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45 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'm pretty sure the Gryffindor knickers would be all the proof I needed that I was in a very precarious legal and moral situation.

If it spends its time in the company of nonces, pays nonces vast sums of money and is photographed alongside barely legals whilst in the company of nonces, its a fucking nonce. 98% certified - I'll give the cunt 2% off the final rating, considering that's the amount of years Dora the Explorer was over the age limit when he undoubtedly fucked her.

What figure looks more damning to you given the context?

Why do you even fucking care what I think anyway? You said you said I'd misunderstood the "thrust of the post" and yet here you are arguing in the defence of a cunt you previously stated you would put up against the wall and shoot.

Make up your fucking mind and get back to me.


Simple really, I support the principle of innocent until proven guilty and I can see many, many reasons why he is likely to have been forced to roll over and take the humiliation and not defend himself.

Is he a cunt, yes. Is he a paedo? In my opinion, based on a balanced view of the evidence that we know (a prince that would have an endless supply of fanny without needing to ask vs. a money hungry tart), unlikely.

I'm not a red top reader. I know they are popular publications in the North though.

If you think he was outcast because his family genuinely depise him, rather than the family's desire to avoid more scandal than necessary, that's your choice. I believe, despite being an overt republican, that he's been hung out to dry to protect the firm that milks us all dry.

Fuck the lot of them, but I'll never point the finger unless I'm sure of the accusation.

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Just now, Goober said:

Simple really, I support the principle of innocent until proven guilty and I can see many, many reasons why he is likely to have been forced to roll over and take the humiliation and not defend himself.

Is he a cunt, yes. Is he a paedo? In my opinion, based on a balanced view of the evidence that we know (a prince that would have an endless supply of fanny without needing to ask vs. a money hungry tart), unlikely.

I'm not a red top reader. I know they are popular publications in the North though.

If you think he was outcast because his family genuinely depise him, rather than the family's desire to avoid more scandal than necessary, that's your choice. I believe, despite being an overt republican, that he's been hung out to dry to protect the firm that milks us all dry.

Fuck the lot of them, but I'll never point the finger unless I'm sure of the accusation.

The cunt will never be proven guilty. The evidence "committed suicide" and he has a fuck ton of cash and influence exactly where it counts.

I'm not giving the cunt my benefit of the doubt on top of everything else his cunt family helps themselves to out of my wallet. I'll point the finger all fucking day if it makes the cunt squirm.

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14 hours ago, Roadkill said:

The cunt will never be proven guilty. The evidence "committed suicide" and he has a fuck ton of cash and influence exactly where it counts.

I'm not giving the cunt my benefit of the doubt on top of everything else his cunt family helps themselves to out of my wallet. I'll point the finger all fucking day if it makes the cunt squirm.

RK, I'm not convinced we're singing from different hymn sheets to be honest.

Royals follow money, it doesn't mean that they are clever or ask the questions that they really need to.

A bloke with a shit load of unearned privelege, that gets the fuck eyes and more from some bird that's sober and looks legal isn't going to ask questions, even if he reasonably should. If you think this women was entirely taken advantage of, and didn't know the situation, I'd question that judgement, whatever her cunt lawyers might claim.

Epstein was, without question,  a despicable cunt that got off lightly. If he handed that tart around to a selection of his 'best friends' do you think she'd go after those with the most money, the billionaire American friends, or those that due to circumstances are highly likely to roll over and settle regardless of whether they actually did anything wrong?

Easy target, little chance of claims being tested in court, big pay day. It's a no brainer. That photo, despite proving nothing, was enough.

I despise privelege based purely on the cunt you've fallen out of. Unfortunately, the flip side of that is that I need to be even minded and defend the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Andrew was fucked by association the moment the finger was pointed and I'll also give him a tiny bit of credit for sticking it to the Argentinians.

I've no doubt that he, along with the rest of his sponging family, despite BBC and current warped mass media reports, think we're all scum that exist solely to lick the shit from their boots and pay for their servants.

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8 hours ago, Goober said:

Stop imitating Dyslexic Cunt then. I know you darkies like to be submissive to us whites, but I support your fight for equality.

Imitating DC? I wasn't aware I was, I'm simply playing my part in this massive shit show of cunts and cunting. What's this submissive bollocks you're referring to and bringing race into it? Weak in my opinion. I've said the same to DC ages ago, I don't suck up to or submit to anybody here. 

Whilst I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to defend you point of view as you put it, I really don't give a shit about your opinion. You're clearly a sensitive knobhead and didn't like my Tom Daly question... thinking about it, you've been upset since the passing of our dear Queen. You've also felt the need to defend that total wrong'un Prince Andrew of late, something I can't recall anyone else here doing. 

Can you take some time out (if you can be bothered that is dear Goober) to explain your defending a beast?

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42 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Imitating DC? I wasn't aware I was, I'm simply playing my part in this massive shit show of cunts and cunting. What's this submissive bollocks you're referring to and bringing race into it? Weak in my opinion. I've said the same to DC ages ago, I don't suck up to or submit to anybody here. 


Your contributions are mostly made up of brown-nosing my right-hand man, Eric Cuntman. If it makes me feel sick, God knows what it’s doing to poor EC. Give it a rest. 

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2 minutes ago, Frank said:

Your contributions are mostly made up of brown-nosing my right-hand man, Eric Cuntman. If it makes me feel sick, God knows what it’s doing to poor EC. Give it a rest. 

Oh look, right on cue, heavyweight Frank joins in. When it comes to contributing here you've clearly not changed your tiresome and repetitive ways have you Frank. 

1) Frank. You are not capable of producing any content other than repeated insults. I asked you to put a nom up, you had time, but you failed. It's over.

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14 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve always liked Drew. Back when his name was Drew P Pissflaps, and his avatar was a Speak ‘n’ Spell machine, I was under a vicious three pronged assault from Decs, Stickers and Bubba. With Frank stirring and Luke Swarm playing good cop to further torment me.

I had been here 2 weeks or so and was a novice, I flippantly tried to change the subject by asking if anyone had a recommendation for holiday destinations. Drew sent me the GPS coordinates for Chernobyl Village. 

I don’t dislike him, I just think he’s a fucking idiot.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

I don’t dislike him, I just think he’s a fucking idiot.

He's certainly a total fucking dickhead, that's for sure. But as I've said before, I love to hate him. I wouldn't say there was any mutual respect there, as I hold him in the utmost contempt that his village idiot status rightly deserves. Regardless, I can't help but like him.

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3 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

Are you on here full time now Raaspberry?

I said this the other day, I mean it even more today. 

Penelope, I was wondering if you actually believe anyone listens to, or is in the slightest bit bothered with regards to your endless petty drivel? It's like walking past some homeless fart sat in his own shit in a shop doorway, mumbling a load of bollocks everyday to uninterested passers by. 

Fuck off. 

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22 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I don't hate sport. I just hate certain sports that attract cunts as Rugby and MotoGP are what I consider to be worthwhile sports.

Amazing. MotoGP – in spite of being on two wheels – is just about the most similar sport to F1 imaginable, from start to finish, encompassing all the technical manufacturer advancements and driver/rider politics which accompany it. You haven't really thought this through, have you?

Gay fucking cunt.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

He's certainly a total fucking dickhead, that's for sure. But as I've said before, I love to hate him. I wouldn't say there was any mutual respect there, as I hold him in the utmost contempt that his village idiot status rightly deserves. Regardless, I can't help but like him.

Poor old Drew. Not only a thick spastic, he now has to put up with you liking him.

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18 hours ago, Goober said:

Why would I need to, when I have a hungry recipient eager for lubrication?

OCR, I have nothing whatsoever against you, nor anyone else here for that matter, but if you think you're point scoring against an easy target by jumping on some imagined passing bandwagon, you need to reevaluate.

You're coming across a bit Dyslexic, if you know what I mean. Metaphorically or literally, as you prefer.

I'm fairly tame as contributors here go, but I have my own opinions and I'm happy too defend them, on the rare occasion I can be bothered, which isn't that often. Life's too short and there are far more interesting things to occupy one's time than arguing the toss on here. For me anyway.


17 hours ago, Goober said:

Why would I be sore RK, when you totally misunderstood the thrust of the post, which was about unearned privelege and hypocrisy, not Prince Andrew and his perversions, or not, as the case may be.

Fuck all the royals and the ships, paid for by us, that they sail in.

F1 is, in my opinion, about as interesting as queueing 10 hours to walk past an empty flag covered wooden box.

Good God. What an angry, irritable, humourless toad you prove to be time and again, Dr Cunt. All Raas asked is which sports you like, and you've almost bitten his face off for it. As one of the site's most neutral and impartial posters, RK also seems fairly undeserving of your second mini hissy fit.

Roops pushed you into a complete meltdown (leading to the emergence of your new moniker & avatar) a little over two years ago, when your anger got the better of you, and I've twice torn you a new arsehole because your vexing nature is so easily exposed.

Calm the fuck down, you rattled little brat. You're the closest I've ever seen on this website to a teegage girl whose Christmas present failed to meet expectations. You late night, drunken, angry gobshite.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Well I've never seen a "girl" like Pen before.

Da da da da da da daaaaa

"Her" cock is massive and "she's" six foot four.

Da da da da da da daaaaa.

Yeah I've never seen a "girl" like Pen beforrrreeee.

You've got me crawlin', crawlin' on the floor

Da da da da da da daaaaa

You know "she's" got a cock like a horny brontosaur

Da da da da da da daaaaa

Size twelve feet and built like Bernard Bresslaw

Da da da da da da daaaaa

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29 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You've got me crawlin', crawlin', crawlin' on the floor

Da da da da da da daaaaa

You know "she's" got a cock like a horny brontosaur

Da da da da da da daaaaa

Size twelve feet and built like Bernard Bresslaw

Da da da da da da daaaaa

Careful, Wolfie, @Frank threatened me with dire physical consequences should the subject of Pen's member ever be brought up again. 

Sublime projection from the six stone wannabe Wealdstone Raider. No doubt he's seething that Pen sports a cock that you could balance a spirit level on, when his own disabled dick hasn't been tumescent since he had a wet dream about Marc Almond in 1981.


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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Careful, Wolfie, @Frank threatened me with dire physical consequences should the subject of Pen's member ever be brought up again. 

Sublime projection from the six stone wannabe Wealdstone Raider. No doubt he's seething that Pen sports a cock that you could balance a spirit level on, when his own disabled dick hasn't been tumescent since he had a wet dream about Marc Almond in 1981.


Going slightly off tangent here, but I can't help wonder whether the girth of Pen's shaft is greater than the circumference of one of Frank's Shackleton ankles. Your thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Amazing. MotoGP – in spite of being on two wheels – is just about the most similar sport to F1 imaginable, from start to finish, encompassing all the technical manufacturer advancements and driver/rider politics which accompany it. You haven't really thought this through, have you?

Gay fucking cunt.

Bullshit. Riding a MotoGP bike well requires significantly more rider skill to get the best out of the machine than a driver in an F1 car.

You're beginning to look more and more like Pen MkII every day, minus a cock, obviously.

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35 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I can't help wonder whether the girth of Pen's shaft is greater than the circumference of one of Frank's Shackleton ankles. Your thoughts?

That goes without saying. I imagine that R-Soles has wiped parasitic worms off the end of this cock after sexually brutalising a spaniel that have had a wider circumference than Frank's useless bullet.

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