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Modern cunt phrases, becoming normal in the UK...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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Yes, all these modern phrases usually spoken by under 30's... 

You've got this.

You smashed it.

You crushed it.

Living your best life. (An ex of mine used to say that, so I gave her one up the wrong'un and dumped her soon after, what a cunt. Lol.)

And so on. They must have originated from America and any person saying this in the UK is an utter cunt. 

Fuck off.

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54 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

"Have a nice day" has become "enjoy the rest of your day"

That's almost like a command isn't it HOC and definitely a cunt phrase, what kind of cunt tells someone to 'Enjoy' their day? What if I don't want to enjoy it, what if I want to hate it. It's not their day either, it doesn't belong to them does it? The day belongs to everyone and everything. Fucking hell, cunt phrases everywhere. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes, all these modern phrases usually spoken by under 30's... 

You've got this.

You smashed it.

You crushed it.

Living your best life. (An ex of mine used to say that, so I gave her one up the wrong'un and dumped her soon after, what a cunt. Lol.)

And so on. They must have originated from America and any person saying this in the UK is an utter cunt. 

Fuck off.

Good fucking call OCR. It’s repeat bollocks in its own way but remains relevant thanks to the increasing fucktardery of millennials. 
 The phrases you refer to.. ‘crushing it’ etc’ are the preserve of the millennial gym-bunny. A creature with a desperately low IQ and usually a gaylord shitcunt than needs beating up.

I used to go to gyms. They were populated by similar cunts to me. Coppers, bouncers, off duty squaddies etc’. Now, wall to wall flids wearing Lycra, too fucking stupid to operate an exercise bike without another fucking spacktard screaming instructions with a pilot headset. Faggot muscle dummies and gormless ponytailed Karen’s. I want them all dead.

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2 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Flipside .. Over 60's 
All these darkies and queers  .. it's not right is it 
Mental health .. what's that supposed to be
Jim Davidson .. now he's as funny as fuck
The BBC .. perve central more like
90 quid for a pair of trainers .. the world's gone mad

It's all going to shit (see my 'It's all going to  shit' nomination) Colonel, although the elders should get a pass as they're from the olden days. I find it quite endearing when an old cunt says 'My friend Cuthbert is coloured, lovely bloke, he's as black as Whitby Jet' or 'He's a poofter, but he's alright' or 'Im not a racialist' or 'Although he's a poofter, he's a lot like us' Lol. It's these younger cunts that get on my nerves, they should embrace their own language and not allow this American shite and woke speak to become the norm, although I think it already has.



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51 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Flipside .. Over 60's 
All these darkies and queers  .. it's not right is it 
Mental health .. what's that supposed to be
Jim Davidson .. now he's as funny as fuck
The BBC .. perve central more like
90 quid for a pair of trainers .. the world's gone mad



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2 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

Flipside .. Over 60's 
All these darkies and queers  .. it's not right is it 
Mental health .. what's that supposed to be
Jim Davidson .. now he's as funny as fuck
The BBC .. perve central more like
90 quid for a pair of trainers .. the world's gone mad

Or northerners... 'OW BLOODY MUCH?!?!?!'

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 28/09/2023 at 20:02, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes, all these modern phrases usually spoken by under 30's... 

You've got this.

You smashed it.

You crushed it.

Living your best life. (An ex of mine used to say that, so I gave her one up the wrong'un and dumped her soon after, what a cunt. Lol.)

And so on. They must have originated from America and any person saying this in the UK is an utter cunt. 

Fuck off.

Do you mind , I'm just trying to be my authentic self.

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Every person under 30 I come across or observe hasn't two words to rub together, zero social skills, including complete absence of a sense of humour, lack of eye contact, extreme attention deficit disorder, total lack of patience, tendency to perceive the world through ageist and other stereotypes. That's if, and it's a very big if, if they haven't got their heads buried in a smartphone and are 100% incommunicable. 

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