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The Fall of Kabul

Last Cunt Standing

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3 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I'm a Unionist KB. Not of the Ulster variety of course but I abhor the current sickening trend of separatism which is steeped in sheer ignorance with regard to the history of one's country. British and Irish history have been intertwined since day one. To fully understand one, you must understand the other or there will be huge holes in your argument that the likes of Paddy can exploit when they get called out on their bullshit revisionism. 

Unfortunately, kids in English schools are taught very little about the rest of the Union but what is taught about Northern Ireland has a far left slant almost reminiscent of IRA propaganda portraying it like a stolen child which should be handed over to Dublin without even bothering to explain the history of Irish unionism. Of course most schoolkids don't really give a fuck from that point on but the false notion that NI isn't really part of the UK tends to stick in the back of young impressionable minds and comes back to the surface when they see biased dramas about the troubles spewed out by the BBC or even worse, Hollywood. I wonder if I'll ever see one that lays bare the atrocities committed against Irish Protestants by the supposedly gallant IRA in the wake of partition before I die but in truth, I doubt I ever will.

I've just finished an excellent biography on Churchill called Walking with destiny by Andrew Roberts which covers how he, Lloyd-George and Chamberlain ran rings around Sinn Fein during the treaty negotiations forcing them to compromise on one principle after another. The Free state tried to wriggle out of it in the following years but in reality, it was never going to happen. They should have just counted themselves fortunate Churchill didn't re-occupy them during WWII and turn their bog into one big army encampment.

Holywood pap is the key to a lot of the modern issues. If you step back more than 500 year none of those "heroes" were nationalists or fighting for independence, they were simply using England, Scotland Wales or Ireland or wherever as a base from which to launch a bid to control everything within the these islands.

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15 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Good to see the Taliban tooled up with US supplied M16s, no doubt dropped by the brave Afghan coppers and ‘special forces’. Cowardly fucking cunts


16 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ll bet you a tenner wolfster, not a single one of these cunts will be vetted before they come here or to other caring and compassionate democracies. What a great opportunity to insert a few 1000 jihadi cunts bent on slaughtering as many infidels as possible. I look forward to one of these desperate souls marching into a primary school and stabbing a dozen reception kids.

All Afghans should be mercy killed

It's worse than when it started. The Americans have essentially given the Taliban a comprehensive military arsenal upgrade. Now the ragheads have expert weapons training in addition to state-of-the-art assault rifles, ancillary anti-tank missiles and drones specifically designed for the Afghan terrain.

Despite the US being the biggest and most technical military empire the world has ever seen – comprising 20 years of construction and a budget of hundreds of $billions – the country collapsed within a week. Typically, so as not to incite further racial tension, the BBC-led UK media has seldom mentioned the role of the Afghan government, especially its obscene corruption and miss-management of its US-funded 'army' following the withdrawl of Western troops. Two decades and they simply threw their weapons away and ran.

The people have to want to fight and clearly they didn't. Around 40,000,000 Afghans are being ruled by around 80,000 Taliban. They outnumber them approximately 500:1, so in spite of having had an open cheque book for 20 years, they still didn't have the bollocks to regain their freedom.

How the Bush Administration, Tony Blair and his war-mongering propagandist Alastair 'Goebbels' Campbell aren’t in prison for what they did 20 years ago is beyond me. What happened then has led to the colossal fuck-up that's unfolding now. Perhaps they'll reappoint Blair as Middle East Peace Envoy, lol.

Now, thousands of Afghan 'asylum seekers' will be looking for refuge in the UK. All the terrorist attacks which have unfolded in recent times make one thing very clear: you can't win a war againt Islamic ideology. It will keep coming, so what better way for UK-based extremists than to have an influx of potential new recruits? 

This has been a huge disrespect for our soldiers who were sent to fight a battle they couldn't win, enduring horrors far and beyond anything most of us will experience. 

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32 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


It's worse than when it started. The Americans have essentially given the Taliban a comprehensive military arsenal upgrade. Now the ragheads have expert weapons training in addition to state-of-the-art assault rifles, ancillary anti-tank missiles and drones specifically designed for the Afghan terrain.

Despite the US being the biggest and most technical military empire the world has ever seen – comprising 20 years of construction and a budget of hundreds of $billions – the country collapsed within a week. Typically, so as not to incite further racial tension, the BBC-led UK media has seldom mentioned the role of the Afghan government, especially its obscene corruption and miss-management of its US-funded 'army' following the withdrawl of Western troops. Two decades and they simply threw their weapons away and ran.

The people have to want to fight and clearly they didn't. Around 40,000,000 Afghans are being ruled by around 80,000 Taliban. They outnumber them approximately 500:1, so in spite of having had an open cheque book for 20 years, they still didn't have the bollocks to regain their freedom.

How the Bush Administration, Tony Blair and his war-mongering propagandist Alastair 'Goebbels' Campbell aren’t in prison for what they did 20 years ago is beyond me. What happened then has led to the colossal fuck-up that's unfolding now. Perhaps they'll reappoint Blair as Middle East Peace Envoy, lol.

Now, thousands of Afghan 'asylum seekers' will be looking for refuge in the UK. All the terrorist attacks which have unfolded in recent times make one thing very clear: you can't win a war againt Islamic ideology. It will keep coming, so what better way for UK-based extremists than to have an influx of potential new recruits? 

This has been a huge disrespect for our soldiers who were sent to fight a battle they couldn't win, enduring horrors far and beyond anything most of us will experience. 

Its almost like the majority of the people they spent twenty years training were just taking the opportunity to learn more about their military tactics and intelligence and had absolutely no intention of liberating their country from a government that people, who they've been told since birth were an oppressive and militaristic empire, on the other side of the world, told them was bad.

No one could have foreseen that flying in cocks swinging and blowing cunts up left and right before occupying a place for two decades based on very fucking shaky justifications could breed contempt within the locals...

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26 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


It's worse than when it started. The Americans have essentially given the Taliban a comprehensive military arsenal upgrade. Now the ragheads have expert weapons training in addition to state-of-the-art assault rifles, ancillary anti-tank missiles and drones specifically designed for the Afghan terrain.

Despite the US being the biggest and most technical military empire the world has ever seen – comprising 20 years of construction and a budget of hundreds of $billions – the country collapsed within a week. Typically, so as not to incite further racial tension, the BBC-led UK media has seldom mentioned the role of the Afghan government, especially its obscene corruption and miss-management of its US-funded 'army' following the withdrawl of Western troops. Two decades and they simply threw their weapons away and ran.

The people have to want to fight and clearly they didn't. Around 40,000,000 Afghans are being ruled by around 80,000 Taliban. They outnumber them approximately 500:1, so in spite of having had an open cheque book for 20 years, they still didn't have the bollocks to regain their freedom.

How the Bush Administration, Tony Blair and his war-mongering propagandist Alastair 'Goebbels' Campbell aren’t in prison for what they did 20 years ago is beyond me. What happened then has led to the colossal fuck-up that's unfolding now. Perhaps they'll reappoint Blair as Middle East Peace Envoy, lol.

Now, thousands of Afghan 'asylum seekers' will be looking for refuge in the UK. All the terrorist attacks which have unfolded in recent times make one thing very clear: you can't win a war againt Islamic ideology. It will keep coming, so what better way for UK-based extremists than to have an influx of potential new recruits? 

This has been a huge disrespect for our soldiers who were sent to fight a battle they couldn't win, enduring horrors far and beyond anything most of us will experience. 

You will find that a lot of the savages had already been quietly allocated away from the Central Control, to the much poorer areas of the country. It's not like the government is dumping these savages by stealth., in places where they can "blend-in" with a lot of previous migration flows.

Just yesterday, the BBC bleated on an Afghan kid falling out of a hotel window in Sheffield. If it wasn't for the fact, most people would have been unaware of the disguised asylum process going on behind their backs, in areas with one of the lowest GDP output in the country.

As far I am concerned, the whole country of Afghanistan should be walled off and left to consume of what is left of its resources, before the remaining idle populace finishes the job in a civil war.

I think it is Turkey and Iran that are furiously building a "Trump Wall" to isolate themselves from the huge influx of Afghan migrants, on their way to Europe.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its almost like the majority of the people they spent twenty years training were just taking the opportunity to learn more about their military tactics and intelligence and had absolutely no intention of liberating their country from a government that people, who they've been told since birth were an oppressive and militaristic empire, on the other side of the world, told them was bad.

No one could have foreseen that flying in cocks swinging and blowing cunts up left and right before occupying a place for two decades based on very fucking shaky justifications could breed contempt within the locals...

It would have needed a regime like the one in North Korea to reprogramme their minds to make any change. If the soviets had been left alone back in the 1980s or even supported in doing the work things might have change.

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6 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

You will find that a lot of the savages had already been quietly allocated away from the Central Control, to the much poorer areas of the country. It's not like the government is dumping these savages by stealth., in places where they can "blend-in" with a lot of previous migration flows.

Just yesterday, the BBC bleated on an Afghan kid falling out of a hotel window in Sheffield. If it wasn't for the fact, most people would have been unaware of the disguised asylum process going on behind their backs, in areas with one of the lowest GDP output in the country.

As far I am concerned, the whole country of Afghanistan should be walled off and left to consume of what is left of its resources, before the remaining idle populace finishes the job in a civil war.

I think it is Turkey and Iran that are furiously building a "Trump Wall" to isolate themselves from the huge influx of Afghan migrants, on their way to Europe.

Perhaps the only other option to a North Korea type regime. Something I admire about Enver Hoxa  of Albania is that although he was born a muslim he realised that religion was stupid and almost eliminated it from his country.

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9 minutes ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Something I admire about Enver Hoxa of Albania is that although he was born a muslim he realised that religion was stupid and almost eliminated it from his country.

A shame that his fellow Albanian, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, hadn't been similarly enlightened, the wizened old cunt.

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Turkey building border wall as more afghan refugees arrive from Iran


A Turkish soldier stands at Iran-Turkey border. (Reuters )

August 19, 2021

Fearing a new refugee crisis, Turkey is reinforcing its border with Iran to stop a potential influx of Afghans fleeing following the Taliban’s seizure of power in Afghanistan.

Irregular arrivals are already up as Afghans who fled weeks and months ago show up at the rugged border area after a long trek across Iran.

A group of Afghans encountered by The Associated Press near the border said they had deserted the Afghan military and fled the country as the Taliban offensive accelerated.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government had brushed off warnings and criticism from opposition parties about an increase in the number of migrants from Afghanistan.

This week, he admitted that Turkey faces a new refugee wave from Afghanistan and said his government would work with Pakistan to try and bring stability in the war-ravage country.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said the border with Iran is being reinforced with troops and that a wall being erected at the border is nearing completion.

Iran said on Wednesday it will not allow refugees to cross the border from Afghanistan.

Anti-migration sentiment is already running high in the Turkey with 4 million refugees, as it grapples with economic woes – including high unemployment – that have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

Video images circulating on social media over the past months have shown groups of young men allegedly arriving in Turkey from Iran.

Some media reported that up to 1,000 migrants have been crossing the border with Iran every day.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

"Shit! Guys, help! Help!" 0:19 LOL

Jesus, you couldn't make this up. General Milley broadcasts quite a lot and presumably at 1:15 sec is gently asked by Defense Secretary Austin to STFU, to which he responds by holding up his hands in defiance and continuing to waffle.

Moscow, Beijing, and just about every Islamic state on Earth must be pissing themselves at the unfolding chaos.

Anyway, why the fuck isn't BBC News broadcasting this? The comments following this story reveal more than the cunting mainstream UK media has reported in the past week:


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2 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Turkey building border wall as more afghan refugees arrive from Iran


A Turkish soldier stands at Iran-Turkey border. (Reuters )

August 19, 2021

Fearing a new refugee crisis, Turkey is reinforcing its border with Iran to stop a potential influx of Afghans fleeing following the Taliban’s seizure of power in Afghanistan.

Irregular arrivals are already up as Afghans who fled weeks and months ago show up at the rugged border area after a long trek across Iran.

A group of Afghans encountered by The Associated Press near the border said they had deserted the Afghan military and fled the country as the Taliban offensive accelerated.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government had brushed off warnings and criticism from opposition parties about an increase in the number of migrants from Afghanistan.

This week, he admitted that Turkey faces a new refugee wave from Afghanistan and said his government would work with Pakistan to try and bring stability in the war-ravage country.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said the border with Iran is being reinforced with troops and that a wall being erected at the border is nearing completion.

Iran said on Wednesday it will not allow refugees to cross the border from Afghanistan.

Anti-migration sentiment is already running high in the Turkey with 4 million refugees, as it grapples with economic woes – including high unemployment – that have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

Video images circulating on social media over the past months have shown groups of young men allegedly arriving in Turkey from Iran.

Some media reported that up to 1,000 migrants have been crossing the border with Iran every day.

I'm not sure why they are even pretending to make preparations and to be worried about the inevitable influx of refugees.

All they will do is exactly what they did during the Syrian refugee crisis, shepherd them all to border with Greece and let them cross mostly unopposed. No Afghan worth his salt wants to live in Turkey, Europe is the end game.

All I hope is that a few Afghanistanians blow up several thousand filthy fucking Turks on their way out.

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12 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Hopefully when our resident demi-bubble is holidaying there, getting caught in the blast.

Replace the cheap joke shop wig with a turban, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the scruffy Pakistani cunt and one of the Mujahideen.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm not sure why they are even pretending to make preparations and to be worried about the inevitable influx of refugees.

All they will do is exactly what they did during the Syrian refugee crisis, shepherd them all to border with Greece and let them cross mostly unopposed. No Afghan worth his salt wants to live in Turkey, Europe is the end game.

All I hope is that a few Afghanistanians blow up several thousand filthy fucking Turks on their way out.

Withers could take in a bunch to look after the gees.

In the Islamic world


In a society where homosexuals and adulterers are stoned to death for "sexual immorality" you would expect a similar outcome for someone caught having sex with an animal. Surprisingly this is not the case.

An Afghan soldier was detained by police after being caught having sex with a donkey in southeastern Afghanistan, a police officer told AFP.

The soldier was discovered with the donkey in an abandoned house in a small village of Gardez, the capital of Paktia province, last week, a local police officer said.

"He was caught in the act by a small boy who immediately told police about what he had seen and police arrested him in action," the Gardez-based officer told AFP, requesting anonymity.

The soldier claimed he committed the act because he did not have enough money to get married.

After being caught with the donkey in a village about 100km south of the capital Kabul, he was jailed for four days and then released without charge.

According to tradition in south and southeastern Afghanistan, a suitor must pay around $US5,000 ($A6,800) to the parents of the girl he wishes to marry.
Soldier caught with his pants down
The Age, March 16, 2004

Could it be that the soldier was released without charge because there is nothing in the Qur'an that prohibits bestiality?

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22 hours ago, ratcum said:


Fuckin Wolfster?



Fuck off


21 hours ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Go suck your your big end.

your your? 

Even a demented fuckwit like you couldn’t punch this into your massive buttoned keyboard twice. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of the end

You stupid fucking idiot 

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9 hours ago, Wolfie said:


It's worse than when it started. The Americans have essentially given the Taliban a comprehensive military arsenal upgrade. Now the ragheads have expert weapons training in addition to state-of-the-art assault rifles, ancillary anti-tank missiles and drones specifically designed for the Afghan terrain.

Despite the US being the biggest and most technical military empire the world has ever seen – comprising 20 years of construction and a budget of hundreds of $billions – the country collapsed within a week. Typically, so as not to incite further racial tension, the BBC-led UK media has seldom mentioned the role of the Afghan government, especially its obscene corruption and miss-management of its US-funded 'army' following the withdrawl of Western troops. Two decades and they simply threw their weapons away and ran.

The people have to want to fight and clearly they didn't. Around 40,000,000 Afghans are being ruled by around 80,000 Taliban. They outnumber them approximately 500:1, so in spite of having had an open cheque book for 20 years, they still didn't have the bollocks to regain their freedom.

How the Bush Administration, Tony Blair and his war-mongering propagandist Alastair 'Goebbels' Campbell aren’t in prison for what they did 20 years ago is beyond me. What happened then has led to the colossal fuck-up that's unfolding now. Perhaps they'll reappoint Blair as Middle East Peace Envoy, lol.

Now, thousands of Afghan 'asylum seekers' will be looking for refuge in the UK. All the terrorist attacks which have unfolded in recent times make one thing very clear: you can't win a war againt Islamic ideology. It will keep coming, so what better way for UK-based extremists than to have an influx of potential new recruits? 

This has been a huge disrespect for our soldiers who were sent to fight a battle they couldn't win, enduring horrors far and beyond anything most of us will experience. 

Spot on

A huge electric fence should be built around this medieval shite hole with a mile of mined no mans land on either side. Then the nato trained and armed soldiers would have to stay and fight 

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Spot on

A huge electric fence should be built around this medieval shite hole with a mile of mined no mans land on either side. Then the nato trained and armed soldiers would have to stay and fight 

How are the Taliban going to differentiate between the bearded Afghan army and 10 year old primary school boys?

The U.K. Home Office can’t.

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