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Turned Round And Said...


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8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Very generous. I was stood up at New Brighton outdoor pool when Frankie Goes to Hollywood failed to show in the 80’s. That was sad but there wasn’t a six gallon surplus of salty butter popcorn that night. I’ll work on madam tomorrow, after she’s cleaned the tears and mucus out of her ball gown.Honestly Franco!

They demolished that nice hotel near the prom didn't they?

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 You work. I dont think so, and if by any remote chance you do it's certainly not your own business. More than likely some menial boring job. Or some lowly paid but mostly secure boring as fuck minor clerical position. Whatever it is if you work at all, it certainly has no risk at all, requires little or no real level of education, and even less skill.

You boring tedious risk averse mealy mouthed, i know my place, dull little prick.

Have a nice day  🙂


There must be a name for this kind of thing in psychiatric circles, when someone invents things about someone else’s life to make them feel better about their own. I’m absolutely convinced that all the things you’ve imagined me to do in this angry little rant actually describe your own dire existence. 

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8 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

There must be a name for this kind of thing in psychiatric circles, when someone invents things about someone else’s life to make them feel better about their own. I’m absolutely convinced that all the things you’ve imagined me to do in this angry little rant actually describe your own dire existence. 


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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

I will put you out of your misery, Johnny is - well respected and senior member of my team, he has shown great leadership skills, recently been promoted to blasting the alloys, it’s gone to his head i’m afraid. 

I hope you give him the same remuneration as fatty?

Free accommodation in a dilapidated caravan round the back of your lock up and a night without handcuffs for good behavior? 

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23 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I hope you give him the same remuneration as fatty?

Free accommodation in a dilapidated caravan round the back of your lock up and a night without handcuffs for good behavior? 

I thinking of selling up Stubby, the cut and thrust of the car wash world is not for the faint hearted, we very nearly ran out of tyre shine today, it’s not an over reaction when I say heads will roll. Plus I am fed up with working with Darkies, Albanians and fatty. 

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17 hours ago, Frank said:

Johnny I think you’ve summed this place up perfectly; it is fucking dreary, and I’m fortunate enough to be able to come and go as I please.. residing in central London or the West Country when I’m coming. God knows how the great unwashed cope. 

Do let me know next time you're planning to visit the West County, as myself, @Ape™️, @Stubby Pecker,and @Wolfie would like to arrange a gathering. I can't give you the full details right now, but do look forward to a surprise! 

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18 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

On a point of order Decs, the GDP difference is tiny. 2019 World Bank figures for per capita GDP put the UK 23rd and NZ 24th, separated by only a few hundred dollars. Enough to buy a Karcher, perhaps. 

Incidentally, Ireland was 5th and Australia 12th. 

Do carry on with the disembowelling....

Indeed, LCS. I've quite often thought of quoting Ireland's position whenever young Panzy is getting hammered on here, but I can never bring myself to help prop him up.

As for our Māori millionaire, I could take him giving the UK a hiding if he lived in a country that had undeniable advantages over us. New Zealand is the poor man of the CANZUK nations when it comes to culture and economy and a raft of other shit that makes a nation bearable to live in. He reminds me of someone living in Lowestoft singing its praises over Great Yarmouth when they're both equally fucking shit.

@JohnnySaucePants use your Karcher to wash your fucking mouth out, the amount of shite that's coming out of it must leave an awful taste on your thick, spastic tongue.

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3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Cheers ‘Baws - this sums the water blast wanker up perfectly.

Ape. If you were ever lucky enough to own a £49.99 'water blaster', and a 50p rubber o-ring were to fail... would you call a specialist technician and pay call-out charges, labour and parts charges? 

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Ape. If you were ever lucky enough to own a £49.99 'water blaster', and a 50p rubber o-ring were to fail... would you call a specialist technician and pay call-out charges, labour and parts charges? 

In this hypothetical situation I would easily fix the thing myself, but I can see a thick, useless wanker with little fliddy arms like Johnny having no choice but to get his water blaster repaired by a specialist. But his livelihood depends on its ability to blast effectively, so perhaps he deemed the expense of the service worthwhile? 

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52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed, LCS. I've quite often thought of quoting Ireland's position whenever young Panzy is getting hammered on here, but I can never bring myself to help prop him up.

As for our Māori millionaire, I could take him giving the UK a hiding if he lived in a country that had undeniable advantages over us. New Zealand is the poor man of the CANZUK nations when it comes to culture and economy and a raft of other shit that makes a nation bearable to live in. He reminds me of someone living in Lowestoft singing its praises over Great Yarmouth when they're both equally fucking shit.

@JohnnySaucePants use your Karcher to wash your fucking mouth out, the amount of shite that's coming out of it must leave an awful taste on your thick, spastic tongue.

You're right there. Old PaddySack gets a constant pasting regarding his nationality, it's EU dependant economy, and it being little more than a backwater tax haven. Regarding the CANZUK trade deal their certainly the poor relation. The only thing I know they're are renowned for export wise is lamb. Its a beautiful country but it costs a fucking fortune to visit, and I can't see postcards making the coffers overflow. @JohnnySaucePants is about as likely to reside in NZ as me sipping a daily pina colada on a Brazilian beach... 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Do let me know next time you're planning to visit the West County, as myself, @Ape™️, @Stubby Pecker,and @Wolfie would like to arrange a gathering. I can't give you the full details right now, but do look forward to a surprise! 

Four of you!!  At least he will be surrounded by idiots. He will like that.

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9 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Four of you!!  At least he will be surrounded by idiots. He will like that.

We had a tenuous truce, Withers. It reminded of the time before the megalomaniac midget declared le republic, and the Royal Navy was sitting at anchor. I've no time to be getting into it with a geriatric goose fancier, and you do make me laugh on occasion. I've bigger fish to fry here right now. So like your country's fleet of trawlers. You can fuck right off! 

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57 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

We had a tenuous truce, Withers. It reminded of the time before the megalomaniac midget declared le republic, and the Royal Navy was sitting at anchor. I've no time to be getting into it with a geriatric goose fancier, and you do make me laugh on occasion. I've bigger fish to fry here right now. So like your country's fleet of trawlers. You can fuck right off! 

Crécy, Sluys, Poitiers, Agincourt, Blenheim, Quebec, Trafalgar, Waterloo, The Fashoda incident, Mers-el-Kébir, The Levant Crisis.

Fuck off, @Witheredscrote and Rule, Britannia.


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13 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, you stupid NEVER been out of Blighty cunt. Funny, how the NZ immigration department is almost overwhelmed by applicants  from over populated shit hole countries like the UK.  Fortunately they are very selective who they let in. Rejecting instantly,  obviously recognisable low skilled benefit scrounging wankers like yourself. Plus those who need to top up their paltry income with part time door mans work. 

Enjoy your drive on the over crowded salted roads which will rust your old shitter of a car even faster this winter. 

Have a wonderful covid infested Xmas too. Tosser.

Tip. The noise you hear in your terraced gaff roof space, is likely to be a hoard of Pakis sleeping. They purchased the doss house a few slums along the street a couple of weeks ago. 


Someone’s tired.

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19 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, you stupid NEVER been out of Blighty cunt. Funny, how the NZ immigration department is almost overwhelmed by applicants  from over populated shit hole countries like the UK.  Fortunately they are very selective who they let in. Rejecting instantly,  obviously recognisable low skilled benefit scrounging wankers like yourself. Plus those who need to top up their paltry income with part time door mans work. 

Enjoy your drive on the over crowded salted roads which will rust your old shitter of a car even faster this winter. 

Have a wonderful covid infested Xmas too. Tosser.

Tip. The noise you hear in your terraced gaff roof space, is likely to be a hoard of Pakis sleeping. They purchased the doss house a few slums along the street a couple of weeks ago. 


You fucking spastic, New Zealand is hardly overwhelmed with applicants for residency when compared to the UK. Every cunt and their grandmother bypasses most of Europe to camp out on the shores of France wailing to be let in here.

I've never heard of anyone jumping on a rubber dinghy and risking life and limb to go to New Zealand, your country is a complete fucking irrelevance that no cunt is interested in living in because it has nothing to offer.

You seem to have an obsession with the UK having a surplus of terraced housing, when the majority of our housing is actually detached or semi-detached. Do you live in a tin roofed prefab? Because there are twice as many of those in NZ as a percentage compared to the UK.


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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You fucking spastic, New Zealand is hardly overwhelmed with applicants for residency when compared to the UK. Every cunt and their grandmother bypasses most of Europe to camp out on the shores of France wailing to be let in here.

I've never heard of anyone jumping on a rubber dinghy and risking life and limb to go to New Zealand, your country is a complete fucking irrelevance that no cunt is interested in living in because it has nothing to offer.

You seem to have an obsession with the UK having a surplus of terraced housing, when the majority of our housing is actually detached or semi-detached. Do you live in a tin roofed prefab? Because there are twice as many of those in NZ as a percentage compared to the UK.


He lives in a shed on a Maori reservation and is regularly sodomised by men with facial tattoos. 

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23 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 idiot. You could never get here in a rubber dingy. The Channel, France to Blighty is a trickle by comparison. I'll agree, it has noting to offer the likes of you, so i'd suggest you stay in your "ive made it big time, heavily mortgaged semi"   What  a wonderful life style you must have. I'm so envious.

I'm starting to suspect your a refugee yourself. Did you cross the channel with a whole group, disguised as an oil slick?

It was an analogy, you thick autistic cunt. Your literal interpretation of other people's posts leads me to believe that you were let in to New Zealand on some sort of specialist spastic visa. 

The point is, millions of immigrants have tried to get into this country over the years. The only people looking to get into New Zealand are old, bitter cunts like you. Fat, red faced, ex-pat fucking wankers who either hate the UK because a traffic warden once hurt their feelings, or they took offence to seeing a black face at their regular Sunday carvery.

Tin roofed, prefabbed, absolute fucking bullshitting wanker.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

It was an analogy, you thick autistic cunt. Your literal interpretation of other people's posts leads me to believe that you were let in to New Zealand on some sort of specialist spastic visa. 

The point is, millions of immigrants have tried to get into this country over the years. The only people looking to get into New Zealand are old, bitter cunts like you. Fat, red faced, ex-pat fucking wankers who either hate the UK because a traffic warden once hurt their feelings, or they took offence to seeing a black face at their regular Sunday carvery.

Tin roofed, prefabbed, absolute fucking bullshitting wanker.

Have you noticed that @Frank is aligning himself with the JSP spastic? Just like two spectacularly stupid fucking cunts... in a pod.

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7 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Have you noticed that @Frank is aligning himself with the JSP spastic? Just like two spectacularly stupid fucking cunts... in a pod.

I have, the predictable @Frank "likes" this situation.

Franco, put your video up or pack up your shit and sling your fucking hook. Shit stirring and endlessly posting "idiot" doesn't quite cut it anymore, I'm surprised it ever did.

Greasy yellow cunt.


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