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The mysterious disappearance of Kate Middleton

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

or her entire being is made up of semen from a thousand black sailors cocks

Who do we know with enough experience to comment on these matters?

Ah, yes...

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

No the herring smell was only because you flies were open, filthy French toad. 

Ed. I’ve got a pal who thinks he’s Charlie Big Bollocks these days. He’s taken to posting clips of him kicking back and swigging beer in his outdoor hot-tub thing, you know, all neon lights and bubbles, the prick. Here’s the thing, his wife confided in mine that the fucking thing is second hand ffs. A second hand hot-tub…that’s like wearing someone else”s soiled boxer-shorts, surely? It is the kind of thing that the French would do…sitting in bubbling, steaming stranger spunk and fanny batter and gloating.

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51 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Ed. I’ve got a pal who thinks he’s Charlie Big Bollocks these days. He’s taken to posting clips of him kicking back and swigging beer in his outdoor hot-tub thing, you know, all neon lights and bubbles, the prick. Here’s the thing, his wife confided in mine that the fucking thing is second hand ffs. A second hand hot-tub…that’s like wearing someone else”s soiled boxer-shorts, surely? It is the kind of thing that the French would do…sitting in bubbling, steaming stranger spunk and fanny batter and gloating.

Confided in who? Sloppy. Else"s?

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13 hours ago, Eddie said:

In your expert opinion having spent a life time as a nurse, what are we all missing here?  From what I can tell the woman has cancer and has decided not to cut ribbons whilst in treatment. 

Check out some of the retarded conspiracy theories regarding Kate and Charles on abovetopsecret.com ranging from the recent video of Kate is AI, to the royals don't really have cancer and are hiding in their nuclear fallout bunkers waiting for nuclear armageddon.

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31 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

Check out some of the retarded conspiracy theories regarding Kate and Charles on abovetopsecret.com ranging from the recent video of Kate is AI, to the royals don't really have cancer and are hiding in their nuclear fallout bunkers waiting for nuclear armageddon.

It's all that interbreeding .Disgusting cunts .I hope they all die .Fucking parasites. 

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

What precisely do you mean?

What do I mean ? OK. The "royal " family throughout history have proved themselves to be everything from sexual perverts  to Nazis  and everything inbetween.I hate every pore ,  every cell of their existence.They are a disgusting,  evil anachronism  .I hope they expire,  every single one of the cunts .Does that make it clear enough   even for a collassal  cunt such as yourself .

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6 hours ago, Frank said:

I don’t know how on earth you’ve managed to garner 35 likes in the past few days. I won’t question it. Besides, consistency is key and only the monthly LB figures are relevant. 


6 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:


I've noticed you pair cunts topping the leaderboard lately... which has clearly gone to your stupid heads, hasn't it? A failed musician Hermaphrodite and a failed half dead French 'Racing Driver' strutting round like own the fucking gaff... No, it's not on. 

Considering you both eat the sweetcorns out each others shit, it would be no shock to discover the pair of you manipulating the leaderboard, if I could be bothered to check. 

Give it a fucking rest and fuck off.

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46 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What do I mean ? OK. The "royal " family throughout history have proved themselves to be everything from sexual perverts  to Nazis  and everything inbetween.I hate every pore ,  every cell of their existence.They are a disgusting,  evil anachronism  .I hope they expire,  every single one of the cunts .Does that make it clear enough   even for a collassal  cunt such as yourself .

You had an opportunity to be satirical or funny, but you failed, predictably.

You're too stupid to be here.

Get off the site.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I've noticed you pair cunts topping the leaderboard lately... which has clearly gone to your stupid heads, hasn't it? A failed musician Hermaphrodite and a failed half dead French 'Racing Driver' strutting round like own the fucking gaff... No, it's not on. 

Considering you both eat the sweetcorns out each others shit, it would be no shock to discover the pair of you manipulating the leaderboard, if I could be bothered to check. 

Give it a fucking rest and fuck off.

Uncannily spot on. Verminous fuckheads, both of ‘em.

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10 hours ago, Frank said:

If, god forbid, it transpires the princess is no longer with us, or her entire being is made up of semen from a thousand black sailors cocks

…..You’ll know exactly how she feels.

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31 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Give him a few more likes and he might pretend to give your advice some consideration.

Steady on, Bill. Apologies for that abuse last night. I’d been taken out for a nightcap with Drew. I wasn’t myself.

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10 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Steady on, Bill. Apologies for that abuse last night. I’d been taken out for a nightcap with Drew. I wasn’t myself.

Fair enough DC. Tbh I’m going through a bit of a rough time too. I’m seriously thinking about changing tack on the ‘conspiracy theorist’ thingy that every cunt seems to have got me down as. Seriously, what’s the fucking point when every single thing I’ve uncovered, commented on and been laughed at for has turned out without exception, to be correct? I know I’m much cleverer than everyone else (which I can’t help) but maybe I need to be a bit less kind, caring and compassionate?

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On 27/04/2024 at 13:53, Frank said:

I once held great admiration for the man, Ed. His long-distance annihilation of wanker Wolfie has always been a tonic for the soul. However, this recent clownish behaviour and royal ramblings make KB look positively sane. 'Keep watching'... what a total fucking moron he's turned out to be. Is there nothing good left in this world?

Aw Frank, I’m sorry you feel let down. 

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18 hours ago, Frank said:

Regardless of what or who he is, he’ll do well to stay in my good graces. I’ll tell you exactly what’s happening here, Ed. Buckle in. 

You might recall that poor Kate’s hospital notes were the subject of an attempted royal data breach back in January. Allegedly, unsavoury staff at The London Clinic published her medical records on the dark web. LCS, a retired, redundant, and homesick expat, peruses these sordid sites on a daily basis. He then relays the shit to all seven of us, as if he’s on the cusp of securing a groundbreaking exclusive. 

The man is undeniably a tool. If, god forbid, it transpires the princess is no longer with us, or her entire being is made up of semen from a thousand black sailors cocks, not a single sensible soul would care in the slightest.

Again, sorry you’ve come to this conclusion. 

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12 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I've noticed you pair cunts topping the leaderboard lately... which has clearly gone to your stupid heads, hasn't it? A failed musician Hermaphrodite and a failed half dead French 'Racing Driver' strutting round like own the fucking gaff... No, it's not on. 

Considering you both eat the sweetcorns out each others shit, it would be no shock to discover the pair of you manipulating the leaderboard, if I could be bothered to check. 

Give it a fucking rest and fuck off.

@Frank,  OCR has a good point. I'm out.


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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Again, sorry you’ve come to this conclusion. 

I’ve got a conspiracy theory about the Ukraine war, there isn’t one, all the Russians are in Thailand doing what they do best, speaking loudly and being rude, they put the French to shame…. Fuck off withers 

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13 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I've noticed you pair cunts topping the leaderboard lately... which has clearly gone to your stupid heads, hasn't it? A failed musician Hermaphrodite and a failed half dead French 'Racing Driver' strutting round like own the fucking gaff... No, it's not on. 

Considering you both eat the sweetcorns out each others shit, it would be no shock to discover the pair of you manipulating the leaderboard, if I could be bothered to check. 

Give it a fucking rest and fuck off.

I think it should be Hermaphrodite  musician .Is the leader board important or is the leader just bored?That question is always asked just before a revolution. 


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