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Gary Lineker


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14 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m hurt, Francis. I was aiming for Papal infallibility in our interactions.

I like you LCS.. that's for sure. I'm rather fond of the beeb too. Despite all those queer fucking jews running the show for the past twenty years, they're not a bad bunch. It's those cunts Davie, Sharp, Gibb and other Tory donors that need to be removed. Don't get me started on poor David Attenborough's new series.

Lineker reinstated by Monday. What do you think @Decimus?

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Neil, you bitter old racist... Did you know Claude, that Gooner cunt off of Arsenal TV? I liked him, proper fan and funny cunt to boot. He's dead now, which I'm also glad of. 

I knew of him yes, more limbs than brain cells. Killed himself I believe. Called Son of Spuds 'DVD' and got sacked from AFTV. God rest his racist,thick as pig shit soul.

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10 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Geoff Hurst and Garth Crooks. 


Decs shared that with me a few years ago. It was during Italia 90 and I’m pretty sure old Geoff did on purpose because it thought crooks was; A) a shit player and shoe in pundit because of his colour; B). an annoying little cunt; and C) black 

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


Decs shared that with me a few years ago. It was during Italia 90 and I’m pretty sure old Geoff did on purpose because it thought crooks was; A) a shit player and shoe in pundit because of his colour; B). an annoying little cunt; and C) black 

D) country & western star.

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The problem at the moment is that the tail is wagging the dog, I think the Beeb will have to do a Saville and swallow. Come contract renewal time I hope every last one of these cunts wait for the post that will never come. Wright,Lineker and best of all Alex 'woe is me' cunt Scott will fade into oblivion.

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14 minutes ago, Neil said:

The problem at the moment is that the tail is wagging the dog, I think the Beeb will have to do a Saville and swallow. Come contract renewal time I hope every last one of these cunts wait for the post that will never come. Wright,Lineker and best of all Alex 'woe is me' cunt Scott will fade into oblivion.

I’m sure some vile tabloid hacks are searching old jug ears closets for the dirt they we’re all praying for. 

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16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’m sure some vile tabloid hacks are search old jug ears closets for the dirty we’re all praying for. 

Searching his laundry basket would turn up something very dirty. The shitty-arsed whining little fucking baby. 
 And his kids look like Mr Potato-Heads. And the older he gets, the more he looks like a nazi propagandist’s interpretation of a Jew. Fuck I hate this cunt. I wonder if he would be up for a fight. I want his ears.

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

GB News? Talk TV? Oh, Eric. Say it ain’t so…..

Rebaz Mohammed 28 an Iraqi ‘asylum seeker’ lol who arrived in the U.K. on a dinghy repeatedly stabbed an 18 year old stranger Ellis Wheeler in the back in Southampton last year, leaving the victim fighting for his life.  He told the court that he had committed this act after he had become disillusioned with living in a taxpayer funded hotel and had requested unsuccessfully several times that the Home Office allow him to return home to Iraq. He had been informed by the Home office that he could only be deported if he had committed a serious violent offence, advice which he duly obliged. He was sentenced last week to six years for almost killing an innocent British teenager, meaning that the filthy uninvited subhuman cunt will be back out on the streets in 3 years, by which time he’ll probably have changed his mind and decided to check into the local Hilton and give us another chance to show him that we’re not all horrible racists like Gary Lineker keeps insisting we are.

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8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I disagree with you on many things but a harsh truth is that we simply have no room or means to accomodate these people coming across the channel. In simple terms the government have no alternative but to do everything possible to try to stop these people and what they are doing does not compare with what the nazis did. Linerker and his fellow presenters and pundits should be ashamed of themselves and remember who actually pays for their wages and if that is a problem for them they should resign.

'Linerker'? On this rare occasion I don't give a shit, Pen. Why can't you comment like this more often? I 100% agree. You'll always fill me with contempt, you dog-hating shitewank. But yes, how can one compare the 1938 Kristallnacht (for example) with simply wishing to oppose illegal channel crossings to an already overpopulated string of islands?  

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21 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

'Linerker'? On this rare occasion I don't give a shit, Pen. Why can't you comment like this more often? I 100% agree. You'll always fill me with contempt, you dog-hating shitewank. But yes, how can one compare the 1938 Kristallnacht (for example) with simply wishing to oppose illegal channel crossings to an already overpopulated string of islands?  

Its dog owners that I hate, the failure of all too many to train their pet. Cunts who wander about talking into their mobile phones whilst "walking" with their dogs unleashed and neither knowing or even caring whether their dog is following them or even knowing what it is doing.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

how can one compare the 1938 Kristallnacht (for example) with simply wishing to oppose illegal channel crossings to an already overpopulated string of islands?  

Lineker said the language used to promote the new policy was reminiscent of 1930’s Germany. I know you’d agree language is important. Talk of “invaders”, “swarming to our shores” is inflammatory and deliberately intended to arouse people like you. You’ve fallen for it. 

When we look at Auschwitz we see the end of the process. It’s important to remember that the Holocaust actually did not start from gas chambers. This hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanisation & escalating violence.

— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) November 26, 2018

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8 hours ago, Neil said:

The problem at the moment is that the tail is wagging the dog, I think the Beeb will have to do a Saville and swallow. Come contract renewal time I hope every last one of these cunts wait for the post that will never come. Wright,Lineker and best of all Alex 'woe is me' cunt Scott will fade into oblivion.

You’re a builder Neil, right? Are you old enough to remember the blacklist in the 1970’s? Certain building groups and site foremen kept a list of undesirable Union types they wouldn’t employ on their death trap sites, cynically exploiting cheap foreign labour and the ranks of mass unemployed to throw up their builds cheaply and quickly. Many builders, including Ricky Tomlinson I believe, went to jail for breaking anti Union laws at the time. 

Now here you at the fag end of your career, advocating for the establishment, hoping they will keep a grubby little list of people who dared to standup for one another, and so some white-lipped bureaucrat can deprive them of their livelihood for so doing. Instead you’d appoint the desperate souls prepared to the look the other way and toe the party line. I’m glad I don’t work with you. You belong running a cockle-picking gang in Morecambe Bay. 

Given your apparent politics and your predilection for Tuscan Villas, I think I’ll now think of you as Il Duce. You’re a fucking disgrace. 

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17 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Lineker said the language used to promote the new policy was reminiscent of 1930’s Germany. I know you’d agree language is important. Talk of “invaders”, “swarming to our shores” is inflammatory and deliberately intended to arouse people like you. You’ve fallen for it. 

When we look at Auschwitz we see the end of the process. It’s important to remember that the Holocaust actually did not start from gas chambers. This hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanisation & escalating violence.

— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) November 26, 2018

I would never get the impression you are a libtard doc or just possess the political acumen of a boiled cabbage, but it appears it is most likely curtains for Mr Lineker, unless he sucks the zionist pullback, stayback cock and offers some sort of apology. 

It seems Mr Lineker has previously infuriated a number of zionists with his 1930's Germany references, so much so that their lawyers wrote to the BBC to advise them to keep their pet on a short fucking lead. However, with his latest unauthorised use of the holocaustiality card, it is obviously evident he still had not learnt where the true power lies.


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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Relocating to Australia seems a rather strange decision then.

I always liked the Antrim Coast, Bill. But the idea of moving there fell at the first hurdle. I have the average number of thumbs, for one thing, don’t have a taste for incest, haven’t yet come up with a good answer to the question “yes, but what kind of atheist are you, a Catholic one or a Prod?”, don’t suit a balaclava, and I quite like my kneecaps. 

Besides, I married an Aussie who lived with me in 🇬🇧 for 25 years, it seems only fair to reciprocate. 

Yesterday after speaking to a friend in Chesterfield about the snow, I had a walk with the dogs on Yallingup beach then a four course lunch at Wills Domain. Which was nice.  

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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I would never get the impression you are a libtard doc or just possess the political acumen of a boiled cabbage, but it appears it is most likely curtains for Mr Lineker, unless he sucks the zionist pullback, stayback cock and offers some sort of apology

It seems Mr Lineker has previously infuriated a number of zionists with his 1930's Germany references, so much so that their lawyers wrote to the BBC to advise them to keep their pet on a short fucking lead. However, with his latest unauthorised use of the holocaustiality card, it is obviously evident he still had not learnt where the true power lies.


I’m prepared to bet against this eventuality. 

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I'm a believer in what some cunt in history once said "I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death of your right to say it". Lineker had every right to his view however fucking stupid it was. But what everyone who's boycotting don't understand is that he broke his contract by not being impartial. Which to me suggests that the only thing that registered in his brain when he looked at his contract was the amount he would be trousering and 'sign here'. 


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26 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm a believer in what some cunt in history once said "I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death of your right to say it". Lineker had every right to his view however fucking stupid it was. But what everyone who's boycotting don't understand is that he broke his contract by not being impartial. Which to me suggests that the only thing that registered in his brain when he looked at his contract was the amount he would be trousering and 'sign here'. 


I don’t actually blame him. I blame everyone else. Society is now so sheepish and incapable of independent thought, that they immediately agree with whoever the media tells them to.

If in 1982, George Best had said he disagreed with Thatcher’s handling of the Falklands invasion, the country and media would have said… “who gives a fuck. You’re a footballer”. But the culture of celebrity has brainwashed everyone into believing that anyone on telly is much cleverer than they are. 

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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm a believer in what some cunt in history once said "I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death of your right to say it". Lineker had every right to his view however fucking stupid it was.

But what everyone who's boycotting don't understand is that he broke his contract by not being impartial. Which to me suggests that the only thing that registered in his brain when he looked at his contract was the amount he would be trousering and 'sign here'. 


Proving you can be right and wrong here. First part is quite correct, people should generally be free to express opinions, however wrong you might think they are. Your second part falls down on the fact that no such “signed contract” stipulating impartiality on this subject seems to exist, as I suspect if it did it would be in the public eye by now. If Gary gave no undertaking to anyone regarding his social media use - and remembering he does not appear to be a BBC employee - I think the case against him is pretty thin, and seemingly based entirely on some people not liking what he said. Tough. 

As @Eric Cuntman said, surely the correct answer if you disagree is “and as a footballer, what the fuck would you know about it, Jug ears?” which is both fair comment and a million miles from trying to get him the push. 

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You’re a builder Neil, right? Are you old enough to remember the blacklist in the 1970’s? Certain building groups and site foremen kept a list of undesirable Union types they wouldn’t employ on their death trap sites, cynically exploiting cheap foreign labour and the ranks of mass unemployed to throw up their builds cheaply and quickly. Many builders, including Ricky Tomlinson I believe, went to jail for breaking anti Union laws at the time. 

Now here you at the fag end of your career, advocating for the establishment, hoping they will keep a grubby little list of people who dared to standup for one another, and so some white-lipped bureaucrat can deprive them of their livelihood for so doing. Instead you’d appoint the desperate souls prepared to the look the other way and toe the party line. I’m glad I don’t work with you. You belong running a cockle-picking gang in Morecambe Bay. 

Given your apparent politics and your predilection for Tuscan Villas, I think I’ll now think of you as Il Duce. You’re a fucking disgrace. 

Grazie Mille

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I don’t actually blame him. I blame everyone else. Society is now so sheepish and incapable of independent thought, that they immediately agree with whoever the media tells them to.

If in 1982, George Best had said he disagreed with Thatcher’s handling of the Falklands invasion, the country and media would have said… “who gives a fuck. You’re a footballer”. But the culture of celebrity has brainwashed everyone into believing that anyone on telly is much cleverer than they are. 

To me he looks like a slimey, lazy cunt who need a wash and shave .. that alone should be enough to get him the sack.

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