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Guest Parabolic Cunting
3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Is the 'Dune' remake worth watching? I tried the Boba Fett series you mentioned, but I got fucked off with the indecipherable, timeline shit. 

It opens with him looking like uncle Fester, in the desert playing stick fighting with sand pikeys. Then he's sat on Jabbas throne, not looking like an albino Buster Bloodvessel tribute act, and then there's some more wank about sand monkeys and then back to him looking normal with other shit going on. I haven't got a clue which of the three or four options is present-day.

Walt Disney's cunt kids should eat shit and play football with their dad's frozen fucking head. What they did to 'Loki' was a fucking crime. By episode 2 I was expecting a Scarecrow, Tin Man and midgets. Fucking ruining everything.

R.I.P The Avengers.

Stick to Mickey Mouse you gay, simpering fucking cunts.

Dune lacked the coherence of Villeneuve's previous efforts. If you have a large TV and decent sound system, I suggest it could be worth the watch for some of the extraordinary set pieces. 

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15 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

Dune lacked the coherence of Villeneuve's previous efforts. If you have a large TV and decent sound system, I suggest it could be worth the watch for some of the extraordinary set pieces. 

I've decided that the next film I'm going to watch is the one where Robocop gets armour and weapons upgrades and challenges Terminator to a fight by calling his mum a slag. 

During the fight, they crash through a wall and into a bedroom. On the bed, Daisy Duke and that bird out of Buck Rogers are rubbing baby oil on each other's tits and fannies. That goes on for 45 minutes while Robocop re-boots, and then Terminator rips his brain and spine out just as Daisy and Wilma Deering make each other cum.

I know that film hasn't been made yet. But I'm ok with waiting until someone gets around to it. 

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've decided that the next film I'm going to watch is the one where Robocop gets armour and weapons upgrades and challenges Terminator to a fight by calling his mum a slag. 

During the fight, they crash through a wall and into a bedroom. On the bed, Daisy Duke and that bird out of Buck Rogers are rubbing baby oil on each other's tits and fannies. That goes on for 45 minutes while Robocop re-boots, and then Terminator rips his brain and spine out just as Daisy and Wilma Deering make each other cum.

I know that film hasn't been made yet. But I'm ok with waiting until someone gets around to it. 

Yes. I will watch this.

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13 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What we need is a nice dictator for a bit - some middle aged cunt who'll rule for life and actually get shit done instead of having to worry about elections. It worked for China and Russia. I'd originally considered @ratcum for my vote until he let slip his plans for Geordie genocide, but he might still win me over if I can convince him to offer me a position as a diplomatically immune informant.

I would simply go for the Cornish twats who say that they are not English .. I am English and don't give a fuck.

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10 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You might like Peacemaker, a spin-off series from the character out of The Suicide Squad 

It's a loosely plotted, poorly acted, diversely cast crock of shit. It is quite violent though, and Robert Patrick (the original T-1000) as Peacemaker's father does a sterling turn as a Nazi white supremacist, so while it'll never make my top 10, I've been watching it anyway. 

It's a sad commentary that Eagly (an actual fucking eagle, albeit mostly CGI) is by far the best character.

Oh, and the opening credits dance sequence will increasingly boil your piss the more times you see it - thank fuck for fast forward.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's a loosely plotted, poorly acted, diversely cast crock of shit. It is quite violent though, and Robert Patrick (the original T-1000) as Peacemaker's father does a sterling turn as a Nazi white supremacist, so while it'll never make my top 10, I've been watching it anyway. 

It's a sad commentary that Eagly (an actual fucking eagle, albeit mostly CGI) is by far the best character.

Oh, and the opening credits dance sequence will increasingly boil your piss the more times you see it - thank fuck for fast forward.

Vigilante (knockoff Deadpool) killing an entire family at dinner, including the children, whilst humming a happy tune is what won me over. Robert Patrick was, as usual, brilliant in any role he's given, but there was a clear bias against his character that grated on me - every cunt else gets a free sympathy pass despite every single one of them doing something bad either through their naivete, stupidity, upbringing or just being a mental case - even the Butterflies get a bit of sympathy at the end.

But White Dragon doesn't get any of it and by the end of his character arc it almost makes him such a generic bad guy villain that he wouldn't look out of place in an episode of Power Rangers. It came across as a big wimp-out from the writers when they've clearly done their best to make everyone else, who have all done pretty fucked up things during the season sympathetic characters, but White Dragon is just evil at the start and evil at the end. And considering his connection to the main character, it gives Peacemaker a really cheap and underwhelming excuse for basically everything he's ever done that come across as morally questionable.

It certainly isn't at The Boys level, but its some decent, disposable and violent filler until season 3 comes out, and considering its a DC property I think it should at least be encouraged for now considering every cunt is tired of seeing Marvel wankers on their screens at this point.

What did you think of Invincible?

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's a loosely plotted, poorly acted, diversely cast crock of shit. It is quite violent though, and Robert Patrick (the original T-1000) as Peacemaker's father does a sterling turn as a Nazi white supremacist, so while it'll never make my top 10, I've been watching it anyway. 

It's a sad commentary that Eagly (an actual fucking eagle, albeit mostly CGI) is by far the best character.

Oh, and the opening credits dance sequence will increasingly boil your piss the more times you see it - thank fuck for fast forward.

Eagly... bit of a coincidence, when I watched Captain Marvel, the only thing that put a smile on my face was Goose. I want a Flirkin.

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Vigilante (knockoff Deadpool) killing an entire family at dinner, including the children, whilst humming a happy tune is what won me over. Robert Patrick was, as usual, brilliant in any role he's given, but there was a clear bias against his character that grated on me - every cunt else gets a free sympathy pass despite every single one of them doing something bad either through their naivete, stupidity, upbringing or just being a mental case - even the Butterflies get a bit of sympathy at the end.

But White Dragon doesn't get any of it and by the end of his character arc it almost makes him such a generic bad guy villain that he wouldn't look out of place in an episode of Power Rangers. It came across as a big wimp-out from the writers when they've clearly done their best to make everyone else, who have all done pretty fucked up things during the season sympathetic characters, but White Dragon is just evil at the start and evil at the end. And considering his connection to the main character, it gives Peacemaker a really cheap and underwhelming excuse for basically everything he's ever done that come across as morally questionable.

It certainly isn't at The Boys level, but its some decent, disposable and violent filler until season 3 comes out, and considering its a DC property I think it should at least be encouraged for now considering every cunt is tired of seeing Marvel wankers on their screens at this point.

What did you think of Invincible?

DC is wank. Suicide Squad is shite, a bloke with a crocodile head... so fucking what? And Will Smith can shoot a rifle, so can I. Big deal. 

DC don't sweat their biggest asset. Superman. Superman trumps the lot, the full package, flight capable, stronger than hulk, faster than 'the Flash', sees through walls, burns holes in rock with his eyes, etc etc. But no.... let's not take advantage of all that to make some really good films. Let's just focus on a slag with a baseball bat. 

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30 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

DC is wank. Suicide Squad is shite, a bloke with a crocodile head... so fucking what? And Will Smith can shoot a rifle, so can I. Big deal. 

DC don't sweat their biggest asset. Superman. Superman trumps the lot, the full package, flight capable, stronger than hulk, faster than 'the Flash', sees through walls, burns holes in rock with his eyes, etc etc. But no.... let's not take advantage of all that to make some really good films. Let's just focus on a slag with a baseball bat. 

They've got potential. Their main problem is that they try to mirror the Marvel films - DC are at their best when they're darker themed and more adult. Just look at Joker.

Superman is just too much of a limited character - weird to say considering he has ALL the powers and is the bestest evar, but how many times will cunts really be interested in seeing this one guy with only one weakness get tricked into succumbing to that weakness for the thousandth time?

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11 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

They've got potential. Their main problem is that they try to mirror the Marvel films - DC are at their best when they're darker themed and more adult. Just look at Joker.

Superman is just too much of a limited character - weird to say considering he has ALL the powers and is the bestest evar, but how many times will cunts really be interested in seeing this one guy with only one weakness get tricked into succumbing to that weakness for the thousandth time?

They should take Superman into darker territory. An older, jaded and less forgiving incarnation. Drop the cuddly journalist subterfuge and portray him as a moody loner who has watched everyone he loved die of old age and the world become a brutal dystopian nightmare. Maybe the 'Watchmen' universe as a crossover. Superman at odds with Dr Manhattan would be interesting.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They should take Superman into darker territory. An older, jaded and less forgiving incarnation. Drop the cuddly journalist subterfuge and portray him as a moody loner who has watched everyone he loved die of old age and the world become a brutal dystopian nightmare. Maybe the 'Watchmen' universe as a crossover. Superman at odds with Dr Manhattan would be interesting.

Manhattan would just teleport him into a Cryptonite crystal. Then stamp on it. 

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21 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Is the 'Dune' remake worth watching? I tried the Boba Fett series you mentioned, but I got fucked off with the indecipherable, timeline shit. 

It opens with him looking like uncle Fester, in the desert playing stick fighting with sand pikeys. Then he's sat on Jabbas throne, not looking like an albino Buster Bloodvessel tribute act, and then there's some more wank about sand monkeys and then back to him looking normal with other shit going on. I haven't got a clue which of the three or four options is present-day.

Walt Disney's cunt kids should eat shit and play football with their dad's frozen fucking head. What they did to 'Loki' was a fucking crime. By episode 2 I was expecting a Scarecrow, Tin Man and midgets. Fucking ruining everything.

R.I.P The Avengers.

Stick to Mickey Mouse you gay, simpering fucking cunts.

The new Dune movie is cinematically pretty spectacular and I really enjoyed it. However, the film finishes halfway through the story so there will be a second instalment to come. 

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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

When I was a lad there weren't any poofs in the comics, and Spiderman was white. I suppose that dates me a bit.

The burning question on everyone's lips is will we ever see a black Bananaman?


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 03/05/2022 at 23:24, White Cunt said:

To say I am greatly disappointed with Greasy Sunak and his milieu is an understatement - the fucking chancellor up to his neck  in tax dodging and facilitating. It just proves beyond any doubt how the the swamp beasts get away with everything.

He's made the recent Sunday Times Rich List with an estimated wealth of £730m+ while the vast majority of the nation struggles to afford to live. He might be a whizz with numbers, but the reality is he's an out-of-touch cunt with the plight of most. Seriously, what did people expect from an Oxbridge-educated son of an Indian billionaire who seems to spend money (that doesn't exist) like water?

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58 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

He's made the recent Sunday Times Rich List with an estimated wealth of £730m+ while the vast majority of the nation struggles to afford to live. He might be a whizz with numbers, but the reality is he's an out-of-touch cunt with the plight of most. Seriously, what did people expect from an Oxbridge-educated son of an Indian billionaire who seems to spend money (that doesn't exist) like water?

Revelations about his unimaginable wealth and that of his wife’s which is even greater have torpedoed his bid to become that first curry wallah PM and get the whip hand over the once colonial overlords. With no other viable alternative, we’re stuff with the honey monster until the next election.

I wholeheartedly agree with decs OP in that Labour are a total shower of cunts not to capitalize on the daily open goals our buffoonish leaders give them. In the grand scheme we get what we deserve of course. Take a walk through any town center and see the large percentage of fuckwits, marching morons and gutter trash scum that inhabit our once great nation. We deserve to be led and shat on by this pack of privileged uncaring cunts 

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20 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Revelations about his unimaginable wealth and that of his wife’s which is even greater have torpedoed his bid to become that first curry wallah PM and get the whip hand over the once colonial overlords. With no other viable alternative, we’re stuff with the honey monster until the next election.

I wholeheartedly agree with decs OP in that Labour are a total shower of cunts not to capitalize on the daily open goals our buffoonish leaders give them. In the grand scheme we get what we deserve of course. Take a walk through any town center and see the large percentage of fuckwits, marching morons and gutter trash scum that inhabit our once great nation. We deserve to be led and shat on by this pack of privileged uncaring cunts 

What you going to spend your Rishi fuel money on then Stubbs? And tell me who to back in the Test match next week, I’m a little out of touch with the state of the England openers. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What you going to spend your Rishi fuel money on then Stubbs? And tell me who to back in the Test match next week, I’m a little out of touch with the state of the England openers. 

By the time I get the money I expect I’ll spend it on a tank of petrol.

We’ve appointed Brendon McCullum as our new coach and I expect a no bullshit approach with any cuntish behavior not tolerated. The Kiwis have got to be strong favourites with their settled side containing some of their all time great players. Add to that our brittle batting line up and long list of injured bowlers, it could be embarrassing. Anderson and Broad could run amok after being stupidly left out 

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