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Dr Who Cunts


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Being labelled a pervert by Neil of all people means that it's probably time to have a good look at yourself, for the safety of every man, woman, child, animal, vegetable and mineral within a one hour radius of your rusty transit van.

As for the good Doctor him/her/itself, it won't be long until The TARDIS is recast as a portaloo with accompanying glory holes and gay Daleks exsperminating all over the paintwork.


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1 hour ago, Neil said:

I see they're writing a script for some tart (tanned) and including in the story line that she's actually a transgender. More proof that the BBC has and  still is run by perverts,Boycott these cunts into oblivion.

It has just recently been reported that Davros (the head Dalek) will no longer be portrayed as he has always previously been ie a hideous little creature on wheels. He will henceforth be an upright able bodied fictional villain incase the disabled community take offence and feel triggered.

’Yea I know. I want me things back’.

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19 hours ago, King Billy said:

It has just recently been reported that Davros (the head Dalek) will no longer be portrayed as he has always previously been ie a hideous little creature on wheels. He will henceforth be an upright able bodied fictional villain incase the disabled community take offence and feel triggered.

’Yea I know. I want me things back’.

He must still be as ugly as fuck to ensure all the butt-ugly left wing butch lezbows and trannies remain comfortable with their appearance.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Its always time for a black James Bond or  black Dr.Who .No organisation or individual ever advocates a Pakistani for such roles.Fucking racist  cunts .We are denied the priceless  comedy aspect  of such casting .

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17 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its always time for a black James Bond or  black Dr.Who .No organisation or individual ever advocates a Pakistani for such roles.Fucking racist  cunts .We are denied the priceless  comedy aspect  of such casting .

Have you seen the Spike Milligan sketches, “Pakistani Daleks”? 
 Probably on YouTube. Or not considering YouTube’s propensity for woke snivelling and anti white censorship.

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13 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

It’s always time for a black James Bond or  black Dr.Who .No organisation or individual ever advocates a Pakistani for such roles.Fucking racist  cunts .We are denied the priceless  comedy aspect  of such casting .



The Spy Who Raped Me

Diamonds Are For Stealing

Dr No Means Yes


Edited by Mrs Roops
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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Raja Moore

Singh Connery


Paul Laxmanby

Thimothy Dhalton

View to a stinking fucking landfill populated by millions of curry wallahs

The World Is Not Enough (because there’s 2 billion of the cunts)

Die Another Day, and be reincarnated as a water buffalo (or some other shit)


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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Paul Laxmanby

Thimothy Dhalton

View to a stinking fucking landfill populated by millions of curry wallahs

The World Is Not Enough (because there’s 2 billion of the cunts)

Die Another Day, and be reincarnated as a water buffalo (or some other shit)


‘So we finally meet Mr Bond. Would you like some poppadoms?’

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 hours ago, King Billy said:

Sean Tandoori…’The spy who groomed me’

’Casino Halal’ etc. etc. etc. lol

The spy who groomed me is a work of genius .

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