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Mick Lynch RMT

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've got to admit to being a little bit of an anarchist in some ways Decs, I want mass strikes and rioting in the streets, culminating with most of these rich, out of touch Tory bastards being tarred and feathered and dragged through the streets, before being boiled up for soup to feed the hoardes of economic migrant scrounging cunts. The country is going down the shitter at Mach 4 and all I seem to hear about these days is crisis this and crisis that. I don't know if the current Labour party are the answer either. they'll open the floodgates also and borrow more money to keep Abdul and his 17 kids types in comfort. 

Working seems to be for mugs these days, I'm close to going into work next time and telling the fuckers to shove their SSL mixing desk up their arses sideways. At least I'll get an inflation matching payrise on the Dole. Lol. 


Why is this red?

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10 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Whilst driving around a fine west country city yesterday I saw a Unison Ambulance/Paramedic drivers picket line... As a supporter of fair wages for our NHS staff I beeped the horn in support. I couldn't help but notice there were about 4 ambulances parked up nearby and still there later, no doubt what the striking staff would be driving if not striking. Now, I'm no expert but why didn't the fat, pen pushing, management type cunts (that leach off the NHS) drive the stationary Ambulances, rather than leaving them stationary? I mean if there's no room at A&E surely they could give some poor heart attack suffering cunt a cuppa in the back of an Ambulance or something right? That's gotta be better than leaving said heart attack sufferer slumped in their living room with that vile Lorraine on the Tele right? What a fucking pile of cunt. 

All NHS staff should be offered a massive pay cut. If they refuse it sack the cunts immediately and arrest them if they try to sponge any benefits or go within 2 miles of a food bank. That would soon liven the lazy bastards up imo.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

All NHS staff should be offered a massive pay cut. If they refuse it sack the cunts immediately and arrest them if they try to sponge any benefits or go within 2 miles of a food bank. That would soon liven the lazy bastards up imo.

When I went into nursing I knew the pay was crap but I went in because  it was something I wanted to do. I got my head down, studied and qualified as a nurse practitioner on bloody good pay and now I can afford to work part time. If you join the army expect that one day you may have a load of towel heads trying to kill you in a hot, fly infested shithole. You haven't joined because the pay is great  you've joined because you're either too fucking thick to push a broom about or you're a psycho cunt who likes killing ram jams and fenian cunts. Or both. Just don't start fucking crying and going on strike because you realise you're on shit money. Nobody forced you to join. 

Dr Crippen was a cunt. And he wasn't a real Dr. The cunt 

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28 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

When I went into nursing I knew the pay was crap but I went in because  it was something I wanted to do. I got my head down, studied and qualified as a nurse practitioner on bloody good pay and now I can afford to work part time. If you join the army expect that one day you may have a load of towel heads trying to kill you in a hot, fly infested shithole. You haven't joined because the pay is great  you've joined because you're either too fucking thick to push a broom about or you're a psycho cunt who likes killing ram jams and fenian cunts. Or both. Just don't start fucking crying and going on strike because you realise you're on shit money. Nobody forced you to join. 

Dr Crippen was a cunt. And he wasn't a real Dr. The cunt 

I had a feeling ‘ram-jams’ would catch on.

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8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

When I went into nursing I knew the pay was crap but I went in because  it was something I wanted to do. I got my head down, studied and qualified as a nurse practitioner on bloody good pay and now I can afford to work part time. If you join the army expect that one day you may have a load of towel heads trying to kill you in a hot, fly infested shithole. You haven't joined because the pay is great  you've joined because you're either too fucking thick to push a broom about or you're a psycho cunt who likes killing ram jams and fenian cunts. Or both. Just don't start fucking crying and going on strike because you realise you're on shit money. Nobody forced you to join. 

Dr Crippen was a cunt. And he wasn't a real Dr. The cunt 

Ridiculous. Inflation is at around 10%, unless you’ve received a 10% rise this year you have effectively had a pay cut, energy at record highs, tax increasing along with the retirement age. instead of looking at the bottom look at the top and throw your venom at the tax dodging , self serving cunts running this shit show.

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18 minutes ago, Meet Uncle Monty said:

He has the charm and eloquence of a three day corpse. Pronounce your Ts and quit the false, ultra-working class demeanour. Has the income and abode of considerable wealth which must boil the piss of his members. In fact this nom itself is piss boiling, thanks a bunch, comrades.

Smoke a Camberwell Carrot and calm down Monty.

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12 hours ago, Eddie said:

Ridiculous. Inflation is at around 10%, unless you’ve received a 10% rise this year you have effectively had a pay cut, energy at record highs, tax increasing along with the retirement age. instead of looking at the bottom look at the top and throw your venom at the tax dodging , self serving cunts running this shit show.

I agree Edward. But what I'm saying is that if you know a profession that the money is shit don't go into it and then start whining about it. 

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21 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

When I went into nursing I knew the pay was crap but I went in because  it was something I wanted to do. I got my head down, studied and qualified as a nurse practitioner on bloody good pay and now I can afford to work part time. If you join the army expect that one day you may have a load of towel heads trying to kill you in a hot, fly infested shithole. You haven't joined because the pay is great  you've joined because you're either too fucking thick to push a broom about or you're a psycho cunt who likes killing ram jams and fenian cunts. Or both. Just don't start fucking crying and going on strike because you realise you're on shit money. Nobody forced you to join. 

Dr Crippen was a cunt. And he wasn't a real Dr. The cunt 

Noshing off elderly consultants to further your career? Filthy little trollop. Do you do prostrate examinations, Gyps? Asking for a fiend.

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  • 6 months later...
On 24/01/2023 at 22:31, camberwell gypsy said:

When I went into nursing I knew the pay was crap but I went in because  it was something I wanted to do. I got my head down, studied and qualified as a nurse practitioner on bloody good pay and now I can afford to work part time. If you join the army expect that one day you may have a load of towel heads trying to kill you in a hot, fly infested shithole. You haven't joined because the pay is great  you've joined because you're either too fucking thick to push a broom about or you're a psycho cunt who likes killing ram jams and fenian cunts. Or both. Just don't start fucking crying and going on strike because you realise you're on shit money. Nobody forced you to join. 

Dr Crippen was a cunt. And he wasn't a real Dr. The cunt 

I know a few of these "lefty" cunts .. they are either cunts with a good and secure income or high-flyers who have had a crash landing. Common to all of them is a terror of a centenrist conservative or labour government getting into power. Their main fear at the moment is not the conservatives winning another term but rather that a starmer led labour government would see the real state of the economy and realise that what they can do is very limited regardless and perhaps also see that many the current problems were caused by the fake lefties before they fell flat on their faces. As to Lynch, I can remember when railway workers were really poorly paid .. if those rates of pay still applied most of the striking railway staff would be on half of what they earn now. Many of those railway workers can now afford to do what you do and they have gone on to half time working. In recent years we have had some railway line re-instatements, most have done far better than expected but that all stands to be fucked up by the likes of Lynch and his ilk.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

I know a few of these "lefty" cunts .. they are either cunts with a good and secure income or high-flyers who have had a crash landing. Common to all of them is a terror of a centenrist conservative or labour government getting into power. Their main fear at the moment is not the conservatives winning another term but rather that a starmer led labour government would see the real state of the economy and realise that what they can do is very limited regardless and perhaps also see that many the current problems were caused by the fake lefties before they fell flat on their faces. As to Lynch, I can remember when railway workers were really poorly paid .. if those rates of pay still applied most of the striking railway staff would be on half of what they earn now. Many of those railway workers can now afford to do what you do and they have gone on to half time working. In recent years we have had some railway line re-instatements, most have done far better than expected but that all stands to be fucked up by the likes of Lynch and his ilk.

Methinks you over egg Lynch as a "leftie". Most trade unionists, especially those who reach Lynch's position, are forensically focused on maintaining or improving their members pay and conditions. In the same way Directors have a prime responsibility to deliver value and dividends to shareholder s

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I know a few of these "lefty" cunts .. they are either cunts with a good and secure income or high-flyers who have had a crash landing. Common to all of them is a terror of a centenrist conservative or labour government getting into power. Their main fear at the moment is not the conservatives winning another term but rather that a starmer led labour government would see the real state of the economy and realise that what they can do is very limited regardless and perhaps also see that many the current problems were caused by the fake lefties before they fell flat on their faces. As to Lynch, I can remember when railway workers were really poorly paid .. if those rates of pay still applied most of the striking railway staff would be on half of what they earn now. Many of those railway workers can now afford to do what you do and they have gone on to half time working. In recent years we have had some railway line re-instatements, most have done far better than expected but that all stands to be fucked up by the likes of Lynch and his ilk.

For someone who exhibits their lifelong, Labour-supporting, pro-trade union "lefty" credentials time and again, the above comment carries with it more than a whiff of hypocrisy. The only other "lefty" here is your colossal Cumberland sausage, rolled up inside of your undergarments, strapped with masking tape to the inside of your hirsute sinistral thigh. Fuck off.

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