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The mysterious disappearance of Kate Middleton

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Good evening, Mrs Roops. 

Can you please explain this 'stay warm' sign off to me? You were using it a lot with @King Billy and have now extended it to @Last Cunt Standing. It's been a bit cold of late so I'm thinking you're making fun of them not being able to afford heating? Or does it have some other (super intelligent) meaning that's even more shit than my suggestion of your shit sign off. 

Stay cold (as ice). 


It’s a NWO illuminati thing Raas. Just feel privileged that she feels you a worthy enough adversary to earn it. A badge of honour is how I’ve come to regard them nowadays. I keep all mine in a massive glass display case down in the bunker next to the pyramid of tinned beans.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s a NWO illuminati thing Raas. Just feel privileged that she feels you a worthy enough adversary to earn it. A badge of honour is how I’ve come to regard them nowadays. I keep all mine in a massive glass display case down in the bunker next to the pyramid of tinned beans.

I’ve got my tinned beans in crates up against the wall of my survival bunker. I’ve always dreamed of a pyramidal central display. I envy your artistic creativity.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Seriously "doc", you've gone full-blown Billy.

Now you’re cooking with gas Sweetie. My door’s always open for you too, when you’re finally ready to admit defeat and ‘blow Billy’. 😘

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s a NWO illuminati thing Raas. Just feel privileged that she feels you a worthy enough adversary to earn it. A badge of honour is how I’ve come to regard them nowadays. I keep all mine in a massive glass display case down in the bunker next to the pyramid of tinned beans.

Are you telling me she belongs to the Illuminati as well? What with being a professional photographer, the worlds number one International business consultant, Mensa member, photography consultant, Pfizer board member/shareholder where does she find the time?

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s a NWO illuminati thing Raas. Just feel privileged that she feels you a worthy enough adversary to earn it. A badge of honour is how I’ve come to regard them nowadays. I keep all mine in a massive glass display case down in the bunker next to the pyramid of tinned beans.

You'll be asking for extra homework next you fucking teacher's pet. 🐨

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve got my tinned beans in crates up against the wall of my survival bunker. I’ve always dreamed of a pyramidal central display. I envy your artistic creativity.

The biggest mistake most preppers make when stocking up their bunkers is thinking that several pallet loads of bog rolls are somehow going to be necessary down there instead of packing every inch of storage space with pot noodles, Smash, cup a soups, Donald Trump memorabilia etc. and enough routine service parts to ensure that their imaginary M4 is still roadworthy enough to hop into and have a good scout around in, when they eventually emerge blinking into the daylight, after probably decades alone underground.

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21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Are you telling me she belongs to the Illuminati as well? What with being a professional photographer, the worlds number one International business consultant, Mensa member, photography consultant, Pfizer board member/shareholder where does she find the time?

The Vulcan exists in a parallel universe and her time isn’t the same as ours. She only flips in and out of our world when there’s a problem here that only she can solve, or someone that needs a good telling off.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I just want you to know Doc that I was three quarters the way into one of my greatest power wanks ever reading this, and then you had to go and fucking spoil it, just when I was feeling the first tingles of what I was starting to believe would be a truly unforgettable tsunami level vinegar stroke. Taking such a cheap shot at me and all the hard graft I’ve put into calling out the insufferable cunt for as long as I can remember killed the moment instantly for me.
As you must know I’m not one to take things too personally (or perish the thought) bear grudges, but rest assured that I’ll never forgive or ever forget what you’ve done to me.

I don’t agree it was a cheap shot, Bill. Rather I was pointing out that I don’t have your undeniable stamina in dealing with the haughty tart. Your exchanges with her have gone on and on and on. I’m afraid I won’t be doing that, for as I’ve said, it’s like smashing your head against the floor. The floor doesn’t move and you just get a headache. 

I’m off to stay warm, it’s 28 here today. 

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39 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I don’t agree it was a cheap shot, Bill. Rather I was pointing out that I don’t have your undeniable stamina in dealing with the haughty tart. Your exchanges with her have gone on and on and on. I’m afraid I won’t be doing that, for as I’ve said, it’s like smashing your head against the floor. The floor doesn’t move and you just get a headache. 

I’m off to stay warm, it’s 28 here today. 

The heat has been absolutely unbearable here in Hertfordshire today too Doc. 40’C + in the shade (over 50 in the sun). I wouldn’t be able to bear it if I didn’t have my trusty bowler on (the hat my father wore).


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On 29/07/2022 at 06:07, Last Cunt Standing said:

Well well well, the truth will out. Allegedly.

On the one hand it seems crazy anyone with access to Kate might stray, I imagine she’s as filthy as every other jolly hockey sticks type who has a vested interest in keeping her marriage going for the social currency. 

Yet on the other hand, it seems to me entirely appropriate that a future king might be a slave to the wonders of pegging. The rest of the country has been taking it up the arse for years. 

What a fucking shower they are. 

Yeah, yeah, not my business, Skippy, etc etc. 

Keep tugging those forelocks. 

On 29/07/2022 at 16:08, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s all over the internet at this end of the world. I’m sure it’s all terrible gossip and a tissue of lies. 

Still, if only to test the limits of the D-notice probably in force in the UK, some of you might wish to check the following link;


A few appropriate Twitter searches might amuse some of you too. 

On 07/05/2023 at 21:35, Last Cunt Standing said:

What’s your view on Rose Hanbury, Neil? William’s rather fond by all accounts and she is supposedly skilled at the Dark Arts. Would she be on your list?

I clearly missed my calling. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I clearly missed my calling. 


On 12/03/2024 at 14:12, Last Cunt Standing said:

Let you into a secret Killer, no one cares that much. Including me. If William is really getting pegged on the regular by some younger version of Princess Anne, then I’d say that’s pretty much what I’d expect for some Old Etonian wanker with more hang ups than directory enquires. My only interest here is the slight amusement I extract from watching the public slowly cotton on to the fact they are being taken for fools by people who are quite happily collecting the Civil list by the wheelbarrow load, while at the same time laughing from the back seat of the Bentley at the oiks linining up in the rain to watch them cut the ribbon on their dreadful new community centre. 

They’re laughing at you. 


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36 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Kate has had three kids and must have a fanny only Raas and my massive schlong can fill up. 

Why the fuck would a delicate English rose, such as Kate, want have anything to do with your type?

I doubt if she's in the market for a shed-load of illegitimate mulattos and another feckless husband.

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1 hour ago, and said:

Why the fuck would a delicate English rose, such as Kate, want have anything to do with your type?

I doubt if she's in the market for a shed-load of illegitimate mulattos and another feckless husband.

You obviously think she'd like a shit sniffing, eating and collecting, never had a girlfriend cunt like you then. Lol. 

It's makes me laugh how obsessed you are, literally replying to every post I make. 

You big fucking girl and faggot to boot. 

Fuck off. 

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9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You obviously think she'd like a shit sniffing, eating and collecting, never had a girlfriend cunt like you then. Lol. 

It's makes me laugh how obsessed you are, literally replying to every post I make. 

You big fucking girl and faggot to boot. 

Fuck off. 

‘Never-had-a-girlfriend’…simple but succinct. I’ve put that in the bank …👌

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5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Do some homework on what is and what was a ‘D’ notice, Doc. I like you, be grateful, but do get fucked and cancer.

“D notice” might have not been right without a national security angle. But the omertà in the UK media amounts to pretty much the same thing. It’s cracking though, it seems.

Get fucked yourself, and may you soon experience the terror of a rip-roaring penile cancer. 

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16 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You obviously think she'd like a shit sniffing, eating and collecting, never had a girlfriend cunt like you then. Lol. 

It's makes me laugh how obsessed you are, literally replying to every post I make. 

You big fucking girl and faggot to boot. 

Fuck off. 

You OK Raas?

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

You OK Raas?

Of course he's not ok.

He thought everybody would be welcoming him back with open arms after his stint in a charity shop (got to keep the DHSS happy, or the benefits will be cut off)

The reality is, nobody missed him, at all. 🙈🙉🙊

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21 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You obviously think she'd like a shit sniffing, eating and collecting, never had a girlfriend cunt like you then. Lol. 

It's makes me laugh how obsessed you are, literally replying to every post I make. 

You big fucking girl and faggot to boot. 

Fuck off. 

23 posts in since your return and still no whiff of the leaderboard, you dopey fucking cunt. 

Lol lol lolz. 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

“D notice” might have not been right without a national security angle. But the omertà in the UK media amounts to pretty much the same thing. It’s cracking though, it seems.

Get fucked yourself, and may you soon experience the terror of a rip-roaring penile cancer. 

I’m female you stupid cunt.

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3 hours ago, Frank said:

23 posts in since your return and still no whiff of the leaderboard, you dopey fucking cunt. 

Lol lol lolz. 

He's waiting for Massa @Wolfie to write him some new scripts, then he'll make his serious assault on the leader board.

We can hardly fuckin' wait...

Lol Lol Lol🤣😂🤣

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