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On 20/03/2020 at 21:41, ratcum said:

now that is good news Stub!! And there'll be no use the lazy cunts getting the begging bowls out either. 


Mrs Medalion at number 23 is 84 years old and has bought 15 nine packs of toilets rolls the silly old cow .. I've told her that she can't take them with her when she goes.

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5 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Mrs Medalion at number 23 is 84 years old and has bought 15 nine packs of toilets rolls the silly old cow .. I've told her that she can't take them with her when she goes.

So I did a massive shop earlier as there was a big delivery in . Bought loo roll, pasta ,bread ,Soup , hand gels the lot . My trolley was absolutely rammed full. Then I saw this old man behind me with only two things . He looked sad and said “I’ve only managed to get a box of Kleenex and a bag of nuts  everything else is gone “😞 . I felt terrible . Here I am with all this stuff waiting in line and this poor old man had fuck all . So I did the right thing and said to him “go on mate , you go in front , you’ve only got two things 😬 .

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48 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So I did a massive shop earlier as there was a big delivery in . Bought loo roll, pasta ,bread ,Soup , hand gels the lot . My trolley was absolutely rammed full. Then I saw this old man behind me with only two things . He looked sad and said “I’ve only managed to get a box of Kleenex and a bag of nuts  everything else is gone “😞 . I felt terrible . Here I am with all this stuff waiting in line and this poor old man had fuck all . So I did the right thing and said to him “go on mate , you go in front , you’ve only got two things 😬 .

You generous cunt. 

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On 21/03/2020 at 22:10, PANZER MURPHY said:



I was trying to find an Oirishman during my lifetime that's a household name in physics/technology, or has contributed to mankind in some unique way. I'm afraid, I'm stumped.

One thing that you certainly excelled in was terrorism. The Mohammad's have had nowhere near as much success as the Provos on the UK mainland.

Seeing as it's looking likely that you're due a goat shagger influx, I'm hoping the figures will be of a Moses type exeodus, (wrong religion I know.)

Maybe the boys could show them how it's done properly. I'd like to think that selecting anywhere bar old blighty's as a target now, after the Gandhi style intervention of 'Bill I'll shag and sniff anything Clinton.')

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11 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

I was trying to find an Oirishman during my lifetime that's a household name in physics/technology, or has contributed to mankind in some unique way. I'm afraid, I'm stumped.

One thing that you certainly excelled in was terrorism. The Mohammad's have had nowhere near as much success as the Provos on the UK mainland.

Seeing as it's looking like you're receiving an influx, maybe the boys could show them how it's done properly. I'd like to think that selecting anywhere bar old blighty's obvious.

Ernest Walton, Robert Boyle, George Johnston Stoney to name three. 

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2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

I was trying to find an Oirishman during my lifetime that's a household name in physics/technology, or has contributed to mankind in some unique way. I'm afraid, I'm stumped.

One thing that you certainly excelled in was terrorism. The Mohammad's have had nowhere near as much success as the Provos on the UK mainland.

Seeing as it's looking like you're receiving an influx, maybe the boys could show them how it's done properly. I'd like to think that selecting anywhere bar old blighty's obvious.

Maybe thats because you're an idiot too


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14 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Ernest Walton, Robert Boyle, George Johnston Stoney to name three. 

So you're an Oirish do-as-you-likey then? The type who indulge in ripping off OAP's, and shitting in council parks.

I hope the cunts all contract Corana and die. 

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2 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

So you're an Oirish do-as-you-likey then? The type who indulge in ripping off OAP's, and shitting in council parks.

I hope the cunts all contract Corana and die. 

Diagnosis confirmed..you have idiot..nothin to be done im afraid..probably born with it


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2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Just keep blowing on the skin flute with your Willie Nelson tribute act. I hear Louis Walsh is looking for new talent.

I hear puttin one thumb up your arse n other thumb in your mouth will keep the idiot in and the Corana out ..

* i may have made that up


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3 hours ago, ratcum said:

Didn't know you'd be doing bird MC. You haven't been telling the truth again have you? I did warn you

"CLUNK CHINK EVERY TRIP" is the new Rat mantra. Death to these covid oozing dogs


I'm as honest as a Jewish MP, Ratters! I've no intention on doing any more bird, but that's subject to change on here.

You might wanna rethink the new mantra though, I believe a certain tracksuit clad pedo was heavily involved in that business.

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The capitalist system is built on debt. Now the peasants at the bottom of the pile can't pay their debts, because they have been told to fuck off home and lock their doors, the fucking government is giving away money. If the debts aren't paid the banks will go tits up....again. This is not sustainable. I'm guessing a shitload of money will have to be written off in some form of agreement between the leading economies and the World bank. Those that have an interest in making their ideology stick,  have no choice, or have to eat humble pie and say capitalism doesn't work and Mr Chink's communism is better. 

Meanwhile, in the real World, the bodies are mounting up. Cunts like me have to attend to the virus carriers with little more protection than a surgical mask, plastic apron and gloves. No wonder some of the clinicians are becoming the punters. Virtually all of the healthcare resource is directed at this fucking thing, but the long list of people that have multiple comorbidities still need their conditions managed, the elective surgery waiting lists will become even longer and cancer detection success will drop. Probably more people will die prematurely from inadequate and sub optimal healthcare the next few years than die directly from contracting coronavirus.

Whatever ones theory of how this virus came to be in circulation, we are not getting the show back on the road like before anytime soon. 

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