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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

In effect, the high standards of the UK shite hole? Most developing countries are looking well beyond the likes of the UK which is out of date, run down, inefficient and poorly governed. 

Harold, I know the abuse you receive on here is probably getting you sexually excited but posting complete bollocks like this just makes you look completely thick. Unfortunately, there isn't a special needs section on the corner but if you put it into the suggestions box I'm sure admin will take it under consideration and maybe you'll get a board all to yourself where you can post about lego and how crayons don't taste like they used to. Fuck off!

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8 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Before my time so I never had the pleasure I'm afraid. Surely he couldn't have been as dumb as Harold?

Nobody's that dumb, obviously, it was more the colouring in angle I was alluding to. Let's just pray Harold never discovers Jib Jabs.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Four words Harold. Pay attention. Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock. Now apologise for your monumental stupidity or fuck off.

Hmm....there is something about ..weak opposition ...that enables awful government to be even more damaging. We’ve had Milliband , Corbyn and now we have Starmer. I must say that right now in the monument  I’m not impressed.

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12 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Harold, I know the abuse you receive on here is probably getting you sexually excited but posting complete bollocks like this just makes you look completely thick. Unfortunately, there isn't a special needs section on the corner but if you put it into the suggestions box I'm sure admin will take it under consideration and maybe you'll get a board all to yourself where you can post about lego and how crayons don't taste like they used to. Fuck off!

You dress up your complete twat ignorance with a mini solemn lecture and tongue tucked firmly into King Bily's arse cheek. 

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16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You dress up your complete twat ignorance with a mini solemn lecture and tongue tucked firmly into King Bily's arse cheek. 

If you had the good fortune to find yourself walking behind me on the street, you would be mesmerised by the magnificence of my arse cheeks. Each one moving independently with a mind of its own yet synchronising beautifully together like Torvill and Deans debut performance of Bolero to a stunned and captivated audience.

Any further slanderous bile from you regarding my Royal buttocks will be avenged with maximum shock and awe.

Know your place boy.

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7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You dress up your complete twat ignorance with a mini solemn lecture and tongue tucked firmly into King Bily's arse cheek. 

Have I triggered you Harold? Is this your way of letting me know that you've soiled yourself in protest at my obviously superior knowledge of world affairs?

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

Have I triggered you Harold? Is this your way of letting me know that you've soiled yourself in protest at my obviously superior knowledge of world affairs?

You've booked yourself onto University Challenge between two ugly lesbians from an all female Canbridge College. Now rise to the Challenge. 

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14 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

He says as he's breathing profusely through a pair of tights while wearing lingerie purchased in the Debenham's sale.

I notice the Oxbridge dons are talking abiut givibg away the vaccine to other "poorer" countries before it's even fucking scraped the surface in our country. Are these people born door mats? 

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50 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I notice the Oxbridge dons are talking abiut givibg away the vaccine to other "poorer" countries before it's even fucking scraped the surface in our country. Are these people born door mats? 

Perhaps they just don't want you to get. I can't blame them, I wish you would die of covid as well.

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On 27/12/2020 at 09:26, Trucking Funt said:

Yep! Their military supply chain is the stuff of nightmares. They have French and Russian aircraft using British and Israeli weapons and a Russian Kiev class carrier installed with yank sensors. The chinks would turn them into dog shit within a month if it kicked off tomorrow. What they do have on their side however is the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which if fully militarised, could be used to block the Straits of Malacca and 90% of Chinese shipping if necessary. Many defence analysts now think that the Chinese theatrics in the Himalayas a couple of months back was to distract India away from building up the islands.

Bureaucracy and corruption are sown into Indian society. You only have to look at their utterly rotten police to see that and Modi is going to struggle to change this mindset, especially among the elite who control 99% of the country's wealth. There are also the state legislatures that will need to brought to heel that contain some rabidly xenophobic parties that would make Sinn Fein look like a bunch of compliant Anglophiles and that's before you even get started on the Islamist parties who represent the bulk of India's 200 million Muslims.

The only way I can see how Modi is going to pull this off is with a carrot and stick approach but I'm of the opinion that there's going to be some major social strife there in the years to come before it gets a recognised as a world player.

Plenty of good points there, TF. By the way, have you read about Brussels, now having the trade deal with the UK relatively sorted out, had sold out the Yanks fractured liaison for the benefit of more business with chinks? If EU workers hadn’t had enough to worry about, it looks like more jobs offshoring to the Red community and its partners. Only Poland questioned the progress and called for some pragmatism, which got promptly ignored. It will be interesting to see how the US is going to retaliate against the scum. The hypocrisy of “protecting human and workers’ rights”. Absolute bollocks. 

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57 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are already dead so it wouldn't be worth vaccinating you. Waste of good vaccine. Nobody would miss you. 

Harold, in the new year I'm going to finally get around to destroying you. Consider this your notice period to either get good fast or to pack up your shit and sling your fucking hook.

Whilst we're still playing nice, though, can you tell me the exact amount of drugs you have shoved up your nose and arse and into your mouth and veins this Christmas? I thought I'd gone full Scarface, but with the sheer amount of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, deranged fucking nonsense you've been banging out at a record rate over the past few days, I suspect your consumption levels would make me look like a teetotal, fucking queer.

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21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Harold, in the new year I'm going to finally get around to destroying you. Consider this your notice period to either get good fast or to pack up your shit and sling your fucking hook.

Whilst we're still playing nice, though, can you tell me the exact amount of drugs you have shoved up your nose and arse and into your mouth and veins this Christmas? I thought I'd gone full Scarface, but with the sheer amount of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, deranged fucking nonsense you've been banging out at a record rate over the past few days, I suspect your consumption levels would make me look like a teetotal, fucking queer.

Subtract my consumption levels (alleged) and you still look like a queer. 

LOL and Happy New Year. 

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On 28/12/2020 at 19:39, ChildeHarold said:

I already booked my private vaccination with Dr Willywoobaa of Hrvy Street Clinic. Apparently you get to dance the Rumba on the way out. 

You should be fine as no one has ever become autistic or Downs Syndrome twice. I’m hoping Bells Palsy for you as a late Christmas present.

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8 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Plenty of good points there, TF. By the way, have you read about Brussels, now having the trade deal with the UK relatively sorted out, had sold out the Yanks fractured liaison for the benefit of more business with chinks? If EU workers hadn’t had enough to worry about, it looks like more jobs offshoring to the Red community and its partners. Only Poland questioned the progress and called for some pragmatism, which got promptly ignored. It will be interesting to see how the US is going to retaliate against the scum. The hypocrisy of “protecting human and workers’ rights”. Absolute bollocks. 

Biden the fake Irishman certainly has his work cut out for him on the foreign policy front. He can't smoke the piece pipe with China or he'll get torn to pieces by the Senate and he's hand with the EU is weak as fuck. He doesn't even have as much leverage with the UK on a trade deal anymore now the EU deal is signed because if his demands get too exorbitant we could just tell him to fuck off and go all out to build something with the Commonwealth. To be honest, If it wasn't for the fact that we need the rest of our F-35s for our carriers, I would happily see the UK make Biden eat shit after what he pulled over Northern Ireland.

The fact is, this deal with the Chinese shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone because the EU have been climbing up Beijing's arse for months. They backed down over their criticism over Hong Kong and have said fuck all about the million or so Uighers who are locked up in concentration camps while their wives and daughters are being raped by Han Chinese CCP security men. Poland knows what a bunch of sadistic cunts they are because nearly all of their leaders grew up under Communism and nearly threw the fuckers out in the early 1980s. I would be interested to know what was offered to the Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians to get on board with this shit. Every cunt knows that Macron the granny shagger would fuck a snake if it sat straight for him and Merkel has the morals of a Kings Cross prostitute. Ireland, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg are a bunch of freeloading cunts who would sign a deal with Hitler if there was a few quid in it for them, while Spain and Italy are already owned by the Chinese so don't give a fuck about selling the rest of their souls to the yellow cunts.

The only way the Yanks can retaliate now is by following the UK lead by joining the Trans Pacific Partnership and offering some serious sweeteners to turn it into a rabidly anti China bloc. If Biden has any sense, he will continue Trump's policy of courting India as well but the price for that will be a shitload of Indian immigration into the US and military aid.

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