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3 hours ago, and said:

What is it about?
Trying to keep  little boys club amused, while having a circle jerk over one or more of their number engage in a pathetic attempt at verbal intimidation?
And that's what you shower of cunts pay for?
You've got more money than sense if that's the best you can do for 'entertainment'?

You have seen who ‘likes’ this drivel? Cunt off.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Punters trying to be smart arses by alluding to noncery, no matter how oblique, should cease and desist. Now.

@Snowy, I don't appreciate my quote being taken out of context either. My quip alluded to four bods (including yourself) and not the four you've referred to.


But fully illustrates the hypocrisy here.

Just like the good old "clique " days it was always scrutinised on one group of people but not another,so the band of spastics that is the aforementioned group of unfunny Frank like farmers is allowed to run free.

Here's something to ponder on ,my previous post had four likes,my merry band of four maybe might have a secret hidden beatle.

Oh and fuck off.

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7 hours ago, Carl Sway said:

It usually denotes the poster as a pompous, pretentious prat.

Carl, I've spent the last 36 hours lovingly creating a timpano from scratch. The eggs are from my own hens, the sauce has been pulsed from San Marzano DOP plum tomatoes, and I lovingly hand rolled the paccheri, which was created using the finest doppio zero imported from Campania.

I'd offer to send you some leftovers, but as you're an absolute fucking child I imagine that your palate hasn't evolved beyond processing the preservatives in turkey dinosaurs and smiley potato faces.

@Frank a solo meal for one is on its way to your studio flat at the Barbican. Send the tupperware back. Don't bother returning the favour by filling it with some of your table for one, early bird special doggy bags that you keep in the freezer alongside the slope. Lonely old cunt.

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2 hours ago, Snowy said:

But fully illustrates the hypocrisy here.

Just like the good old "clique " days it was always scrutinised on one group of people but not another,so the band of spastics that is the aforementioned group of unfunny Frank like farmers is allowed to run free.

Here's something to ponder on ,my previous post had four likes,my merry band of four maybe might have a secret hidden beatle.

Oh and fuck off.

On a side note ,I'd like to say that everyone who has ever gave me a like is part of the clique, @Cunty BigBollox was the worst,he was drunk most the time on k cider and possible leader of said group @Mrs Roops you fucking conspiracy theory,  @King Billy obsessed fucking weirdo.


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59 minutes ago, Snowy said:

On a side note ,I'd like to say that everyone who has ever gave me a like is part of the clique, @Cunty BigBollox was the worst,he was drunk most the time on k cider and possible leader of said group @Mrs Roops you fucking conspiracy theory,  @King Billy obsessed fucking weirdo.


Was I in the clique? Or did I start the cartel and briefly merge with the clique to form the cabal? It’s a bit difficult to keep track of when none of it exists or ever did. Allegedly.

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6 hours ago, Snowy said:

On a side note ,I'd like to say that everyone who has ever gave me a like is part of the clique, @Cunty BigBollox was the worst,he was drunk most the time on k cider and possible leader of said group @Mrs Roops you fucking conspiracy theory,  @King Billy obsessed fucking weirdo.


Just so you know, I only gave you likes because I wanted to make sure my bin got emptied the next day.

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13 hours ago, Snowy said:

But fully illustrates the hypocrisy here.

Just like the good old "clique " days it was always scrutinised on one group of people but not another,so the band of spastics that is the aforementioned group of unfunny Frank like farmers is allowed to run free.

Here's something to ponder on ,my previous post had four likes,my merry band of four maybe might have a secret hidden beatle.

Oh and fuck off.

You're being precious.  FWÌW, its a bit sad to view 'likes' as a measurement of validation in my opinion. 

Incidentally, all cliques, huddles, circle jerks and individuals are treated equally. 

As for being offended by punters you deem to be "unfunny" simply use the 'ignore' function, preferably without making a song and dance about it with some grand announcement.  It's not that difficult. 

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're being precious.  FWÌW, its a bit sad to view 'likes' as a measurement of validation in my opinion. 

Incidentally, all cliques, huddles, circle jerks and individuals are treated equally. 

As for being offended by punters you deem to be "unfunny" simply use the 'ignore' function, preferably without making a song and dance about it with some grand announcement.  It's not that difficult. 

Nevermind all that Mrs Roops, have you got a decent singing voice? If not not I've got software that'll make you sound like Donna Summer. Get on down to W11 (I'm on my way there today) the cost is £100 per hour (mates rates) and I accept Bit Coin. However I'm willing to wave my fees of you kill Frank and Profb. 

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13 hours ago, Snowy said:

On a side note ,I'd like to say that everyone who has ever gave me a like is part of the clique, @Cunty BigBollox was the worst,he was drunk most the time on k cider and possible leader of said group @Mrs Roops you fucking conspiracy theory,  @King Billy obsessed fucking weirdo.


I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have a soft spot for you, Snowy. You are without doubt the thickest the site has ever seen. 

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

Carl, I've spent the last 36 hours lovingly creating a timpano from scratch. The eggs are from my own hens, the sauce has been pulsed from San Marzano DOP plum tomatoes, and I lovingly hand rolled the paccheri, which was created using the finest doppio zero imported from Campania.

I'd offer to send you some leftovers, but as you're an absolute fucking child I imagine that your palate hasn't evolved beyond processing the preservatives in turkey dinosaurs and smiley potato faces.

@Frank a solo meal for one is on its way to your studio flat at the Barbican. Send the tupperware back. Don't bother returning the favour by filling it with some of your table for one, early bird special doggy bags that you keep in the freezer alongside the slope. Lonely old cunt.

I'd prefer to eat the dead slope, than anything that you've prepared.

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20 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Was I in the clique? Or did I start the cartel and briefly merge with the clique to form the cabal? It’s a bit difficult to keep track of when none of it exists or ever did. Allegedly.

It all got very confusing Eric who was who.

All I knew was that I was slippery Brummie cunt who would stab each and everyone I was alligned to in the back.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're being precious.  FWÌW, its a bit sad to view 'likes' as a measurement of validation in my opinion. 

Incidentally, all cliques, huddles, circle jerks and individuals are treated equally. 

As for being offended by punters you deem to be "unfunny" simply use the 'ignore' function, preferably without making a song and dance about it with some grand announcement.  It's not that difficult. 

Who's saying I'm offended? Are you putting words in my mouth now?

" Punters" can do what they want ,it bears no weight on what I do on here,but I haven't seen you scrutinise anyone but people associated with Decs,I'm not sticking up for him he's a pen pushing cunt in the arsehole of England but it does seem to be a pattern.

See you'd have to be pretty thin skinned to block someone on a site called cuntscorner.


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20 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Was I in the clique? Or did I start the cartel and briefly merge with the clique to form the cabal? It’s a bit difficult to keep track of when none of it exists or ever did. Allegedly.

And I'm the bloated spider at the centre of it all, spinning my web and pulling in the flies to feed my insatiable appetite for inter-member acrimony. Allegedly.


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7 hours ago, Frank said:

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have a soft spot for you, Snowy. You are without doubt the thickest the site has ever seen. 

I would be lying if I had a soft spot for you years ago,now your just a mollusc.

The Des O'Connor of the corner absolutely fucking dreadful,but I appreciate the sentiment It means the world to me Frank.

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