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COP 26 Just 7 more days and we’ll all be saved (and fucking broke).

King Billy

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57 minutes ago, Goober said:

The glamorous Regent's Street in Great Yarmouth. 2.7 council house dwelling scum per square metre. 

That care in the community cunt is indeed cringeworthy. What makes it even worse is that his puppets look, and probably smell, like he wipes his arse with them.

Someone I went to school with had a shop in Victoria Arcade in Yarmouth and got fed up with the dirty nonce putting off customers with his Savilery.

He ended up snapping and pouring water over his shitty radio and then proceeded to get numerous death threats over Facebook. The stupid cunt issued a grovelling apology and bought the freak a new radio, posing for the local rag whilst he shook his kid fiddling hand. 

I want both of them dead.

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22 hours ago, Wolfie said:

With those soaring demographics in mind, the development of the Third World won't be quick enough to allow it time to prepare for more unprecendented storms, floods and droughts et al.

Take Bangladesh, for example – a country already suffering major floods. As it gets worse, which it will, the forthcoming emergency will result in hoards of survivors migrating to Europe, meaning our already swamped little islands will further accommodate millions of refugees through probable future 'humanitarian alliance' treaties with other G8 nations. The same goes for much of West and Central Africa. The whole of London already becoming one big Notting Hill Carnival will further manifest itself... streets upon streets of once-gentrified roads encased in a huge cloud of pimped-up Beamers, gold teeth, crime, street curry, fried chicken, BO, big lips, machetes, acid attacks, terrorist bombings and violent, spiced-up cunts carrying knives and guns. With any hope, the flooding and storms in London will be so bad the whole place will simply implode with the failure of the Thames Barrier.

459k curry munchers have died in India from chinky flu. With around 78k births per day, it’ll take approx 5.9 days to replace the dead un’s…

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

A sexual technique the Krauts taught the cheese eating surrender monkeys wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and grannies on their ‘all inclusive’ road trip through the Ardenne and onward to Paris in 1940. The Germans were great admirers of the ‘black and tans’ though, and the methods they employed to keep their savages in check. They say history repeats itself. Let’s hope you lot have learned something from your rather poor showings in the past, though I very much doubt it.


Yer livin in the past man..we all grass roots political realists now bally baby..dead eyed Jeffrey has nothin to offer ..altho we see the orange yoof burnin the queens busses now..obviously no lack of petrol in the north 


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11 hours ago, Goober said:

Sooty, Sweep and Poo. 

Roland Scat. 

Basil Bog Brush. 

I'm sure I once saw him doing his routine near Norwich Market to Survivor's Eye of the Tiger...

He makes Marigold look fucking normal.

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12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'd play with you Billy but apparently I've got to 'shoot the breeze' (whatever the fuck that is) with my elephant cock tranny BFF. 


No cat has got two tails. therefore one cat must have one more tail than no cat, thus .. All cats have three tails.

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48 minutes ago, Clavo said:


No cat has got two tails. therefore one cat must have one more tail than no cat, thus .. All cats have three tails.

Manx cats have no tails, due to inbreeding, a bit like cunts from Norfolk having three fingers, being closeted gay and able to converse with animals.

It's a fuckin' weird world!

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6 hours ago, Neil said:

He makes Marigold look fucking normal.

Marigold was harmless. I saw him bumbling around the town centre, directing traffic and waving to everyone when I was back and forth picking up colleagues in Norwich. He seemed like a friendly enough sort. Certainly nothing sinister about him.

A woman who ran a small cafe told me that even the Norwich police just left him to it. He seemed to know his green cross code, so he wasn't a hazard.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Marigold was harmless. I saw him bumbling around the town centre, directing traffic and waving to everyone when I was back and forth picking up colleagues in Norwich. He seemed like a friendly enough sort. Certainly nothing sinister about him.

A woman who ran a small cafe told me that even the Norwich police just left him to it. He seemed to know his green cross code, so he wasn't a hazard.

Agreed,always had a fucking huge toothless grin on his big,black fat chops,………………………………….

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41 minutes ago, Neil said:

Agreed,always had a fucking huge toothless grin on his big,black fat chops,………………………………….



Marigold was always looked upon with friendly bemusement. There was nothing sinister about the bloke and he did no harm. At that time it was unusual enough to see a black person in Norwich, the marigold gloves, dancing / traffic directing just added to the spectacle. 

The puppet man on the other hand just seems to attract crowds who look on in pity or horror at such a grim spectacle. Enough suckers seem to take pity and fork over their cash though. He's even got a Wikipedia page, ffs.


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1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

The behaviour of some toward that woman was not this site’s finest hour.

She brought most of it on herself Spott. I was perfectly pleasant to her for quite some time, she suddenly turned round and lost her fucking rag over some utterly innocuous joke which hadn't attacked or involved her in any way. In fact I think it was shortly after that every cunt piled in, she seemed to get deliberately antagonistic towards the entire puntership (all four of us.) As I recall it she was only getting back what she dished out. 

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2 minutes ago, scotty said:

She brought most of it on herself Spott. I was perfectly pleasant to her for quite some time, she suddenly turned round and lost her fucking rag over some utterly innocuous joke which hadn't attacked or involved her in any way. In fact I think it was shortly after that every cunt piled in, she seemed to get deliberately antagonistic towards the entire puntership (all four of us.) As I recall it she was only getting back what she dished out. 

There is something in what you say….. I had my head in my hands for much of the time.

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55 minutes ago, Goober said:



Marigold was always looked upon with friendly bemusement. There was nothing sinister about the bloke and he did no harm. At that time it was unusual enough to see a black person in Norwich, the marigold gloves, dancing / traffic directing just added to the spectacle. 

The puppet man on the other hand just seems to attract crowds who look on in pity or horror at such a grim spectacle. Enough suckers seem to take pity and fork over their cash though. He's even got a Wikipedia page, ffs.


Marigold was just a simple, happy soul. Not much up top, but gentle and benign as far as I could tell. I've certainly never heard anything negative from those who'd encountered him. I think he just liked to be around people and say hello. Directing the traffic was his way of doing that. I hope he wasn't bullied or picked on. That would be fucking despicable. 

I'd kick that puppet wanker in the cunt if he looked at me though.

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1 hour ago, Goober said:



Marigold was always looked upon with friendly bemusement. There was nothing sinister about the bloke and he did no harm. At that time it was unusual enough to see a black person in Norwich, the marigold gloves, dancing / traffic directing just added to the spectacle. 

The puppet man on the other hand just seems to attract crowds who look on in pity or horror at such a grim spectacle. Enough suckers seem to take pity and fork over their cash though. He's even got a Wikipedia page, ffs.


I like the bit on wikipedia that says '......attracts fans and hatred alike...'. 


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16 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Yer livin in the past man..we all grass roots political realists now bally baby..dead eyed Jeffrey has nothin to offer ..altho we see the orange yoof burnin the queens busses now..obviously no lack of petrol in the north 


Rather like Pen's bloomers trying to prevent a set of testicles spilling out from the sides, this stand-alone comment is simply bursting with more hypocrisy than perhaps any I've seen on the Corner. 'Stop living in the past' indeed, you thoroughly bigoted greasy Mick.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Rather like Pen's bloomers trying to prevent a set of testicles spilling out from the sides, this stand-alone comment is simply bursting with more hypocrisy than perhaps any I've seen on the Corner. 'Stop living in the past' indeed, you thoroughly bigoted greasy Mick.

Oh the fuckin irony!

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2 hours ago, Goober said:



Marigold was always looked upon with friendly bemusement. There was nothing sinister about the bloke and he did no harm. At that time it was unusual enough to see a black person in Norwich, the marigold gloves, dancing / traffic directing just added to the spectacle. 

The puppet man on the other hand just seems to attract crowds who look on in pity or horror at such a grim spectacle. Enough suckers seem to take pity and fork over their cash though. He's even got a Wikipedia page, ffs.


Wickedpaedo more like 

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