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King Billy

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15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The standard of the lovelies back then puts todays bald fannied slags to shame

Very true Stubbers and it’s almost impossible to find a tart with a great big hairy arsehole these days too. If I wasn’t allergic to male shit I’d seriously consider joining one of those posh golf clubs up in Cheshire.

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21 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Who gives a fuck; every non poof worth his salt would have gladly had a bollock lopped off for a go on the wonderful Raquel circa the 1960s

The standard of the lovelies back then puts todays bald fannied slags to shame 

😂 out of likes.

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The standard of the lovelies back then puts todays bald fannied slags to shame 

This sort of remark puts me in mind of the sort of Letters to the Editor that popped up in the papers when they ditched Nanette Newman from the Fairy Liquid ad in favour of her daughter. While nostalgia has its place, and Marianne Faithful no doubt had legendary confectionary-based talents, all things considered I’d rather spend half an hour playing doctors and nurses with Michelle Keegan than Babs Windsor, regardless of pubic topiary. Progress is progress. Besides, Babs’ pelvis is probably dust by now. 

There are also other advantages to modern life:


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16 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Who gives a fuck; every non poof worth his salt would have gladly had a bollock lopped off for a go on the wonderful Raquel circa the 1960s

The standard of the lovelies back then puts todays bald fannied slags to shame 

Indeed. But one would need to somehow justify the semi-permanent, brown marbling effect to the Mrs, while keeping the genitalia protected from the ensuing onslaught.

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13 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This sort of remark puts me in mind of the sort of Letters to the Editor that popped up in the papers when they ditched Nanette Newman from the Fairy Liquid ad in favour of her daughter. While nostalgia has its place, and Marianne Faithful no doubt had legendary confectionary-based talents, all things considered I’d rather spend half an hour playing doctors and nurses with Michelle Keegan than Babs Windsor, regardless of pubic topiary. Progress is progress. Besides, Babs’ pelvis is probably dust by now. 

There are also other advantages to modern life:


Interesting data, LC. But playing the devil’s advocate, I pose the heavy usage of carpet insecticide on the areas in question as the alternative.

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17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This sort of remark puts me in mind of the sort of Letters to the Editor that popped up in the papers when they ditched Nanette Newman from the Fairy Liquid ad in favour of her daughter. While nostalgia has its place, and Marianne Faithful no doubt had legendary confectionary-based talents, all things considered I’d rather spend half an hour playing doctors and nurses with Michelle Keegan than Babs Windsor, regardless of pubic topiary. Progress is progress. Besides, Babs’ pelvis is probably dust by now. 

There are also other advantages to modern life:


@Stubby PeckerWhat's your view on this potential loss of biodiversity? Should we be starting a save the crabs campaign? 

Was there any mention of the effect on populations of the Web-footed Barking Toads? 

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16 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This sort of remark puts me in mind of the sort of Letters to the Editor that popped up in the papers when they ditched Nanette Newman from the Fairy Liquid ad in favour of her daughter. While nostalgia has its place, and Marianne Faithful no doubt had legendary confectionary-based talents, all things considered I’d rather spend half an hour playing doctors and nurses with Michelle Keegan than Babs Windsor, regardless of pubic topiary. Progress is progress. Besides, Babs’ pelvis is probably dust by now. 

There are also other advantages to modern life:


Do you mean Kevin Keegan?

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52 minutes ago, Goober said:

@Stubby PeckerWhat's your view on this potential loss of biodiversity? Should we be starting a save the crabs campaign? 

Was their any mention of the effect on populations of the Web-footed Barking Toads? 

The modern trend of a bald or at least neatly trimmed bush may well lead to local extinctions of crab lice but remember, you soppy cunt, an almost infinite reservoir of sweaty fanny hair and associated pests exists on the consentient between the legs of the frogs, krauts, wops, degos and the fucking rest of the unwashed untermensch females. 

As for the effect on Web footed Barking Toads, check below for the best advice (if will give @Alfie Noakes the 'orn)



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42 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The modern trend of a bald or at least neatly trimmed bush may well lead to local extinctions of crab lice but remember, you soppy cunt, an almost infinite reservoir of sweaty fanny hair and associated pests exists on the consentient between the legs of the frogs, krauts, wops, degos and the fucking rest of the unwashed untermensch females. 

As for the effect on Web footed Barking Toads, check below for the best advice (if will give @Alfie Noakes the 'orn)




That's a relief. They could be a significant food source for the continental types in the centuries to come (crabs, not toads, the French are probably the reason the latter are already vanishingly rare). 

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17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

This sort of remark puts me in mind of the sort of Letters to the Editor that popped up in the papers when they ditched Nanette Newman from the Fairy Liquid ad in favour of her daughter. While nostalgia has its place, and Marianne Faithful no doubt had legendary confectionary-based talents, all things considered I’d rather spend half an hour playing doctors and nurses with Michelle Keegan than Babs Windsor, regardless of pubic topiary. Progress is progress. Besides, Babs’ pelvis is probably dust by now. 

There are also other advantages to modern life:


It’s when you see pubic lice in people eyebrows that you begin to wonder.

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4 hours ago, Goober said:

That's a relief. They could be a significant food source for the continental types in the centuries to come (crabs, not toads, the French are probably the reason the latter are already vanishingly rare). 

European companies are heavily invested  in the production of insects for human consumption; they can always add the humble lice to their product portfolios, when stocks of maggots run out.


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13 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

European companies are heavily invested  in the production of insects for human consumption; they can always add the humble lice to their product portfolios, when stocks of maggots run out.


Findus lasagne, soon to be 1% beef, 5% horse, 12% homogenised dung fly larvae. 

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6 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

It’s when you see pubic lice in people eyebrows that you begin to wonder.

I always enjoyed the schadenfreude in breaking the news to the most ardently heterosexual male that the swabs we sent off to investigate their pruritus ani were positive for gonorrhoea, and that perhaps we should run a few additional tests in light of this. On more than one occasion there followed the most astounding tale of closeted chuttery, including offers of cash if I would delete the investigation from their records, which of course I rebuffed. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch. The whole middle class five-bar gate and gravel drive crowd. An absolute nest of perversion if you scratch the surface. 

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I always enjoyed the schadenfreude in breaking the news to the most ardently heterosexual male that the swabs we sent off to investigate their pruritus ani were positive for gonorrhoea, and that perhaps we should run a few additional tests in light of this. On more than one occasion there followed the most astounding tale of closeted chuttery, including offers of cash if I would delete the investigation from their records, which of course I rebuffed. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch. The whole middle class five-bar gate and gravel drive crowd. An absolute nest of perversion if you scratch the surface. 

There’s no accounting for the width and breadth of human diversity. After 40 years of working in rather “niche” areas of the health service I wholeheartedly agree with those comments. 

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I always enjoyed the schadenfreude in breaking the news to the most ardently heterosexual male that the swabs we sent off to investigate their pruritus ani were positive for gonorrhoea, and that perhaps we should run a few additional tests in light of this. On more than one occasion there followed the most astounding tale of closeted chuttery, including offers of cash if I would delete the investigation from their records, which of course I rebuffed. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch. The whole middle class five-bar gate and gravel drive crowd. An absolute nest of perversion if you scratch the surface. 

They'll be doing plenty of surface scratching. 

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On 27/03/2021 at 18:23, Cuntybaws said:

I haven’t lived in Scotland for well over thirty years, so take it with a pinch of salt, but I share the @Rev's view that the SNP in general are a bunch of feeble-minded, insular, demi-communist cunts whose main unifying factor is a hatred of the English founded on jealousy and a massive inferiority complex. To this toxic mix, Salmond is just the jowly, greasy, egotistical icing on the cake and I’d cheerfully pay good money to watch him hanged, drawn and quartered like William Wallace before him.

Of course, there are some who think he’s the dog’s bollocks, but that’s a diminishing number these days, mostly just the minority that he hasn’t allegedly molested.

Indeed, Mr B. That ginger-haired bastard mollusc Sturgeon bloke is now facing some hopefully damaging fraud charges brought against her by some of her own puddle-drinking support, which our lickspittle media are desperate to prevent from being broadcasted. She's a fucking titan of mediocrity, but I suspect that the fat sleepy cuddle prick Salmond is gunning for her and her alone.

He's trying to put Wee Burney into a position where if she dismisses his "plan", he can exploit her lack of commitment to "independence". Frankly, I'd be quite happy if the pair of them suddenly dropped dead.

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On 06/04/2021 at 23:19, Rev said:

Indeed, Mr B. That ginger-haired bastard mollusc Sturgeon bloke is now facing some hopefully damaging fraud charges brought against her by some of her own puddle-drinking support, which our lickspittle media are desperate to prevent from being broadcasted. She's a fucking titan of mediocrity, but I suspect that the fat sleepy cuddle prick Salmond is gunning for her and her alone.

He's trying to put Wee Burney into a position where if she dismisses his "plan", he can exploit her lack of commitment to "independence". Frankly, I'd be quite happy if the pair of them suddenly dropped dead.

Scotland is fabulous in the Borders and most other areas are fine with the exception of Glasgow and Dundee which are revolting and filled with alcoholic, drug addled, Neanderthal trolls gurning at all and sundry whilst hobbling around their decaying grey tenements and high rise shitheaps...

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On 13/04/2021 at 22:43, Earl of Punkape said:

Scotland is fabulous in the Borders and most other areas are fine with the exception of Glasgow and Dundee which are revolting and filled with alcoholic, drug addled, Neanderthal trolls gurning at all and sundry whilst hobbling around their decaying grey tenements and high rise shitheaps...

I'm forced to agree.

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On 13/04/2021 at 22:43, Earl of Punkape said:

Scotland is fabulous in the Borders and most other areas are fine with the exception of Glasgow and Dundee which are revolting and filled with alcoholic, drug addled, Neanderthal trolls gurning at all and sundry whilst hobbling around their decaying grey tenements and high rise shitheaps...

Dundee cake's nice.

My great grandparents  were from Dumfries. 

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