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BBC shit scared lily-livered cunts


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10 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I'm getting quite the taste for grassing.

It certainly gets the blood flowing. I never used to be one for snitching, but the first time I ever grassed on Withers felt like getting my dick wet and having my balls tickled at the same time. 

I don't mind telling you that the time my reporting resulted in him losing a few thousand likes, my cock went off like a fucking rocket.

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31 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Well that bitch driving the Range Rover in Wimbledon certainly fucked some kids. Does she work for the beeb?

Yes she does. But leave Gillian Taylforth out of it. She might be a bit past it now but she was treble fuckable up until she was about 60. I’d probably let her nonce me up a bit now.

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13 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Well that bitch driving the Range Rover in Wimbledon certainly fucked some kids. Does she work for the beeb?

It's one of those sliding doors moments. How many dark stars had to align for that car to take that exact path on the one day that the kids were having a picnic outside? If it had just been raining they'd have been inside. Why couldn't it crash instead into a bunch of chinless fucking wonders queuing for the tennis a mile down the road?

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15 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

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Wouldn’t that be magical. Although, were it the case, I expect the BBC would run with a story about how a vulnerable young black man felt ‘racially distressed’ by the negative attitude of the white woman he was raping.

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7 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:

I've got it on good authority Scofers was doing a foreigner at the Beeb as Head Cleaner.

I’d like to spend a couple of hours with Eamonn Holmes and a bottle of scotch. I get the impression that he would love to nail down the lid on the insipid cunt.

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Why doesn't the BBC launch a Christmas tribute Jim'll Fix It special, ffs? I simply cannot wait to find out which six-figure salary cunt this is. I've been losing sleep over it!

The fact Ratty, Linekar and Clark has each denied it's them says much about the immediate finger-pointing which unfolded on social media, forcing them into action. How deeply disliked they are, lol.

As the Savile scandal unfolded at White City, BBC Director General Mark Thompson said: "Like many other people who have devoted their lives to this institution, I feel both sad and angry that such terrible crimes and suffering occurred within the BBC. Things need to drastically change."

Does this "change" include not acting on the allegations which first came to light on 19 May this year, meaning this filthy shitcunt was allowed to continue broadcasting for over seven weeks before the plug was finally pulled (and only because of The Sun's exposé) on the back of a long-overdue investigation?

It's a clear indication the Beeb's first move was to try to conceal it – as with Savile and Harris et al. Taxpayers who've made this wanker rich through licence fee enforcement have a right to know who it is. I'm going to absolutely milk the situation on every platform available. I've never hated the corrupt pigs more. I hope it's the beginning of the end. Who's going to pay their licence fee now? 

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