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Vladimir Putin

Stubby Pecker

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23 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

They're refugees decco baby..fleeing a war..I'd have thought britain would have had a better grip on the whole refugee thing seeing as y'all made so many of them over the years...anyway I'm off to the pub..put down the hateraide..lol


But you'd only take the white Christian ones?

Sounds like you need to make sure you don't have too much to drink at the táibherne tonight, lest you fall off that hypocritical high horse of yours.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I suppose Ireland learned its lesson after the Goans you let in spawned that squint faced fucking bum-bandit Taoiseach.

P has been caught out with his potato sack pants around his ankles.

No amount of back pedalling and squirming is going to negate his absolutely outrageous glass house, holier-than-thou piety. Saying that, I don't doubt he'll be back soon with some pidgin shite that makes absolutely no sense and attempts to distract from his absolute fucking idiocy.


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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

They're refugees decco baby..fleeing a war..I'd have thought britain would have had a better grip on the whole refugee thing seeing as y'all made so many of them over the years...anyway I'm off to the pub..put down the hateraide..lol


This, from a fiercely xenophobic Irishman whose country's historic neutrality didn't prevent it from attempting to place pro-German spies in and around Westminster during WW2, despite it supposedly being detached from the Axis Powers, clandestine Irish nationalist and Kraut propagandist Lord Haw-Haw being the last person to be hanged in the UK for treason in 1946. Didn't your teachers tell you about the millions of refugees Nazi Germany created, which your 'impartial' country assisted on occasions?

Fast-forward to the modern day. Consider the UK was supplying much of Ukraine's hi-tech weaponry prior to the Russian invasion, and is still providing many of Ukraine's arms in defence of its country. This of course is paid for by British taxpayers. What has Ireland done in comparison, other than be told what to do by the German-led EU? I'd like to know, hypocrite.

Now we've thankfully exited the shackles of the EU, Ireland is slowly replacing us as The Berlaymont's dumping ground for migrants. It's much warmer in Ireland than in Ukraine, and I am sure the 100,000+ Slavs heading your way will take to the grey skies and perpetual rain like ducks to water.

Michael Collins will be rolling in his grave.



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Apparently Elon Musk has offered Putin a straighter on the cobbles to settle the Ukraine war. Fuck me, I bet old bulb head is bricking it. Being threatened by Musk is like being threatened by Charles Hawtrey.  Silly cunt 

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I now cannot unsee a mental picture of Panzy as Bill Oddie. His resemblance to the Birmingham Six may be a factor there - did the IRA ever target the Post Office Tower?

hqdefault.jpg  btkitten.gif

As soon as I saw the word 'goodies', I began to formulate a post containing references to giant cats, ecky-thump, dungarees and tri-andem bicycles. And then I saw this. Rotten spoilsport cunt.

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Let's be clear about this, Eire's apparent neutrality is a gift of geography and a sham. It's almost entirely dependant on having a global economic, pro anglophone, nuclear power on their doorstep guarding their wide spread arse cheeks. 

This prick world gladly bomb every one of us, but is to fucking thick to realise that Ireland couldn't exist without the preferential treatment we afford it. 

He and his English hating brethren benefit from our protection by virtue of knowing that no country can get to them without rolling through a NATO state, but pay diddly fucking squat for that protection.

If a P5 member (Russia) can invade a sovereign democracy with little fear of legal reprisal due to its veto (as seems apparent), I say let's take advantage of the current global trauma and nuke Ireland to be done with these parasites.

Death to all Catholics. 

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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To be fair, if he likes you, he does promise to use clean nails in his letter bombs.

He's a kind hearted, terrorist scumbag and no mistake. 

That said, I'd still piss in his recently gouged out eye sockets, but only because the warm stream of isotonic urine would be quite soothing on the bleeding wounds. 

I'm all heart. 

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9 minutes ago, Goober said:

He's a kind hearted, terrorist scumbag and no mistake. 

That said, I'd still piss in his recently gouged out eye sockets, but only because the warm stream of isotonic urine would be quite soothing on the bleeding wounds. 

I'm all heart. 

Let it never be said that the Corner is not a bastion of human kindness, civility and mutual respect.

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ireland will take as many white Christians  as want to come here ..full access to health care..social care..education and access to our workforce..and in time they will add to the economy..meanwhile the lovey pritti oversees the mass importation of work shy males from polar opposite cultures...lol


Report for racism 

Hang your head and spread your arse cheeks bog rat 

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31 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To be fair, if he likes you, he does promise to use clean nails in his letter bombs.

That's a variation on the PIRA kneecapping protocol. If they liked you, they'd roll up your trouser legs before shooting you in the back of the knee. That way, cloth fibres don't get pushed into the wound and cause infections. 

If they absolutely fucking hated you, they'd smear dogshit on your trousers and shoot through it. True, ask @PANZER MURPHY.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

But you'd only take the white Christian ones?

Sounds like you need to make sure you don't have too much to drink at the táibherne tonight, lest you fall off that hypocritical high horse of yours.

I did mention it before decco baby..Ireland is probably the most racist country in Europe only we don't need a national front..we just ignore ya ..shun ya...its what we did for centuries...talk to the brit if ya want..sell him eggs if ya want ..buy some poor fuks land that was confiscated .. but don't come up to me n offer paw to shake like we amigos or somthin.. because some evening inde future ill be burnin yer house n crippling you..and I won't be wanting to make a hypocrite outa meself ..ya see me dilemma..lol


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43 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I did mention it before decco baby..Ireland is probably the most racist country in Europe only we don't need a national front..we just ignore ya ..shun ya...its what we did for centuries...talk to the brit if ya want..sell him eggs if ya want ..buy some poor fuks land that was confiscated .. but don't come up to me n offer paw to shake like we amigos or somthin.. because some evening inde future ill be burnin yer house n crippling you..and I won't be wanting to make a hypocrite outa meself ..ya see me dilemma..lol


You'll burn and cripple the person who sold the Brit eggs, or the Brit themselves?


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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I did mention it before decco baby..Ireland is probably the most racist country in Europe only we don't need a national front..we just ignore ya ..shun ya...its what we did for centuries...talk to the brit if ya want..sell him eggs if ya want ..buy some poor fuks land that was confiscated .. but don't come up to me n offer paw to shake like we amigos or somthin.. because some evening inde future ill be burnin yer house n crippling you..and I won't be wanting to make a hypocrite outa meself ..ya see me dilemma..lol


Wars over Panzy, ya nasty little hypocritical bigot yiz.

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37 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Wars over Panzy, ya nasty little hypocritical bigot yiz.

The shooty splodey bit of it is over decco baby..the end game is unfolding and the naysayers are not in a great place atall..they keep calling bozo and he's not picking up..maybe Carrie has his fone or somthin..lol


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7 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I did mention it before decco baby..Ireland is probably the most racist country in Europe only we don't need a national front..we just ignore ya ..shun ya...its what we did for centuries...talk to the brit if ya want..sell him eggs if ya want ..buy some poor fuks land that was confiscated .. but don't come up to me n offer paw to shake like we amigos or somthin.. because some evening inde future ill be burnin yer house n crippling you..and I won't be wanting to make a hypocrite outa meself ..ya see me dilemma..lol


Panzer what's happened to you? Did you become radicalised down the pub last night? I've noticed the disproportionate amount of construction companies in London with Irish names Panzer, helping build up the greatest city in the world (and no doubt ripping off the British whilst doing it). Considering the stories I've heard about poor old Albert and Mavis type pensioners getting ripped off by your countrymen's tarmac 'companies', I wouldn't trust the build quality in these multi million pound developments. I was wondering what you thought about it?

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The shooty splodey bit of it is over decco baby..the end game is unfolding and the naysayers are not in a great place atall..they keep calling bozo and he's not picking up..maybe Carrie has his fone or somthin..lol


You need to let go of the hate, P, it will eat you up. We're all citizens of Mother Earth.

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That we are decco baby and we will always hold hand out to our orange brethren no matter how many times they swat it away..fun fact ..in eight short years Catholics will dominate every demographic in norn iron..Mrs May did try n make the lovey arleen see this growing electoral juggernaut but she still though it was 1921 and ignored this sage advice..lol


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7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

That we are decco baby and we will always hold hand out to our orange brethren no matter how many times they swat it away..fun fact ..in eight short years Catholics will dominate every demographic in norn iron..Mrs May did try n make the lovey arleen see this growing electoral juggernaut but she still though it was 1921 and ignored this sage advice..lol


The problem though is that by then most of the catholics will not give a fuck.

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15 hours ago, Wolfie said:

This, from a fiercely xenophobic Irishman whose country's historic neutrality didn't prevent it from attempting to place pro-German spies in and around Westminster during WW2, despite it supposedly being detached from the Axis Powers, clandestine Irish nationalist and Kraut propagandist Lord Haw-Haw being the last person to be hanged in the UK for treason in 1946. Didn't your teachers tell you about the millions of refugees Nazi Germany created, which your 'impartial' country assisted on occasions?

Fast-forward to the modern day. Consider the UK was supplying much of Ukraine's hi-tech weaponry prior to the Russian invasion, and is still providing many of Ukraine's arms in defence of its country. This of course is paid for by British taxpayers. What has Ireland done in comparison, other than be told what to do by the German-led EU? I'd like to know, hypocrite.

Now we've thankfully exited the shackles of the EU, Ireland is slowly replacing us as The Berlaymont's dumping ground for migrants. It's much warmer in Ireland than in Ukraine, and I am sure the 100,000+ Slavs heading your way will take to the grey skies and perpetual rain like ducks to water.

Michael Collins will be rolling in his grave.



We aren't n never were a militaristic belligerent nation wuggers baby..we send body armour..food ..meds..to relieve the suffering of the most vulnerable in this war...why in an hours time I'll be loading up my 22 year old Citroën despatch van with donated clothing and toiletries for 40 Ukrainian refugees that arrived lastnite at a hotel near Dublin Airport.


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9 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We aren't n never were a militaristic belligerent nation wuggers baby..we send body armour..food ..meds..to relieve the suffering of the most vulnerable in this war...why in an hours time I'll be loading up my 22 year old Citroën despatch van with donated clothing and toiletries for 40 Ukrainian refugees that arrived lastnite at a hotel near Dublin Airport.


I disagree, Panzy. You've got belligerence down to a fine art. Bit shit at the militaristic bit, but your lot never really got the chance to practice outside of the entry level stuff.

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