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It's very likely

Under Starmer's Labour Government:

# Nothing will be done any time soon about dangerous XL Bully dogs

# The Triple Pension Lock will go

# The good old BBC TV LICENCE will carry on unimpeded

# Rail Ticket Offices will have been CLOSED in line with the rail companies wishes ignoring the 98% of those who said NO in the consultation 

# Schools, Hospitals, GPS, Roads, or anything else will be unlikely to see any improvement due to economic problems (caused by the last government ha ha ha) 

# "Nobody including his own government ministers will know what his position will be on foreign policy until the last minute (or anything else for that matter) 

As in Auden's words. In normal times he was all for peace. In war, he went. 

I think CC should nominate him for cunt of week. 

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18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's very likely

Under Starmer's Labour Government:

# Nothing will be done any time soon about dangerous XL Bully dogs

# The Triple Pension Lock will go

# The good old BBC TV LICENCE will carry on unimpeded

# Rail Ticket Offices will have been CLOSED in line with the rail companies wishes ignoring the 98% of those who said NO in the consultation 

# Schools, Hospitals, GPS, Roads, or anything else will be unlikely to see any improvement due to economic problems (caused by the last government ha ha ha) 

# "Nobody including his own government ministers will know what his position will be on foreign policy until the last minute (or anything else for that matter) 

As in Auden's words. In normal times he was all for peace. In war, he went. 

I think CC should nominate him for cunt of week. 

All politicians are cunts, you should have realised that by now.

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's very likely

Under Starmer's Labour Government:

# Nothing will be done any time soon about dangerous XL Bully dogs

# The Triple Pension Lock will go

# The good old BBC TV LICENCE will carry on unimpeded

# Rail Ticket Offices will have been CLOSED in line with the rail companies wishes ignoring the 98% of those who said NO in the consultation 

# Schools, Hospitals, GPS, Roads, or anything else will be unlikely to see any improvement due to economic problems (caused by the last government ha ha ha) 

# "Nobody including his own government ministers will know what his position will be on foreign policy until the last minute (or anything else for that matter) 

As in Auden's words. In normal times he was all for peace. In war, he went. 

I think CC should nominate him for cunt of week. 

Farmers /landowners will get even wealthier than they are , kier will ensure wind generators will be planted everywhere and land owners paid a rich bounty .Then they'll sell another few acres at exorbitant cost  to bung up some bland unaffordable housing .The white working classes will be once again be forgotten and left to rot and their opinions , wishes and aspirations devalued and subjected to criticism and will be  saddled with the term  "slave to popularism " by those wishing to be seen as rather more intellectually gifted.

Popularism is becoming very popular for a reason. 

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Farmers /landowners will get even wealthier than they are , kier will ensure wind generators will be planted everywhere and land owners paid a rich bounty .Then they'll sell another few acres at exorbitant cost  to bung up some bland unaffordable housing .The white working classes will be once again be forgotten and left to rot and their opinions , wishes and aspirations devalued and subjected to criticism and will be  saddled with the term  "slave to popularism " by those wishing to be seen as rather more intellectually gifted.

Popularism is becoming very popular for a reason. 

He will be an excellent conservative prime minister.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Farmers /landowners will get even wealthier than they are , kier will ensure wind generators will be planted everywhere and land owners paid a rich bounty .Then they'll sell another few acres at exorbitant cost  to bung up some bland unaffordable housing .The white working classes will be once again be forgotten and left to rot and their opinions , wishes and aspirations devalued and subjected to criticism and will be  saddled with the term  "slave to popularism " by those wishing to be seen as rather more intellectually gifted.

Popularism is becoming very popular for a reason. 

It’s come to my attention that you’re a fucking wanker

Make me laugh or die

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

He will be an excellent conservative prime minister.

I don't think a two party first by the post system inevitably means NO REAL CHOICE except different varieties of incompetence. But it might given the travel of our education dumbing down system, mono culture media and thought control laws. When you look at the quality of Parliament or the way we are governed look at the quality of the population it represents. 

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On 01/11/2023 at 22:02, ChildeHarold said:

look at the quality of the population it represents. 

 That's because of a few hundred years of the dilution of the British gene(or cultural enrichment as the Guardian and the BBC would have it) 🙈🙉🙊

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On 01/11/2023 at 22:02, ChildeHarold said:

I don't think a two party first by the post system inevitably means NO REAL CHOICE except different varieties of incompetence. But it might given the travel of our education dumbing down system, mono culture media and thought control laws. When you look at the quality of Parliament or the way we are governed look at the quality of the population it represents. 

What you have to remember is that the majority of the rank and file electorate a basically fucking idiots. Look at Londinistan; Khant has basically been fucking awful. He has turned London into dodge city. If it was New York or Paris, they'd have got rid of him. But no. Polls suggest that he'd get in on the next election. Well, fair do's. Every cunt that votes for him deserves everything they fucking get.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What you have to remember is that the majority of the rank and file electorate a basically fucking idiots. Look at Londinistan; Khant has basically been fucking awful. He has turned London into dodge city. If it was New York or Paris, they'd have got rid of him. But no. Polls suggest that he'd get in on the next election. Well, fair do's. Every cunt that votes for him deserves everything they fucking get.

Well London local politics will always be left if centre, Red Ken and the GLC proved that. But hang on. Livingstone wasn’t that bad. He loved buses. The GLC managed and funded the South Bank Centre and it was fantastic in those years.... Great concerts, great exhibitions, great free events, lots of festivals and interesting discussion groups, not a fucking "Art for All" mediocrity which it is now. The National Theatre was also more cutting edge and provocative not the West End try out and include some blacks in the cast shite it does now. The arts around London, The Roundhouse, Southwark Playhouse, Young Vic, Royal Court Sloane Square etc etc were all subsidised and fucking great nights out. Everything now is a failing fucking mish mash of penny pinching privatisation and commercialisation and begrudging mean Arts Council funding which is just life support if not that. 

Do you know, I wouldn't swap anything for my teen years in London in the late sixties and seventies. Look at it now: a cunt. Only wish I'd had the cash and the foresight to buy a few of those rundown derelict terrace houses in zone 1, as close to London Bridge in the Borough as possible. 

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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What you have to remember is that the majority of the rank and file electorate a basically fucking idiots.

Without a doubt, the rank and file Tory party members were/remain fucking idiots for believing Liz Truss would be more suitable to govern than Rishi Sunak.

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On 07/11/2023 at 18:32, Mike Hunt said:

Without a doubt, the rank and file Tory party members were/remain fucking idiots for believing Liz Truss would be more suitable to govern than Rishi Sunak.

So, the Shit wins the election. Lots of promises not to over promise. Not to expect too much. We have a big job to do after so many years of.... Then there's a Tory revolt and a leader election. The Lib Dems congratulate themselves. Nothing gets sorted out. It's just plod on. More years of.... you guessed it. 


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On 31/10/2023 at 22:00, ChildeHarold said:

It's very likely

Under Starmer's Labour Government:

# Nothing will be done any time soon about dangerous XL Bully dogs

# The Triple Pension Lock will go

# The good old BBC TV LICENCE will carry on unimpeded

# Rail Ticket Offices will have been CLOSED in line with the rail companies wishes ignoring the 98% of those who said NO in the consultation 

# Schools, Hospitals, GPS, Roads, or anything else will be unlikely to see any improvement due to economic problems (caused by the last government ha ha ha) 

# "Nobody including his own government ministers will know what his position will be on foreign policy until the last minute (or anything else for that matter) 

As in Auden's words. In normal times he was all for peace. In war, he went. 

I think CC should nominate him for cunt of week. 

Fucking hell, I need another drink.

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

That's right you tell him, the man who invented bleach one wet and dreary Sunday afternoon when told to go to the bedroom following some naughtiness in the local strip joint. 

I've got absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you verbose fucking mentalist. But any man, or indeed creature such as yourself, who despises that geriatric, Gallic worm is alright in my book.

Have a like.

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've got absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you verbose fucking mentalist. But any man, or indeed creature such as yourself, who despises that geriatric, Gallic worm is alright in my book.

Have a like.

I will treasure my first Like from you as much as my first solid crap after prostrate surgery. By the way the French make sure all British living in their country are NOT Gallic in any way shape or form and should be glad to lick the dog shit off the boots of a real Frenchman. 

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On 07/11/2023 at 19:32, Mike Hunt said:

Without a doubt, the rank and file Tory party members were/remain fucking idiots for believing Liz Truss would be more suitable to govern than Rishi Sunak.

Agreed. Mrs Hunt is more suited to competing in the triple-jump than that demented hag was to be PM. Any comparison between the top bollocks on the two ladies mentioned, Michael?

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