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COP 26 Just 7 more days and we’ll all be saved (and fucking broke).

King Billy

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On 26/10/2021 at 08:55, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

They've got it all wrong, this insistence on pushing electric cars through is not the answer. The carbon footprint of one of these electric cars from production to the forecourt is ridiculous and that's not including disposal of the thing. We don't and won't have the capacity to offer reliable and available charging solutions so what's the fucking point. Porsche are working on a synthetic fuel alternative and this is the way forward not electric, who wants a fucking battery powered piece of shit anyways? Give me a V8 anyday. Like our cunt Mayor of London has shat on the diesel car owners with his Ulez expansion (after people were encouraged to buy diesel cars) the same will happen with electric vehicles in the 20 years or so. I'm fed up of these knee jerk reactions that wont make much difference considering China and Russia etc don't give a shit. These electric vehicles are way too quiet also, need to attach a Flymo on the back or something to warn others they're around. 

Fuck diesel cars and fuck electric cars...petrol all the way.



On 26/10/2021 at 11:04, White Cunt said:

We have been shat on by several governments, who squandered the UK oil fields and invested fuck all in nuclear, that would provide a good electricity base load, going into oil and gas depletion territory. That’s just for starters. I won’t drone on coal and gas issues as it is getting repetitive on my my behalf. 
As for a ban for petrol cars - they will keep pushing the envelope, depending on the circumstances du jour. Petrol is a large chunk of “waste” from a barrel of oil - a cheap, portable source of energy, available for as long as diesel is in use and can be viably extracted. Getting rid of it makes no sense, unless you have a working replacement up and running.

All I see now is a lot of reality-disconnected bollocks. 

In the future, from a multitude of resource issues, we will have a fraction of cars on roads, no matter which energy source you operate on.

From my perspective, the Johnson government sees focusing on electric cars as a means to put something back into the stretched NHS (among other areas in desperate need of funding) via a plethora of green taxes. As OCR points out, carbon footprint from electric batteries is currently unsustainable if the UK (and world) is going to meet its 'climate emergency' targets. Manufacturers – with profit still a prime intention – are producing more electric cars than available charging points. What a farce.

As an avid, lifelong reader of National Geographic magazine, I remember seeing a grainy photo of a shrinking icecap in the North Pole as far back as the late 80s, and thinking at the time action was needed. Fast-forward 35 years and we find ourselves in an irreversible position. The hope amid the predictions of the scientific community decades ago have, in my opinion, faded with time.

While the UK government (and other leading European nations, Sweden a good example) are focusing on a last-ditch escape through technological means, it'll be years before this starts to translate into action. They simply cannot scrap or prohibit everyone's diesel or petrol cars so abruptly to fulfil carbon reduction objectives. It's impossible. Politically, with the absence of China and Russia in Glasgow, the situation has become fucked beyond reproach. What disrespectful behaviour from both, especially as China (with the support of Russia) appears to be investing a large proportion of its resources into building floating plastic islands around Taiwan, with the intention of launching a major military assault – hence the recent emergency birth of AUKUS.

Within my lifetime, on the current trend, a further half-billion human cunts will continue to rape the Earth of its oil, minerals, water, land etc. How are these people going to feed themselves amidst rising sea levels and less land from which to grow and sustain food? 

Scientists warned us about all of this as far back as the 1970s – half a century ago, a time in which the world's population was less than half it is now. Few listened. With the lack of investment into renewable energy which ought to have been made decades ago, it's too little too late. I'll give the human race 150 years max, and I will spend the rest of my days stinking up the otherwise beautiful Devonshire countryside in my old Land Rover.

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8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


From my perspective, the Johnson government sees focusing on electric cars as a means to put something back into the stretched NHS via a plethora of green taxes. As OCR points out, carbon footprint from electric batteries is currently unsustainable if the UK (and world) is going to meet its 'climate emergency' targets. Manufacturers – with profit still a prime intention – are producing more electric cars than available charging points. What a farce.

As an avid, lifelong reader of National Geographic magazine, I remember seeing a grainy photo of a shrinking icecap in the North Pole as far back as the late 80s, and thinking at the time action was needed. Fast-forward 35 years and we find ourselves in an irreversible position. The hope amid the predictions of the scientific community decades ago have, in my opinion, faded with time.

While the UK government (and other leading European nations, Sweden a good example) are focusing on a last-ditch escape through technological means, it'll be years before this starts to translate into action. They simply cannot scrap or prohibit everyone's diesel or petrol cars so abruptly to fulfil carbon reduction objectives. It's impossible. Politically, with the absence of China and Russia in Glasgow, the situation has become fucked beyond reproach. What disrespectful behaviour from both, especially as China (with the support of Russia) appears to be investing a large proportion of its resources into building floating plastic islands around Taiwan, with the intention of launching a major military assault – hence the emergency birth of AUKUS.

Within my lifetime, on the current trend, approximately another half-billion human cunts will continue to rape the Earth of its oil, water, land, minerals etc. How are these people going to feed themselves amidst rising sea levels and less land from which to grow and sustain food? 

Scientists warned us about all of this as far back as the 1970s – half a century ago. Few listened. With the lack of investment into renewable energy which ought to have been made decades ago, it's too little too late. I'll give the human race 150 years max, and I will spend the rest of my days stinking up the otherwise beautiful Devonshore countryside in my old Land Rover.

I don’t particularly dislike you, Wolfie, but when you consider your current status on here.. and your well-established weak chin, it’s unlikely the majority of the board are going to read this to the end. 


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On 01/11/2021 at 19:09, Frank said:

I don’t particularly dislike you, Wolfie, but when you consider your current status on here.. and your well-established weak chin, it’s unlikely the majority of the board are going to read this. 


If I wanted a semi-literate cunt with a penchant for getting involved in discussions which didn't concern him, I'd have summoned you.

Now, where's that nom?

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12 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

the 1970s – half a century ago, a time in which the world's population was less than half it is now.

That's what makes the problem pretty much insurmountable, as far as I can tell. Any gains made by technology will be more than cancelled out by continued population growth. 

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19 minutes ago, scotty said:

That's what makes the problem pretty much insurmountable, as far as I can tell. Any gains made by technology will be more than cancelled out by continued population growth. 

Indeed; it is unlikely an oil-addicted world can change so quickly to achieve what is needed to prevent the catastrophe-in-waiting. Continued population growth (and rising seas) will bring about major wars over available land, food, clean water etc.

In years to come Greta Thundercunt will become the new John Connor, attempting in vain to navigate saving the planet on her walkie-talkie, with heatwaves, hurricanes and exploding volcanos visible through her underground bunker window.

The situation is absolutely hopeless.

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12 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If I wanted a semi-illilterate cunt with a penchant for getting involved in discussions which didn't concern him, I'd have summoned you.

Now, where's that nom?

No need for all that.. I just want you to recognise who your audience is. How do you think Raasters and Major will feel when confronted with three lengthy and wordy paragraphs on COP 26? Cut it back and do it again. 

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21 minutes ago, Frank said:

No need for all that.. I just want you to recognise who your audience is. How do you think Raasters and Major will feel when confronted with three lengthy and wordy paragraphs on COP 26? Cut it back and do it again. 

It's odd you should think me in need of your advice, especially when I look at your humiliating ltp correlation.

Now, where's that nom?

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On 31/10/2021 at 19:53, scotty said:

The surprising thing to me on that site is the huge recent decline in population growth. There's got to be something going on there, perhaps there's something in @Eric Cuntman 's theory about food packaging after all. 

In most developed countries with decent levels of education, birth rate and population growth are falling. One exception is Israel were the women need to shit out kids to out breed the a-rabs bent on destroying them. In the former eastern block, serious levels of poor health (drugs, rampant alcoholism, awful pollution and air quality) is reducing the life expectancy and fertility rate. 
However, when one looks at global population say 100 years ago, the rises in Africa and Asian are incredible. 
-Kenya 6 million in 1950, 50 million in 2020

-Ethiopia 18 million in 1950, 115 million in 2020

These numbers are fucking scary shit and repeated all over the third world. Climate change is a real nightmare but when all these cunts want a car, a washing machine etc you can kiss goodbye to every other living thing on planet Earth 

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

In most developed countries with decent levels of education, birth rate and population growth are falling. One exception is Israel were the women need to shit out kids to out breed the a-rabs bent on destroying them. In the former eastern block, serious levels of poor health (drugs, rampant alcoholism, awful pollution and air quality) is reducing the life expectancy and fertility rate. 
However, when one looks at global population say 100 years ago, the rises in Africa and Asian are incredible. 
-Kenya 6 million in 1950, 50 million in 2020

-Ethiopia 18 million in 1950, 115 million in 2020

These numbers are fucking scary shit and repeated all over the third world. Climate change is a real nightmare but when all these cunts want a car, a washing machine etc you can kiss goodbye to every other living thing on planet Earth 

More trite from the site’s all-time cretin. Fuck off. 

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39 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

In most developed countries with decent levels of education, birth rate and population growth are falling. One exception is Israel were the women need to shit out kids to out breed the a-rabs bent on destroying them. In the former eastern block, serious levels of poor health (drugs, rampant alcoholism, awful pollution and air quality) is reducing the life expectancy and fertility rate. 
However, when one looks at global population say 100 years ago, the rises in Africa and Asian are incredible. 
-Kenya 6 million in 1950, 50 million in 2020

-Ethiopia 18 million in 1950, 115 million in 2020

These numbers are fucking scary shit and repeated all over the third world. Climate change is a real nightmare but when all these cunts want a car, a washing machine etc you can kiss goodbye to every other living thing on planet Earth 

I'm slightly sceptical about these statistics, Stubbs. 

They only learnt to count beyond their combined number of fingers and toes recently (17, due to the prevalence of snake bites), which doesn't inspire confidence.  

If true, it pales in comparison to the growth in the fly population given that they have 8 around each eye. 

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50 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

In most developed countries with decent levels of education, birth rate and population growth are falling. One exception is Israel were the women need to shit out kids to out breed the a-rabs bent on destroying them. In the former eastern block, serious levels of poor health (drugs, rampant alcoholism, awful pollution and air quality) is reducing the life expectancy and fertility rate. 
However, when one looks at global population say 100 years ago, the rises in Africa and Asian are incredible. 
-Kenya 6 million in 1950, 50 million in 2020

-Ethiopia 18 million in 1950, 115 million in 2020

These numbers are fucking scary shit and repeated all over the third world. Climate change is a real nightmare but when all these cunts want a car, a washing machine etc you can kiss goodbye to every other living thing on planet Earth 

But what's the child mortality rate for those African countries? As far as I'm aware, a woman will fire out as many babies as she can, hoping that 1 will survive. The numbers game. 

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Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

But what's the child mortality rate for those African countries? As far as I'm aware, a woman will fire out as many babies as she can, hoping that 1 will survive. The numbers game. 

Indeed. But the thick cunts are still playing the numbers game from 2000 years ago. Modern medicine allows 5 of the 10 kids to survive. 

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9 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed. But the thick cunts are still playing the numbers game from 2000 years ago. Modern medicine allows 5 of the 10 kids to survive. 

Are we talking about Catholic Ireland here? 

4 deaths due to regular potato famine, 1 due to various genetic inbreeding maladies, 2 as a result of terrorist bombings, leaving +1 on the preceding generation. 

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25 minutes ago, Goober said:

Are we talking about Catholic Ireland here? 

4 deaths due to regular potato famine, 1 due to various genetic inbreeding maladies, 2 as a result of terrorist bombings, leaving +1 on the preceding generation. 

You forgot the ‘sudden death due to anal bleeding’ which was very common shortly after choir practice.

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

In most developed countries with decent levels of education, birth rate and population growth are falling. One exception is Israel were the women need to shit out kids to out breed the a-rabs bent on destroying them. In the former eastern block, serious levels of poor health (drugs, rampant alcoholism, awful pollution and air quality) is reducing the life expectancy and fertility rate. 
However, when one looks at global population say 100 years ago, the rises in Africa and Asian are incredible. 
-Kenya 6 million in 1950, 50 million in 2020

-Ethiopia 18 million in 1950, 115 million in 2020

These numbers are fucking scary shit and repeated all over the third world. Climate change is a real nightmare but when all these cunts want a car, a washing machine etc you can kiss goodbye to every other living thing on planet Earth 

With those soaring demographics in mind, the development of the Third World won't be quick enough to allow it time to prepare for more unprecendented storms, floods and droughts et al.

Take Bangladesh, for example – a country already suffering major floods. As it gets worse, which it will, the forthcoming emergency will result in hoards of survivors migrating to Europe, meaning our already swamped little islands will further accommodate millions of refugees through probable future 'humanitarian alliance' treaties with other G8 nations. The same goes for much of West and Central Africa. The whole of London already becoming one big Notting Hill Carnival will further manifest itself... streets upon streets of once-gentrified roads encased in a huge cloud of pimped-up Beamers, gold teeth, crime, street curry, fried chicken, BO, big lips, machetes, acid attacks, terrorist bombings and violent, spiced-up cunts carrying knives and guns. With any hope, the flooding and storms in London will be so bad the whole place will simply implode with the failure of the Thames Barrier.

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Desperate for human interaction Francis you rattled stick boned poof?

Enjoy your microwave meal for one- wash it down with bleach

I’ll tell you something, stubs. If you consider all the misery in the world, nothing pleases me more than reading the daily shit from some of the talent on these pages. It might be Eric & RK, Eddie & Fats or even LCS & Southern. You know I’m fond of DC, Pen & Gyps, Neil & Baws, and I adore little Nocti when he’s on. I desperately miss Jazz, Weary & Whitey are old friends and Punkers is my man. I have a soft spot for the Major and toady Ape, and Alfie Noakes I love. Amongst several others, you are excluded from this list because you’re a horrible fucking thing in every respect. 

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2 minutes ago, Frank said:

I’ll tell you something, stubs. If you consider all the misery in the world, nothing pleases me more than reading the daily shit from some of the talent on these pages. It might be Eric & RK, Eddie & Fats or even LCS & Southern. You know I’m fond of DC, Pen & Gyps, Neil & Baws, and I adore little Nocti when he’s on. I desperately miss Jazz, Weary & Whitey are old friends and Punkers is my man. I have a soft spot for the Major and toady Ape, and Alfie Noakes I love. Amongst several others, your excluded from this list because you’re a horribly fucking thing in every respect. 

You really are a vile cruel cunt Frank. I had to read this shite 3 times in disbelief that you hadn’t mentioned me. I feel abused.

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You forgot the ‘sudden death due to anal bleeding’ which was very common shortly after choir practice.

Good point. Fortunately, not a subject I'm well informed on. 

Given its prevalence one might imagine Eire's population would be rapidly shrinking. Thank god they'll be able to rely on massive influxes of North Africans and Middle Eastern types to stem the population crash. 

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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

I’ll tell you something, stubs. If you consider all the misery in the world, nothing pleases me more than reading the daily shit from some of the talent on these pages. It might be Eric & RK, Eddie & Fats or even LCS & Southern. You know I’m fond of DC, Pen & Gyps, Neil & Baws, and I adore little Nocti when he’s on. I desperately miss Jazz, Weary & Whitey are old friends and Punkers is my man. I have a soft spot for the Major and toady Ape, and Alfie Noakes I love. Amongst several others, you are excluded from this list because you’re a horribly fucking thing in every respect. 

Aw that's sweet of you. I've come over all emulsional. 

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11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

With those soaring demographics in mind, the development of the Third World won't be quick enough to allow it time to prepare for more unprecendented storms, floods and droughts et al.

Take Bangladesh, for example – a country already suffering major floods. As it gets worse, which it will, the forthcoming emergency will result in hoards of survivors migrating to Europe, meaning our already swamped little islands will further accommodate millions of refugees through probable future 'humanitarian alliance' treaties with other G8 nations. The same goes for much of West and Central Africa. The whole of London already becoming one big Notting Hill Carnival will further manifest itself... streets upon streets of once-gentrified roads encased in a huge cloud of pimped-up Beamers, gold teeth, crime, street curry, fried chicken, BO, big lips, machetes, acid attacks, terrorist bombings and violent, spiced-up cunts carrying knives and guns. With any hope, the flooding and storms in London will be so bad the whole place will simply implode with the failure of the Thames Barrier.

I was thinking about the future of London, after recent observations of the changes in the capital.

Bearing in mind that it is a major hive of wealth: royalty, money laundering par excellence, high-end property and other investment, banking (note the speech of Boris about the role of UK for the world to provide “money” 😂 to provide bright, green future), etc, I posit, London (the good bits) will be saved at all cost - billions for water/climate change damage prevention, “green” infrastructure, small private landing/parking lots, etc, while the rest of the country city/country (with some desirable, fancy locales excluded) goes to shit.

House prices in the premium locations will continue to go up, with more dodgy foreign money flocking in for self-preservation purposes, while at the same time, the crappiest parts will face their demise and eventually the City will shrink, shaking off the liability of the poorest boroughs.


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11 hours ago, Goober said:

Good point. Fortunately, not a subject I'm well informed on. 

Given its prevalence one might imagine Eire's population would be rapidly shrinking. Thank god they'll be able to rely on massive influxes of North Africans and Middle Eastern types to stem the population crash. 

Goobz baby..take back contol....tape a fork to a broom handle.. fight them on the beaches help stem the brown tide that bobs daily twords the sceptre'd isle..time is not on your side.. you've no friends in the EU and the frogs are intent on dry riding y'all 


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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Goobz baby..take back contol....tape a fork to a broom handle.. fight them on the beaches help stem the brown tide that bobs daily twords the sceptre'd isle..time is not on your side.. you've no friends in the EU and the frogs are intent on dry riding y'all 


You sound completely loopy - again, in your ramblings, Panz. It’s becoming a regular feature of your feeble drivels. 

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17 hours ago, Frank said:

I’ll tell you something, stubs. If you consider all the misery in the world, nothing pleases me more than reading the daily shit from some of the talent on these pages. It might be Eric & RK, Eddie & Fats or even LCS & Southern. You know I’m fond of DC, Pen & Gyps, Neil & Baws, and I adore little Nocti when he’s on. I desperately miss Jazz, Weary & Whitey are old friends and Punkers is my man. I have a soft spot for the Major and toady Ape, and Alfie Noakes I love. Amongst several others, you are excluded from this list because you’re a horrible fucking thing in every respect. 

I do sometimes think that you're on the spectrum, Frank. Your frequent rambling monologues read like the sort of poison pen letter an angry and spurned autist would send to his unrequited love.

Seek professional help, you Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time cunt.

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