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Anyone Sorry about voting for Brexit ?


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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Yes and they definitely won some fucking points for that. Some of his better acting as I recall, although his cameo in The Langoliers will always be his pinnacle in that respect


Jordi from ‘Creepshow’. He plays a hillbilly who finds a meteorite. Something leaks out of it onto his hand, and he starts turning into a plant. 

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The Green Mile is a masterpiece. And probably the best cinematic adaptation. The film feels exactly like the book.

 I think he was near his best with some of the short story collections as well. But Clive Barker’s ‘Books Of Blood’ take the top spot in that category. Barker was the perfect horror writer, until ‘Imajica’. Then it all went a bit fairyland.

He should have called it a day after ‘Una Paloma Blanca’. 

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15 hours ago, Roadkill said:

and whored out the creative rights to the first Hollywood jew that he found snuffling around in his bins.

A lovely turn of phrase.

The director was actually a Dane, who had done pretty much fuck all before, and pretty much fuck all since. There's a slim chance that the screenplay writers might have been Red Sea pedestrians, though: Akiva Goldsman and Jeff Pinkner.

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  • 1 month later...

This headline seems pretty stark, I grant you. Britain having a lower GDP per capita than Poland and Slovenia within a decade must warm the collective cockles though. The spectacle of young British economic migrants wiping the arses of the elderly in Krakow is surely proof God has a sense of humour. 

Something to mull as you fumble about for your ID papers to vote on Thursday. 


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The brexit has loads of benefits..only problem is its the EU thats enjoyed them..biggest one is they are rid of the biggest obstacle to further integration and cooperation tween the 27 members of the hypermega economic superpower..and for good measure the brits are now rule takers instead of rule makers...lol


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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This headline seems pretty stark, I grant you. Britain having a lower GDP per capita than Poland and Slovenia within a decade must warm the collective cockles though. The spectacle of young British economic migrants wiping the arses of the elderly in Krakow is surely proof God has a sense of humour. 

Something to mull as you fumble about for your ID papers to vote on Thursday. 


An interesting read. As a husband to a high school teacher at a state school, I can confirm that the rot starts with the national curriculum. There's still an overwhelming focus on the three Rs in comparison to developing and nurturing practical and technical skills. It's all very well and good getting a gold star for your ability to recite Shakespeare in the original vernacular, but it doesn't help the development of the next miracle drug or contribute toward Britain becoming the new Silicon Valley.

That being said, I don't see why anyone should be alarmed or surprised by this article. Great Britain and its prior constituent parts have been around for over a millennia. We could have been considered a hegemonic superpower for only around 60 years of that, from the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 to the mid 1870s. Add to that a 'Great Power' status during the 18th century and part of the 20th, and we've spent less than twenty percent of our existence as anything more than a minor state on the periphery of Europe.

Everything returns to the sea. We spent a tiny proportion of our history punching above our weight, yet that is now the bar that has been set and people expect us to maintain and reach it again. Better to acknowledge that time is over and was an anomaly in our existence as a nation. Once that has happened perhaps we can then focus on becoming a more fair and equitable society, starting with the removal of the last vestiges of Empire and privilege, the aristocracy and the monarchy.

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17 hours ago, Decimus said:

An interesting read. As a husband to a high school teacher at a state school, I can confirm that the rot starts with the national curriculum. There's still an overwhelming focus on the three Rs in comparison to developing and nurturing practical and technical skills. It's all very well and good getting a gold star for your ability to recite Shakespeare in the original vernacular, but it doesn't help the development of the next miracle drug or contribute toward Britain becoming the new Silicon Valley.

That being said, I don't see why anyone should be alarmed or surprised by this article. Great Britain and its prior constituent parts have been around for over a millennia. We could have been considered a hegemonic superpower for only around 60 years of that, from the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 to the mid 1870s. Add to that a 'Great Power' status during the 18th century and part of the 20th, and we've spent less than twenty percent of our existence as anything more than a minor state on the periphery of Europe.

Everything returns to the sea. We spent a tiny proportion of our history punching above our weight, yet that is now the bar that has been set and people expect us to maintain and reach it again. Better to acknowledge that time is over and was an anomaly in our existence as a nation. Once that has happened perhaps we can then focus on becoming a more fair and equitable society, starting with the removal of the last vestiges of Empire and privilege, the aristocracy and the monarchy.

Cue the hoardes of morons decrying this as defeatist and selling Britain short, but of course it’s pretty much on the nose and far too sensible for The Corner. Britains’ long bluff has been called, and the most grown up thing to do would be to admit the errors and shortcomings, and begin to redesign the place along the lines you describe. 

Only two problems. 1) The grown-ups are no longer in the room. 2) Unless you go with “tear it all down”, you’d have problems fitting it on the side of a frigging bus.

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36 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Cue the hoardes of morons decrying this as defeatist and selling Britain short, but of course it’s pretty much on the nose and far too sensible for The Corner. Britain’s’ long bluff has been called, and the most grown up thing to do would be to admit our errors and shortcomings, and begin to redesign the place along the lines you describe. 

Only two problems. 1) The grown-ups are no longer in the room. 2) Unless you go with “tear it all down”, you’d have problems fitting it on the side of a frigging bus.


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

An interesting read. As a husband to a high school teacher at a state school, I can confirm that the rot starts with the national curriculum. There's still an overwhelming focus on the three Rs in comparison to developing and nurturing practical and technical skills. It's all very well and good getting a gold star for your ability to recite Shakespeare in the original vernacular, but it doesn't help the development of the next miracle drug or contribute toward Britain becoming the new Silicon Valley.

That being said, I don't see why anyone should be alarmed or surprised by this article. Great Britain and its prior constituent parts have been around for over a millennia. We could have been considered a hegemonic superpower for only around 60 years of that, from the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 to the mid 1870s. Add to that a 'Great Power' status during the 18th century and part of the 20th, and we've spent less than twenty percent of our existence as anything more than a minor state on the periphery of Europe.

Everything returns to the sea. We spent a tiny proportion of our history punching above our weight, yet that is now the bar that has been set and people expect us to maintain and reach it again. Better to acknowledge that time is over and was an anomaly in our existence as a nation. Once that has happened perhaps we can then focus on becoming a more fair and equitable society, starting with the removal of the last vestiges of Empire and privilege, the aristocracy and the monarchy.

I do not regret voting leave brcause in my opinion we sould never have joined in the first place .. I agree with pretty much all of what you say .. we are an island offshoot of Europe, what causes the problem is the lack of a land border .. much same as the problem Ireland has with the rest of the British Isles. The real long term problem is education .. yes we need more practical and technical skills to be taught we also need at least one foreign language to be taught in all British Schools and in English schools at least one other inidigenous language  to be taught. For those progressing to further education courses on practical, techinical and other scientific subjects should be free .. less useful subjects such as reliion and classics, drama and the like should be paid for. We also need to eliminate woke-ism from education. Slavery is wrong but making formal apologies on a national level is also wrong. it will not improve anyone's lot, all the statues, street, school and other building names should left in place and any cunt who damages them should be prosecuted .. history is history and most of the cunts are long dead. As to religion .. it should be a free for and none of them should be protected by law .. in practical terms I can call a christian a cunt for being a christian and we should be able call a muslim a cunt for being a muslim and the same for any other faith they are all cunts.

Oh and fuck off.  lol

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

An interesting read. As a husband to a high school teacher at a state school, I can confirm that the rot starts with the national curriculum. There's still an overwhelming focus on the three Rs in comparison to developing and nurturing practical and technical skills. It's all very well and good getting a gold star for your ability to recite Shakespeare in the original vernacular, but it doesn't help the development of the next miracle drug or contribute toward Britain becoming the new Silicon Valley.

That being said, I don't see why anyone should be alarmed or surprised by this article. Great Britain and its prior constituent parts have been around for over a millennia. We could have been considered a hegemonic superpower for only around 60 years of that, from the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 to the mid 1870s. Add to that a 'Great Power' status during the 18th century and part of the 20th, and we've spent less than twenty percent of our existence as anything more than a minor state on the periphery of Europe.

Everything returns to the sea. We spent a tiny proportion of our history punching above our weight, yet that is now the bar that has been set and people expect us to maintain and reach it again. Better to acknowledge that time is over and was an anomaly in our existence as a nation. Once that has happened perhaps we can then focus on becoming a more fair and equitable society, starting with the removal of the last vestiges of Empire and privilege, the aristocracy and the monarchy.

Did ya have a road to damascus moment durin yer short sojourn to Dublin 9 decco baby..lol


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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Cue the hoardes of morons decrying this as defeatist and selling Britain short, but of course it’s pretty much on the nose and far too sensible for The Corner. Britain’s’ long bluff has been called, and the most grown up thing to do would be to admit the errors and shortcomings, and begin to redesign the place along the lines you describe. 

Only two problems. 1) The grown-ups are no longer in the room. 2) Unless you go with “tear it all down”, you’d have problems fitting it on the side of a frigging bus.

Side of the bus slogan...mmm..lets see ...how about..WE'VE FUCKED OURSELVES...lol


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9 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Did ya have a road to damascus moment durin yer short sojourn to Dublin 9 decco baby..lol


Not at all, P, I've never been a jingoist. But it's like having an ugly as fuck kid, you can think it, but if any other cunt mentions it you're gonna get aggy.

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39 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Not at all, P, I've never been a jingoist. But it's like having an ugly as fuck kid, you can think it, but if any other cunt mentions it you're gonna get aggy.

Mm...ive thought of another brexit benifit..all the arseholes over here that thought leaving the biggest trading bloc on the planet was a spiffing idea have all fallen silent..lol


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12 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm...ive thought of another brexit benifit..all the arseholes over here that thought leaving the biggest trading bloc on the planet was a spiffing idea have all fallen silent..lol


I certainly didn't vote for it. Maybe you should expand on the nom and ask those that did how they think it's going so far.

Although I wouldn't encourage it, seven years of hearing you bleat on about it non-fucking-stop it is quite enough for one lifetime.

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm...ive thought of another brexit benifit..all the arseholes over here that thought leaving the biggest trading bloc on the planet was a spiffing idea have all fallen silent..lol


Not just over there, Panz m’boy. The Corner was well supplied at one time with flag waving pro-Brexit types all too keen to extol the virtues of their little project while at the same time raining rhetorical fire down on anyone who thought it was a bullshit con. That they are these days so silent speaks volumes, but I suppose they’ve all moved on, or what you see playing out now is of course not the version they voted for. Oh, no, it’s the bastardised version of what could so nearly have been a roaring success. Or some such bollocks.

@Mrs Roops, I seem to recall you ladling out the Kool Aid back in the day. What say you now? Is that famed gargantuan IQ up for a little realpolitik?

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not just over there, Panz m’boy. The Corner was well supplied at one time with flag waving pro-Brexit types all too keen to extol the virtues of their little project while at the same time raining rhetorical fire down on anyone who thought it was a bullshit con. That they are these days so silent speaks volumes, but I suppose they’ve all moved on, or what you see playing out now is of course not the version they voted for. Oh, no, it’s the bastardised version of what could so nearly have been a roaring success. Or some such bollocks.

@Mrs Roops, I seem to recall you ladling out the Kool Aid back in the day. What say you now? Is that famed gargantuan IQ up for a little realpolitik?

I feel I should make some sort of comment on the previous 11 posts, but being a French mongrel, none of you cunts would be interested in my opinion, so I won't.

It's really nice here. @Decimus go fuck yourself.

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11 hours ago, Decimus said:

As a husband to a high school teacher

Poor woman definitely married beneath herself.


4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've never been a jingoist

Racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, supercilious.

But never jingoistic.

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12 minutes ago, and said:

Poor woman definitely married beneath herself.


Racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, supercilious.

But never jingoistic.

How much was your Rock and Chips this lunchtime, R-Soles? Have you got enough left over for a six pence plastic bag from the corner shop to use later on whilst collecting your midnight feast?

We all know the reason why you hated the EU, and it had nothing to do with your convoluted mathematical equations involving the cost of a piece of skate. It's really because you wanted to keep the bendy bananas, they've got the perfect angle for hitting your P-Spot when the terrier is off his food.


Fuck off.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I certainly didn't vote for it. Maybe you should expand on the nom and ask those that did how they think it's going so far.

Although I wouldn't encourage it, seven years of hearing you bleat on about it non-fucking-stop it is quite enough for one lifetime.

I love the brexit decco baby its the gift that keeps on givin..lol


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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not just over there, Panz m’boy. The Corner was well supplied at one time with flag waving pro-Brexit types all too keen to extol the virtues of their little project while at the same time raining rhetorical fire down on anyone who thought it was a bullshit con. That they are these days so silent speaks volumes, but I suppose they’ve all moved on, or what you see playing out now is of course not the version they voted for. Oh, no, it’s the bastardised version of what could so nearly have been a roaring success. Or some such bollocks.

@Mrs Roops, I seem to recall you ladling out the Kool Aid back in the day. What say you now? Is that famed gargantuan IQ up for a little realpolitik?

Laffin..im only a simple mick and even from where i was sitting i could see where this was goin to end up..the cherry on the cake was bozo n his numpties stomping around Brussels calling the leaders and appointed negotiators of 27 nations nazis ..people whose country's had actually suffered and probably had family members murdered by hitlers murderous regime..oh and by the way will ya buy our shite...bring back bozo n davy davy n the other moron that used to sell whiskey when he wasn't swallowing it..lol


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16 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

and for good measure the brits are now rule takers instead of rule makers...lol

As you’ve brought the subject up Panzy, what are your thoughts on Ireland’s ‘Criminal justice incitement of violence or hatred and hate offences Bill  2022’ which is about to become law in your ‘Free State’? By the end of this year you will be committing a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment according to a statement by your Justice Ministry last week for ‘condoning, denying or generally trivialising ….genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace. This will not apply to any particular period in history but will cover any crime against peace in the past’. 
Welcome to the ‘Free State’ comrades, but careful what you say now. The Guards are listening. lol lol lol.

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