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Farewell The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Prints Harry

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2 hours ago, DrCunt said:

The Tories may well have no great desire to deliver a hard, no deal Brexit, but Farage and his ilk don't have a snowball in hell's chance of doing it, despite their fervour. A vote for Farage will just put Steptoe in No 10 via the back door. If the Brexit party get more than 10 seats in the forthcoming general election I'll be amazed.

It therefore comes down to tough choice, a soft as shit Tory Brexit or none at all.

No cunt in their right mind will vote for this bunch of fucking communists. Sexual deviants and facial shrapnel wearing lay about tits are the reach of his appeal.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I'm not sure you give her enough credit to expedite her duties in an unbiased manner.

If she would like to ban me for saying that I wouldn't accuse The Judge of indulging in noncery because it is against the rules, then of course she's entitled to. But I'm sure she's more fair minded than that and can look past his hysteria to see that I didn't accuse him of anything.

Decs, we both know at this point that it would make her year to have your scrotum turned into a novelty purse. She probably wouldn't even use it afterwards, just throw it away out of spite.

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I thought you weren't talking to me because I'm currently a leaderboard slag, Ratty. As for the avatar, he might just be.

you massive cunt Killer. I've given up reprimanding the 'like' whores on here, so cheapen yourself if you want.

That Eric is a lost cause too

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17 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Threats of violence and accusations of paedophilia.

Fuck me, that was a lot quicker than I thought.

I wonder what Mr(s) Roops is going to do about this? 

Never mind Judge, its only a website.  I'm becoming pissed off scattering bodies around on account of your hypersensitivity and paranoia. Stop painting a large target on your back. I don't want to hear another peep out of you on the subject.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Never mind Judge, its only a website.  I'm becoming pissed off scattering bodies around on account of your hypersensitivity and paranoia. Stop painting a large target on your back. I don't want to hear another peep out of you on the subject.

Judge’s reply to this should make interesting reading...

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52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Have you ever suspected that the more you react to being called fat, poor, queer and disabled, the more you're called it?

Take a look at what I say to anyone else I take a pop at, it's vastly different in most aspects.

As for saying that you enjoy fucking children, I wouldn't dream of putting it in writing after you pissed the bed and got the rules formally changed. 

Try again, Fatboy.


Disgusting fucking cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
48 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Never mind Judge, its only a website.  I'm becoming pissed off scattering bodies around on account of your hypersensitivity and paranoia. Stop painting a large target on your back. I don't want to hear another peep out of you on the subject.

Message received Mr(s) Roops.

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

You regularly fuck the corpse of a chinky midget, you dress like a Parisian rent boy, and you're clearly not long off the boat. You don't need to confirm where you stand, it's obvious.

If you want to know where Frank ‘stands’, a good place to start would be Hampstead Heath, opposite Boy Georges gothic mansion, ‘Standing’ in a bush, touching his toes, with his olive oil smeared arse sticking out, winking, to entice passing homos.

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On 24 September 2019 at 13:27, Frank said:

Don’t let shit get to you, RK.. you jumped-up childish little faggot. I called you out on your warped Brexit bollocks and you’ve gone totally overboard with no less than four insulting posts and a change of avatar. 

You've become very bitchy, since you finally accepted that you're finished here.


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On 25/09/2019 at 03:04, Wizardsleeve said:

@Frank  I read recently that a Shaolin Monk was able to stop a spinning table saw with his teeth.  Give it a try, let us know how it's done!  

I don’t know how that’s done but I know how it would feel, having just  willingly hone through a similar process.

It feels fucking awful.

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14 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Dental hospital today billy baby..slight feelin of trepidation..although im being looked after by a pert little 24 year old yungwan that wears a lotta lipstick so i guess there is some benefit to the bloodshed..what are ya gettin done anyway


Good luck mate. I came back from Hungary last night. I had 20 teeth extracted and I’ve gotta wait 4 to 5 months now till everything heals up properly and then go back to have a load of screw in implants. Then wait another 4 months approx. Then back again to have a complete new set of gnashers screwed in. I wouldn’t recommend having that many out in one go though as the shock to my whole body when the anaesthetics wore off was fucking seriously bad. I had a fever for 36 hours and my whole head felt like it’d been kicked to fuck. I should have just bought the second hand set of dentures on e bay ( hardly used) for £3.80 that my bird found for me. lol. Firing off a load of live rounds took my mind off it for an hour or two though.

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm...thats a level of embuggerance id not be into..think the partial denture would do me ..teef arent that that vital to me as im already in superb physical condition once the front bit of me mouth is presentable that'll do me



I hope that it doesn't hurt too little Panzer.

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Guest Erroreptile404
5 hours ago, King Billy said:

I had 20 teeth extracted and I’ve gotta wait 4 to 5 months now till everything heals up properly and then go back to have a load of screw in implants. Then wait another 4 months approx. Then back again to have a complete new set of gnashers screwed in.

Didn't your mum ever use tell you to brush your teeth Billy? You must currently look like this chap:


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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Good luck mate. I came back from Hungary last night. I had 20 teeth extracted and I’ve gotta wait 4 to 5 months now till everything heals up properly and then go back to have a load of screw in implants. Then wait another 4 months approx. Then back again to have a complete new set of gnashers screwed in. I wouldn’t recommend having that many out in one go though as the shock to my whole body when the anaesthetics wore off was fucking seriously bad. I had a fever for 36 hours and my whole head felt like it’d been kicked to fuck. I should have just bought the second hand set of dentures on e bay ( hardly used) for £3.80 that my bird found for me. lol. Firing off a load of live rounds took my mind off it for an hour or two though.

Fuck that. Your head must feel like it's just gone 15 rounds with an angry Mike Tyson. This'll cheer you up. An extract from the transcript of the Gibraltar enquiry, after the SAS shot dead some Provo's...

Judge;  "Why did you shoot the suspects 13 times?"


Soldier F;  "Because the Browning Hi-Power only holds 13 rounds, sir."


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