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Last Cunt Standing

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
On 24/12/2021 at 13:29, Bubba C said:

You might want to start small and work on getting a basic grasp of the English language.  Idiot. 

I'm sorry to have offended you. Maybe in another life we could have been best friends or run a bar together. Alas, it wasn't to be.

I don't require your assistance, wizard of queer. If I ever realised I did, I would know it's time to kill myself.


Edited by Mrs Roops
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On 24/12/2021 at 13:35, Parabolic Cunting said:

I'm sorry to have offended you. Maybe in another life we could have been best friends, or run a bar together. Alas, it wasn't to be.

I don't require your assistance, wizard of queer. If I ever realised I did, I would know it's time to kill myself.


Reported for breaching Rule 12. And for you being absolutely fucking shit at this. 

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Panz can keep doing the Lord’s work of reminding the hoodwinked how conned they have been. 

The lords work is a thankless task doc ..the natives are still hostile, but the scales will fall from their eyes over the next few years ..lol


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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

In spite of my feistiness I'm not in the business of picking fights with the more well-read and clearly brighter members of this forum, especially with a plethora of idiots joining recently. You are a rare exception to this rule, primarily because your comments or topics nowadays typically carry a degree of genuine Anglophobic disgruntlement. Others will agree it's boring and repetitious, and the fact I'm consistently probing for data about your past employment with the NHS is because when you joined the site, all guns blazing, you boasted you were a doctor – which backfired when we first encountered one another some years ago. I still believe it's bullshit because you've never been able to prove me wrong. If you don't wish to attract criticism or ridicule, don't superciliously attempt to swagger around the site like John Wayne with his stethoscope dangling between his legs.

For the record, I cannot possibly imagine anything more unfitting for Christmas or the festive season than a blistering 35 degrees of drought-inducing, desert-like weather which, at the hands of the Chinese, will further deplete Australia's already scarce water reservoir recources.

Fuck off.

In the end it’s all just words, isn’t it? All this effort and petty spite because you don’t like my politics, or whatever Anglophobic disgruntlement means. As has been explained many times to other tedious cunts making the same fatuous points, it would be a mistake to conclude that someone who emigrates must by default loathe the country they leave behind. Many feel precisely the opposite, and carry fond memories of the country that raised them, educated them, and gave them their start in life. Neither do emigres lose the right to criticise their country of origin should the mood take them, indeed on some level many of them carry a sense of disappointment that their country seemed to them latterly to go so sadly awry, making the decision to leave less difficult, less heartrending than it otherwise would be. That these things incite such venom, such bitterness in the people who made a different decision, to stay, to persist, to believe the country is still the place to be, frankly says much about them and the insecurity of their decision.

This of course assumes they had the option to leave at all, as many do not, many more so since the summer of 2016. So thin-skinned are those critics, the mere observation that Australia is hot in December and that many people have backyard pools is somehow an act of braggadocio. So tightly wrapped in the flag are they that those who even consider alternatives in their viewpoint are desperate traitors who must be heaped in opprobrium. Easier perhaps to attack their truthfulness, and indeed there was a period when my very location was doubted by many, though that seems to have melted away like the Cotswold snow that would no doubt moisten your eyes with pride. Now you choose to “probe for data”, to use your own ridiculous phrase, as to my professional life, even though I’m almost three years gone. Leaving aside the faintly ridiculous notion of how you might prove something on an anonymous website for splenic rage, the arrogance that accompanies such a request is enough to disqualify it from the outset. Who the fuck are you to demand anything of me, or indeed anyone else here? It is true to say some of my early posts from 2017 were themed medically, for that was my life at the time, and people will inevitably comment on what’s in front of them, being East Anglian street furniture or how you fit a body in a Bedford Rascal. I don’t often reference what I did for a living, but still you think me a swaggering braggart who must be cut down and exposed, and that you’re the man to do it. If the reader could be bothered, they might wonder where this comes from, and what it says about the self assurance of a man who would behave in such a manner. It isn’t funny, or even interesting. It’s pathetic.

In your closing there is of course the obligatory and lazy slagging of a foreign country which dares to be in a different hemisphere, and thus is not coated in snow or forced to endure Morecambe and Wise which is naturally the only true way to spend December in the Anglocentric Bumper Book of Christmas Enlightenment. China naturally gets thrown in, as if to reassure the flock that however bleak it might be in Salford in January at least the PLA aren’t interested in the Trafford Centre. This is all about making yourself feel good, reinforcing your life choices, assuring your compatriots that those who leave for foreign climes are deluded, treacherous or both. Such onanism is in the end quite sad.

I’ll invite you to spend your Christmas Day going at your femoral with a carving knife. Fuck off. We are done. 

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56 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In the end it’s all just words, isn’t it? All this effort and petty spite because you don’t like my politics, or whatever Anglophobic disgruntlement means. As has been explained many times to other tedious cunts making the same fatuous points, it would be a mistake to conclude that someone who emigrates must by default loathe the country they leave behind. Many feel precisely the opposite, and carry fond memories of the country that raised them, educated them, and gave them their start in life. Neither do emigres lose the right to criticise their country of origin should the mood take them, indeed on some level many of them carry a sense of disappointment that their country seemed to them latterly to go so sadly awry, making the decision to leave less difficult, less heartrending than it otherwise would be. That these things incite such venom, such bitterness in the people who made a different decision, to stay, to persist, to believe the country is still the place to be, frankly says much about them and the insecurity of their decision.

This of course assumes they had the option to leave at all, as many do not, many more so since the summer of 2016. So thin-skinned are those critics, the mere observation that Australia is hot in December and that many people have backyard pools is somehow an act of braggadocio. So tightly wrapped in the flag are they that those who even consider alternatives in their viewpoint are desperate traitors who must be heaped in opprobrium. Easier perhaps to attack their truthfulness, and indeed there was a period when my very location was doubted by many, though that seems to have melted away like the Cotswold snow that would no doubt moisten your eyes with pride. Now you choose to “probe for data”, to use your own ridiculous phrase, as to my professional life, even though I’m almost three years gone. Leaving aside the faintly ridiculous notion of how you might prove something on an anonymous website for splenic rage, the arrogance that accompanies such a request is enough to disqualify it from the outset. Who the fuck are you to demand anything of me, or indeed anyone else here? It is true to say some of my early posts from 2017 were themed medically, for that was my life at the time, and people will inevitably comment on what’s in front of them, being East Anglian street furniture or how you fit a body in a Bedford Rascal. I don’t often reference what I did for a living, but still you think me a swaggering braggart who must be cut down and exposed, and that you’re the man to do it. If the reader could be bothered, they might wonder where this comes from, and what it says about the self assurance of a man who would behave in such a manner. It isn’t funny, or even interesting. It’s pathetic.

In your closing there is of course the obligatory and lazy slagging of a foreign country which dares to be in a different hemisphere, and thus is not coated in snow or forced to endure Morecambe and Wise which is naturally the only true way to spend December in the Anglocentric Bumper Book of Christmas Enlightenment. China naturally gets thrown in, as if to reassure the flock that however bleak it might be in Salford in January at least the PLA aren’t interested in the Trafford Centre. This is all about making yourself feel good, reinforcing your life choices, assuring your compatriots that those who leave for foreign climes are deluded, treacherous or both. Such onanism is in the end quite sad.

I’ll invite you to spend your Christmas Day going at your femoral with a carving knife. Fuck off. We are done. 

It's good to see your 6/700-word response demonstrates that I'm not getting to you, lol.

I couldn't care less where British people emigrate to: what does grab my fucks is when they continually regurgitate the same, lame and tiresome anti-Britishness so typical of a newlywed expat. I am sure you'll agree when I say life is what you make it wherever you are, whether it be cold drizzle or 35 Celcius (you just wanted to tell us it was 35 degrees by a swimming pool, didn't you?).

One trait of people I despise is bragging themselves up, and then not fulfilling their egotistic claims. You went all medical when you joined, metaphorically wanking yourself into a frenzy of grandeur, attempting to impress upon us mere mortals on the Corner that you were in fact a GP. When pressed, you realised your presumptive error and eschewed yourself into your latest and long-standing guise: the expat 'life is much greener on the other side' wannabe Aussie wanker. The proof is taking a good look at your profile history, which is littered with pro-new lifestyle, 'the UK is fucking shit and I'd get out while you still can' vitriolic cuntshit.

You could be a fine commenter if you just moved on from all the anti-British, pro-Aussie lifestyle shite. On the subject of venom, I'd rather wank with a fistful of wasps than read some of your tedious, reiterated fucking comments sometimes.

I see you've attracted a 'like' from Pen, who's probably got more going on 'Down Under' than you'll ever have. Fuck off.

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20 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Tough luck then mate. May I suggest you stick your tongue even further up the Roops bumhole? There’s your answer, that’s the way to go.

I’m not the one on the modq with my comments being vetted by a higher power because I can’t restrain myself from overstepping the mark

What was it that rattled your kosher cage so much that you got banned and put in special measures? Comments on an anonymous website perhaps you fucking big baby?

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's good to see your 6/700-word response demonstrates that I'm not getting to you, lol.

I couldn't care less where British people emigrate to: what does grab my fucks is when they continually regurgitate the same, lame and tiresome anti-Britishness so typical of a newlywed expat. I am sure you'll agree when I say life is what you make it wherever you are, whether it be cold drizzle or 35 Celcius (you just wanted to tell us it was 35 degrees by a swimming pool, didn't you?).

One trait of people I despise is bragging themselves up, and then not fulfilling their egotistic claims. You went all medical when you joined, metaphorically wanking yourself into a frenzy of grandeur, attempting to impress upon us mere mortals on the Corner that you were in fact a GP. When pressed, you realised your presumptive error and eschewed yourself into your latest and long-standing guise: the expat 'life is much greener on the other side' wannabe Aussie wanker. The proof is taking a good look at your profile history, which is littered with pro-new lifestyle, 'the UK is fucking shit and I'd get out while you still can' vitriolic cuntshit.

You could be a fine commenter if you just moved on from all the anti-British, pro-Aussie lifestyle shite. On the subject of venom, I'd rather wank with a fistful of wasps than read some of your tedious, reiterated fucking comments sometimes.

I see you've attracted a 'like' from Pen, who's probably got more going on 'Down Under' than you'll ever have. Fuck off.

Excellent post wolfie, happy Christmas 

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Guest judgetwi
On 24/12/2021 at 16:37, Last Cunt Standing said:

In the end it’s all just words, isn’t it? All this effort and petty spite because you don’t like my politics, or whatever Anglophobic disgruntlement means. As has been explained many times to other tedious cunts making the same fatuous points, it would be a mistake to conclude that someone who emigrates must by default loathe the country they leave behind. Many feel precisely the opposite, and carry fond memories of the country that raised them, educated them, and gave them their start in life. Neither do emigres lose the right to criticise their country of origin should the mood take them, indeed on some level many of them carry a sense of disappointment that their country seemed to them latterly to go so sadly awry, making the decision to leave less difficult, less heartrending than it otherwise would be. That these things incite such venom, such bitterness in the people who made a different decision, to stay, to persist, to believe the country is still the place to be, frankly says much about them and the insecurity of their decision.

This of course assumes they had the option to leave at all, as many do not, many more so since the summer of 2016. So thin-skinned are those critics, the mere observation that Australia is hot in December and that many people have backyard pools is somehow an act of braggadocio. So tightly wrapped in the flag are they that those who even consider alternatives in their viewpoint are desperate traitors who must be heaped in opprobrium. Easier perhaps to attack their truthfulness, and indeed there was a period when my very location was doubted by many, though that seems to have melted away like the Cotswold snow that would no doubt moisten your eyes with pride. Now you choose to “probe for data”, to use your own ridiculous phrase, as to my professional life, even though I’m almost three years gone. Leaving aside the faintly ridiculous notion of how you might prove something on an anonymous website for splenic rage, the arrogance that accompanies such a request is enough to disqualify it from the outset. Who the fuck are you to demand anything of me, or indeed anyone else here? It is true to say some of my early posts from 2017 were themed medically, for that was my life at the time, and people will inevitably comment on what’s in front of them, being East Anglian street furniture or how you fit a body in a Bedford Rascal. I don’t often reference what I did for a living, but still you think me a swaggering braggart who must be cut down and exposed, and that you’re the man to do it. If the reader could be bothered, they might wonder where this comes from, and what it says about the self assurance of a man who would behave in such a manner. It isn’t funny, or even interesting. It’s pathetic.

In your closing there is of course the obligatory and lazy slagging of a foreign country which dares to be in a different hemisphere, and thus is not coated in snow or forced to endure Morecambe and Wise which is naturally the only true way to spend December in the Anglocentric Bumper Book of Christmas Enlightenment. China naturally gets thrown in, as if to reassure the flock that however bleak it might be in Salford in January at least the PLA aren’t interested in the Trafford Centre. This is all about making yourself feel good, reinforcing your life choices, assuring your compatriots that those who leave for foreign climes are deluded, treacherous or both. Such onanism is in the end quite sad.

I’ll invite you to spend your Christmas Day going at your femoral with a carving knife. Fuck off. We are done. 

Has someone upset you Skippy? Not buying into your middle class, I know best bullshit? I have the same feeling every time the binmen leave a bit of litter on the pavement on a Friday morning. Somebody should be chasing those oiks up to do their job properly don’t you agree? I sympathise with you Skippy I really do.

It’s a fucking tragedy.

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17 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Has someone upset you Skippy? Not buying into your middle class, I know best bullshit? I have the same feeling every time the binmen leave a bit of litter on the pavement on a Friday morning. Somebody should be chasing those oiks up to do their job properly don’t you agree? I sympathise with you Skippy I really do.

It’s a fucking tragedy.

Did your carer's adorn the scooter with a star of David this Christmas, Jewdith? 

Also have you been receiving my various PM's regarding the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Bilderberg Group, and other related Christ killer activities?

I didn't expect a reply to be fair as it was probably filtered by the furher using the Proper-whizz-bang-anti-semitic-message-algorithim.


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On 24/12/2021 at 17:22, Wolfie said:

It's good to see your 6/700-word response demonstrates that I'm not getting to you, lol.

I couldn't care less where British people emigrate to: what does grab my fucks is when they continually regurgitate the same, lame and tiresome anti-Britishness so typical of a newlywed expat. I am sure you'll agree when I say life is what you make it wherever you are, whether it be cold drizzle or 35 Celcius (you just wanted to tell us it was 35 degrees by a swimming pool, didn't you?).

One trait of people I despise is bragging themselves up, and then not fulfilling their egotistic claims. You went all medical when you joined, metaphorically wanking yourself into a frenzy of grandeur, attempting to impress upon us mere mortals on the Corner that you were in fact a GP. When pressed, you realised your presumptive error and eschewed yourself into your latest and long-standing guise: the expat 'life is much greener on the other side' wannabe Aussie wanker. The proof is taking a good look at your profile history, which is littered with pro-new lifestyle, 'the UK is fucking shit and I'd get out while you still can' vitriolic cuntshit.

You could be a fine commenter if you just moved on from all the anti-British, pro-Aussie lifestyle shite. On the subject of venom, I'd rather wank with a fistful of wasps than read some of your tedious, reiterated fucking comments sometimes.

I see you've attracted a 'like' from Pen, who's probably got more going on 'Down Under' than you'll ever have. Fuck off.

Bloody Nora.

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Guest judgetwi
12 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Did your carer's adorn the scooter with a star of David this Christmas, Jewdith? 

Also have you been receiving my various PM's regarding the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Bilderberg Group, and other related Christ killer activities?

I didn't expect a reply to be fair as it was probably filtered by the furher using the Proper-whizz-bang-anti-semitic-message-algorithim.


Ah, there you are Marjorie! So Mr Roops has allowed you back on with no restrictions 🔺. Well, there’s a fucking surprise...... who would believe it eh? 

I shouldn’t worry about the Peaceful cocks you took in your mouth and up your arse back in the nick. They were desperate mate, but you are far too old for them these days. They ain’t coming after you now Marje, guaranteed.

You know you can trust me.

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Ah, there you are Marjorie! So Mr Roops has allowed you back on with no restrictions 🔺. Well, there’s a fucking surprise...... who would believe it eh? 

I shouldn’t worry about the Peaceful cocks you took in your mouth and up your arse back in the nick. They were desperate mate, but you are far too old for them these days. They ain’t coming after you now Marje, guaranteed.

You know you can trust me.

what's going on Jewdy? Who is this Johhnie come lately MC cunt anyway?

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12 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Ah, there you are Marjorie! So Mr Roops has allowed you back on with no restrictions 🔺. Well, there’s a fucking surprise...... who would believe it eh? 

I shouldn’t worry about the Peaceful cocks you took in your mouth and up your arse back in the nick. They were desperate mate, but you are far too old for them these days. They ain’t coming after you now Marje, guaranteed.

You know you can trust me.

I'd imagine that a freshly liberated Treblinka inmate complained less of their fate than you.

For a cripple that's apparently so smart you've failed to grasp the concept of the more you moan the longer you're muzzled. Considering that this has been going on for over a year I'm drawing the conclusion that you really ain't that bright.

The peacefull's will allegedly fuck anything. So next time you're short for a four pack of Special Brew just offer Abdul that fat Jewish arse you speak of.

No need to thank me.

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18 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Ah, there you are Marjorie! So Mr Roops has allowed you back on with no restrictions 🔺. Well, there’s a fucking surprise...... who would believe it eh? 

I shouldn’t worry about the Peaceful cocks you took in your mouth and up your arse back in the nick. They were desperate mate, but you are far too old for them these days. They ain’t coming after you now Marje, guaranteed.

You know you can trust me.

The Maxwell slag was one of your mob Judgie; a kike involved in abusing children, who’d have thought 

I assume those who didn’t testify were murdered 

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Guest judgetwi
On 01/01/2022 at 19:23, Stubby Pecker said:

The Maxwell slag was one of your mob Judgie; a kike involved in abusing children, who’d have thought 

I assume those who didn’t testify were murdered 

I believe the Duke of York is still above ground and walking around in perfect health brightboy. 

Other than his unique sweating condition obviously.

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Guest judgetwi
On 01/01/2022 at 11:20, ratcum said:

what's going on Jewdy? Who is this Johhnie come lately MC cunt anyway?

This place is definitely going downhill Herr Oberst. You can’t find a decent honest Nazi like your goodself anymore. They all want to pretend they care so much about the Poor Palestinian Children but don’t want to wear the NSDAP badge like any proper cunt would.

It’s a fucking tragedy.

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Guest judgetwi
On 31/12/2021 at 12:15, Major Cunt said:

Did your carer's adorn the scooter with a star of David this Christmas, Jewdith? 

Also have you been receiving my various PM's regarding the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Bilderberg Group, and other related Christ killer activities?

I didn't expect a reply to be fair as it was probably filtered by the furher using the Proper-whizz-bang-anti-semitic-message-algorithim.



On 01/01/2022 at 13:47, Major Cunt said:

I'd imagine that a freshly liberated Treblinka inmate complained less of their fate than you.

For a cripple that's apparently so smart you've failed to grasp the concept of the more you moan the longer you're muzzled. Considering that this has been going on for over a year I'm drawing the conclusion that you really ain't that bright.

The peacefull's will allegedly fuck anything. So next time you're short for a four pack of Special Brew just offer Abdul that fat Jewish arse you speak of.

No need to thank me.

I’ve got to you haven’t I Marjorie? I’ve made you and your little dim cyberspace mates cry ain’t I? Oh dear, how sad, never mind. It’s not my fault you are a little bullshitter is it Marje, let’s be fair? 

Still, keep bunging your money to that other fraud, Mr Roops, on your bent credit card and i’ll soon be gone. He can’t handle me any more than you and your arse crawling mates. 

It’s all about democracy Marje! 🔺

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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:


I’ve got to you haven’t I Marjorie? I’ve made you and your little dim cyberspace mates cry ain’t I? Oh dear, how sad, never mind. It’s not my fault you are a little bullshitter is it Marje, let’s be fair? 

Still, keep bunging your money to that other fraud, Mr Roops, on your bent credit card and i’ll soon be gone. He can’t handle me any more than you and your arse crawling mates. 

It’s all about democracy Marje! 🔺

Give it a rest Rick Fucking Mayall, boring Rebel without a clue cunt. 

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:


I’ve got to you haven’t I Marjorie? I’ve made you and your little dim cyberspace mates cry ain’t I? Oh dear, how sad, never mind. It’s not my fault you are a little bullshitter is it Marje, let’s be fair? 

Still, keep bunging your money to that other fraud, Mr Roops, on your bent credit card and i’ll soon be gone. He can’t handle me any more than you and your arse crawling mates. 

It’s all about democracy Marje! 🔺

Don't flatter yourself, Jew-boy. You've only ever brought tears to my eyes through laughter, but never sorrow.

If you bothered to read my above post then you might have picked up on the sage advice that could free you from the triangular shackle, but then again you're not that bright.

Personally I blame the Yiddish education system for drilling into your gammon the dubious six million figure. You're comfortable playing the victim card as it's in the tribes blood.

How about putting your fat hands in your pocket and bunging the Fuhrer a few shekels. I know that you're inherently a tight cunt so I'm prepared to tick you the fee.

No need to thank me, obviously!

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16 hours ago, judgetwi said:

This place is definitely going downhill Herr Oberst. You can’t find a decent honest Nazi like your goodself anymore. They all want to pretend they care so much about the Poor Palestinian Children but don’t want to wear the NSDAP badge like any proper cunt would.

It’s a fucking tragedy.

Happy New Year Judgie Babes.

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9 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Don't flatter yourself, Jew-boy. You've only ever brought tears to my eyes through laughter, but never sorrow.

If you bothered to read my above post then you might have picked up on the sage advice that could free you from the triangular shackle, but then again you're not that bright.

Personally I blame the Yiddish education system for drilling into your gammon the dubious six million figure. You're comfortable playing the victim card as it's in the tribes blood.

How about putting your fat hands in your pocket and bunging the Fuhrer a few shekels. I know that you're inherently a tight cunt so I'm prepared to tick you the fee.

No need to thank me, obviously!

I don't have sympathy for the jehovah's witnesses who were interned at the concentration camps. It's their fucking fault for knocking on the camps gates trying to sell 'Watchtower' magazines. 

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22 hours ago, judgetwi said:

This place is definitely going downhill Herr Oberst. You can’t find a decent honest Nazi like your goodself anymore. They all want to pretend they care so much about the Poor Palestinian Children but don’t want to wear the NSDAP badge like any proper cunt would.

It’s a fucking tragedy.

I hear you old chum. Mind you, it's a bit like fox hunting; I don't really give a rat's arse about the foxes but hate the toffs chasing them with a passion.


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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I don't have sympathy for the jehovah's witnesses who were interned at the concentration camps. It's their fucking fault for knocking on the camps gates trying to sell 'Watchtower' magazines. 

you've got class Gypo

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