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Why is there no-one on here after 11pm?

Guest Basil

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Guest Basil

There's barely anybody logged in after 11. Are you all elderly, of school age or just quaker types who like an early night?

This place would benefit from a few insomniacs to keep the late night whisky fuelled debate going.

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5 minutes ago, Basil Brush said:

There's barely anybody logged in after 11. Are you all elderly, of school age or just quaker types who like an early night?

This place would benefit from a few insomniacs to keep the late night whisky fuelled debate going.

If you look at a few threads from 2016-2017, you’ll see a regular late night crew who usually converged in the early hours to talk bollocks about virtually anything. Gyps, RK, me. And Extremecunt. One of the corner’s memorable loonies. He had a multi ID called ‘Chip From The States’ who would invade every thread with “YEEHAAAAWWW!!”.

 But he disappeared, Gyps doesn’t drink as much, I don’t drink at all, and RK quit smoking weed. That just leaves you and me for the time being. Tell me Basil, did Mr Tony ever try to finger you? He looked the sort.

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Guest Basil
9 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If you look at a few threads from 2016-2017, you’ll see a regular late night crew who usually converged in the early hours to talk bollocks about virtually anything. Gyps, RK, me. And Extremecunt. One of the corner’s memorable loonies. He had a multi ID called ‘Chip From The States’ who would invade every thread with “YEEHAAAAWWW!!”.

 But he disappeared, Gyps doesn’t drink as much, I don’t drink at all, and RK quit smoking weed. That just leaves you and me for the time being. Tell me Basil, did Mr Tony ever try to finger you? He looked the sort.

No, but Mr Rodney made me perform oral sex in his dressing room and Mr Billy took a foul dump in my mouth. What Mr Savile did I still can't talk about.

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33 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

There's hardly anyone here at any time. The site is infested with the likes of And, CH and ELC, it's not really worth the bother of engaging with them.

At least CH and ELC have their moments, albeit few and far between. It's just about worth digging through their shite for the odd nugget of sweetcorn.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

At least CH and ELC have their moments, albeit few and far between. It's just about worth digging through their shite for the odd nugget of sweetcorn.

I always look forward to your "Blackburnesque" (Tony, not the Northern shithole)  jokes, Bawsey. But they're few and far between nowadays. 

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5 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

There's hardly anyone here at any time. The site is infested with the likes of And, CH and ELC, it's not really worth the bother of engaging with them.

On the other hand, maybe they're not interested in engaging with you?

It works both ways, fuck knows why you think you're so entertaining, maybe you're another of those attention-seeking, narcissistic types?

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Do you know Sadiq Khan was on the radio this morning saying exactly the same thing kind of. Due to a fall in passenger numbers on Fridays TfL are introducing some sort of discount scheme to boost travel on that day. Notice it's a scheme to help themselves not the average Mon-Fri 9-5 Londoner. I've always regardedcTfL as the worst type of cunts imagineable. An unelected Quango that rewards its directors and executives with eye-watering salaries expenses and pensions. A Quango with it's own property development arm that lays waste into planned dereliction land making the residents lives a misery. (Thus it was with the Jubilee Line and Elizabeth Line) A Quango with its own Legal Department that regularly teams up with local councils and The Mayor to privatise any fucking strip of open public space (eg play areas) or community asset (Council Estate Tenants Halls are a favourite at the moment, but health centres, community leisure centres also get their juices flowing) just for the fucking money to sell to private "luxury" developers who market all their apartments as "penthouses". 

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7 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I’m here, but there is little to pique my interest most days.

Evening, Southern.

As someone with a very similar sense of humour and outlook to myself, I find that your opinions on the state of The Corner over the years have invariably been in tune with my own. I'm used to the inevitable lulls in quality, as are we all, but usually I'm fairly confident that after a trough we'll find ourselves riding a peak. I'm not so sure this time, because admin seems to be refusing to do anything about the disruptive and absolutely shite posters that continue to plague us. 

Two more days and I'm off, I won't be bothering to post anything whilst I'm over there because there's nothing now left to draw me back. I'll log in again when I visit in the summer, but if all I see is page after page of the usual suspects spouting shite (two in particular) that's me done.


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@and and @Penny Farthing in their various forms are pouring so much utterly pointless sludge down this river that the dredges can’t keep up. I realise that admin can’t wipe somebody just for being an ineffable fucking dickhead, but they surely must see that they add zero value, and indeed, are putting off posters who add value, whether it be a good point well argued, or something hilarious.

This site needs some weeding.

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

There's hardly anyone here at any time. The site is infested with the likes of And, CH and ELC, it's not really worth the bother of engaging with them.

Well when you finally  find the cure for cancer I'm sure they'll all be knocking on your door wanting to speak to you , just for the numerous  witty anecdotes  alone .

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19 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

@and and @Penny Farthing in their various forms are pouring so much utterly pointless sludge down this river that the dredges can’t keep up. I realise that admin can’t wipe somebody just for being an ineffable fucking dickhead, but they surely must see that they add zero value, and indeed, are putting off posters who add value, whether it be a good point well argued, or something hilarious.

This site needs some weeding.

So you can make your once month contributions stand out more? 

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28 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Evening, Southern.

As someone with a very similar sense of humour and outlook to myself, I find that your opinions on the state of The Corner over the years have invariably been in tune with my own. I'm used to the inevitable lulls in quality, as are we all, but usually I'm fairly confident that after a trough we'll find ourselves riding a peak. I'm not so sure this time, because admin seems to be refusing to do anything about the disruptive and absolutely shite posters that continue to plague us. 

Two more days and I'm off, I won't be bothering to post anything whilst I'm over there because there's nothing now left to draw me back. I'll log in again when I visit in the summer, but if all I see is page after page of the usual suspects spouting shite (two in particular) that's me done.


"Over there" is where? You were careful to keep that 🤫 

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Guest Basil
4 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

There is the issue that many people work for a living and need to sleep at night .. perhaps you are an idler.

If that's the case, you must have been unemployed for the last 30 years.

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