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I see no ships

camberwell gypsy

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So two ships collided at sea with one sinking with the loss of one life (unlucky bastard). Now, I'm no sailor but surely someone from either ship saw this other big fucker looming in the distance and thought 'we may hit that fucker so we'll slow down and steer Port/Starboard whatever". Now the North Sea isn't the Pacific Ocean but is sure as hell ain't a fucking duck pond, so surely to God there must be been enough time to take evasive action? It's not as if a cunt that size can all of a sudden appear from nowhere without knowing where the fucker is.  Sounds like a an insurance scam to me. 

I wonder if Frank can ask one of his sailor friends how this can happen. 


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It's a bit of an odd one.

While the North Atlantic is pretty stormy during October as cold air/water meets warm, which means they probably couldn't see each other at around 5am in the dark, owners of cargo ships carrying hundreds of millions-worth of stock generally invest in modern navigation equpiment, specifically designed to ensure ships can plan their routes to avoid such collisions.

Perhaps one of the captains had hands like Pen, and as he was trying to steer the ship in turbulent conditions, his great, big, mammothy shovel-size hairy hamfists became trapped into the helm wheel, making it accidentally change course into the approaching ship. Just a thought.

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27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If they can watch two gnats shagging on a leaf from a sattelite in bastard space, they can definitely make a half mile long boat that can see another fucking half mile long boat in time to not hit it.

Some cunt was wanking on duty.

Seaman Stains

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25 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There must be a reason why they crash and bishop bashing on watch is probably the answer. How did the crew of the Titanic fail to spot an iceberg visible from space and comparable in size to Mount Everest? 

I reckon Cap'n Smith was in the middle of having a jodrell when he was called up on to the bridge and I reckon the Cap'n and the whole of the crew of The Californian was having a hand shandy which is the reason they didn't respond to their distress call. Fucking sailors. Bunch of wankers. 

Chay Blyth is a round the world wanker. 


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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


So two ships collided at sea with one sinking with the loss of one life (unlucky bastard). Now, I'm no sailor but surely someone from either ship saw this other big fucker looming in the distance and thought 'we may hit that fucker so we'll slow down and steer Port/Starboard whatever". Now the North Sea isn't the Pacific Ocean but is sure as hell ain't a fucking duck pond, so surely to God there must be been enough time to take evasive action? It's not as if a cunt that size can all of a sudden appear from nowhere without knowing where the fucker is.  Sounds like a an insurance scam to me. 

I wonder if Frank can ask one of his sailor friends how this can happen. 


I've been reading Chay Blyth's book about his circumnavigation the wrong way in his boat "British Steel" and specifically at the Cape of Good Hope and coming into busy shipping lanes he was always having to dodge out of the way of  container ships despite the 'sail before steam' convention.* I don't think there is any maritime equivalent of air traffic control except in very small areas near points of entry etc. Poor visibility especially fog and just night are still risky for all boats because you are totally dependent on the guy on duty at the time. One fuck up can sink a boat - as with the Marchioness disaster on the Thames. 

*Which shows this was in the 1970s when we did have a British Steel industry. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I've been reading Chay Blyth's book about his circumnavigation the wrong way in his boat "British Steel" and specifically at the Cape of Good Hope and coming into busy shipping lanes he was always having to dodge out of the way of  container ships despite the 'sail before steam' convention.* I don't think there is any maritime equivalent of air traffic control except in very small areas near points of entry etc. Poor visibility especially fog and just night are still risky for all boats because you are totally dependent on the guy on duty at the time. One fuck up can sink a boat - as with the Marchioness disaster on the Thames. 

*Which shows this was in the 1970s when we did have a British Steel industry. 

The cunt driving the Bow Belle was pissed. 

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44 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I reckon Cap'n Smith was in the middle of having a jodrell when he was called up on to the bridge and I reckon the Cap'n and the whole of the crew of The Californian was having a hand shandy which is the reason they didn't respond to their distress call. Fucking sailors. Bunch of wankers. 

Chay Blyth is a round the world wanker. 


The captain of the Exxon Valdez was a notorious spam thumper. Probably.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I reckon Cap'n Smith was in the middle of having a jodrell when he was called up on to the bridge and I reckon the Cap'n and the whole of the crew of The Californian was having a hand shandy which is the reason they didn't respond to their distress call. Fucking sailors. Bunch of wankers. 

Chay Blyth is a round the world wanker. 


Have you seen the size of the one at Jodrell .. you could only just fit it in the space between @Wolfie's ears.

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16 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's a bit of an odd one.

While the North Atlantic is pretty stormy during October as cold air/water meets warm, which means they probably couldn't see each other at around 5am in the dark, owners of cargo ships carrying hundreds of millions-worth of stock generally invest in modern navigation equpiment, specifically designed to ensure ships can plan their routes to avoid such collisions.

Perhaps one of the captains had hands like Pen, and as he was trying to steer the ship in turbulent conditions, his great, big, mammothy shovel-size hairy hamfists became trapped into the helm wheel, making it accidentally change course into the approaching ship. Just a thought.

Over 100 words of uninteresting bollocks. Carry on like this,  you will make the leader board, and be in good company.


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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

Over 100 words of uninteresting bollocks. Carry on like this,  you will make the leader board, and be in good company.


As a rather nautical cove myself and someone who enjoys sailing, I actually found it quite interesting. I imagine that the only salty spray you've ever felt on your face came out the end of a Marseillais sailor's cock.


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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Over 100 words of uninteresting bollocks. Carry on like this,  you will make the leader board, and be in good company.


Don't fucking ridicule the leaderboard, it's a very accurate representation about how absolutely brilliant a poster is.

You might want to forewarn your small boat customers that a trip over here will now secure a seat in a bigger boat and not a luxury hotel anymore.


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11 hours ago, Frank said:

A Wolfie post is painful reading. Sweary and wooden - chatGPT lite with a few Frankism's thrown in for good measure. A charmless, dreadful little man.

Will you be opening your doors to any Palestinian refugees Frank? I’d of thought a homosexual predator like yourself would gladly except any number of barely legal young men into your 1 bed flat.

Im not sure what the legal age for bumming is for Arab types (you probably have an world map wall chart with it on) but I’m sure in these pc ethnic living times, you’d get away with anything, you vile poof.

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