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Uncle Meatus

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

This has nothing to do with aviation, leaving aside the increased numbers of deaths among pilots this year.

Which medical science is this? The one where the trial data is corrupted? The same one where the papers are locked away for 75 years? 

The point is, Beasty, that people put their faith in how things they don’t know or understand, work. I don’t profess to know anything about the science behind the vaccines and so rely on those that do. It’s amazing just how many dumb, gullible cunts are getting jabbed though, isn’t it. What a bunch of ill informed idiots.

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To be fair when I first logged in, I did think "oh shit" but closer examination revealed it was the same ol' crew of noisemakers, this time they snuck in to the dorm and shared a midnight can of Bass Shandy...

15 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Threatening punters with the boot because they dare to criticise you really is very, very poor form. Your constant bickering with Billy is beyond tedious- you might have noticed nobody else joins in. Surely with your massive brain you’d have learnt by now the claims he makes are either straight off the David Icke website or simply false just to wind you up.

Yes, like big hitters here I act a right cunt tell the mouth breathing flids to fuck right off, but my nomination output of late has been stellar.

Proper has recently taken a well deserved kicking for spouting his wacky quacky theories that the covid vaccine is unsafe and killing healthy athletes by the trillion. Lets hope it’s your turn next for this pointless diatribe with KB, your general know it all snooty attitude and last word tyranny, you insufferable broomstick driving crone 

The notion that I reacted to an oft-repeated mild criticism compared to the more vehement critique and insults I receive on a daily basis is fanciful to say the least. We'll put this down to your known hair-trigger temper-tantrum issues. Bubba has been waving his dick around ever since he came back and needed an attitude adjustment. What happens to him is dependant on how he conducts himself going forward.

15 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Great. So your point of nominating things worthy of cunting is completely void as you have nominated precisely fuck all, whilst continuing to harass Billy and DC. 

Do you think you might be taking this imaginary position of power a little too seriously? 


14 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It seems a little odd you should be threatening someone among the site's top ranks while continuing to safeguard idiots such as Fatty Junior, Childickhead and Pansy Knickerwank for committing similar crimes, despite not being in breach of site rules. Those who continually say 'you wanna suck my chubby', those too naive/obnoxious to grasp any degree of satire for engaging discussion, and those who repeat the same pro-Irish nationlist, anti-British bollocks day after fucking day are surely worthy of being ahead in the cull-queue.

PS. You wanna suck my chubby?

Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise.

12 hours ago, Decimus said:

Alas, Bubs, whilst I completely agree with you, I fear I can predict the answer you will receive regarding this.

Alongside the nomination of cunts of the world, she's added the caveat of discussing them. I may be wrong, but I thought the site tagline used to be "Nominate the cunts of the world" but when I just checked, it now appears to be "The place to name the cunts of world". That being the case, she will refute your statement as being erroneous as she can prove that she actively engages in discussing said cunts. The question is, has this been recently changed to deflect from accusations such as those levelled against her and useless fucking cunts such as Frank in so much that they never bother to make a nomination? I don't know, I could be wrong and I'll willingly admit it if I am, unlike certain others who shall remain nameless.

As for rule 7, despite being guilty of making a number of personal digs at other members that could be construed as persuing a vendetta, she will no doubt state that she never responds with abuse unless it is first levelled at her, which whilst technically true, doesn't negate the fact that she still engages in it.

She can also quite cleverly state that she doesn't "foment" arguments as she is just responding to posts that in her opinion are factually inaccurate and isn't actively trying to agitate Corner opinion. Again, technically true if you take her word at face value, but it's open to interpretation and she cannot categorically prove she isn't actively hounding Billy for reasons of a personal nature. There have been plenty of bullshit statements on here that she hasn't responded to.

Finally, she will no doubt react to this post by saying that I'm a hypocrite who has no right to criticise her or anyone else for breaking the site rules when I have broken almost every single one multiple times. To which my answer would be that I may have, but I've never denied it or hidden behind clever words to try and disguise the fact.

At the end of the day your accusations are open to interpretation as she has a viable excuse for every action that she takes. But when half a dozen or so members question the validity of her excuses you have to wonder whether there's no smoke without fire.

After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.

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41 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

To be fair when I first logged in, I did think "oh shit" but closer examination revealed it was the same ol' crew of noisemakers, this time they snuck in to the dorm and shared a midnight can of Bass Shandy...

The notion that I reacted to an oft-repeated mild criticism compared to the more vehement critique and insults I receive on a daily basis is fanciful to say the least. We'll put this down to your known hair-trigger temper-tantrum issues. Bubba has been waving his dick around ever since he came back and needed an attitude adjustment. What happens to him is dependant on how he conducts himself going forward.


Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise.

After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.

Waving my dick around? What a strange, deluded cunt you are.

Where’s your nomination? 

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4 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

The point is, Beasty, that people put their faith in how things they don’t know or understand, work. I don’t profess to know anything about the science behind the vaccines and so rely on those that do. It’s amazing just how many dumb, gullible cunts are getting jabbed though, isn’t it. What a bunch of ill informed idiots.

At the moment with this new variant, which is evidence of the virus becoming less pathogenic and should be the end of it as anything of significance, you are seeing one of the biggest frauds ever pulled on the British people. All for your safety of course.

4 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Proper, before you knocked back your fifth Sherry of the night and turned into an aggressive cunt, I asked you a question. 

I just want to know how long I have to get my affairs in order before I kick the bucket. 

That largely depends how many you want to have. There doesn't appear to be an end number. As a guide, using the government's own data, look at the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report week 42, page 23. Read what is says about N antibodies in those that have had 2 injections. I don't assume this gets better with more of the same.

Don't ask yourself why your leaders are obsessed with injecting everyone with these experimental agents. The proportionality has never been there.


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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

At the moment with this new variant, which is evidence of the virus becoming less pathogenic and should be the end of it as anything of significance, you are seeing one of the biggest frauds ever pulled on the British people. All for your safety of course.

That largely depends how many you want to have. There doesn't appear to be an end number. As a guide, using the government's own data, look at the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report week 42, page 23. Read what is says about N antibodies in those that have had 2 injections. I don't assume this gets better with more of the same.

Don't ask yourself why your leaders are obsessed with injecting everyone with these experimental agents. The proportionality has never been there.


I’m happy to listen to different opinions, and there’ll always be ‘evidence’ to suit any side of any argument; what bothers me is that the general demographic of anti-vaxxers is made up of QAnon type mentalists. 

I have an autoimmune disease that had me labelled as heightened risk but nowhere near needing to shield, however, due to my age, general health, and the fact I have the biggest dick in town, I do feel quite invincible. I was happy to take jabs 1 and 2, but am struggling to decide whether 3 is relevant. Thoughts? 

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13 minutes ago, The Beast said:

At the moment with this new variant, which is evidence of the virus becoming less pathogenic and should be the end of it as anything of significance, you are seeing one of the biggest frauds ever pulled on the British people. All for your safety of course.

That largely depends how many you want to have. There doesn't appear to be an end number. As a guide, using the government's own data, look at the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report week 42, page 23. Read what is says about N antibodies in those that have had 2 injections. I don't assume this gets better with more of the same.

Don't ask yourself why your leaders are obsessed with injecting everyone with these experimental agents. The proportionality has never been there.


It’s such a shame that you haven’t got a better platform to share this vital information on. Who’d have thought that a relatively insignificant NHS employee could know so very much more about the trajectory of the virus than the entire scientific community of the civilised world. Oh, and please elaborate on the “fraud” that’s being committed, and to what end. 

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29 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

I’m happy to listen to different opinions, and there’ll always be ‘evidence’ to suit any side of any argument; what bothers me is that the general demographic of anti-vaxxers is made up of QAnon type mentalists. 

I have an autoimmune disease that had me labelled as heightened risk but nowhere near needing to shield, however, due to my age, general health, and the fact I have the biggest dick in town, I do feel quite invincible. I was happy to take jabs 1 and 2, but am struggling to decide whether 3 is relevant. Thoughts? 

I had the first 2 jabs that had no effect on me whatsoever. The booster put me in hospital as my BP shot to dangerous levels. Yesterday I was going up to Northants to see family. I took test that came back positive. Hours later I took two more that came back negative. Booked a PCR test at a deserted Gatwick and so waiting for the result. Feel ok.

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48 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I had the first 2 jabs that had no effect on me whatsoever. The booster put me in hospital as my BP shot to dangerous levels. Yesterday I was going up to Northants to see family. I took test that came back positive. Hours later I took two more that came back negative. Booked a PCR test at a deserted Gatwick and so waiting for the result. Feel ok.

You do know that the jab doesn’t give you covid, right? 

Are you implying there’s some correlation between the jab and you having positive results? 

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37 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

You do know that the jab doesn’t give you covid, right? 

Are you implying there’s some correlation between the jab and you having positive results? 

Yes I'm well aware of that.

No. I'm just saying that the booster caused my BP to spike dangerously. This was a few weeks ago.

The second part is just anecdotal. 

Is your avatar Robb Wells from Trailer Park Boys?

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Yes I'm well aware of that.

No. I'm just saying that the booster caused my BP to spike dangerously. This was a few weeks ago.

The second part is just anecdotal. 

Is your avatar Robb Wells from Trailer Park Boys?

Peter Reveen. Used in TPB as a piss take because Ricky looks like him. 

Check out the first Conky episode, genius stuff. 

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37 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Seen all the TPB up to about series 9 I think. It got a bit tired.

The avatar looks like Robb Wells in the film 'Would You Rather'. 

Yeah, I forget which series, but when it all started getting a bit much was 6, maybe 7 I think.

When celebrities were making appearances and the international drug deals it was over for me. 

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21 hours ago, The Beast said:

You need to deal with the buyer's regret.

The decent punters here still respect you proper. You’re easily the best of admin, especially now spotto is mercifully dead 


18 hours ago, King Billy said:


Ahh come on bally, you’ll love it there. All the sex you want curtesy of punkers AIDS spitting maggot and lovely warm golden showers straight out of the jailers ginger hairy biff

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

To be fair when I first logged in, I did think "oh shit" but closer examination revealed it was the same ol' crew of noisemakers, this time they snuck in to the dorm and shared a midnight can of Bass Shandy...

The notion that I reacted to an oft-repeated mild criticism compared to the more vehement critique and insults I receive on a daily basis is fanciful to say the least. We'll put this down to your known hair-trigger temper-tantrum issues. Bubba has been waving his dick around ever since he came back and needed an attitude adjustment. What happens to him is dependant on how he conducts himself going forward.


Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise.

After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.

I’m on record (and via PMs which I know you have access to) in saying the job you do is pretty much thankless: trying to referee a mob of foul mouthed miscreants who’d happily go full Bernard Manning and paedo accusations given half the chance.

However, most here have a well developed sense of self depreciation and very similar senses of humour. We go beyond ripping the piss out of each other and world and all find it funny. I’d have thought by now you’d have worked that out and factored it into your dry and ineffectual rebukes which I’m sure get you damp around hell hole by thinking we’re all shitting a brick at these slaps on the wrist.

I remember with misty eyes some of the lively debates here between yourself, wolfie and other clearly intelligent types but when these died out and the inane unfunny abuse took over I fucked off for over a year. You’ll never convince a tin hatter like KB to see your point of view and it’s highly likely the silly cunt is doing it to get under your skin. Why not just throw a ton of abuse at him and tell him to fuck off?

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5 hours ago, The Beast said:

At the moment with this new variant, which is evidence of the virus becoming less pathogenic and should be the end of it as anything of significance, you are seeing one of the biggest frauds ever pulled on the British people. All for your safety of course.

That largely depends how many you want to have. There doesn't appear to be an end number. As a guide, using the government's own data, look at the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report week 42, page 23. Read what is says about N antibodies in those that have had 2 injections. I don't assume this gets better with more of the same.

Don't ask yourself why your leaders are obsessed with injecting everyone with these experimental agents. The proportionality has never been there.


So dr mallard, I’ve had my two AZ jabs (and of course I haven’t had my kids vaccinated, although they have had the flu vaccination), should I now get the booster?

Is it harmful? Will it prevent me from catching chinky bat flu? Have the two jabs I’ve already had put me a great risk of serous health problems or possible death? Honest questions seeking honest answers in your role as a health professional.

I reckon I’ve already had covid in the very early days and not noticed as I’m fucking hard as nails. In all honesty, I’m very rarely ill and coughs and colds, although I get them, don’t put me out of action. 


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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

At the moment with this new variant, which is evidence of the virus becoming less pathogenic and should be the end of it as anything of significance, you are seeing one of the biggest frauds ever pulled on the British people. All for your safety of course.

That largely depends how many you want to have. There doesn't appear to be an end number. As a guide, using the government's own data, look at the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report week 42, page 23. Read what is says about N antibodies in those that have had 2 injections. I don't assume this gets better with more of the same.

Don't ask yourself why your leaders are obsessed with injecting everyone with these experimental agents. The proportionality has never been there.


There was an article on the BBC, if I recall correctly, that “remote monitoring” of covid patients in their homes is the next move. Questions should be asked about the plan; I presume that patients will not be given pharmaceuticals and much of equipment, testing and monitoring. In practice, it seems like a potential can of worms - distancing of responsibility and professional treatment. What’s your opinion?

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.

I genuinely have no wish to get involved any further in a protracted debate on your moderating skills or how the site should be run. My intervention was a one time event, I've been here long enough to understand the futility of engaging you when the cards are stacked entirely in your favour. 

The advantage is yours. Whether you choose to believe that's because I've aknowledged your superiority when it comes to a debate of atrition or that I've long realised that the way I wish to conduct myself on this site is entirely at the whim of your arbitrary enforcement of the rules is up to you. I won't waste my time, yours, or anyone elses by responding further. If it suits your ego to respond then I'll leave it up to the members to draw their own conclusions on how this would have played out if we were going head-to-head on a level playing field.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I genuinely have no wish to get involved any further in a protracted debate on your moderating skills or how the site should be run. My intervention was a one time event, I've been here long enough to understand the futility of engaging you when the cards are stacked entirely in your favour. 

The advantage is yours. Whether you choose to believe that's because I've aknowledged your superiority when it comes to a debate of atrition or that I've long realised that the way I wish to conduct myself on this site is entirely at the whim of your arbitrary enforcement of the rules is up to you. I won't waste my time, yours, or anyone elses by responding further. If it suits your ego to respond then I'll leave it up to the members to draw their own conclusions on how this would have played out if we were playing on a level field.

You’re in fucking trouble when she reads this. I bet my hairy ball sack it won’t go unanswered and her word is seen to be last, final and correct 

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

To be fair when I first logged in, I did think "oh shit" but closer examination revealed it was the same ol' crew of noisemakers, this time they snuck in to the dorm and shared a midnight can of Bass Shandy...

The notion that I reacted to an oft-repeated mild criticism compared to the more vehement critique and insults I receive on a daily basis is fanciful to say the least. We'll put this down to your known hair-trigger temper-tantrum issues. Bubba has been waving his dick around ever since he came back and needed an attitude adjustment. What happens to him is dependant on how he conducts himself going forward.


Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise.

After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.

Good grief!

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9 hours ago, Bubba C said:

I’m happy to listen to different opinions, and there’ll always be ‘evidence’ to suit any side of any argument; what bothers me is that the general demographic of anti-vaxxers is made up of QAnon type mentalists. 

I have an autoimmune disease that had me labelled as heightened risk but nowhere near needing to shield, however, due to my age, general health, and the fact I have the biggest dick in town, I do feel quite invincible. I was happy to take jabs 1 and 2, but am struggling to decide whether 3 is relevant. Thoughts? 

I don't know what autoimmune disease you have and that is private matter for you. 

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4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

So dr mallard, I’ve had my two AZ jabs (and of course I haven’t had my kids vaccinated, although they have had the flu vaccination), should I now get the booster?

Is it harmful? Will it prevent me from catching chinky bat flu? Have the two jabs I’ve already had put me a great risk of serous health problems or possible death? Honest questions seeking honest answers in your role as a health professional.

I reckon I’ve already had covid in the very early days and not noticed as I’m fucking hard as nails. In all honesty, I’m very rarely ill and coughs and colds, although I get them, don’t put me out of action. 


If you are fit and well under the age of 60 avoid these poisons. I have said this before countless times.

Each injection of this shit you take is a game of Russian roulette. The deaths and injuries on the VAERS and yellow card data indicate this.

If you had confirmed prior infection, I would trust immunity over these short term prophylactics.

The flu vaccines are barely 50% efficacious.

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