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Anthony Joshua

Guest Blunt Cunt

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19 hours ago, Blunt Cunt said:

Listen you Major Cunt. Not every cunting requires a ten thousand word thesis. In fact some of the best cuntings are the short, sweet and simple ones. Who the fuck made you such an expert on the subject of cunting. I've read some of your posts and you're nothing special you twat of a cunt. You can fuck right off also, you absolute raging gay cunt. Go and cunt yourself.

My, my you're a touchy soul, ain't you? A word of advice my pedigree chum - cunts who come on here giving it the Barry McGuigan* don't last too long.

I know more about cunting than a fucking gynaecologist.

So wind your neck in dickhead.


* Barry McGuigan = the bigun

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21 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Look at this Marje! All that arsecrawling and this is what you get. They don’t appreciate you Marjorie me old mate. You were much happier when Jamal was slipping you a length in the nick I reckon. Still, you’ve always got me to be your pal Marje. You can rely on me. 😎

Be careful Judge, when Marjorie finally escapes from that paper bag that he's trying to punch his way out of he will go straight to your kneecaps with those little fists of his.

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Guest judgetwi
17 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Look at you Jewdz? Growing a pair of bollocks now his arselicker mates are backing him up.

I can take the piss out of cunts like you all day. Know what I mean.

Fat fucking wanker.


16 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Would you like to lick my arse Judge? I've just had a shit....

Jolly hockey sticks!......you are an  angry little cabbage patch doll today. May I suggest going to your GP and getting some of those happy pills? It’s all strictly legal and above board. No repercussions I assure you.

You can trust me Marje.

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6 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

My, my you're a touchy soul, ain't you? A word of advice my pedigree chum - cunts who come on here giving it the Barry McGuigan* don't last too long.

I know more about cunting than a fucking gynaecologist.

So wind your neck in dickhead.


* Barry McGuigan = the bigun

You’ve got to be the weakest character on here, bar none. 

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12 hours ago, judgetwi said:


Jolly hockey sticks!......you are an  angry little cabbage patch doll today. May I suggest going to your GP and getting some of those happy pills? It’s all strictly legal and above board. No repercussions I assure you.

You can trust me Marje.

I'm a Rastafarian, Jewdz. So I'm just rolling a fat zoot, I don't take anything prescription wise from the Babylon unless necessary. Well apart from the odd Xanax or Valium. I'll bear that in mind however, Jewdz. Thanks.

I've been winding up some of the Wall boys I know regarding Charlton's new owners.

🎵 We're in the money 🎵

Back where we belong as a mid table premiership club. Problem with the Wall is, well there's more than a few, but no Arab or Cossack is stupid enough to buy that pile of shit for a few rubles, or camels.

Know what I mean...

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12 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Frank, I reported KB for insulting my dead parents, and he, quite rightly,  got banned.  Actually reporting him made me feel unclean, and full of self loathing, but I'm over it now.

Good. I noticed old Roops let that Greek cunt out the cooler again, in a vein attempt to put the cat amongst the pigeons. 

It's not quite working out though. The dickhead still hasn't made a nom, and is utterly shite.

What's a man to do Withers? Personally, I think the kindest thing at the moment would be a booking at Dignitus.

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1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

Good. I noticed old Roops let that Greek cunt out the cooler again, in a vein attempt to put the cat amongst the pigeons. 

It's not quite working out though. The dickhead still hasn't made a nom, and is utterly shite.

What's a man to do Withers? Personally, I think the kindest thing at the moment would be a booking at Dignitus.

A bit drastic. Are you sure you should end it all.

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26 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

A bit drastic. Are you sure you should end it all.

It is a bit, yes. However there's no need for a trip to Switzerland anymore. You can buy the gear they use off the web and go diy. Especially when your on a budget like Francois. I was reading an article on it earlier.

Shame really, being such a beautiful country. I certainly feel cutting out the middleman is a fools errand in this instance.

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8 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Frank, I reported KB for insulting my dead parents, and he, quite rightly,  got banned.  Actually reporting him made me feel unclean, and full of self loathing, but I'm over it now.

I don’t bear you any Ill feelings. I would have been a lot more surprised (and disappointed) if you hadn’t informed on me. It would have made me doubt your claim to be French. C’est la vie.

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Guest Blunt Cunt
19 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

My, my you're a touchy soul, ain't you? A word of advice my pedigree chum - cunts who come on here giving it the Barry McGuigan* don't last too long.

I know more about cunting than a fucking gynaecologist.

So wind your neck in dickhead.


* Barry McGuigan = the bigun

My dearest Major (gay) Cunt,

It is with great sadness that I feel the need to direct some more cunting your way. If I recall correctly, it is you who instigated this acrimonious and hostile dialogue. I came to this website with lashings of positivity, hoping to find like-minded individuals with whom I could converse with. Regrettably I was subjected to your brash and hubristic comments, which were in no way welcoming to a fellow newbie cunter. 

Perhaps you have graced the pages of this cunt website for many a moon more than I, but that my dear cunt does not maketh your actions right.

You are clearly a deranged and lonely cunt of the homosexual variety. I'm utterly convinced that you in fact use this website to phish for young male victims. Victims who you use and abuse to satisfy your perverse and deviant like sexual gratification.

Given my observations of you I hereby announce that you are forthwith officially the biggest gay cunt loser micropenis cunt that has ever graced there fine pages.

My cunt regards

Blunt cunt


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19 minutes ago, Blunt Cunt said:

My dearest Major (gay) Cunt,

It is with great sadness that I feel the need to direct some more cunting your way. If I recall correctly, it is you who instigated this acrimonious and hostile dialogue. I came to this website with lashings of positivity, hoping to find like-minded individuals with whom I could converse with. Regrettably I was subjected to your brash and hubristic comments, which were in no way welcoming to a fellow newbie cunter. 

Perhaps you have graced the pages of this cunt website for many a moon more than I, but that my dear cunt does not maketh your actions right.

You are clearly a deranged and lonely cunt of the homosexual variety. I'm utterly convinced that you in fact use this website to phish for young male victims. Victims who you use and abuse to satisfy your perverse and deviant like sexual gratification.

Given my observations of you I hereby announce that you are forthwith officially the biggest gay cunt loser micropenis cunt that has ever graced there fine pages.

My cunt regards

Blunt cunt


How old are you? 12 - 13 years is what this post suggests. If you’re older, I suggest you kill yourself immediately.

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19 minutes ago, Blunt Cunt said:

My dearest Major (gay) Cunt,

It is with great sadness that I feel the need to direct some more cunting your way. If I recall correctly, it is you who instigated this acrimonious and hostile dialogue. I came to this website with lashings of positivity, hoping to find like-minded individuals with whom I could converse with. Regrettably I was subjected to your brash and hubristic comments, which were in no way welcoming to a fellow newbie cunter. 

Perhaps you have graced the pages of this cunt website for many a moon more than I, but that my dear cunt does not maketh your actions right.

You are clearly a deranged and lonely cunt of the homosexual variety. I'm utterly convinced that you in fact use this website to phish for young male victims. Victims who you use and abuse to satisfy your perverse and deviant like sexual gratification.

Given my observations of you I hereby announce that you are forthwith officially the biggest gay cunt loser micropenis cunt that has ever graced there fine pages.

My cunt regards

Blunt cunt


I second @Ape™️'s request. Although I would prefer you make the suicide as drawn out and agonising as you can. If you disembowel yourself just right you can last for days, add some crushed glass and salt and inject yourself with adrenaline to avoid going into shock.



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32 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

How old are you? 12 - 13 years is what this post suggests. If you’re older, I suggest you kill yourself immediately.


21 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I second @Ape™️'s request. Although I would prefer you make the suicide as drawn out and agonising as you can. If you disembowel yourself just right you can last for days, add some crushed glass and salt and inject yourself with adrenaline to avoid going into shock.




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Guest Blunt Cunt
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:



Blimey. I'm really impressed. My heart's bleeding. I'm off to go and top myself. Thanks fellow cunters, you've done yourselves proud.


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3 hours ago, Blunt Cunt said:

My dearest Major (gay) Cunt,

It is with great sadness that I feel the need to direct some more cunting your way. If I recall correctly, it is you who instigated this acrimonious and hostile dialogue. I came to this website with lashings of positivity, hoping to find like-minded individuals with whom I could converse with. Regrettably I was subjected to your brash and hubristic comments, which were in no way welcoming to a fellow newbie cunter. 

Perhaps you have graced the pages of this cunt website for many a moon more than I, but that my dear cunt does not maketh your actions right.

You are clearly a deranged and lonely cunt of the homosexual variety. I'm utterly convinced that you in fact use this website to phish for young male victims. Victims who you use and abuse to satisfy your perverse and deviant like sexual gratification.

Given my observations of you I hereby announce that you are forthwith officially the biggest gay cunt loser micropenis cunt that has ever graced there fine pages.

My cunt regards

Blunt cunt


I'll take from this post the following points. I detect a frustrated working mans club comedian, who received on average 10 empty Toby Jugs aimed at your head as an applause in 76.

Finds a perfect ruse to insert a quite disturbing story. It follows a Crimewatch like reconstruction which is clearly arousing you. I'd wager you clearly model yourself too much on Dennis Neilson, and present a clear danger to rent-boys.

Add the obligatory mediocre micro penis jibe, and it's a full house.

Listen you came here giving it Charlie Big Spuds, and we cunted you off. It's now a case of whether you're gonna be like a 1000 other cunts who fold and fuck off, or grow a fucking pair and man up.



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2 hours ago, Blunt Cunt said:

Blimey. I'm really impressed. My heart's bleeding. I'm off to go and top myself. Thanks fellow cunters, you've done yourselves proud.


Take a deep breath, stop taking it personally and you might be good at this in a couple of decades.

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