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200,000 Ukrainians

Cap'n Cunt

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Good old Boris, getting his cock out to boast that we can house 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. Where exactly are we going to house them, you dull cunt? And who's paying for their benefits, fags and Sky telly? I'm not even sure what Ukrainians do - Romanians wash cars, Peacefuls blow things up and Somalians get a bit stabby but nobody actually knows what these fuckers do. Bad stuff, I shouldn't wonder.

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44 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Good old Boris, getting his cock out to boast that we can house 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. Where exactly are we going to house them, you dull cunt? And who's paying for their benefits, fags and Sky telly? I'm not even sure what Ukrainians do - Romanians wash cars, Peacefuls blow things up and Somalians get a bit stabby but nobody actually knows what these fuckers do. Bad stuff, I shouldn't wonder.

Nice to see you Mr Schreck. Been busy biting people?

I'm all for Ukrainians moving here. They will undoubtedly be proud Eastern European racists and immediately begin forcing darkies and peacefuls out of their burrows and culling them. They are also irradiated, so normal, law abiding English people can see them coming at night time.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:


 They are also irradiated, so normal, law abiding English people can see them coming at night time.

As an Englishman, it was remiss of me to not suggest a derogatory and cleverly offensive nickname for our new arrivals... may I suggest:

'Ready Brekkers' ?

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3 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Good old Boris, getting his cock out to boast that we can house 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. Where exactly are we going to house them, you dull cunt? And who's paying for their benefits, fags and Sky telly? I'm not even sure what Ukrainians do - Romanians wash cars, Peacefuls blow things up and Somalians get a bit stabby but nobody actually knows what these fuckers do. Bad stuff, I shouldn't wonder.

Those flatlets and dilapidated hovels in and out of London, will squeeze at least twenty to one, so the new arrivals will not make too visible a presence, except for more bags of empties in overflowing bins and diy peripherals. 

If my memory serves me right, they dislike the Jews, so Hendon may not be the best spot to park them.

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Those flatlets and dilapidated hovels in and out of London, will squeeze at least twenty to one, so the new arrivals will not make too visible a presence, except for more bags of empties in overflowing bins and diy peripherals. 

If my memory serves me right, they dislike the Jews, so Hendon may not be the best spot to park them.

This forum is a nest of werrits.

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It's terrible these people are being displaced etc and losing your home etc overnight can't be easy. These are mostly genuine refugees, as opposed to economic migrants. The problem in this country is there are way too many women in important jobs everywhere...ruled by their fucking emotions and simply cannot get over their empathy (and themselves). An example of these women super cunt types is Victoria Derbyshire on the BBC, she was interviewing some Tory MP and immediately started bombarding him with 'how many will we accept' and I could tell she was getting excited at the prospect of more mouths to feed, clothe, etc arriving here. Thing is these Ukrainians won't be living near Victoria's licence payer funded 1 million pound home, no they'll put them all in working class areas, causing more problems in what is an already highly pressurised situation.

If I was Ukrainian I'd want to go to the UK and I don't blame them, getting around immigration etc and much better money prospects. The war hasn't really started yet and if Boris thinks it'll be 200,000 people he's mistaken. Around a million I reckon and of course there won't be any grievances between these and the other eastern european types already here.

On the positive side, Church attendance will increase, they have some very nice looking women who know how to look after their man (unlike our vile laddette/selfie obsessed locals) they'll clean the house and not whinge the whole time. Hopefully they don't like Romanians and will beat up some these thieving pikeys, wandering the streets. Perhaps this could be a good thing for all concerned and I'll be in the market for a bit of icy pussy. 



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I know I’m a very long way away, and as many others have reminded me I have forfeited my right to comment, but surely someone up there must see the potential upside of housing a few thousand impoverished Ukrainian women and children while their men are off fighting Vlad. I have a feeling @King Billy would see an opportunity, and ironically it’s the likes of Gammon- faced reptile Sir Edward Leigh MP, who spoke so warmly on this just yesterday, who would be first in the queue for a bit of Chicken Kiev before a trip to the confessional. 

Slava Ukraini.


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31 minutes ago, Dead Penelope said:

This forum is a nest of werrits.

Hey Pen, you could take our new arrivals on some tours of the railways/trains etc. What with your extensive knowledge, experience and ability to keep the punter interested...do you think they would enjoy your guided tour, or would want to get on the first plane back to Ukraine after 10 minutes?

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Nice to see you Mr Schreck. Been busy biting people?

I'm all for Ukrainians moving here. They will undoubtedly be proud Eastern European racists and immediately begin forcing darkies and peacefuls out of their burrows and culling them. They are also irradiated, so normal, law abiding English people can see them coming at night time.

Heard a while ago, that our government were asking for landlords to help house the dinghy lot a while ago. Guaranteed rent, no doubt fast tracked first payments etc and I'm sure they'll do the same when the Ukrainians arrive. Thankfully I'm ok and fairly comfortable, but if I was your typical British young adult with 7 kids, drug problems, and no home I'd be pissed off. 

Imagine that council house you've had your eye on firstly going to a Somalian (with 7 kids) and when they move out it goes to a Ukrainian. Your only option would be to have a few more kids and hope they let you have it... eventually. 

What a pile of cunt. 

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

As an Englishman, it was remiss of me to not suggest a derogatory and cleverly offensive nickname for our new arrivals... may I suggest:

'Ready Brekkers' ?



Or perhaps to reflect on what actually are, poncing,square headed,cabbage eating cunts?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
10 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Good old Boris, getting his cock out to boast that we can house 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. Where exactly are we going to house them, you dull cunt? And who's paying for their benefits, fags and Sky telly? I'm not even sure what Ukrainians do - Romanians wash cars, Peacefuls blow things up and Somalians get a bit stabby but nobody actually knows what these fuckers do. Bad stuff, I shouldn't wonder.

Ukraine is civilised and cultured similarly to us, unlike the Russians, will crack a smile here and there. They dislike Asians, middle easterns and have deep mistrust in globalist rhetoric. They have a high degree of smokey hot-boxed women and are predominantly Catholic, so slutty bitches. I am actually praying they come here to add a bit of pretty to the genepool, particularly the north. The men can work at Amazon.

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47 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

They have a high degree of smokey hot-boxed women 

I'm not claiming scientifically validated underpinnings, or great statistical significance, but based on a quick trawl through Pornhub just now I am fully behind this assertion.

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11 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Good old Boris, getting his cock out to boast that we can house 200,000 Ukrainian refugees. Where exactly are we going to house them, you dull cunt? 

I'll tell you exactly where, the same place they place all the other detritus that flock to our shores, deprived sea side towns already riven with poverty and ethnic tensions. 

NIMBY cunts.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
15 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm not claiming scientifically validated underpinnings, or great statistical significance, but based on a quick trawl through Pornhub just now I am fully behind this assertion.

This is entirely scientific. I base my holiday locations on this very analysis and the reason I have never been to Belgium, a country made up of uglies from France and Germany.

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1 minute ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

This is entirely scientific. I base my holiday locations on this very analysis and the reason I have never been to Belgium, a country made up of uglies from France and Germany.

Do not ever go to Tunisia. I pass on this advice as you won't find many naked Tunisian women on the internet, for reasons that will be obvious if you ever see them in real life i.e. that they are the fugliest, hairiest cunts in all of creation.

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3 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

This is entirely scientific. I base my holiday locations on this very analysis and the reason I have never been to Belgium, a country made up of uglies from France and Germany.

Belgians don't really look like that. Those are the big wobbly costumes from 'It's A Knockout'.

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7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Do not ever go to Tunisia. I pass on this advice as you won't find many naked Tunisian women on the internet, for reasons that will be obvious if you ever see them in real life i.e. that they are the fugliest, hairiest cunts in all of creation.

They were the first country to be allowed a handicap in the Mrs. World beauty pageant. They were allowed to enter two contestants to double their chances:




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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'll tell you exactly where, the same place they place all the other detritus that flock to our shores, deprived sea side towns already riven with poverty and ethnic tensions. 

NIMBY cunts.

I remember a school geography trip to Margate in the mid 90's and seeing nothing but shabby looking amusement arcades and decay. This was when the Kent coast became a dumping ground for the refugees from the Balkan wars.

I remember seeing hordes of grubby looking cunts in shellsuits and women in headscarves, and no they were not my teacher's.

Using South Kent as a dumping ground went on for year's until the locals protested and even elected Farage as their MP. Fortunately the government slowly started moving the fuckers further afield.

There's plenty of shitholes like Burnley and Rotherham ect that have the space.

I'm sure that Drew has at least two rooms spare in his bungalow due to sleeping, drinking and pissing squarely in his front room.

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