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Bye bye Bozo. Shut the door on your way out, you fat lying cunt.

King Billy

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Probably because he was expelled for malpractice and is now only fit for sterilising male Abbos, after he’s fingerblasted them. On a lighter note, Raaso…did you hear ‘Bye bye baby’ blasting out accross Downing St. during Bojo’s resignation speech? Only in old Blighty.

It's part of our character and nature to make light of and take the piss in these situations... I really don't understand expats, you can never get away from your country of origin, so why sit from afar, criticising and moaning, like your voice means anything? If you live elsewhere, as a guest in that country you should get involved there and make it a better place, not moan and slag off the place that gave you the opportunity to go and live elsewhere. Do you think he has a Aussie twang yet? Probably after a few too many Castlemaine 4x's. 'Get the shrimp on the Baaahbi'. Lol.

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2 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

What's this Hollywood shit? The above looks much more suited to a square-jawed American court drama about queers who can't get meds, or some similar shit. 

I don't believe in this country, because it is so clearly and increasingly a theatre of cunts, the cast of which are encouraged in their buffonery by the tap-tap-tapping fingers of the most appalling generation of cutty-wristy-spack-children to have graced the handful of sensible people (all here seemingly) with their disgusting presence.

Who cares what Aussie cunts think. They live in a country where steaks can be fried on the bonnets of cars in fucking Winter. They're all fried dogshit.

I like your stuff Raasclaat. *Tips hat.

Apparently @Last Cunt Standing isn't even an Aussie, he's British and a wallabee... I mean wannabe Aussie. As he clearly doesn't know where his loyalties lie, I'll call him Wallabee from now on. Lol. 

Ever since (and probably before) that William the Conqueror cunt commissioned the Doomsday book, Britain has always been run by cunts. The ordinary man has always been shat on, overtaxed and treated like shit (yet still expected to doth their cap and be grateful) since. I honestly believe Britain is the best place to live in the world... obviously this depends on where you live and if you are comfortable etc. We have opportunity, produce great music and have loads of quality pussy. God save the Britain. 

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
14 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Apparently @Last Cunt Standing isn't even an Aussie, he's British and a wallabee... I mean wannabe Aussie. As he clearly doesn't know where his loyalties lie, I'll call him Wallabee from now on. Lol. 

Ever since (and probably before) that William the Conqueror cunt commissioned the Doomsday book, Britain has always been run by cunts. The ordinary man has always been shat on, overtaxed and treated like shit (yet still expected to doth their cap and be grateful) since. I honestly believe Britain is the best place to live in the world... obviously this depends on where you live and if you are comfortable etc. We have opportunity, produce great music and have loads of quality pussy. God save the Britain. 

The cunt is 75% skin cancer by now. His last words will be spoken to a vulture as it pecks at his festering flesh. He'll look up for the last time, in whatever desert he has collapsed in, at a mirage of a loved one biting at his face. His last thoughts will be tinged with confusion and fear.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
4 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Well, I like many on here, don't give a fuck about Nigeria.

Caribbean I reckon. Besides, Nigerians more welcome here than the French you smelly fucking cunt.

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1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

Done to death. May I respectfully suggest that if you can't be original, keep fucking quiet.

If the French thing's done and dusted, we will need something else to taunt you with. Do you wear negligee, watch art films, or have any distasteful medical conditions like a haemorrhoid enraged septic fistula?

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41 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If the French thing's done and dusted, we will need something else to taunt you with. Do you wear negligee, watch art films, or have any distasteful medical conditions like a haemorrhoid enraged septic fistula?

All the above. 

Edited by Witheredscrote
An original response that got a 'like'.
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Guest Parabolic Cunting
3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Done to death. May I respectfully suggest that if you can't be original, keep fucking quiet.

Frog bashing never gets dull. Now stop fucking pastries and people's business with that massive nose you detestable fucking cunt

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10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

there are 180,000 people dead

75% of whom were 75 and above and 2% were under 44.

From The Guardian lol. 17 Jan 2022. who then spent the remainder of the article emphasising that ethnics, poor working class Northerners, blah blah blah have suffered more than the usual culprits….‘white males’ who actually make up more of the so called victims, but as usual, according to the Guardian deserved their fate because they were more likely to not follow the tyrannical lockdown and face nappy rules etc. etc.etc.

That’s without even considering the ‘died from or with Covid’ and ‘tested positive within 28 days of death’ nonsense. 


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7 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Well, I like many on here, don't give a fuck about Nigeria.

I used to feel the same until I was contacted by a General in the Nigerian military who’s going to transfer 53 million quid into my bank account and split it with me. I’ve checked and the 95 grand I’ve sent him for admin fees has gone through sweet as a nut. I love Nigeria now so watch your mouth you racist goose botherer.

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

, Peace in Northern Ireland is under threat for the first time in 25 years,

Nothing new in that LCS, but I reckon you should be more concerned about your new commie government mate. Albo and his bestie Jacinda fawning all over each other today on the Oz fakestream media and Donkeychops letting you all know that ‘climate change is a far more serious threat to the Pacific region than China’. 
Ah yes, that pesky climate change that made Covid and set it loose, and that pesky climate change that’s locked up millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps and that pesky climate change that’s threatening Taiwan and Japan, and that pesky climate change that’s infiltrated almost every western society from the government downwards.

China however, nah they’re OK.

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On 07/12/2021 at 23:11, King Billy said:

It looks extremely likely that Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has shot his bolt and told one too many porkies at last. Footage of Allegra Stratton, Bozos communications bitch, sorry director laughing and joking with MSM hacks, when she was asked about the infamous Christmas party at No.10 last year, when all of us plebs were under orders to forget Christmas and do as we were told. She wrongly thought that the cameras weren’t still rolling.

This pig ugly eco warrior cunt is married to James Forsyth, political editor of the Spectator and Times columnist. Close friend of the equally as unfuckable Carrie Johnson, and given her job by Carrie to show Bozo the need to ditch any stupid thoughts of carrying on with the Conservative agenda on which he was elected, and instead take Britain hurtling down the Greta Thunberg Autobahn without any brakes. It’s emerging that this party was attended mostly by ‘journalists’ who are favoured by the Johnson cabal and this fact perfectly explains why it’s been a year till it’s come to light. And why even now most of the fake news MSM have gone through the motions by letting every minister off the hook when interviewed. 
This is imo the end for the bumbling Peppa Pig clown, as I believe there are too many Tory backbenchers now who’ve had enough of this cunt and too many frontbenchers sick of covering up for him and want to disassociate themselves from the stench coming out of No.10 every day.

Bye bye Bozo and fuck right off.

Cromwell couldn't have put it any better.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Nothing new in that LCS, but I reckon you should be more concerned about your new commie government mate. Albo and his bestie Jacinda fawning all over each other today on the Oz fakestream media and Donkeychops letting you all know that ‘climate change is a far more serious threat to the Pacific region than China’. 
Ah yes, that pesky climate change that made Covid and set it loose, and that pesky climate change that’s locked up millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps and that pesky climate change that’s threatening Taiwan and Japan, and that pesky climate change that’s infiltrated almost every western society from the government downwards.

China however, nah they’re OK.

Funnily enough, climate change might actually help this situation. Once the ice caps have melted, those little islands the yellow fuckers have been building to increase the operational range of their air force will be fucked and the Aussies can torpedo any survivors out of existence in their nice new France-angering nuclear submarines.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Funnily enough, climate change might actually help this situation. Once the ice caps have melted, those little islands the yellow fuckers have been building to increase the operational range of their air force will be fucked and the Aussies can torpedo any survivors out of existence in their nice new France-angering nuclear submarines.

No need for torpedoes. Starvation will take care of survivors, and we know how chinks deal with food shortages…

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4 hours ago, pegleg said:

Can Boris join this forum ?

Of course he can pegleg, any old cunt can...even the useless bastards without much to say can join the corner. Anyways fuck all that, what do think about multi millionaire Sunak as the next PM? I can picture it now... Larry the Downing Street Cat slowly cooking on Tandoor oven in the middle of Downing street, the smell of curry in the air, and Mrs Sunak serving tea in their mugs that cost £38 each. I don't know about you but I think it's the right appointment, especially during this cost of living crisis. 

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8 hours ago, White Cunt said:

No need for torpedoes. Starvation will take care of survivors, and we know how chinks deal with food shortages…

True. Last time they all just ran into their back gardens - not to plant vegetables, but to smelt really shit steel. Weird cunts.

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Of course he can pegleg, any old cunt can...even the useless bastards without much to say can join the corner. Anyways fuck all that, what do think about multi millionaire Sunak as the next PM? I can picture it now... Larry the Downing Street Cat slowly cooking on Tandoor oven in the middle of Downing street, the smell of curry in the air, and Mrs Sunak serving tea in their mugs that cost £38 each. I don't know about you but I think it's the right appointment, especially during this cost of living crisis. 

That Carrie value wallpaper will mop up the curry stink and preserve it for future lodgers.

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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

That Carrie value wallpaper will mop up the curry stink and preserve it for future lodgers.

The new tenants will have the wallpaper steam cleaned, taken down and replaced with something even more expensive. There really is no need to be racist by the way, reported... You white fucking, honky fucking cunt. 

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