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The worldwide phenomenon of excess deaths and the totally unconnected lol phenomenon of U.K. Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen MPs who have decided to resign or stand down at the next General Election.

King Billy

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Now that the world is slowly waking from their 3 year Covid 19 hibernation, nervously lifting up their face nappies and coming out from behind their sofas or crawling out from under their beds to go forward into the ‘new normal’ future that’s been generously and meticulously planned for them by their brave leaders (Net  zero lunacy,  digital IDs, 15 minute cities, cashless society, internet censorship, Marxist indoctrination of your children from day one at nursery school till they’re fully ‘on message’ and ready to head out into the brave new world of left wing fascist activism and fight the existential threat to civilisation which as we all know (thanks to the BBC etc.) is white, working class men and women that refuse to allow their precious little offspring to be castrated or mastectomised and live a childless but much more happy life until they realise what a fucking mistake they’ve made and kill themselves live on Facebook, with all their ‘friends’ cheering them on).

Anyway, the huge worldwide increase in excess deaths compared to the previous 5 year average, which should in a non clown world be at least somewhere near the top of the list of serious issues to be reported by the fake news MSM and investigated by the politicians and medical ‘experts’ (trust the science)  as a matter of urgency. But of course that’s not the way it works anymore. Because the very same politicians, medical ‘experts’ and scumbag MSM who are responsible for causing the problem are the very same cunts who are now jumping the sinking ship like the rats that they’ve always been and hoping to slip away into obscurity before anyone points the finger at them.

The lack of urgency to discuss or even acknowledge the millions of excess deaths currently, in stark comparison to the so called ‘pandemic’ which turned out to be about as deadly as all of Withers’ terminal cancer diagnosis’ and led to the entire world being locked down by tyrannical politicians on the ‘scientific’ advice of the WHO etc. is astounding really. Or is it? It couldn’t possibly be that the corrupt cabal of usual suspects  who are to blame haven’t quite distanced themselves enough from the facts yet?

Over to you Mrs. Roops.

Get Fucked.😘

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It's the same players behind all the agendas leading up to the 2030 UN Sustainable global goals agenda. All under the cover story for our wellbeing. Yeah the Governments have always had our best interests close to their transhuman hearts...of course silly me.

Nothing to do with controlling and monitoring every fucking part of your life.



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Excess deaths are through the roof. It must be caused by the cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine, plastic in the sea or ice caps melting... Anything but the 'vaccines' and Covid 19... What a fucking piss take, I'm sure most decent folk (like myself and @King Billy) who weren't stupid enough to have any 'vaccine' look upon the 'vaccinated' with pity. Imagine waking up everyday wondering if you're going to keel over after having the jabs. The same jabs Boris the Bellend was going on about that Christmas, calling getting a jab a gift to one's family or friends (whilst partying and breaking social distancing rules and scoffing and drinking like a fat cunt), enabling you to have Christmas dinner knowing you're 'vaccinated'. What a pile of cunt, the useless fucking jabs never stopped transmission but seem to be the cause of a lot of these unexplained deaths. 

Mrs Roops is away tomorrow, getting her 174th jab. Lol.



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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Now that the world is slowly waking from their 3 year Covid 19 hibernation, nervously lifting up their face nappies and coming out from behind their sofas or crawling out from under their beds to go forward into the ‘new normal’ future that’s been generously and meticulously planned for them by their brave leaders (Net  zero lunacy,  digital IDs, 15 minute cities, cashless society, internet censorship, Marxist indoctrination of your children from day one at nursery school till they’re fully ‘on message’ and ready to head out into the brave new world of left wing fascist activism and fight the existential threat to civilisation which as we all know (thanks to the BBC etc.) is white, working class men and women that refuse to allow their precious little offspring to be castrated or mastectomised and live a childless but much more happy life until they realise what a fucking mistake they’ve made and kill themselves live on Facebook, with all their ‘friends’ cheering them on).

Anyway, the huge worldwide increase in excess deaths compared to the previous 5 year average, which should in a non clown world be at least somewhere near the top of the list of serious issues to be reported by the fake news MSM and investigated by the politicians and medical ‘experts’ (trust the science)  as a matter of urgency. But of course that’s not the way it works anymore. Because the very same politicians, medical ‘experts’ and scumbag MSM who are responsible for causing the problem are the very same cunts who are now jumping the sinking ship like the rats that they’ve always been and hoping to slip away into obscurity before anyone points the finger at them.

The lack of urgency to discuss or even acknowledge the millions of excess deaths currently, in stark comparison to the so called ‘pandemic’ which turned out to be about as deadly as all of Withers’ terminal cancer diagnosis’ and led to the entire world being locked down by tyrannical politicians on the ‘scientific’ advice of the WHO etc. is astounding really. Or is it? It couldn’t possibly be that the corrupt cabal of usual suspects  who are to blame haven’t quite distanced themselves enough from the facts yet?

Over to you Mrs. Roops.

Get Fucked.😘

Oh fuck me Billy, you've done it now. I can hear the welsh boudica unscrewing the Hardy's cab sav, the cracking of knuckles and the firing up of the laptop as she settles in to an all nighter of googling to challenge the veracity of your post.

May god have mercy on your soul. Nay, may god have mercy on all of us.

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30 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Excess deaths are through the roof. It must be caused by the cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine, plastic in the sea or ice caps melting... Anything but the 'vaccines' and Covid 19... What a fucking piss take, I'm sure most decent folk (like myself and @King Billy) who weren't stupid enough to have any 'vaccine' look upon the 'vaccinated' with pity. Imagine waking up everyday wondering if you're going to keel over after having the jabs. The same jabs Boris the Bellend was going on about that Christmas, calling getting a jab a gift to one's family or friends (whilst partying and breaking social distancing rules and scoffing and drinking like a fat cunt), enabling you to have Christmas dinner knowing you're 'vaccinated'. What a pile of cunt, the useless fucking jabs never stopped transmission but seem to be the cause of a lot of these unexplained deaths. 

Mrs Roops is away tomorrow, getting her 174th jab. Lol.



I never had any of the clot juice and would go even further and say that germ theory is still theory and a fucking fraud masterminded by the Rockefellers, using Louis Pasteur as their puppet, even Pasteur on his death bed conceded that Antoine Bechamp was right and the terrain is everything, that's why these DIC's (demons in charge) have used the terrain against us (chemtrails) for decades and probably longer.

It's always been eugenics for profit...i say that with confidence as these puppet cunts have made millions and some billions, alongside the death rate soaring off the radar in every country since the jabs started. It's the common denominator but the zombie nations are too busy looking at and using their smart phones to notice.

Fuck the lot of em.

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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Oh fuck me Billy, you've done it now. I can hear the welsh boudica unscrewing the Hardy's cab sav, the cracking of knuckles and the firing up of the laptop as she settles in to an all nighter of googling to challenge the veracity of your post.

May god have mercy on your soul. Nay, may god have mercy on all of us.

God has nothing to do with this, Roops is a fucking demonic mentalist and needs another injection.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Now that the world is slowly waking from their 3 year Covid 19 hibernation, nervously lifting up their face nappies and coming out from behind their sofas or crawling out from under their beds to go forward into the ‘new normal’ future that’s been generously and meticulously planned for them by their brave leaders (Net  zero lunacy,  digital IDs, 15 minute cities, cashless society, internet censorship, Marxist indoctrination of your children from day one at nursery school till they’re fully ‘on message’ and ready to head out into the brave new world of left wing fascist activism and fight the existential threat to civilisation which as we all know (thanks to the BBC etc.) is white, working class men and women that refuse to allow their precious little offspring to be castrated or mastectomised and live a childless but much more happy life until they realise what a fucking mistake they’ve made and kill themselves live on Facebook, with all their ‘friends’ cheering them on).

Anyway, the huge worldwide increase in excess deaths compared to the previous 5 year average, which should in a non clown world be at least somewhere near the top of the list of serious issues to be reported by the fake news MSM and investigated by the politicians and medical ‘experts’ (trust the science)  as a matter of urgency. But of course that’s not the way it works anymore. Because the very same politicians, medical ‘experts’ and scumbag MSM who are responsible for causing the problem are the very same cunts who are now jumping the sinking ship like the rats that they’ve always been and hoping to slip away into obscurity before anyone points the finger at them.

The lack of urgency to discuss or even acknowledge the millions of excess deaths currently, in stark comparison to the so called ‘pandemic’ which turned out to be about as deadly as all of Withers’ terminal cancer diagnosis’ and led to the entire world being locked down by tyrannical politicians on the ‘scientific’ advice of the WHO etc. is astounding really. Or is it? It couldn’t possibly be that the corrupt cabal of usual suspects  who are to blame haven’t quite distanced themselves enough from the facts yet?

Over to you Mrs. Roops.

Get Fucked.😘


This is what happens when a publication challenges the MSM; they get called the usual bullshit.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Now that the world is slowly waking from their 3 year Covid 19 hibernation, nervously lifting up their face nappies and coming out from behind their sofas or crawling out from under their beds to go forward into the ‘new normal’ future that’s been generously and meticulously planned for them by their brave leaders (Net  zero lunacy,  digital IDs, 15 minute cities, cashless society, internet censorship, Marxist indoctrination of your children from day one at nursery school till they’re fully ‘on message’ and ready to head out into the brave new world of left wing fascist activism and fight the existential threat to civilisation which as we all know (thanks to the BBC etc.) is white, working class men and women that refuse to allow their precious little offspring to be castrated or mastectomised and live a childless but much more happy life until they realise what a fucking mistake they’ve made and kill themselves live on Facebook, with all their ‘friends’ cheering them on).

Anyway, the huge worldwide increase in excess deaths compared to the previous 5 year average, which should in a non clown world be at least somewhere near the top of the list of serious issues to be reported by the fake news MSM and investigated by the politicians and medical ‘experts’ (trust the science)  as a matter of urgency. But of course that’s not the way it works anymore. Because the very same politicians, medical ‘experts’ and scumbag MSM who are responsible for causing the problem are the very same cunts who are now jumping the sinking ship like the rats that they’ve always been and hoping to slip away into obscurity before anyone points the finger at them.

The lack of urgency to discuss or even acknowledge the millions of excess deaths currently, in stark comparison to the so called ‘pandemic’ which turned out to be about as deadly as all of Withers’ terminal cancer diagnosis’ and led to the entire world being locked down by tyrannical politicians on the ‘scientific’ advice of the WHO etc. is astounding really. Or is it? It couldn’t possibly be that the corrupt cabal of usual suspects  who are to blame haven’t quite distanced themselves enough from the facts yet?

Over to you Mrs. Roops.

Get Fucked.😘

Fascinating if true...anyway back to stoopid horrible reality...bally baby..Derry...that most gerrymanderd of electoral boroughs of the uk now stares down the barrel of the appalling vista of no onionist mayor in 50 years ...yid wanna have a word with the morons that voting is more important than bonfires..lol


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Jeez, idiocy is still alive and well.

After falling flat on his face from the debacle of his last bacofoil-clad theory, the OP has not learned from past lessons and we now have an equally demented punter revisiting his "germ theory" in which there is no such thing as communicable disease, only 'bad chemistry' from within.

My employers have sent me abroad to bang some heads together and am not too sure when I'm back so unfortunately I don't have much time to get stuck in.

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Fascinating if true...anyway back to stoopid horrible reality...bally baby..Derry...that most gerrymanderd of electoral boroughs of the uk now stares down the barrel of the appalling vista of no onionist mayor in 50 years ...yid wanna have a word with the morons that voting is more important than bonfires..lol


Reported, rule 10 violation. You phackin cunt, lol. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Jeez, idiocy is still alive and well.

After falling flat on his face from the debacle of his last bacofoil-clad theory, the OP has not learned from past lessons and we now have an equally demented punter revisiting his "germ theory" in which there is no such thing as communicable disease, only 'bad chemistry' from within.

My employers have sent me abroad to bang some heads together and am not too sure when I'm back so unfortunately I don't have much time to get stuck in.

You don't have much time to enforce your draconian rules either, a blatant rule 10 violation from Finnegan and you'd rather tell tell us you're going to Wells... abroad indeed. 

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6 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Eddie yuu fakkin gwassin kant..lol


I won't have a bad word said about @Eddie, he paved the way for the black man on the corner. He's a hero from Port Royal to Port-au-Prince, and he has to put up with Roops as well, give him a break. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Jeez, idiocy is still alive and well.

After falling flat on his face from the debacle of his last bacofoil-clad theory, the OP has not learned from past lessons and we now have an equally demented punter revisiting his "germ theory" in which there is no such thing as communicable disease, only 'bad chemistry' from within.

My employers have sent me abroad to bang some heads together and am not too sure when I'm back so unfortunately I don't have much time to get stuck in.

Get back in your box, you delusional ginger witch.

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I won't have a bad word said about @Eddie, he paved the way for the black man on the corner. He's a hero from Port Royal to Port-au-Prince, and he has to put up with Roops as well, give him a break. 

I've met Eddie and he's about as black as my arse. More blue if anything. A Basildon bred, pointed shoe-wearing, honky-tonk fat fucking shoulder-less stammering chancer.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Jeez, idiocy is still alive and well.

After falling flat on his face from the debacle of his last bacofoil-clad theory, the OP has not learned from past lessons and we now have an equally demented punter revisiting his "germ theory" in which there is no such thing as communicable disease, only 'bad chemistry' from within.

My employers have sent me abroad to bang some heads together and am not too sure when I'm back so unfortunately I don't have much time to get stuck in.

You have ‘employers?’ You utter tramp. Raise your game, serf.

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18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

. I can hear the welsh boudica unscrewing the Hardy's cab sav, the cracking of knuckles and the firing up of the laptop

The loud cracking noises won’t be her knuckles. It’ll be her old man’s knees and ankles as he rushes up the stairs like a tortoise in a K hole, mumbling ‘Oh shit she’s off on one again. I hate that cunt Billy for doing this to her again.’

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You have ‘employers?’ You utter tramp. Raise your game, serf.

Have you noticed he's not mentioned those awful green ankle socks he had on in that damning picture. They were similar to (if not) these...


How he has the nerve to talk about fashion in here is beyond me. 




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8 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Have you noticed he's not mentioned those awful green ankle socks he had on in that damning picture. They were similar to (if not) these...


How he has the nerve to talk about fashion in here is beyond me. 




I think he got them at Mothercare on the Old Kent Rd. I saw them in the window last week. Weirdly, @Carl Sway was loitering inside too.

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

My employers have sent me abroad to bang some heads together

I started thinking about where exactly ‘abroad’ your unique talents might be urgently needed to bang some heads together?…..Ukraine? Central or South America (again)? lol The Middle East? Pakistan? and then I remembered hearing that Legoland Windsor were struggling to recruit an experienced female (Mensa member preferred) to train as a ‘Chief teacups operator’. I hope it works out for you as it can’t be easy for you as a middle to old age Welsh person starting a new life in a far away civilised country like England.

Get fucked😘

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18 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

God has nothing to do with this, Roops is a fucking demonic mentalist and needs another injection.

Pfizer/BioNTech could launch their latest ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail in a blitz of advertising, call it ‘The final solution’ and the cuntess would be showing Holly and Phil the nonce how jumping the queue should be done, with both sleeves rolled up and insisting that she must have two doses because she’s vastly more intelligent than everyone else and civilisation would immediately collapse without her. 

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