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The PSA Test

Last Cunt Standing

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So every third cunt wants one of these at the moment, trooping in zombie-like because the telly/wife/daughter told them so. I even had a young lady ask for one lately, which rather tested my diagrammatic skill. Apparently men need to become every bit as neurotic about their risk of cancer as our XX peers. However, such is the standard of mass journalism that while the benefits of the “cancer test” are pushed heavily, the potential errors and pitfalls are not. 

If you are an entirely asymptomatic 60 year old white male, why the fuck would you want to run the risk of an unnecessary transrectal biopsy? Just because your Dad had it diagnosed by an overzealous house officer at 85 before he (typically) died of some other malady, it doesn’t mean you need to keep a nightly diary of your pissing habits. There are very good reasons the psa test is not used as a mass screening test. Amongst other limitations, it is artificially raised in cyclists, physical activity, urinary infection, ejaculation and sodomy. The Cancer Charity lobby have got hold of this subject and PR’d (ironically) it to death. I’d like to shove their glittery man badges up the rusty sheriff version. 

Leave medicine to the medics, for fucks sake. 

If you want to worry about something, try the coming collapse of Western civilisation, not your fucking prostate.

Oh and it has ONE r. People asking for a Prostrate test can fuck right off. 

After posting, I noted Neil explored this subject in 2016. Apologies for repeat bollocks. 

Edited by Last Cunt Standing
See “The Prostate Gland” by Neil, 2016.
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8 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So every third cunt wants one of these at the moment, trooping in zombie-like because the telly/wife/daughter told them so. I even had a young lady ask for one lately, which rather tested my diagrammatic skill. Apparently men need to become every bit as neurotic about their risk of cancer as our XX peers. However, such is the standard of mass journalism that while the benefits of the “cancer test” are pushed heavily, the potential errors and pitfalls are not. 

If you are an entirely asymptomatic 60 year old white male, why the fuck would you want to run the risk of an unnecessary transrectal biopsy? Just because your Dad had it diagnosed by an overzealous house officer at 85 before he (typically) died of some other malady, it doesn’t mean you need to keep a nightly diary of your pissing habits. There are very good reasons the psa test is not used as a mass screening test. Amongst other limitations, it is artificially raised in cyclists, physical activity, urinary infection, ejaculation and sodomy. The Cancer Charity lobby have got hold of this subject and PR’d (ironically) it to death. I’d like to shove their glittery man badges up the rusty sheriff version. 

Leave medicine to the medics, for fucks sake. 

If you want to worry about something, try the coming collapse of Western civilisation, not your fucking prostate.

Oh and it has ONE r. People asking for a Prostrate test can fuck right off. 

After posting, I noted Neil explored this subject in 2016. Apologies for repeat bollocks. 

Yes, and I posted about it before him.  Between us, we know a lot more about the prostate than you will ever know. Pick up your bag of magic bones, fuck off back to Nigeria, and practice there.

Quack quack

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So every third cunt wants one of these at the moment, trooping in zombie-like because the telly/wife/daughter told them so. I even had a young lady ask for one lately, which rather tested my diagrammatic skill. Apparently men need to become every bit as neurotic about their risk of cancer as our XX peers. However, such is the standard of mass journalism that while the benefits of the “cancer test” are pushed heavily, the potential errors and pitfalls are not. 

If you are an entirely asymptomatic 60 year old white male, why the fuck would you want to run the risk of an unnecessary transrectal biopsy? Just because your Dad had it diagnosed by an overzealous house officer at 85 before he (typically) died of some other malady, it doesn’t mean you need to keep a nightly diary of your pissing habits. There are very good reasons the psa test is not used as a mass screening test. Amongst other limitations, it is artificially raised in cyclists, physical activity, urinary infection, ejaculation and sodomy. The Cancer Charity lobby have got hold of this subject and PR’d (ironically) it to death. I’d like to shove their glittery man badges up the rusty sheriff version. 

Leave medicine to the medics, for fucks sake. 

If you want to worry about something, try the coming collapse of Western civilisation, not your fucking prostate.

Oh and it has ONE r. People asking for a Prostrate test can fuck right off. 

After posting, I noted Neil explored this subject in 2016. Apologies for repeat bollocks. 

Heaven forbid men might be concerned they’ve got an extremely common male cancer, that can exhibit no symptoms until it’s too late. If you truly are a doctor, you’re a fucking disgrace. I sincerely hope your uncontrollable mouth gets you struck off one day. Utter, utter fucking wanker.

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43 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Yes, and I posted about it before him.  Between us, we know a lot more about the prostate than you will ever know. Pick up your bag of magic bones, fuck off back to Nigeria, and practice there.

Quack quack

Are you not dead yet you Gallic idiot?

If I was as glaringly incoherent as you with your history, I’d be demanding a CT Brain off your local docteur, then weeping all the way home in my 2CV as I wonder whether they’ll write “Cerebral Metastasis” on my death certificate. 

Go fuck yourself. 

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1 minute ago, Ape said:

Heaven forbid men might be concerned they’ve got an extremely common male cancer, that can exhibit no symptoms until it’s too late. If you truly are a doctor, you’re a fucking disgrace. I sincerity hope your uncontrollable mouth gets you struck off one day. Utter, utter fucking wanker.

I see the BBC Micro is back from the repair shop you drooling retard. Try not to get sweetcorn between the keys this time you spineless moron.

You might sincerely wish me harm. To me, you’re a laughably irrelevant sycophant with all the intellectual firepower of Stormzy. 

Fuck off. 

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5 minutes ago, Ape said:

Heaven forbid men might be concerned they’ve got an extremely common male cancer, that can exhibit no symptoms until it’s too late. If you truly are a doctor, you’re a fucking disgrace. I sincerity hope your uncontrollable mouth gets you struck off one day. Utter, utter fucking wanker.

Exactly, it was my G.P. ( French naturally, and not trained in wogga wogga land ) who persuaded me to have the test. Result, full blown cancer with no symptoms. CC's resident quack should be struck off by Proper.  Dangerous cunt, and rattled.

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5 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I see the BBC Micro is back from the repair shop you drooling retard. Try not to get sweetcorn between the keys this time you spineless moron.

You might sincerely wish me harm. To me, you’re a laughably irrelevant sycophant with all the intellectual firepower of Stormzy. 

Fuck off. 

The standard response from our resident moron. I don’t give a fuck what you think about me, so why you have to keep on with your repetitive, pathetic insults is a mystery. As I said, if you truly are a doctor, you’re a complete disgrace, and I pity any poor bastards who are unfortunate enough to be saddled with you as their “doctor”.

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10 minutes ago, Ape said:

The standard response from our resident moron. I don’t give a fuck what you think about me, so why you have to keep on with your repetitive, pathetic insults is a mystery. As I said, if you truly are a doctor, you’re a complete disgrace, and I pity any poor bastards who are unfortunate enough to be saddled with you as their “doctor”.

The record reflects I have only ever responded to your ad hominem attacks, fuck face, and have never sought you out for comment. You might try avoiding me if you don’t like me, I’m happy to do the same. 

As for your professional feedback, I’ve got decades of glowing patient satisfaction scores and thank you cards to keep me warm at night, and can look forward to a nice pension coming on stream very soon, paid for at least in part by you. So thanks. 

Incidentally, I’m sure your GP is delighted to see your name on his/her list as you limp in for your aciclovir. 

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27 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The record reflects I have only ever responded to your ad hominem attacks, fuck face, and have never sought you out for comment. You might try avoiding me if you don’t like me, I’m happy to do the same. 

As for your professional feedback, I’ve got decades of glowing patient satisfaction scores and thank you cards to keep me warm at night, and can look forward to a nice pension coming on stream very soon, paid for at least in part by you. So thanks. 

Incidentally, I’m sure your GP is delighted to see your name on his/her list as you limp in for your aciclovir. 

Sought me out for comment? Do you put out a PM invite list to people you’d like responses from on your brilliant noms? No, I don’t fucking like you, but I certainly won’t be avoiding you - particularly when you post noms such as this.

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Just now, Ape said:

Sought me out for comment? Do you put out a PM invite list to people you’d like responses from on your brilliant noms? No, I don’t fucking like you, but I certainly would be avoiding you - particularly when you post noms such as this.

Good, I’m glad we agree. I’m off now to spend my Saturday doing something productive. Bye. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So every third cunt wants one of these at the moment, trooping in zombie-like because the telly/wife/daughter told them so. I even had a young lady ask for one lately, which rather tested my diagrammatic skill. Apparently men need to become every bit as neurotic about their risk of cancer as our XX peers. However, such is the standard of mass journalism that while the benefits of the “cancer test” are pushed heavily, the potential errors and pitfalls are not. 

If you are an entirely asymptomatic 60 year old white male, why the fuck would you want to run the risk of an unnecessary transrectal biopsy? Just because your Dad had it diagnosed by an overzealous house officer at 85 before he (typically) died of some other malady, it doesn’t mean you need to keep a nightly diary of your pissing habits. There are very good reasons the psa test is not used as a mass screening test. Amongst other limitations, it is artificially raised in cyclists, physical activity, urinary infection, ejaculation and sodomy. The Cancer Charity lobby have got hold of this subject and PR’d (ironically) it to death. I’d like to shove their glittery man badges up the rusty sheriff version. 

Leave medicine to the medics, for fucks sake. 

If you want to worry about something, try the coming collapse of Western civilisation, not your fucking prostate.

Oh and it has ONE r. People asking for a Prostrate test can fuck right off. 

After posting, I noted Neil explored this subject in 2016. Apologies for repeat bollocks. 

Good job it ain't the US. Bloke gets an abnormal PSA and they whip everything out. 

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I have to say one thing that gets the GP surgery phone ringing off the fucking hook (other than a famous wanker with a tumour in the balls, aris or knocker) is the fucking despicable GP's that sit on the sofa of a breakfast TV show. Every bit of advice invariably ends with "if in doubt, your GP won't mind talking to you about it". 

The only advice I ever offer can never be misinterpreted ........ if it's green, get it seen. 

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

I have to say one thing that gets the GP surgery phone ringing off the fucking hook (other than a famous wanker with a tumour in the balls, aris or knocker) is the fucking despicable GP's that sit on the sofa of a breakfast TV show. Every bit of advice invariably ends with "if in doubt, your GP won't mind talking to you about it". 

The only advice I ever offer can never be misinterpreted ........ if it's green, get it seen. 

Never mind LCS and his laissez-faire attitude towards the Hippocratic oath, the NHS can't even master the simple basics of hygiene, let alone deal with thousands of worried queers wanting fingers shoved up their arses

Have you ever had the misfortune to work at the James Paget Hospital in Gorleston? When my grandfather was ill, I paid him a visit there after work. Needing a wicked shit first, I went to use the bog, and as I was going in, a cleaner was coming out after finishing his attempts to tart it up and clean it. No sooner had I set my cheeks down on the shitter then I notice that the walls of the cubicle are smeared in dry shit.

If something as blatant as this is left uncleaned then it's no fucking wonder the place is full of MRSA. It should be burnt to the fucking ground with all the hapless staff still inside it.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I have to say one thing that gets the GP surgery phone ringing off the fucking hook (other than a famous wanker with a tumour in the balls, aris or knocker) is the fucking despicable GP's that sit on the sofa of a breakfast TV show. Every bit of advice invariably ends with "if in doubt, your GP won't mind talking to you about it". 

The only advice I ever offer can never be misinterpreted ........ if it's green, get it seen. 

....and if it's black, don't come back.

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So every third cunt wants one of these at the moment, trooping in zombie-like because the telly/wife/daughter told them so. I even had a young lady ask for one lately, which rather tested my diagrammatic skill. Apparently men need to become every bit as neurotic about their risk of cancer as our XX peers. However, such is the standard of mass journalism that while the benefits of the “cancer test” are pushed heavily, the potential errors and pitfalls are not. 

If you are an entirely asymptomatic 60 year old white male, why the fuck would you want to run the risk of an unnecessary transrectal biopsy? Just because your Dad had it diagnosed by an overzealous house officer at 85 before he (typically) died of some other malady, it doesn’t mean you need to keep a nightly diary of your pissing habits. There are very good reasons the psa test is not used as a mass screening test. Amongst other limitations, it is artificially raised in cyclists, physical activity, urinary infection, ejaculation and sodomy. The Cancer Charity lobby have got hold of this subject and PR’d (ironically) it to death. I’d like to shove their glittery man badges up the rusty sheriff version. 

Leave medicine to the medics, for fucks sake. 

If you want to worry about something, try the coming collapse of Western civilisation, not your fucking prostate.

Oh and it has ONE r. People asking for a Prostrate test can fuck right off. 

After posting, I noted Neil explored this subject in 2016. Apologies for repeat bollocks. 

Nevertheless... Its bit of a fucking worry.

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Guest judgetwi
5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Good, I’m glad we agree. I’m off now to spend my Saturday doing something productive. Bye. 

Perhaps you could read up about something called Grandiose Delusional Disorder?

Physician heal thyself, as they say.

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Guest DrCunt

Regardless of age, do you attempt to persuade them that a simple prostate examination will be sufficient to allay their concerns? Then, whilst they are disrobing behind the curtain, sneakily lube up the chipolata in preparation?

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

Not sure,    but k. d. Lang is a fuck ugly lesbian. Does this help?

She may not look as great as she once did, but my God she's special! Try watching this without a trouser twitch at 4:20.

Fuck off.




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