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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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3 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Indeed. The Maastricht Treaty should have gone to a referendum given it's effect on the average man on the street, but obviously Johnny Boy knows far more about fucking up a country than us. 

The Common Market was a sound idea in breaking down the red tape in trading between the Western European countries, and that is what we should have stayed in. 

The idea for the EU was actually first proposed by the Nazis in 1942 as a way of keeping the conquered western nations economically in step with the reich, and reasonably compliant as they envisioned the war was won. Obviously some cunt of a diplomat searching the German National Archives discovered the plan, and then submitted it as the EU to their guvnor. 


It was completely doomed to fail like all empire's once they started to admit countries like  Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, (fuck off, Franco) Latvia ect in an attempt to surround Russia, and no doubt with the septics full support and encouragement. 

Thatcher had the right idea when dealing with the fenian's by increasing proactive SAS missions that had them shitting their dungarees when planning an operation. Major stopped all that, and it was basically Maggie who brought them to the negotiating table through attrition. 

I remember a senior ex intelligence officer stating that we knew who all their top boys were, and also their addresses. Apparently, it could have been all over in a night, but could have potentially dragged the conflict out. 

Their ungrateful cunts considering we only got involved on their behalf in the first place as the loyalists were slaughtering them. 

Two sets of cunts cunted in one post... 

Fucking quack spouting wacko history. 

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7 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

LCS thinks that he knows what the UK's problem is but does not realise that he and people like him are the actual problem .. note that he fucked off to Kangerooland rather than to one of those wonderful EU countries.

Sorry Bernard, but I married an Australian girl. If I’d married a Frenchie or an Italian I’d be sitting there instead. If you wish to read that as an amazingly prescient political choice made last century, feel free. Otherwise tuck your cock back in your frillies and get the fuck out of my face. I remember now why you are on auto block. 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I thought Mo Mowlam was the toughest cunt to emerge from all that 'my Jesus is better than your Jesus' shite. She slipped her security on the first day, got a taxi to the house of the IRAs top man, knocked on his door and said ... "hello, I'm Mo Mowlam, I understand you want to kill me."

The last decent politician I can think of.

Amen. She also went into the Maze prison to talk with the Apes on both sides and began the meeting by taking off her wig and dropping it on the table, reminding Jonny Semtex that while he was terribly important she would have to be done by lunch as she had chemo in the afternoon. Master stroke. If they haven’t built a statue of her in Redcar, they should.

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11 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Out of likes. Major signed us up for the sovereignty decimation that was the Maastricht Treaty without even considering putting it to a referendum and in doing so lit the Brexit touch fuse. It was quite satisfying watching him spit venom at all his hard work being undone. Although he didn't bend over and spread his cheeks for Sinn Fein like Tony Blair did, he did take the British boot away from the throat of the IRA at a time they were beginning to buckle under the fire with fire tactics Thatcher had used against them and allowed Arkansas Billy to start dictating NI policy instead of finishing the dirty Fenian cunts off. Which is what a PM with a pair of bollocks would of done.

In short, the cunt has no legacy accept for being a figure of ridicule for those old enough to remember his time in office.


Maggie had the biggest pair of bollocks since Churchill. Everyone of our so called leaders since her have been steadily sliding down the testosterone table. Boris’ slag Carrie has a bigger pair of clinkers than her potato head cunt of a partner.

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7 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yes but the tide comes in again tomorrow - and since you and your fellow Remain / Rejoin  Carpetchewers judge things on such a short-term basis, just stick around a few hours.......

Hours? I though the advice was that the benefits kick in 10/50/100 years from now, depending on which gobshite you are listening too at the time. It’s a cult, it’s central promise of deliverance has been exposed, apostates are treacherous, evil or stupid, and we all just need to believe a bit harder. Kool-Aid, anyone?

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Importing a few divisions of the AWB won’t shift the Overton window enough for you and your Brexit Fundamentalists to look any less like drooling imbeciles. The tides gone out on the whole damn project and well you know it. 


The EU ‘solidarity and unity’ which remainers insisted on pointing out to us knuckledraggers for 4 years while they were exhausting every possibility of reversing the democratically expressed wish of the U.K. electorate has now become harder to spot than the unicorns and sunlit uplands they sneered and giggled about while looking down their euronoses at us until we’d waved bye bye last month. The EU is unravelling faster than Dickhead Dan Andrews second attempt at hotel quarantines. 

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We read that the UK has nine out ten of the most impoverished places in western Europe within its own borders..while London is awash with money and rusky n saudi billionaire landlords own vast chunks of the countryside.. to be joined now by Indian billionaires for the price of a few crates of somtin they mite need And a gloating headline in the Express 


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17 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We read that the UK has nine out ten of the most impoverished places in western Europe within its own borders..while London is awash with money and rusky n saudi billionaire landlords own vast chunks of the countryside.. to be joined now by Indian billionaires for the price of a few crates of somtin they mite need And a gloating headline in the Express 


It’s great to see that you’re not in any way totally bent out of shape over Brexit Panz. For a while there I was worrying that you were a bit too obsessed by it. Happy days.

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22 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We read that the UK has nine out ten of the most impoverished places in western Europe within its own borders..while London is awash with money and rusky n saudi billionaire landlords own vast chunks of the countryside.. to be joined now by Indian billionaires for the price of a few crates of somtin they mite need And a gloating headline in the Express 


So when we give you lot Northern Ireland back you’ll have all 10


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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Amen. She also went into the Maze prison to talk with the Apes on both sides and began the meeting by taking off her wig and dropping it on the table, reminding Jonny Semtex that while he was terribly important she would have to be done by lunch as she had chemo in the afternoon. Master stroke. If they haven’t built a statue of her in Redcar, they should.

If she'd been a 'woman of colour', the statue would be a given.

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s great to see that you’re not in any way totally bent out of shape over Brexit Panz. For a while there I was worrying that you were a bit too obsessed by it. Happy days.

Its the gift that keeps on givin bally baby ..cant leave all these petrol bombs just sittin there..theres decades worth of them to use up


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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Is it the flags, the stormtrooper outfits, or big Eugene’s line in eugenics that gets you standing to attention?

Did your Grandad not get medals for fighting such people?

My Grandad was a great admirer of the Boers as it happens. Excellent marksmen, even on horseback. He also knew the blacks couldn't be trusted to run South Africa without turning it into a crime ridden shithole.

He always was a good judge of character.

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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Hours? I though the advice was that the benefits kick in 10/50/100 years from now, depending on which gobshite you are listening too at the time. It’s a cult, it’s central promise of deliverance has been exposed, apostates are treacherous, evil or stupid, and we all just need to believe a bit harder. Kool-Aid, anyone?

I know for a fact you are not stupid and I hope that view is reciprocated.

Having established this, I can honestly say that I voted to Leave the EU on the basis that it imbued a better way of dealing with world events for the UK and absolutely NOT on the notion that the day after we left qumquats would be 5p cheaper, my hearing appointment would be magiced up the NHS queue and I would no longer have to step over rough sleepers in doorways on my way to the squash court.

It wasn't an over romanticised idea to say 'I did it for my kids and grandkids'. The EU is a political project with political structures at its core and unpicking these would take a lifetime (just as cobbling together disparate countries to put the damn thing together has done). I'm afraid that all the bluster from the Remoaners is just that - bluster. Have their 'See! SEE!! Told you!' moment - I knew they would!

I didn't expect my rationale for Leaving to be quite so emphatically and quickly underlined as it has been with the EU's vaccination procurement and rollout farce, but that's an early indication of the advantage a nimble UK, outside the Brussels Bubble, can leverage. Ms Von Der Leyen's intemperate and dangerous response in threatening to close the Irish Border only serves to emphaise how right we were to leave.


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12 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Its the gift that keeps on givin bally baby ..cant leave all these petrol bombs just sittin there..theres decades worth of them to use up


I reckon you’d struggle to come up with enough unleaded to fill your Zippo Panzyboy.

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On 14/02/2021 at 22:19, King Billy said:

I don’t think you’re going to want the Rev. Ian to officiate Major. The smell of decomposing flesh might taint everyone’s memory of the happy day.

Out of likes. I've seriously fucked up there with the assumption Reverend Paisley's still breathing. I don't remember seeing it on the news. 

Then again, I don't think he fits the BBC's criteria these day's. 

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11 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

I know for a fact you are not stupid and I hope that view is reciprocated.

Having established this, I can honestly say that I voted to Leave the EU on the basis that it imbued a better way of dealing with world events for the UK and absolutely NOT on the notion that the day after we left qumquats would be 5p cheaper, my hearing appointment would be magiced up the NHS queue and I would no longer have to step over rough sleepers in doorways on my way to the squash court.

It wasn't an over romanticised idea to say 'I did it for my kids and grandkids'. The EU is a political project with political structures at its core and unpicking these would take a lifetime (just as cobbling together disparate countries to put the damn thing together has done). I'm afraid that all the bluster from the Remoaners is just that - bluster. Have their 'See! SEE!! Told you!' moment - I knew they would!

I didn't expect my rationale for Leaving to be quite so emphatically and quickly underlined as it has been with the EU's vaccination procurement and rollout farce, but that's an early indication of the advantage a nimble UK, outside the Brussels Bubble, can leverage. Ms Von Der Leyen's intemperate and dangerous response in threatening to close the Irish Border only serves to emphaise how right we were to leave.



"a nimble UK" 115,000 deaths. 



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12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

115,000 deaths. That'll be all the deaths that have occurred for whatever reason, and I bet the figures from 5 years ago before Covid weren't much different. Is it starting to sink in yet?

Frightened little baa lamb.

The most misleading stat was when one of the bigwigs, I think  Vallance, said there is someone being admitted every 30 seconds with Coronavirus. This was at around the peak 17th January. No context allowed, just a number to shit the daylights out of the peasantry.

In context, approx 160 A&E depts in England, all with acute admission beds under the on call physicians. 120 people per hour, doesn't even make 1 person per hour per dept average.

What bothers me most about the government propaganda, is that it is complete over reach. This virus is nasty for those that have severe symptoms, but overall the death rate is low.  Significant numbers of people have become numbed or simply don't believe what is being fed to them.  What the fuck happens if it, or another virus, gets really bad and there is a real threat of severe illness to a wider range of people. No cunt is going to believe them. 

And before there is an enquiry or whitewash into this debacle, particularly the issue with care homes, there needs to be an audit of all chest x rays taken between July and December 2019, to see when the distinct findings of bilateral pneumonitis started to appear more frequently out of range of usual occurrence. Otherwise, we will have a false starting point of the virus not being present in the UK until January 2020.


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16 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The most misleading stat was when one of the bigwigs, I think  Vallance, said there is someone being admitted every 30 seconds with Coronavirus. This was at around the peak 17th January. No context allowed, just a number to shit the daylights out of the peasantry.

In context, approx 160 A&E depts in England, all with acute admission beds under the on call physicians. 120 people per hour, doesn't even make 1 person per hour per dept average.

What bothers me most about the government propaganda, is that it is complete over reach. This virus is nasty for those that have severe symptoms, but overall the death rate is low.  Significant numbers of people have become numbed or simply don't believe what is being fed to them.  What the fuck happens if it, or another virus, gets really bad and there is a real threat of severe illness to a wider range of people. No cunt is going to believe them. 

And before there is an enquiry or whitewash into this debacle, particularly the issue with care homes, there needs to be an audit of all chest x rays taken between July and December 2019, to see when the distinct findings of bilateral pneumonitis started to appear more frequently out of range of usual occurrence. Otherwise, we will have a false starting point of the virus not being present in the UK until January 2020.


All good stuff but I reckon folks will just LOVE another pandemic. I think they're addicted to the soap-opera drama of it all - certainly there seems little appetite to question the government or the sanctions it has introduced. Quite the opposite, in fact Her Majesties Opposition's stance on the political reaction to all this is, broadly speaking, to have gone harder and earlier than the Government, which tells you everything you need to know about how fucking docile we / they have become in the face of a civil liberties grab that would make Pinochet shit treacle

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