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KFC (Kike Fried Chicken)


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Personally, I chose to celebrate the 84th anniversary of The Kristallnacht with a bag of weed and a bottle of wine. If I knew that KFC were offering a special commemorative deal via its app I could have sated my munchies with a boneless four piece meal:


Whilst no one would be shocked if Ronald McDonald sent dick pics to kids via the MaccyDs Twitter account, it similarly comes as no surprise to me to learn that The Colonel is a raving antisemite.


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I was once witness to a massive argument at a work social event, when the boss thought he’d make light of the fact one of his junior colleagues, who was marrying into Club Zion, was getting booked in for the cock haircut soon.

The young man in question had smiled through all the pre-dinner banter about having someone set to with a disc sander on his foreskin, but when it came to ordering food one remark sent him loop de loop, and started the mother of all arguments which culminated ultimately in him taking the matter to a tribunal, and winning quite a sum. 

All the for the crime of suggesting he ask the chef to make him Dachau L’Orange. 

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24 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

Holocaust or Holohoax?

It doesn't matter either way, our glorious government has deemed that it did happen, and if you can't accept that, Peg, I'd move to the moon.

Conversely, our 'betters' refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence that The Armenian Genocide wasn't a fantasy dreamed up by the Kardashian's and Cher. Got to keep those vital, Turkish Near-Eastern allies sweet, regardless of how many millions they kill.

It's not what you know, it's Jew you know.

Fuck off @judgetwi

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