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BBC shit scared lily-livered cunts


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

"Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime...but only if you're not a multi-millionaire."

The government were big on showing their chops by arresting poor cunts who had the audacity to sneak into a care home to see their dying parent one last time, but turned a blind eye whenever they were in Downing Street getting coked up at a non-socially distanced party whilst getting sucked off by an intern.

They've turned similar blind eyes to flight manifestos showing elites taking journeys to a well known paedo paradise and Dolphin Square was apparently only a knitting social club.

Dirty noncing cunts, I want them all dead.

The Dolphin Square investigation got Beeched.

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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

I was told by an ex itv mate that it was him on Saturday, I posted his name here but my post was removed and rightly so. The same itv guy has said presenter x is in loads of trouble so more to come out about this deviant 

It can't be him .. he's a dedicated christian and goes to church every sunday .. he also plays the organ.

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I've just spent a few minutes moderating comments from the usual smart arses who no doubt thought they were being clever. That said, it was good to see two punters putting forward reasoned arguments;

12 hours ago, Snowy said:

It's the puntership giving out there views on who it is ,whilst the establishment of cuntscorner smacks there arses ,I fully say it is graham norton ,doesn't mean it's true.

I admit I get it ,you have to moderate this site so it doesn't end up like the other sites past gone ,but there should be a sense of denied plausibility.

I can say any racist shit I want ,but you cut the point when it pertains to this kinda thing.

The lovvies could take you down to.

I propose a new idea for the site ,flower gardners weekly.

We can grow all are own plants ,which we harvest every 7th of the month .

After the harvest we can all meet up and dance around a massive cunt shaped object to atone for our past discretions.



11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Disagree. Discussing a story of this magnitude must involve names on the BBC payroll, otherwise it becomes a fairly pointless discussion.

People are throwing names into the ring on the Corner's beloved Twatter (in addition to other leading social media platforms), so it's only natural a fairly innocuous corner of the internet such as this also speculates among the allegations. No one is being publicly defamed – only theorized.

The BBC deserves precisely what it is suffering for ruthlessly fulfilling its hugely inflated and disgustingly unfair presenter salaries; hopefully this latest sex scandal will take some of its power away because people will refuse to fund perverts via licence fees. 

If I recall, the BBC didn't pull any puches when it reported on Scholfield's affair with a young man at the ITV studios – and at a time after it must have received contact from either the police (April) or family of the then-teen at the centre of this furore (May). What action has it taken in seven weeks? It stinks of another cover-up. What fucking hypocrites. It's turning into an existential problem for them now, lol.

The one aspect I am loving most of all is the BBC is being forced to publish and expose more damaging revelations about their own star presenter (and with today's second claim), but is still refusing to name him! People who pay the cunt's £100,000+ salary should have the right to know who it is – and to speculate if they so wish. That's freedom of speech.

On the 4th November 2012 Sally Bercow (wife of the then HoC Speaker) tweeted "Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent face*" - all very innocuous. Unfortunately the defence of plausible deniability cut no ice with the courts as Ms Bercow's five words and emoji cost her £15,000 as well as a shedload of legal costs. After McAlpine relieved the BBC & ITV some £310,000 (plus costs) for unfounded paedo allegations he then went after the Twitterati with the intention of suing anyone who directly accused or inferred that he was a paedophile. In the end McAlpine, realising that the optics of unleashing legal Armageddon on thousands of twitter uses did not look too good, went after the Twitter users who were public faces or had more than 500 followers. Those who had less than 500 followers nevertheless had to post a grovelling apology and donate £25 to a selected number of charities.

More recently, Sir Cliff Richard took South Yorkshire Police and the BBC to the cleaners for publicising the police's search of his home, in fact some of the content was livestreamed from a helicopter. SWP caved in immediately as they had the sense to realise their actions were contrary to standard police procedures. The BBC dug their heels in and fought the case on the basis of "free speech" and "the public's right to know". At this point I would say that I was as surprised as much as m'learned colleagues were when the courts ruled in favour of Sir Cliff. Broadly speaking the courts ruled that the the BBC were fully entitled to broadcast that the police were searching a home as part of operation Yewtree but had no right to infringe on Sir Cliff's right to privacy (up to this point Sir Cliff wasn't even aware that he was being investigated).

In short as per my previous comments on this matter no names unless they have been outed through the normal channels. Now, some of you keyboard warriors may blather on about the right to free speech but its very easy to protest this behind the cloak of anonymity especially as someone else, i.e the site's owners, have to pick up the tab.

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

How about a comment on the current topic of conversation Frank? You were called out for offering nothing but insults and seemingly being unable to put up a nomination, in all the years since, not a lot has changed has it? Reported. Lol. 

The hairy little cuntwipe isn't capable of engaging in conversation or submitting worthy content, other than an occasional and mildly amusing video upload. Like fellow trolls Pen and Mr Shit, all he does is produce repeated insults – just like the one aimed at you today.

I'd be happy to see one last video – the one of him walking into the sunset forever with his Dachsie.

You useless fucking wanker Frank.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

The hairy little cuntwipe isn't capable of engaging in conversation or submitting worthy content, other than an occasional and mildly amusing video upload. Like fellow trolls Pen and Mr Shit, all he does is produce repeated insults – just like the one aimed at you today.

I'd be happy to see one last video – the one of him walking into the sunset forever with his Dachsie.

You useless fucking wanker Frank.

He was reposting some old stuff from ages ago the other day, fairly amusing but I would have preferred some new content. I'm guessing he was a decent punter ages ago, way before my time though. All he does nowadays is get his arse kicked by someone, claim he's the best on here, calls somebody an idiot and then post a picture of himself alone in Hyde park before disappearing for a while. I don't really get it.

When I have nothing more to offer, I'd much rather bow out whilst retaining some credibility and self respect, rather than rinse and repeat the same old shit in the hope of a different outcome. What a stupid, Lamb Kleftiko scoffing, bean pole cunt. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

When I have nothing more to offer, I'd much rather bow out whilst retaining some credibility and self respect

You never had any credibility, certainly no self-respect, or respect from any other quarter, so do us, and yourself, a favour, gain some credibility by fucking off, right now!

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Dirty fucking cunt, as suspected he's already playing the mental health card. 

Yet another God fearing Christian exposed for the boy-buggering, absolute piece of fucking shit they are.

Fucking hell, what a surprise, Dickless rising to his favourite subject, he's probably getting a semi as we speak.

Somebody'll be in for a right good seeing-to tonight, that's if he can keep his grubby little maggot stiff without losing control and splashing it all over his keyboard 🥒💦⌨️

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

I don't feel sorry for any dirty beast (unlike @Zev who is the patron saint of sex offenders and who regularly defends them to the hilt) .


16 minutes ago, Zev said:

Fucking hell, what a surprise, Dickless rising to his favourite subject, he's probably getting a semi as we speak.

Somebody'll be in for a right good seeing-to tonight, that's if he can keep his grubby little maggot stiff without losing control and splashing it all over his keyboard 🥒💦⌨️

Not for the first time this week, or even the third, I've made you look like a complete and utter fucking idiot, and it's only Wednesday!

Here's a bit of advice, Mr Shit. Instead of working yourself up into a state of rattled apoplexy, perhaps try stopping to think whether the next angry post you make is going to lead to either me or Wolfie using the breathtaking hypocrisy/idiocy within it against you.

As ever, it's been a pleasure doing business with you.


Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Apparently the BBC has, "robust internal processes in place to deal proactively with such allegations". Let's fucking hope so by now, they've had plenty of practice.

I expect they will deal with it by  declaring him heroic and brave for making up a load of bollocks about being mentally ill to get himself off the hook. 

Unless one of the ‘persons’ concerned happens to be brown or transgender. Then they’ll strip him naked, zip tie his arms and legs, and leave him outside Millwall’s home stand with ‘NONCE’ sharpied on his forehead.

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