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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Unfortunately, not one of your predictions, assertions - call it what you will - have materialised.

Au contraire Mrs Big Brain. The majority of my predictions, assertions - call it what you will  - are slowly but surely being shown to be correct, despite the continuing efforts of corrupt Big Pharma, corrupt National Governments all over the world and the most corrupt MSM the world has ever known to stop the Covid ‘scamdemic’, forced lockdowns, experimental vaccine (lol) and ridiculous mask mandates narrative of the past 3 and 1/2 years completely unravelling (which it is), in the reasonable assumption that the millions of subservient, obedient fucking morons who blindly bought into the Covid BS will already be preoccupied with the latest MSM distractions (Ukraine money laundering scheme, sorry war, small boats full of drowned Muslim kidfuckers, Rishi Sunak’s summer holiday at Epsteinworld, sorry Disneyworld etc. etc.)  that they’re being drip fed 24/7, happy that Granny hasn’t died yet thanks to the ten booster shots (although little Jimmy who’d just turned 14 dropped dead suddenly when he was playing football? Climate change probably), and even worse the whooping cheerleaders (you) for the whole shitshow won’t even contemplate the glaring possibility that you were so easily nudged into actually believing and then wholeheartedly promoting the bollocks and therefore never have to admit your own fucking stupidity and God forbid apologise. Stay safe…protect the NHS. 😘

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Au contraire Mrs Big Brain. The majority of my predictions, assertions - call it what you will  - are slowly but surely being shown to be correct, despite the continuing efforts of corrupt Big Pharma, corrupt National Governments all over the world and the most corrupt MSM the world has ever known to stop the Covid ‘scamdemic’, forced lockdowns, experimental vaccine (lol) and ridiculous mask mandates narrative of the past 3 and 1/2 years completely unravelling (which it is), in the reasonable assumption that the millions of subservient, obedient fucking morons who blindly bought into the Covid BS will already be preoccupied with the latest MSM distractions (Ukraine money laundering scheme, sorry war, small boats full of drowned Muslim kidfuckers, Rishi Sunak’s summer holiday at Epsteinworld, sorry Disneyworld etc. etc.)  that they’re being drip fed 24/7, happy that Granny hasn’t died yet thanks to the ten booster shots (although little Jimmy who’d just turned 14 dropped dead suddenly when he was playing football? Climate change probably), and even worse the whooping cheerleaders (you) for the whole shitshow won’t even contemplate the glaring possibility that you were so easily nudged into actually believing and then wholeheartedly promoting the bollocks and therefore never have to admit your own fucking stupidity and God forbid apologise. Stay safe…protect the NHS. 😘

This is just a wish list of what you hope will happen meshed with pub-bore rhetoric.

Perhaps you could update the puntership on previous insights thus far;

  • Tump will win re-election by a landslide
  • The Democrats are plotting to overturn the election result should they lose
  • The election was stolen and Trump has the evidence to prove it
  • Trump has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court who will overturn the election result
  • Covid-19 doesn't exist
  • There is no pandemic
  • The Covid pandemic is an WEF-inspired conspiracy to rule the world
  • mRNA vaccines alter your DNA
  • mRNA vaccines alter liver cells to become carcinogenic
  • The mRNA vaccination programme is an WEF-inspired conspiracy to rule the world
  • Leaders of 194 nations are convening on the 22nd May 2022 to sign over statutory executive powers to the WHO 

The list is not exhaustive.

Stay warm.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Au contraire Mrs Big Brain. The majority of my predictions, assertions - call it what you will  - are slowly but surely being shown to be correct, despite the continuing efforts of corrupt Big Pharma, corrupt National Governments all over the world and the most corrupt MSM the world has ever known to stop the Covid ‘scamdemic’, forced lockdowns, experimental vaccine (lol) and ridiculous mask mandates narrative of the past 3 and 1/2 years completely unravelling (which it is), in the reasonable assumption that the millions of subservient, obedient fucking morons who blindly bought into the Covid BS will already be preoccupied with the latest MSM distractions (Ukraine money laundering scheme, sorry war, small boats full of drowned Muslim kidfuckers, Rishi Sunak’s summer holiday at Epsteinworld, sorry Disneyworld etc. etc.)  that they’re being drip fed 24/7, happy that Granny hasn’t died yet thanks to the ten booster shots (although little Jimmy who’d just turned 14 dropped dead suddenly when he was playing football? Climate change probably), and even worse the whooping cheerleaders (you) for the whole shitshow won’t even contemplate the glaring possibility that you were so easily nudged into actually believing and then wholeheartedly promoting the bollocks and therefore never have to admit your own fucking stupidity and God forbid apologise. Stay safe…protect the NHS. 😘

Do you have the flu jab?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is just a wish list of what you hope will happen meshed with pub-bore rhetoric.

Perhaps you could update the puntership on previous insights thus far;

  • Tump will win re-election by a landslide
  • The Democrats are plotting to overturn the election result should they lose
  • The election was stolen and Trump has the evidence to prove it
  • Trump has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court who will overturn the election result
  • Covid-19 doesn't exist
  • There is no pandemic
  • The Covid pandemic is an WEF-inspired conspiracy to rule the world
  • mRNA vaccines alter your DNA
  • mRNA vaccines alter liver cells to become carcinogenic
  • The mRNA vaccination programme is an WEF-inspired conspiracy to rule the world
  • Leaders of 194 nations are convening on the 22nd May 2022 to sign over statutory executive powers to the WHO 

The list is not exhaustive.

Stay warm.

You forgot to add that Big Mike will be running against Trump in 2024.

Stay Cold.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:
  • Tump will win re-election by a landslide
  • The Democrats are plotting to overturn the election result should they lose

1.. Who or what is Tump? MENSA🤣

2.. Youtube… Blaze TV…..’MUST-SEE: Montage of Democrats DENYING Election Results.’ (12 min. 27seconds) lol.

And here’s a couple more. I’ll get round to the others when I’ve stopped chortling at your fucking stupidity. 

5.. Covid exists only so far as it is a seasonal respiratory disease with a mortality rate of less than 1%, almost exactly the same as the winter flu virus , which conveniently disappeared off the face off the Earth the moment it’s twin brother from China showed up in 2020 and announced ‘I’ll take over now Bruv.’ And even with the help of the ‘Died from or with Covid within 28 days of testing +’ it still couldn’t put many more wrinklies and fat lazy cunts down than an old school flu in a lot of recent  winters.

6.. 2020 (the height of the ‘pandemic’ before the experimental mRNA poisons were even rolled out) and the figures up to 2008 are interesting also.large.1DC5EA13-9C92-47A2-BF19-12C2DD5313AD.jpeg.60b154eed4aa64f6db3e1dadb9bb9ded.jpeg

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54 minutes ago, King Billy said:

1.. Who or what is Tump?

2.. Youtube… Blaze TV…..’MUST-SEE: Montage of Democrats DENYING Election Results.’ (12.27seconds) lol.

And here’s a couple more. I’ll get round to the others when I’ve stopped chortling at your fucking stupidity. 

5.. Covid exists only so far as it is a seasonal respiratory disease with a mortality rate of less than 1%, almost exactly the same as the winter flu virus , which conveniently disappeared off the face off the Earth the moment it’s twin brother from China showed up in 2020 and announced ‘I’ll take over now Bruv.’ And even with the help of the ‘Died from or with Covid within 28 days of testing +’ it still couldn’t put many more wrinklies and fat lazy cunts down than an old school flu in a lot of recent  winters.

6.. 2020 (the height of the ‘pandemic’ before the experimental mRNA poisons were even rolled out) and the figures up to 2008 are interesting also.large.1DC5EA13-9C92-47A2-BF19-12C2DD5313AD.jpeg.60b154eed4aa64f6db3e1dadb9bb9ded.jpeg

Brilliant work Bill, covid also only exists as a isolated particle on a computer model, totally legit and with the aid of a prize winning test that's been over used and abused and if the inventor was alive (died shortly before the hoax) would have had plenty to say about that...but nevermind Roops has all the google search answers and includes all the different points of views as the ginger thicko is good like that. Interesting side note, the FDA are saying it's ok for doctors to use ivermectin now, wasn't that long ago they were saying it's a horse pill (another lie)...


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21 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Brilliant work Bill, covid also only exists as a isolated particle on a computer model, totally legit and with the aid of a prize winning test that's been over used and abused and if the inventor was alive (died shortly before the hoax) would have had plenty to say about that...but nevermind Roops has all the google search answers and includes all the different points of views as the ginger thicko is good like that. Interesting side note, the FDA are saying it's ok for doctors to use ivermectin now, wasn't that long ago they were saying it's a horse pill (another lie)...


They’re rolling back on the Ivermectin thing now Jake, saying that they never banned doctors from prescribing it, which they actually didn’t have the legal authority to do, just recommended them not to (or you’ll never be allowed to practice again) with an orchestrated MSM propaganda operation. One of the safest drugs ever, billions of doses prescribed by doctors for decades, a Nobel prize for medicine winner, and the FDA suddenly declared it to be a deadly threat to the human race? Obviously the fact that it’s out of patent and basically worth nothing to Big Pharma had nothing whatsoever to do with it (coincidentally just like hydroxychloroquinne) which is similarly patent free and was therefore suddenly found to be extremely dangerous and not allowed to be spoken about for a couple of years.  

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

1.. Who or what is Tump? MENSA🤣

2.. Youtube… Blaze TV…..’MUST-SEE: Montage of Democrats DENYING Election Results.’ (12 min. 27seconds) lol.

And here’s a couple more. I’ll get round to the others when I’ve stopped chortling at your fucking stupidity. 

5.. Covid exists only so far as it is a seasonal respiratory disease with a mortality rate of less than 1%, almost exactly the same as the winter flu virus , which conveniently disappeared off the face off the Earth the moment it’s twin brother from China showed up in 2020 and announced ‘I’ll take over now Bruv.’ And even with the help of the ‘Died from or with Covid within 28 days of testing +’ it still couldn’t put many more wrinklies and fat lazy cunts down than an old school flu in a lot of recent  winters.

6.. 2020 (the height of the ‘pandemic’ before the experimental mRNA poisons were even rolled out) and the figures up to 2008 are interesting also.large.1DC5EA13-9C92-47A2-BF19-12C2DD5313AD.jpeg.60b154eed4aa64f6db3e1dadb9bb9ded.jpeg

Never mind this shit, Bill, I don't usually get involved in the whole Covid debate, I had my opinions at the time and chose not to disclose them.

Needless to say I didn't have any of the jabs and I deplored the Big Brother antics of H.M. Government at the time, so you can probably deduce where I sit on the debate.

My question is, and it's a genuine one, can you tell me the average age of death of people with Covid in the UK during the pandemic who didn't have any pre-existing comorbitities? I think the answer will settle the argument once and for all on whether there was a disproportionate and sinister reaction from our "betters", regardless of the unproven and ultimately fruitless counterargument that being less tyrannical would have resulted in more deaths of supposedly healthy individuals.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Never mind this shit, Bill, I don't usually get involved in the whole Covid debate, I had my opinions at the time and chose not to disclose them.

Needless to say I didn't have any of the jabs and I deplored the Big Brother antics of H.M. Government at the time, so you can probably deduce where I sit on the debate.

My question is, and it's a genuine one, can you tell me the average age of death of people with Covid in the UK during the pandemic who didn't have any pre-existing comorbitities? I think the answer will settle the argument once and for all on whether there was a disproportionate and sinister reaction from our "betters", regardless of the unproven and ultimately fruitless counterargument that being less tyrannical would have resulted in more deaths of supposedly healthy individuals.


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

They’re rolling back on the Ivermectin thing now Jake, saying that they never banned doctors from prescribing it, which they actually didn’t have the legal authority to do, just recommended them not to (or you’ll never be allowed to practice again) with an orchestrated MSM propaganda operation. One of the safest drugs ever, billions of doses prescribed by doctors for decades, a Nobel prize for medicine winner, and the FDA suddenly declared it to be a deadly threat to the human race? Obviously the fact that it’s out of patent and basically worth nothing to Big Pharma had nothing whatsoever to do with it (coincidentally just like hydroxychloroquinne) which is similarly patent free and was therefore suddenly found to be extremely dangerous and not allowed to be spoken about for a couple of years.  

Don't start me on the doctors, those greedy self-serving cunts got paid to put covid on any death, they got got to put people on killer meds and ventilators and paid to inject every cunt with a kill shot...and many are still doing this.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

My question is, and it's a genuine one, can you tell me the average age of death of people with Covid in the UK during the pandemic who didn't have any pre-existing comorbitities? I think the answer will settle the argument once and for all

The unprecedented and clearly ridiculous ‘Died from or with Covid after testing positive within 28 days previously’ method of racking up the death count which the corrupt WHO came up with very early on, after initially covering up and lying about almost every single aspect of the Wuhan virus at the behest of their CCP paymasters and was immediately adopted without question by most of the world) is imo the biggest con trick ever played on the already propagandised public ever. Sly News with their 24/7 ‘Deathometer’ flashing and constantly rising in the corner of the screen while Kay Burley and the other fucking ‘Morticia Adams’  slag were partying in Soho wine bars, Daily Covid updates featuring terrifying graphs, and plucked from the sky modelling predictions of millions of imminent deaths, courtesy of Prof Neil Pantsdown  (fearporn) on the BBC from Bozo, Hancock, Whitty etc. before they too headed upstairs for their nightly knees up or Birthday party. 
In answer to your question Decs the number of ‘all cause mortality’ deaths since 2000 in England and Wales (regardless of age or comorbidity) and the fact that excess deaths (all causes) have been consistently 10 to 20% higher than the previous 5 year average every month since early2022 (ONS). After a ‘pandemic’ excess deaths should be less as the weak and the old should already be dead, and yet no one in the government or fakenews MSM will talk about this phenomonen, confirms to me that we’ve been lied to, nudged, coerced, bullied and taken for fools, which tbf most of the bleating mask wearers and jibby jabby addicts are.

82 for men and a couple of years older for wimmin I believe. Pretty much as it was before the mass contagion psyop.

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14 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

What a fucking plank you really are.

One of your geese has a hand grenade inserted in its arse, which you’ll know fuck all about until your bellend flies out the window faster than a 2CV hurtling down Mont Blanc with no brakes. 

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3 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Evidence please. 

I thought you were too disinterested to bother with any of this tinfoil business? Why not look for your own evidence rather than lazily dismiss out of hand what you might find to be true?

Lazy dismissive cunt.

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52 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I thought you were too disinterested to bother with any of this tinfoil business? Why not look for your own evidence rather than lazily dismiss out of hand what you might find to be true?

Lazy dismissive cunt.

Don’t get me wrong Bill, much as I am quite happy to get on board with the idea the elites are taking the piss out of the majority of ordinary people, I find most of your Covid output to be beyond parody. But @Jake The Muss has made some very specific allegations here about Doctors being paid to forge death certificates, administer lethal vaccines, and put people on “killer meds and ventilators”. 

I’m merely asking to see his working is all. Given exporting doctors seems to be Britain’s’ only remaining growth industry, I’d think it both unwise and unpatriotic to start questioning their ethical standards. 

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13 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Don’t get me wrong Bill, much as I am quite happy to get on board with the idea the elites are taking the piss out of the majority of ordinary people, I find most of your Covid output to be beyond parody. But @Jake The Muss has made some very specific allegations here about Doctors being paid to forge death certificates, administer lethal vaccines, and put people on “killer meds and ventilators”. 

I’m merely asking to see his working is all. Given exporting doctors seems to be Britain’s’ only remaining growth industry, I’d think it both unwise and unpatriotic to start questioning their ethical standards. 

There's many doctors coming forward in various podcasts with emailed evidence, you're not going to find this information if you follow the MSM, you will have to go and look for it like i did, i never said forge death certs. They put down on death certs covid 19 even if that wasn't the cause of death but tested positive from a overly used and abused PCR test and yes many have said they were given finance incentives to do so, the hospitals in some USA cities were given 39,000 dollars each time they put patients on ventilators immediately and so on including the kill shots. It's up to you to find this information for yourself and take what you want from it, if you think i'm speaking out of my bumhole and believe in what you are being told by the governments and their paid BS machines, then that's up to you.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I thought you were too disinterested to bother with any of this tinfoil business? Why not look for your own evidence rather than lazily dismiss out of hand what you might find to be true?

Lazy dismissive cunt.

Agreed Bill, everyone has to find and work it out for themselves as that's the only way, fuck me, i had to do it myself and i'm sure you did but eventually people like our learned friend will work it out when the tyranny comes knocking on their door..

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1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

There's many doctors coming forward in various podcasts with emailed evidence, you're not going to find this information if you follow the MSM, you will have to go and look for it like i did, i never said forge death certs. They put down on death certs covid 19 even if that wasn't the cause of death but tested positive from a overly used and abused PCR test and yes many have said they were given finance incentives to do so, the hospitals in some USA cities were given 39,000 dollars each time they put patients on ventilators immediately and so on including the kill shots. It's up to you to find this information for yourself and take what you want from it, if you think i'm speaking out of my bumhole and believe in what you are being told by the governments and their paid BS machines, then that's up to you.

I see. Podcasts. Right. 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Never mind this shit, Bill, I don't usually get involved in the whole Covid debate, I had my opinions at the time and chose not to disclose them.

Needless to say I didn't have any of the jabs and I deplored the Big Brother antics of H.M. Government at the time, so you can probably deduce where I sit on the debate.

My question is, and it's a genuine one, can you tell me the average age of death of people with Covid in the UK during the pandemic who didn't have any pre-existing comorbitities? I think the answer will settle the argument once and for all on whether there was a disproportionate and sinister reaction from our "betters", regardless of the unproven and ultimately fruitless counterargument that being less tyrannical would have resulted in more deaths of supposedly healthy individuals.

It could have been put down as a bad flu year and no cunt would have known any different. 

I will add:

1) There wasn't any pandemic or even an epidemic.

2) Hotspots in Lombardy and New York observed boundary lines on maps.

3) Advising people to isolate for 14 days and not seek medical assistance with respiratory symptoms until hypoxic (and most likely in acute respiratory failure) will fill up critical care units with patients suffering with sepsis and multi organ failure. A slow and painful death for too many.

4) Patient "zero", a laboratory scientist/worker in Wuhan December 2020 is nonsense. The alleged virus was present in 13 regions of Italy by September 2019. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300891620974755 See point 6.

5) Nothing was leaked from any laboratory anywhere, maliciously or accidentally. It's bullshit to keep up the veneer there is a scary virus on the loose and underpin the need for the pandemic preparedness industry.

6) The Corman & Drosten PCR paper passed peer review in a matter of days. The test is fraudulent. 




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