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The Resignation of Greg Clarke


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Greg Clarke has resigned from his position as the chairman of the FA today due to the language and terminology he used whilst addressing members of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Firstly, the department itself sounds as if it was set up as a sop by the Tories to their minority youth wing, the sort of spotty, whingeing, middle class ethnic cunts who desperately wish to experience and access the privilege of the ruling, white elite, but feel as if they should draw attention to their otherness as it might give them a bit of a leg up within the party.

Secondly, what was the despicable language Mr Clarke used that has caused such anger and outrage? One would assume it was pretty severe, possibly including a number of all the old usual suspects in the pantheon of racist slurs. But no, the main thing that caused offence was his labelling of black football players as "coloured". Is this as bad as calling them shines, coons or niggers? No. Is it a bit of an outdated phrase your nan might say, but largely harmless and not said with any malicious intent? Absolutely. Should he have known better and been more aware of the cultural sensitivities of the woke brigade, especially considering his high profile position? Undoubtedly. Should he be castigated and basically forced to resign over it? Should he fuck, and the faux outrage from the likes of 'Kick It Out' is typical of today's perpetually outraged Twitter mob.

Clarke also mentioned some shit about South Asian people being more likely to pursue a career in IT than Afro-Carribeans. Again, a bit of a risque comment when considering the sensitive, bent as fuck world we live in, but it's hardly Enoch Powell, and in general is probably largely true.

What odds will you give me on his permanent replacement being black?

Fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Greg Clarke has resigned from his position as the chairman of the FA Association today due to the language and terminology he used whilst addressing members of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Firstly, the department itself sounds as if it was set up as a sop by the Tories to their minority youth wing, the sort of spotty, whingeing, middle class ethnic cunts who desperately wish to experience and access the privilege of the ruling, white elite, but feel as if they should draw attention to their otherness as it might give them a bit of a leg up within the party.

Secondly, what was the despicable language Mr Clarke used that has caused such anger and outrage? One would assume it was pretty severe, possibly including a number of all the old usual suspects in the pantheon of racist slurs. But no, the main thing that caused offence was his labelling of black football players as "coloured". Is this as bad as calling them shines, coons or niggers? No. Is it a bit of an outdated phrase your nan might say, but largely harmless and not said with any malicious intent? Absolutely. Should he have known better and been more aware of the cultural sensitivities of the woke brigade, especially considering his high profile position? Undoubtedly. Should he be castigated and basically forced to resign over it? Should he fuck, and the faux outrage from the likes of 'Kick It Out' is typical of today's perpetually outraged Twitter mob.

Clarke also mentioned some shit about South Asian people being more likely to pursue a career in IT than Afro-Carribeans. Again, a bit of a risque comment when considering the sensitive, bent as fuck world we live in, but it's hardly Enoch Powell, and in general is probably largely true.

What odds will you give me on his permanent replacement being black?

Fuck off.

The 'black/coloured' thing pretty much sums up the general mindset of blacks. In the 70s-80s, we called them black. They complained that this was racist and wanted to be described as coloured. As soon as we comply with this, they change their minds and decide that's racist and want to be described as black. 

Now we've complied yet again and started referring to them as black, they've started describing themselves as 'people of colour'... there is no pleasing them in any way. Whatever we say is 'racist', and if we change the terminology as per their wishes, they will then decide that that's even more racist. Personally I think we should stop listening to them and call them whatever we feel like calling them. 

Apparently the only action taken by a white person that is not deemed as racist, is suicide. (Not the white women though... oh no.)

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The 'black/coloured' thing pretty much sums up the general mindset of blacks. In the 70s-80s, we called them black. They complained that this was racist and wanted to be described as coloured. As soon as we comply with this, they change their minds and decide that's racist and want to be described as black. 

I'm looking forward to "pickaninny" coming back round again.

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26 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I prefer the term jungle bunny, and I’m sure most non Caucasians (I hope this ones ok) would probably find this endearing and funny

I wonder what Sir Geoff Hurst and Garth Brookes would have to say about it?

I don't know why a country & western singer would give a fuck.

Ask the fat black poof that played for Spurs.

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57 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Greg Clarke has resigned from his position as the chairman of the FA today due to the language and terminology he used whilst addressing members of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Firstly, the department itself sounds as if it was set up as a sop by the Tories to their minority youth wing, the sort of spotty, whingeing, middle class ethnic cunts who desperately wish to experience and access the privilege of the ruling, white elite, but feel as if they should draw attention to their otherness as it might give them a bit of a leg up within the party.

Secondly, what was the despicable language Mr Clarke used that has caused such anger and outrage? One would assume it was pretty severe, possibly including a number of all the old usual suspects in the pantheon of racist slurs. But no, the main thing that caused offence was his labelling of black football players as "coloured". Is this as bad as calling them shines, coons or niggers? No. Is it a bit of an outdated phrase your nan might say, but largely harmless and not said with any malicious intent? Absolutely. Should he have known better and been more aware of the cultural sensitivities of the woke brigade, especially considering his high profile position? Undoubtedly. Should he be castigated and basically forced to resign over it? Should he fuck, and the faux outrage from the likes of 'Kick It Out' is typical of today's perpetually outraged Twitter mob.

Clarke also mentioned some shit about South Asian people being more likely to pursue a career in IT than Afro-Carribeans. Again, a bit of a risque comment when considering the sensitive, bent as fuck world we live in, but it's hardly Enoch Powell, and in general is probably largely true.

What odds will you give me on his permanent replacement being black?

Fuck off.

Sol Campbell,Paul Ince,Clark Carlisle,Brendon Batson or god forbid,Alex fucking Scott.You can bet that if that fucking black poof from Norwich was still alive and not swinging from a tree he'd be a fucking shoe-in

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47 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The 'black/coloured' thing pretty much sums up the general mindset of blacks. In the 70s-80s, we called them black. They complained that this was racist and wanted to be described as coloured. As soon as we comply with this, they change their minds and decide that's racist and want to be described as black. 

Now we've complied yet again and started referring to them as black, they've started describing themselves as 'people of colour'... there is no pleasing them in any way. Whatever we say is 'racist', and if we change the terminology as per their wishes, they will then decide that that's even more racist. Personally I think we should stop listening to them and call them whatever we feel like calling them. 

Apparently the only action taken by a white person that is not deemed as racist, is suicide. (Not the white women though... oh no.)

Racist is a 'shut the debate down' word. It suppresses discussion and leaves the cunt who uttered it believing they've won the argument. But they haven't, because they've run out of words. 

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6 minutes ago, Neil said:

Sol Campbell,Paul Ince,Clark Carlisle,Brendon Batson or god forbid,Alex fucking Scott.You can bet that if that fucking black poof from Norwich was still alive and not swinging from a tree he'd be a fucking shoe-in

'Swinging from a tree'? That's a bit fucking racist isn't it? 

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6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I think Mr Fashanu was found hanging in a someones garage. I know because apparently the cunt who owned it had the hump because he couldn't get his car out. 

I heard they make excellent fertilizer. I bet his marrows won first prize at the fete and flower shower.

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51 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I think Mr Fashanu was found hanging in a someones garage. I know because apparently the cunt who owned it had the hump because he couldn't get his car out. 

Why? A swinging object isn't much of an obstacle and if he'd taken it easy I doubt it would have marked the paintwork. 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Racist is a 'shut the debate down' word. It suppresses discussion and leaves the cunt who uttered it believing they've won the argument. But they haven't, because they've run out of words. 

Welcome to the world of impotent hyperbole.

The left has already thrown Rogets at the world - the hardback, unabridged version - and the world has dusted itself down  and gone 'is that it?'

See, rhetorical overkill blows up in your face and oratorical crying wolf destroys your credibility. Language inflation has the same effect as the monetary kind: your words grow rapidly worthless

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31 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Welcome to the world of impotent hyperbole.

The left has already thrown Rogets at the world - the hardback, unabridged version - and the world has dusted itself down  and gone 'is that it?'

See, rhetorical overkill blows up in your face and oratorical crying wolf destroys your credibility. Language inflation has the same effect as the monetary kind: your words grow rapidly worthless

God darnit, Mr. Jiggers, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

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Just saw the report on he news with the reporter signing off with ".......plunged football into another crises"! Really? Some old cunt who probably never kicked a football in his life says a couple of I'll informed things and is sacked. Hardly a fucking crises is it? Football should be run by people who have played the game. Not some doddery old cunt in a collar and tie.

Bert Millichip was a cunt. 

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