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Rashford the messiah


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This cunt is now courting more publicity in the wake of that murdered girl.I wish he'd just stick to what he is,being a (not very good) footballer and shut his thick as pig shit gob.Another cunt after a knighthood and the saddest thing is he'll probably be fast tracked for one,absolutely nothing to do with his colour though.

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I have no negative issue with this young man . He fronted up a very worthy cause and shamed the government into action over meals for needy children, good. I don’t know what he’s got himself into now, but the media will try and drag him, as a talking head, into all sorts because of his previous success.

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1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

I have no negative issue with this young man . He fronted up a very worthy cause and shamed the government into action over meals for needy children, good. I don’t know what he’s got himself into now, but the media will try and drag him, as a talking head, into all sorts because of his previous success.

As everyone is no doubt aware, I could never be accused of being a conspiracy theorist, so I’d just like to point out that this unfortunate young womans remains have been discovered near Ashford in Kent And now this character Marcus Rashford Cunt has popped up in the story. Coincidence? I don’t think so. LOL.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake

Why the fuck is this gigantic hootered cunt sticking his oversized beak in again? He reckons men 'have a role to play' - well maybe someone should have told his old man that before he shot-off through the window, never to be seen again after firing his spunk into that fucking dustbin of a mother. 

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3 minutes ago, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

Why the fuck is this gigantic hootered cunt sticking his oversized beak in again? He reckons men 'have a role to play' - well maybe someone should have told his old man that before he shot-off through the window, never to be seen again after firing his spunk into that fucking dustbin of a mother. 

He's a soy boy, cuckold, little faggot, simp cunt, just like any other man jumping on this hysterical bandwagon. Half of these beta freaks are so desperate for female acceptance that they'd willingly submit to castration to appease the most rabid fucking bull dykes out there.

It's a shame that real men don't play football anymore. We need a Roy Keane type character to break this queers legs and spine the next time the cuck cunt puts on his bent as fuck pink Diadora boots.

Fucking poof makes me feel sick.



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Guest Cocky Council Cake
20 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He's a soy boy, cuckold, little faggot, simp cunt, just like any other man jumping on this hysterical bandwagon. Half of these beta freaks are so desperate for female acceptance that they'd willingly submit to castration to appease the most rabid fucking bull dykes out there.

It's a shame that real men don't play football anymore. We need a Roy Keane type character to break this queers legs and spine the next time the cuck cunt puts on his bent as fuck pink Diadora boots.

Fucking poof makes me feel sick.



What I find absolutely hilarious about the whole thing is all the neckbeard woke wankers thinking 'If I show empathy with these deranged man-hating cunts, it'll improve my chances of getting laid'.

All of 'these right on, respect my rights wimmin' are likely to favour getting smashed-in by a Congolese refugee, while woke neckbeard is downstairs doing her laundry, taxes and planning a spontaneous protest 'in her honour'. Meanwhile, Mtembe  is busy wiping his dick on her hair.

As for St Marcus of Rashford I can only hope he ends up like a fellow trailblazing black footballer, Justin Fashanu.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

He's a soy boy, cuckold, little faggot, simp cunt, just like any other man jumping on this hysterical bandwagon. Half of these beta freaks are so desperate for female acceptance that they'd willingly submit to castration to appease the most rabid fucking bull dykes out there.

It's a shame that real men don't play football anymore. We need a Roy Keane type character to break this queers legs and spine the next time the cuck cunt puts on his bent as fuck pink Diadora boots.

Fucking poof makes me feel sick.



This is the same Social Justice wanker, free dinners for poor black kids cunt who has the majority of his multi million pound wages paid through an offshore tax avoidance scheme, no doubt depriving the exchequer of many times the cost of feeding  the poor underprivileged little waifs snd strays that he doesn’t know or actually  give a fuck about. The whole Marcus Rashford grift is a media invented scam.

Man Utd are a pack of Northern unwashed arseholes anyway so who gives a flying fuck? 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest judgetwi

Poor Marcus. Constantly crying  about his deprived childhood and how his ( now fat arsed ) Mum went without food to feed  the wasted little sewer rat.

Er...... until somebody pointed out that his childhood coincided with, wait for it.....a Labour fucking government!!

Oh no! Suddenly the BBC and the Guardian don’t want to know. St.Marcus, on his agent’s advice, suddenly turned his attention to free books for the poor and deprived children. 

Yeah, we can all guess the titles of those books........

My Two Mummies

Polar Bear Rescue

My Little Bicycle 

My Person of Colour Friend 

My Uncle Joe

Jesus fucking Christ! How dumb do you have to be to not question any of this shite?


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  • 5 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, Neil said:

This publicity whore is fucking at it again. "Marcus, I couldn't give a cows cunt, shut the fuck up and get on with it ffs"

Some female Tory MP was heavily criticised this morning by the usual fake news suspects for tweeting something along the lines of....’Maybe if you’d practiced your football a bit more and kept out of politics Marcus?’

Seems a fair enough point imo.

All the radio talk shows I was channel hopping in the car this morning seemed to be of the opinion that a few anonymous, abusive tweets sent to some of the England team was the topic that the whole country needed to discuss and was almost a national emergency. Not a discussion about something factual ie the England team were totally shown up and outplayed by a vastly better team and spent 120+ minutes chasing the ball and then predictably handled the penalty shootout like they always do, ie pathetically.

Funny how anything and everything nowadays inevitably ends up with the same conclusion, ie RACISM.

Its a scam, a grift, smoke and mirrors. Invent a bogeyman, ‘Mr Racist’ and you can blame everything, without exception on him and the fucking idiots who are  the majority of the public fall for it every time.

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Guest judgetwi

You have to say that Saint Marcus “five houses” Rashford has a top class agent who knows how to maximise his client’s earning potential. (as well as filling his own pockets obviously) Having fucked up the penalty you knew that the race card would be played to portray our hero as the victim. I seem to remember that Beckham, having been sent off in a World Cup match, which we  lost, was vilified all over the country with models of him swinging from a gallows all over the telly! (Yeah.....a lynching!!) I don’t remember the MSM and bandwagon jumping politicians crying for David. 

Edited by Mrs Roops
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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

Some female Tory MP was heavily criticised this morning by the usual fake news suspects for tweeting something along the lines of....’Maybe if you’d practiced your football a bit more and kept out of politics Marcus?’

Seems a fair enough point imo.

All the radio talk shows I was channel hopping in the car this morning seemed to be of the opinion that a few anonymous, abusive tweets sent to some of the England team was the topic that the whole country needed to discuss and was almost a national emergency. Not a discussion about something factual ie the England team were totally shown up and outplayed by a vastly better team and spent 120+ minutes chasing the ball and then predictably handled the penalty shootout like they always do, ie pathetically.

Funny how anything and everything nowadays inevitably ends up with the same conclusion, ie RACISM.

Its a scam, a grift, smoke and mirrors. Invent a bogeyman, ‘Mr Racist’ and you can blame everything, without exception on him and the fucking idiots who are  the majority of the public fall for it every time.

Some cunt called "Mings" is accusing the home secretary of "stoking the fire" for not condemning fans who booed the team for taking the knee. Its getting to the point where taking the knee is becoming a demand that cannot be criticized. All of western civilization is being brought to its knees whether they like it or not, because some career criminal in America died on camera and the people of his race are so fucking insecure that they simply refuse to live their lives unless every cunt on planet Earth panders to them by showing them undeserved respect.

This has long since passed anything that could be described as "equality". Its become cultural domination through guilt - even the fucking Auschwitz Jews didn't whinge this much, despite actually living through and surviving their hardship. I couldn't give a shit about George Floyd or the BLM movement and certainly not about the perceived hardships from the millions of sad black cunts lucky enough (and they are lucky cunts - Abraham Lincoln only made the Civil War about slavery so that England couldn't get involved without going against its anti-slavery stance) to live in relative luxury compared to the majority of their race spread across the globe in third-world shit holes where the closest source of water is fifteen miles away and contaminated with sewage.

I certainly don't want everyone with the pigmentation of Halle Berry and darker lined up against the wall and shot - I simply refuse to pander to an entire race of people with a victim complex that surpasses the bounds of logic simply to appeal to outrage culture, grovelling politicians willing to champion the cause to secure a short-term ride on the gravy train and preening celebrities desperate to stay in the limelight.

I don't give a single fuck if someone's black and I expect the same attitude in return in regards to me being white, I don't care if some white American cunt killed some black American cunt - but what does piss me off is when plain old Yank racial hysteria crosses the oceans and I'm suddenly expected to be sympathetic and show interest in the cause, to suddenly pick up the flag and fight for it - not because it even remotely involved or effected me, my family, or any cunt I've ever known, but because I apparently have some magical privilege in life due to being white.

I don't - I mop floors and empty bins - probably make less than most darkies. So until you show me the key to unleashing this mythical white privilege and I'm wanking out £20 notes and shitting gold, fuck off.

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Some cunt called "Mings" is accusing the home secretary of "stoking the fire" for not condemning fans who booed the team for taking the knee. Its getting to the point where taking the knee is becoming a demand that cannot be criticized. All of western civilization is being brought to its knees whether they like it or not, because some career criminal in America died on camera and the people of his race are so fucking insecure that they simply refuse to live their lives unless every cunt on planet Earth panders to them by showing them undeserved respect.

This has long since passed anything that could be described as "equality". Its become cultural domination through guilt - even the fucking Auschwitz Jews didn't whinge this much, despite actually living through and surviving their hardship. I couldn't give a shit about George Floyd or the BLM movement and certainly not about the perceived hardships from the millions of sad black cunts lucky enough (and they are lucky cunts - Abraham Lincoln only made the Civil War about slavery so that England couldn't get involved without going against its anti-slavery stance) to live in relative luxury compared to the majority of their race spread across the globe in third-world shit holes where the closest source of water is fifteen miles away and contaminated with sewage.

I certainly don't want everyone with the pigmentation of Halle Berry and darker lined up against the wall and shot - I simply refuse to pander to an entire race of people with a victim complex that surpasses the bounds of logic simply to appeal to outrage culture, grovelling politicians willing to champion the cause to secure a short-term ride on the gravy train and preening celebrities desperate to stay in the limelight.

I don't give a single fuck if someone's black and I expect the same attitude in return in regards to me being white, I don't care if some white American cunt killed some black American cunt - but what does piss me off is when plain old Yank racial hysteria crosses the oceans and I'm suddenly expected to be sympathetic and show interest in the cause, to suddenly pick up the flag and fight for it - not because it even remotely involved or effected me, my family, or any cunt I've ever known, but because I apparently have some magical privilege in life due to being white.

I don't - I mop floors and empty bins - probably make less that most darkies. So until you show me the key to unleashing this mythical white privilege and I'm wanking out £20 notes and shitting gold, fuck off.

I was going to say all that exactly RK. I’ve had to delete my post now. 

Anyway, the reason that politics has until recently been a no no in almost all sports worldwide is for the simple reason that any political symbol, act or perceived support will result in a reaction from some people with opposing views or beliefs. Hardly fucking rocket science, so what the fuck did anyone expect to happen by politicising nearly every sport on the planet by endorsing BLM, probably the most divisive organisation you could find currently?

Fans have cheered things they like and booed things they don’t since the fucking Romans made slaves fight lions, but now booing is a racist hate crime apparently and has to be stamped out immediately.

I’m fucking done with this shit mate. If this is the future here I’m going to start looking for somewhere to move to where insane fucking nut nuts aren’t revered and idolised as role models to copy.

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50 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Some cunt called "Mings" is accusing the home secretary of "stoking the fire" for not condemning fans who booed the team for taking the knee. Its getting to the point where taking the knee is becoming a demand that cannot be criticized. All of western civilization is being brought to its knees whether they like it or not, because some career criminal in America died on camera and the people of his race are so fucking insecure that they simply refuse to live their lives unless every cunt on planet Earth panders to them by showing them undeserved respect.

This has long since passed anything that could be described as "equality". Its become cultural domination through guilt - even the fucking Auschwitz Jews didn't whinge this much, despite actually living through and surviving their hardship. I couldn't give a shit about George Floyd or the BLM movement and certainly not about the perceived hardships from the millions of sad black cunts lucky enough (and they are lucky cunts - Abraham Lincoln only made the Civil War about slavery so that England couldn't get involved without going against its anti-slavery stance) to live in relative luxury compared to the majority of their race spread across the globe in third-world shit holes where the closest source of water is fifteen miles away and contaminated with sewage.

I certainly don't want everyone with the pigmentation of Halle Berry and darker lined up against the wall and shot - I simply refuse to pander to an entire race of people with a victim complex that surpasses the bounds of logic simply to appeal to outrage culture, grovelling politicians willing to champion the cause to secure a short-term ride on the gravy train and preening celebrities desperate to stay in the limelight.

I don't give a single fuck if someone's black and I expect the same attitude in return in regards to me being white, I don't care if some white American cunt killed some black American cunt - but what does piss me off is when plain old Yank racial hysteria crosses the oceans and I'm suddenly expected to be sympathetic and show interest in the cause, to suddenly pick up the flag and fight for it - not because it even remotely involved or effected me, my family, or any cunt I've ever known, but because I apparently have some magical privilege in life due to being white.

I don't - I mop floors and empty bins - probably make less than most darkies. So until you show me the key to unleashing this mythical white privilege and I'm wanking out £20 notes and shitting gold, fuck off.

Fucking qualitah. Post of the month

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking qualitah. Post of the month

Agreed. If @Tata Steelydan had knocked out 5 hefty paragraphs in a single post, it would have been tortuous. When @Roadkill does it, it's compelling reading. 

If the other Geordies find out about his fancy readin' an' writin', they'll put him in the wickerman and sacrifice him to the god of chips and farting.

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Some cunt called "Mings" is accusing the home secretary of "stoking the fire" for not condemning fans who booed the team for taking the knee. Its getting to the point where taking the knee is becoming a demand that cannot be criticized. All of western civilization is being brought to its knees whether they like it or not, because some career criminal in America died on camera and the people of his race are so fucking insecure that they simply refuse to live their lives unless every cunt on planet Earth panders to them by showing them undeserved respect.

This has long since passed anything that could be described as "equality". Its become cultural domination through guilt - even the fucking Auschwitz Jews didn't whinge this much, despite actually living through and surviving their hardship. I couldn't give a shit about George Floyd or the BLM movement and certainly not about the perceived hardships from the millions of sad black cunts lucky enough (and they are lucky cunts - Abraham Lincoln only made the Civil War about slavery so that England couldn't get involved without going against its anti-slavery stance) to live in relative luxury compared to the majority of their race spread across the globe in third-world shit holes where the closest source of water is fifteen miles away and contaminated with sewage.

I certainly don't want everyone with the pigmentation of Halle Berry and darker lined up against the wall and shot - I simply refuse to pander to an entire race of people with a victim complex that surpasses the bounds of logic simply to appeal to outrage culture, grovelling politicians willing to champion the cause to secure a short-term ride on the gravy train and preening celebrities desperate to stay in the limelight.

I don't give a single fuck if someone's black and I expect the same attitude in return in regards to me being white, I don't care if some white American cunt killed some black American cunt - but what does piss me off is when plain old Yank racial hysteria crosses the oceans and I'm suddenly expected to be sympathetic and show interest in the cause, to suddenly pick up the flag and fight for it - not because it even remotely involved or effected me, my family, or any cunt I've ever known, but because I apparently have some magical privilege in life due to being white.

I don't - I mop floors and empty bins - probably make less than most darkies. So until you show me the key to unleashing this mythical white privilege and I'm wanking out £20 notes and shitting gold, fuck off.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I understand that this cunt may have had a hard upbringing like a lot of people did but I question that this was anything to do with the colour if his skin. He was I presume born in Manchester in the 90's. I don't recall the papers being rife with stories about ghettos and persection at the time. I would like to see proof that his 'suffering' was caused by gangs of KKK burning his council house down and raping and pillaging his family and black neighbours. In truth his family like most in the 90's were gifted an opportunity to be what they wanted to be by working hard and reaping the rewards. 

I wonder whether is family were too lazy and feckless to seize the opportunity to knuckle down and improve their lifestyle, I don't believe for one minute that he went hungry because of the colour of his skin, there are plenty of families that didn't have a pot to piss in, families of all ethnicities. 

He doesn't seem to have done too badly anyway born in an era where blacks were so victimised and persecuted that his local side contained such slaves as Ince,Moses,Dublin et al.

Like RK I'm getting sick and fucking tired of being made to feel that I have to bow and apologise for every fucking misdemeanor that occurs to a 'person of colour'.

Oh and get fucked.

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8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Agreed. If @Tata Steelydan had knocked out 5 hefty paragraphs in a single post, it would have been tortuous. When @Roadkill does it, it's compelling reading. 

If the other Geordies find out about his fancy readin' an' writin', they'll put him in the wickerman and sacrifice him to the god of chips and farting.

My boss was a geordie, and he said that they had hole digging lessons at school, aimed at "tatty heeds" (potato heads) who were deemed so thick that they only job they'd get was digging holes for the council. I don't know how true that was but it's a good tale

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Some female Tory MP was heavily criticised this morning by the usual fake news suspects for tweeting something along the lines of....’Maybe if you’d practiced your football a bit more and kept out of politics Marcus?’

Seems a fair enough point imo.

All the radio talk shows I was channel hopping in the car this morning seemed to be of the opinion that a few anonymous, abusive tweets sent to some of the England team was the topic that the whole country needed to discuss and was almost a national emergency. Not a discussion about something factual ie the England team were totally shown up and outplayed by a vastly better team and spent 120+ minutes chasing the ball and then predictably handled the penalty shootout like they always do, ie pathetically.

Funny how anything and everything nowadays inevitably ends up with the same conclusion, ie RACISM.

Its a scam, a grift, smoke and mirrors. Invent a bogeyman, ‘Mr Racist’ and you can blame everything, without exception on him and the fucking idiots who are  the majority of the public fall for it every time.

I know!

You go on a Nazi Pogrom you've been looking forward to for ages - and some cunt organises a game of football in the middle of it!

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