exploiting these foreign folk and will sink to any level to make their ideology stick. They do not give two shits about them and are laughing their cocks off at how malleable we all are during this pandemic. 

As for funny..... I don’t find anything funny about this video whilst carers and residents in nursing homes are dropping like flies due to a lack of PPE and today’s new nadir of asking cunts to wash their disposable gowns so they can be reused.

I think you have been mugged off and diverted like the rest of the spastic clapping seals.

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Guest Stoolstabber500

The only time I'd clap on my metaphorical balcony would be if i had just received news that @King Billy had been hit by a speeding Virgin train adorned with a grinning picture of Richard Branson doing 120mph and his remains were being picked up off the track with a pooper scooper and put into a tesco carrier bag by emergency services lol...

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
25 minutes ago, stoolstabber5000 said:

The only time I'd clap on my metaphorical balcony would be if i had just received news that @King Billy had been hit by a speeding Virgin train adorned with a grinning picture of Richard Branson doing 120mph and his remains were being picked up with a pooper scooper and put into a tesco carrier bag by emergency services lol...

They saw him. Exotic, wearing clothes and fair, trimmed hair. For 18 years they waited for that old railway line to spring into life. As he stepped off the train, the local children gathered round @King Billy to touch his jeans. One of the children, Albert, asked him excitedly, 'wots thut in yer heer'. Billy kicked him in the head and bellowed 'my crown you little cunt'. The children loved it, as they were quite used to beatings from their parents and had come to love them. The old folk in the town were impressed, and asked Billy if he had a tuppence so that they may reopen the breweries, coal mines, sheet steel factories, electricity plants and markets. It was to become a valuable lesson for the northerners, 'fuck off and die' said Billy, and they were forced to be humble again, went back to their muddy fields to fuck holes in the ground. 'We mussunt airva foergut thee ould weers, agun' said the wisest elder, with a razzle dazzle IQ of 60.

Everybody remembers the time someone came from the south, wearing jeans of denim and not stinking of shit and tar. 

This is the north.

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