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The Intro Music To 'Rick Stein's India'


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A mish-mash and typical BBC depiction of "diverse" sub-continental music which ends up sounding as insultingly stereotypical as you would expect, being that it was formulated by their middle-aged, white male creative team. 

I don't approve of them stabbing the native, white British population in the back in order to be "down with the ethnic kids". I also fucking despise their rank hypocrisy and attempts to do this whilst employing clueless Oxbridge toffs to rip off some Sitar shite they heard on a Patak's advert in order to shove it into one of Stein's numerous attempts to remain relevant.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the inclusion of some cunt who sounds like a Bernard Manning impersonation of a Paki intermittently screaming "That's a mind blasting curry, Ricky" absolutely tops this shit fest off.

Get fucked.

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I liked Rick Stein but have become tired of him. I'm fed up of watching him get paid to travel around the world stuffing his lobster red alchy face with food and telling me how nice it is. It would make a welcome change if he said 'This is fucking discusting' whilst beating up the Indian midget who cooked said said discusting food, but no, more wine and alcohol for fat Rick with enough food to keep him sober.

What a fucking cunt he is. 

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Cunt can’t even cook. He burnt the arse out of two frying pans (one non-stick) cooking fish fingers from Lidl when he stayed in our extension in the mid-80’s. The wife hates him. We had to decorate when he left. Scruffy Padstow poof.

Funnily enough DC, I imagine you look like Rick Stein. Fat, ugly, and in need of a detox. Definitely Rick Stein but without the charm, you daft fucking cunt. 

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Cunt can’t even cook. He burnt the arse out of two frying pans (one non-stick) cooking fish fingers from Lidl when he stayed in our extension in the mid-80’s. The wife hates him. We had to decorate when he left. Scruffy Padstow poof.

Floyd would have kicked Steins cunt in, no doubt about it, if that racist cop Chauvin hadn’t mullered him.

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7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I liked Rick Stein but have become tired of him. I'm fed up of watching him get paid to travel around the world stuffing his lobster red alchy face with food and telling me how nice it is. It would make a welcome change if he said 'This is fucking discusting' whilst beating up the Indian midget who cooked said said discusting food, but no, more wine and alcohol for fat Rick with enough food to keep him sober.

What a fucking cunt he is. 

You’re really excelling here Lobotomy-boy. This is some of your finest work indeed. The complete gamut of your academic and intellectual repertoire laid bare for all to see.

It looks like it’s time for you to run away for a few months again as you’ve done before and may I respectfully suggest that you spend the time on either a mortuary slab or here:


You staggeringly stupid, voodoo fuckwit.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re really excelling here Lobotomy-boy. This is some of your finest work indeed. The complete gamut of your academic and intellectual repertoire laid bare for all to see.

It looks like it’s time for you to run away for a few months again as you’ve done before and may I respectfully suggest that you spend the time on either a mortuary slab or here:


You staggeringly stupid, voodoo fuckwit.

Oh well done DC for picking up on a couple of phone typos, do you recall me pointing out one of yours yesterday...so what's your point? This site has clearly become a coping mechanism for your sad existence and here you are desperately picking up on spelling mistakes. Sometimes I post without checking, partly because I am busy and because I couldn't really give a shit about spelling on a website full of cunts, nutters, and an extremely needy/daddy issues type like you. 

Truth is DC you have become a laughing stock here, day in day out flooding the board with bollocks, lies and claims that have been dismantled by Mrs Roops. 

I'm really looking forward to reading your 20+ posts today and hope your time on here doesn't affect your important job and all that. In fact I hope you stick around as you're lack of self awareness is hilarious.

Do carry on old chap. Lol.



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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re really excelling here Lobotomy-boy. This is some of your finest work indeed. The complete gamut of your academic and intellectual repertoire laid bare for all to see.

It looks like it’s time for you to run away for a few months again as you’ve done before and may I respectfully suggest that you spend the time on either a mortuary slab or here:


You staggeringly stupid, voodoo fuckwit.


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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Oh well done DC for picking up on a couple of phone typos, do you recall me pointing out one of yours yesterday...so what's your point? This site has clearly become a coping mechanism for your sad existence and here you are desperately picking up on spelling mistakes. Sometimes I post without checking, partly because I am busy and because I couldn't really give a shit about spelling on a website full of cunts, nutters, and an extremely needy/daddy issues type like you. 

Truth is DC you have become a laughing stock here, day in day out flooding the board with bollocks, lies and claims that have been dismantled by Mrs Roops. 

I'm really looking forward to reading your 20+ posts today and hope your time on here doesn't affect your important job and all that. In fact I hope you stick around as you're lack of self awareness is hilarious.

Do carry on old chap. Lol.




Creeping around Roops won’t help you. Edit it or do it all again you mouth-breathing cretin.

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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

A mish-mash and typical BBC depiction of "diverse" sub-continental music which ends up sounding as insultingly stereotypical as you would expect, being that it was formulated by their middle-aged, white male creative team. 

I don't approve of them stabbing the native, white British population in the back in order to be "down with the ethnic kids". I also fucking despise their rank hypocrisy and attempts to do this whilst employing clueless Oxbridge toffs to rip off some Sitar shite they heard on a Patak's advert in order to shove it into one of Stein's numerous attempts to remain relevant.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the inclusion of some cunt who sounds like a Bernard Manning impersonation of a Paki intermittently screaming "That's a mind blasting curry, Ricky" absolutely tops this shit fest off.

Get fucked.

Whist I appreciate it’s not Rick himself being cunted, it should be known that anyone with the name Rick is an absolute fucking wanker. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/rick-stein-branded-rude-after-24452641


If only Stein would go the way of RickBoring and fuck right off. I want tedious, guitar strumming bellend, and the tedious, fish filleting wanker dead. 

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

A mish-mash and typical BBC depiction of "diverse" sub-continental music which ends up sounding as insultingly stereotypical as you would expect, being that it was formulated by their middle-aged, white male creative team. 

I don't approve of them stabbing the native, white British population in the back in order to be "down with the ethnic kids". I also fucking despise their rank hypocrisy and attempts to do this whilst employing clueless Oxbridge toffs to rip off some Sitar shite they heard on a Patak's advert in order to shove it into one of Stein's numerous attempts to remain relevant.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the inclusion of some cunt who sounds like a Bernard Manning impersonation of a Paki intermittently screaming "That's a mind blasting curry, Ricky" absolutely tops this shit fest off.

Get fucked.

Are you some sort of poofter watching cookery programmes? What's next, a nom. about Strictly Come Dancing?

I would repeat the retort to "Get fucked" but after this latest nom. it sounds like you'd enjoy it.

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15 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I liked Rick Stein but have become tired of him. I'm fed up of watching him get paid to travel around the world stuffing his lobster red alchy face with food and telling me how nice it is. It would make a welcome change if he said 'This is fucking discusting' whilst beating up the Indian midget who cooked said said discusting food, but no, more wine and alcohol for fat Rick with enough food to keep him sober.

What a fucking cunt he is. 

Refer to my response to the original nomination.


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3 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Are you some sort of poofter watching cookery programmes? What's next, a nom. about Strictly Come Dancing?

I would repeat the retort to "Get fucked" but after this latest nom. it sounds like you'd enjoy it.

I had no idea you were such an alpha Chad, Drew. Although rampant steroid abuse would explain the size of your fucking maggot.

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34 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Refer to my response to the original nomination.


Oi oi Big Bollock, how you doing?

I'm supposed to be decorating my flat today but I've smoked a spliff or two and can't really be arsed, ended up wandering around B&Q a little mashed. Got an afternoons work here for ya if you want it?

Nothing wrong with watching cooking programs old chap, it's good to learn and be able to cook tasty and nutritious food. You should try it instead of eating pot noodles and last night's sick off the carpet. 

You drunken cunt. 


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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Creeping around Roops won’t help you. Edit it or do it all again you mouth-breathing cretin.

I didn't mention Mrs Roops in that post, I simply wrote her name so I doubt she'll see it. What exactly do I need her help with exactly? If it's dealing with you and your lame insults then no, I'm fine. 

Whats wrong with you DC?

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This cunt cannot wait to tell you how good the food tastes but its been in his gob for a millisecond before he goes all dreamy about it, I assume his taste buds have been sullied by the huge amounts of spunk he's devoured over the years. Maybe Punkers can enlighten us?

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