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8 Billion Cunts...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only hope for humanity and the planet in general is the doomsday scenario of total antibiotic resistance.

Obviously from a selfish perspective, I wouldn't ever want my child, friend or wife to cut themselves on a rusty piece of metal and then die of an infection that currently could be easily treated with penicillin. But it's the only scenario that I can envisage where the human population is curtailed by a large degree.

Saying that, our species is like an insidious virus, and will inevitably find a way to adapt and kill its host organism.

I’m working on putting Sickle cell in the water system. I need a formula that would also kill the Welsh, French, bring Frank back from the dead and Kill him again, fuck off withers.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only hope for humanity and the planet in general is the doomsday scenario of total antibiotic resistance.

Obviously from a selfish perspective, I wouldn't ever want my child, friend or wife to cut themselves on a rusty piece of metal and then die of an infection that currently could be easily treated with penicillin. But it's the only scenario that I can envisage where the human population is curtailed by a large degree.

Saying that, our species is like an insidious virus, and will inevitably find a way to adapt and kill its host organism.

When the time comes, the world's richest and most powerful will be in a race against time to escape Earth in an Elon Musk-funded space programme, while the remainder of us peasants will die from climatic exposure and from suffering Billy & Roops' boring, pointless, relentless vaccine drivel.

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48 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Is there a solution though Stubbs, i.e. China's one-child policy incepted in the 80s, which could be used as an illustration of how countries might attempt to slow the growth of cuntish humans? But how could authorities enforce such a law? I have little doubt the cruel slitty eyed shits would kidnap an 'illegal' 2nd or 3rd family child and incarcerate it nonchalantly, though I cannot envisage Western societies controlling demographics with the same degree of ruthlessness to make it successful.

It's hard to see past so many qualified people who have failed to highlight the bleedin' obvious. Perhaps they haven't mentioned overpopulation because it's plainly too late (human growth is irreversible), and they're simply trying to deal with the horror that lies ahead.

Humanity needs to sustainably curb its population growth and bring the overall numbers back down to say, 1900 levels. That’s fucking obvious; less people, more space, more resources, more nature to cleanse the system. How’s this is done, however, is the real cunt.

I’d advocate monetary incentives for smaller families or no children at all, and tax penalties for larger ones. Free schooling and healthcare for 1 or 2 kids, but if you want more, then you’ve got to pay. How about a 1 off payment for sterilization? You’d be surprised what the offer of 100 grand could achieve. 

The UKs population is only rising due to immigration. Not purely because of numbers of new comers, but because most of these are in their 20s and the most fertile in society. Add to this a lack of education on contraception and a cultural norm for lots of children, immigrants to the UK will eventually start to out number the indigenous (at least since the end of the last ice age) Northern Europe British who one average have families below replacement levels.

As for the third world, and less developed countries than our own, the control of basic disease post WW2 and beyond, has seen their populations rise at high and completely unsustainable levels that are unprecedented in history. The population of sub Saharan Africa is set to double by 2050- say good bye to the Congo rainforest, lions, elephants and the planets last mega fauna. This increase will produce populations heavily unbalanced in favour of younger generations- the ones that breed more

Total planetary collapse is inevitable unless humans learn to stop breeding, or Mother Nature thins us out with something that’ll make covid look like a mild cough 


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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

The only hope for humanity and the planet in general is the doomsday scenario of total antibiotic resistance.

18 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Total planetary collapse is inevitable unless humans learn to stop breeding, or Mother Nature thins us out with something that’ll make covid look like a mild cough 

Have you seen the latest downward trend figure on global sperm counts? On top of that, I suspect the parallel rise in extreme poofery and trans tomfoolery might be Gaia's way of helping to balance the books.


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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ve had the catalytic converters removed and resonators fitted on my imaginary M4 recently and the ECU remapped. It feels as if the performance has improved and it’s definitely noisier but just knowing it’s polluting a bit more brings a smile to my my face every time I drive it. ‘Yeehaa!’

If the performance of my 5-litre supercharged Jag improved any further I would be afraid to drive it.

That said, our second car is fully electric (also a Jag, of course) and it's pretty much as fast and responsive as its petrol-powered cousin and a joy to drive. It's just not quite right without the growl, though.

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10 hours ago, Eddie said:

I’m working on putting Sickle cell in the water system. I need a formula that would also kill the Welsh, French, bring Frank back from the dead and Kill him again, fuck off withers.

By my calculations, if you were to visit me, driving your Duracell pile of shit, it would take you 5 weeks to get here. For me that would be a result, as I'll probably be dead by then.

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32 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

If the performance of my 5-litre supercharged Jag improved any further I would be afraid to drive it.

That said, our second car is fully electric (also a Jag, of course) and it's pretty much as fast and responsive as its petrol-powered cousin and a joy to drive. It's just not quite right without the growl, though.

I can imagine that all the seats are in pristine condition as well. Unlike Scotty's car. His seats have so much dried fanny batter on them, that they look like somebody has sprinkled broken crisps on them.

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5 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I can imagine that all the seats are in pristine condition as well.

Baws sanitises them twice before each journey, and three times after use. With colour coded numbered lint-free cloths and disinfectant within a ten day limit of it's use-by date. Rear seats first, then front passenger and finally the drivers seat. 👍👍

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39 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

If the performance of my 5-litre supercharged Jag improved any further I would be afraid to drive it.

That said, our second car is fully electric (also a Jag, of course) and it's pretty much as fast and responsive as its petrol-powered cousin and a joy to drive. It's just not quite right without the growl, though.

I sold mine after my cnut wife turned all four wheels into fifty pence pieces and ripped the front spoiler off, all in ten days. Near side rims ripped to fuck in a Macdonald’s drive thru…stupid fucking bastard. Now back to a 3 litre twin turbo which she’s ripped the front spoiler off only last week. She’d be better off in a tractor.

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4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I sold mine after my cnut wife turned all four wheels into fifty pence pieces and ripped the front spoiler off, all in ten days. Near side rims ripped to fuck in a Macdonald’s drive thru…stupid fucking bastard. Now back to a 3 litre twin turbo which she’s ripped the front spoiler off only last week. She’d be better off in a tractor.

Mrs Baws is not allowed to drive mine. In theory she thinks she could if she wanted to; in practice, fuck no!

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11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Have you seen the latest downward trend figure on global sperm counts? On top of that, I suspect the parallel rise in extreme poofery and trans tomfoolery might be Gaia's way of helping to balance the books.


A good pair of eyes is all that’s required to know that, C. No medical tests are required to ascertain, that poofery and all sorts of spermatozoon delinquency is to blame.


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11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Have you seen the latest downward trend figure on global sperm counts? On top of that, I suspect the parallel rise in extreme poofery and trans tomfoolery might be Gaia's way of helping to balance the books.


Poofery and shit stabbing may we’ll be on the rise here and in other lazy cunt societies. This might affect birth rate in the indigenous population, but the 3rd world subhumans, most of who already seem to be here, breed like fucking rats. 

Gayness won’t save planet earth alone 

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21 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Humanity needs to sustainably curb its population growth and bring the overall numbers back down to say, 1900 levels. That’s fucking obvious; less people, more space, more resources, more nature to cleanse the system. How’s this is done, however, is the real cunt.

I’d advocate monetary incentives for smaller families or no children at all, and tax penalties for larger ones. Free schooling and healthcare for 1 or 2 kids, but if you want more, then you’ve got to pay. How about a 1 off payment for sterilization? You’d be surprised what the offer of 100 grand could achieve. 

The UKs population is only rising due to immigration. Not purely because of numbers of new comers, but because most of these are in their 20s and the most fertile in society. Add to this a lack of education on contraception and a cultural norm for lots of children, immigrants to the UK will eventually start to out number the indigenous (at least since the end of the last ice age) Northern Europe British who one average have families below replacement levels.

As for the third world, and less developed countries than our own, the control of basic disease post WW2 and beyond, has seen their populations rise at high and completely unsustainable levels that are unprecedented in history. The population of sub Saharan Africa is set to double by 2050- say good bye to the Congo rainforest, lions, elephants and the planets last mega fauna. This increase will produce populations heavily unbalanced in favour of younger generations- the ones that breed more

Total planetary collapse is inevitable unless humans learn to stop breeding, or Mother Nature thins us out with something that’ll make covid look like a mild cough 


Numbers among enthic minorities in the UK have generally always grown more quickly than our indigenous people, not surprising given many spawn from cultures which have little or no understanding of the benefits of contraception.

Offering smaller families incentives is an excellent idea, using money from those who can't keep their cunts in their knickers to fund those who realise the widespread merits of having no kids or keeping families small. Taxing population would mean more wealth could be spread among fewer people. Good concept. But it's the correct method which stifles my hope. How on earth would local council officers, or even specific police investigative units, monitor & probe law-breakers and enforce heavy taxes among those least able to afford it, especially with a newborn shit-machine adding to the cost of living? Should having twins be a taxabale offence?

Palestine-israel is an excellent example of two peoples claiming the same piece of land. Just envisage how it might be in, say, 2100 when the Earth's population is calculated at 10.5-11 billion (even with a projected downturn in growth). Good God. That's not much time. Imagine the conflicts, leading to bigger conflicts... does it all end before climate change actually does us a favour? 

Still, there's hope Gary Linekar might be permanently blown up by ragheads at the Qatari world cup.

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13 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If the performance of my 5-litre supercharged Jag improved any further I would be afraid to drive it.

That said, our second car is fully electric (also a Jag, of course) and it's pretty much as fast and responsive as its petrol-powered cousin and a joy to drive. It's just not quite right without the growl, though.

I had an XJR a while back, and it was an awesome drive. 4 litre supercharged V8, 400 BHP and at the time (about 15 years ago) peanuts to buy. I’ve had quite a few Jags over the years and imo the ride quality is second to none. I remember coming back to London from Ireland after Christmas in the XJR, in the early hours on the M6, no traffic and the speedo showing 160+ even though Jags like most other cars were limited to 155. When I glanced at the MPG display I burst out laughing and took my foot off the pedal. 3.2 MPG 🤣

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Mrs Baws is not allowed to drive mine. In theory she thinks she could if she wanted to; in practice, fuck no!

I allow my sweetheart to drive my M4 occasionally as she’s usually a bit less drunk than me at chucking out time. Drink drivers deserve everything they get imo so hopefully she’ll learn her lesson when she gets caught.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I had an XJR a while back, and it was an awesome drive. 4 litre supercharged V8, 400 BHP and at the time (about 15 years ago) peanuts to buy. I’ve had quite a few Jags over the years and imo the ride quality is second to none. I remember coming back to London from Ireland after Christmas in the XJR, in the early hours on the M6, no traffic and the speedo showing 160+ even though Jags like most other cars were limited to 155. When I glanced at the MPG display I burst out laughing and took my foot off the pedal. 3.2 MPG 🤣

I've got the last petrol model they ever made, or presumably ever will make. I'm planning to run it until the wheels literally fall off - although it'll almost certainly be the electrics that go first.

Jaguar XJR 575 review: the most thuggish XJ yet

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I've got the last petrol model they ever made, or presumably ever will make. I'm planning to run it until the wheels literally fall off - although it'll almost certainly be the electrics that go first.

Jaguar XJR 575 review: the most thuggish XJ yet

Proper thing. I had the XFR and an earlier XKR. Always loved the interior in the XJs though…far better than anything the Krauts ever produced. Since the wife smashed the XFR to fuckery I traded down to a specced-up XFS with a wanky head-up display. I’m getting older.

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47 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Numbers among enthic minorities in the UK have generally always grown more quickly than our indigenous people, not surprising given many spawn from cultures which have little or no understanding of the benefits of contraception.

Offering smaller families incentives is an excellent idea, using money from those who can't keep their cunts in their knickers to fund those who realise the widespread merits of having no kids or keeping families small. Taxing population would mean more wealth could be spread among fewer people. Good concept. But it's the correct method which stifles my hope. How on earth would local council officers, or even specific police investigative units, monitor & probe law-breakers and enforce heavy taxes among those least able to afford it, especially with a newborn shit-machine adding to the cost of living? Should having twins be a taxabale offence?

Palestine-israel is an excellent example of two peoples claiming the same piece of land. Just envisage how it might be in, say, 2100 when the Earth's population is calculated at 10.5-11 billion (even with a projected downturn in growth). Good God. That's not much time. Imagine the conflicts, leading to bigger conflicts... does it all end before climate change actually does us a favour? 

Still, there's hope Gary Linekar might be permanently blown up by ragheads at the Qatari world cup.

Of course these are just my thoughts and population rules could never be enforced even if the political will existed. Even the world most repressive society in chinky land couldn’t genuinely enforce their ridiculous 1 child policy.

What’s required is a conscious effort on the part of humanity to actively stop breeding to excess at the cost of planet earth and every poor cunt living species unlucky enough to share it with us. If better environmental practice can become second nature to most, perhaps there’s a glimmer of hope. It would require a worldwide effort to educate people and the almost impossible task of actually admitting too many of us is the root cause.

Your example of Israel is an interesting one. Of all the developed and civilised nations, they are a massive outlier in birth rates- they’re told to out breed the Palestinians and Arabs in event of more land grabbing wars.

Another obvious example of where we’re going is the Easter Island paradigm. A tropical paradise in a bountiful sea, abundant in all need for life to flourish. Until of course the population grew far too high, the island became a vegetation stripped wasteland and they had to resort to eating each other. 

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