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EU suing Astra Zeneca

White Cunt

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As you fine ladies and gentlemen of this site know, I am a very pro-vaccines individual, who was delighted with the near-miraculous, super-fast development of the new COVID-19 prevention/side-effect reduction treatments.

While I agree that new treatments and technologies carry risks - both immediate and long term, possibly distant future’ ones (such as new mRNA technology) the development in the vaccine area, and the quick delivery of a cheap and effective AZ vaccine to the British public, has been absolutely amazing.

The EU committee, who had placed a vague, late, discounted contract for their lot of Astra Zeneca vaccines, and who stopped the flows of arrivals of batches currently scheduled for delivery (due to clotting issues), are preparing to sue AZ for what the cunts are claiming is a breach of contract.

Forgive me for thinking that they are looking for a claim payout cash to calm the pissed off masses of continental residents, who are not too pleased with their handling of the crisis and complete fucking incompetence and surplus deaths that could have been prevented at some point.

AZ coffers are growing, but as the company supplied the shots at cost, the only kind thing this country could do now, is to offer top lawyers to kick the greedy, self-serving wankers in Brussels to the curb.

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The EU were never going to willingly accept the fact that our vaccine was ok, they have constantly tried to undermine it and blame anyone but themselves for the mess that's their rollout. 

The EU is like the NHS...too many fucking middle men/people/manager's/cunts getting in the way and making things unnecessarily difficult. 

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22 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Forgive me for thinking that they are looking for a claim payout cash to calm the pissed off masses of continental residents, who are not too pleased with their handling of the crisis and complete fucking incompetence and surplus deaths that could have been prevented at some point.

We really ought to leave this collection of swarthy dagoes and Aryan has-beens - maybe have some kind of "exit" from Europe? No chance of that ever getting voted for in a referendum, though.

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Yet another example of the vast distance from reality that the EU displays, showing us that it is nothing much more than a 1950's utopian project with a vast bureaucracy to sustain it, ever more conspicuous in its irrelevance.

This development is all about diverting the focus of responsibility for the spectacular fuck-up overseen by Ursula Fonder-Lying and her retinue of cuntwitted apparatchiks regarding the EU's procurement of vaccines.

Of course, it may well (should?) serve to concentrate the thinking of managers for any multi-national company contemplating setting up in the EU, given the latter's propensity to heavy-handed officialdom and potential for actual (armed?) intervention in companies' distribution and order fulfilment process. 



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6 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yet another example of the vast distance from reality that the EU displays, showing us that it is nothing much more than a 1950's utopian project with a vast bureaucracy to sustain it, ever more conspicuous in its irrelevance.

This development is all about diverting the focus of responsibility for the spectacular fuck-up overseen by Ursula Fonder-Lying and her retinue of cuntwitted apparatchiks regarding the EU's procurement of vaccines.

Of course, it may well (should?) serve to concentrate the thinking of managers for any multi-national company contemplating setting up in the EU, given the latter's propensity to heavy-handed officialdom and potential for actual (armed?) intervention in companies' distribution and order fulfilment process. 



What I don't understand is their logic a few weeks back. Fair enough, you think the AZ vaccine is unsafe and have suspended it for public use, but you also threaten to stop exports of it to the UK, because you're angry about not getting enough of this vaccine that you don't want? Even though its entirely your fault for joining the queue so late?

They don't want it, but they don't want any other cunt to get it, either? How can you even justify that? 

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yet another example of the vast distance from reality that the EU displays, showing us that it is nothing much more than a 1950's utopian project with a vast bureaucracy to sustain it, ever more conspicuous in its irrelevance.

This development is all about diverting the focus of responsibility for the spectacular fuck-up overseen by Ursula Fonder-Lying and her retinue of cuntwitted apparatchiks regarding the EU's procurement of vaccines.

Of course, it may well (should?) serve to concentrate the thinking of managers for any multi-national company contemplating setting up in the EU, given the latter's propensity to heavy-handed officialdom and potential for actual (armed?) intervention in companies' distribution and order fulfilment process. 



Indeed. But not only being a deflection of the EU discount, tepid, open-plan procurement fuckup, there is an angle to extract the cash to make others pay for their own incompetence. A fucking robbery with full intent.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

What I don't understand is their logic a few weeks back. Fair enough, you think the AZ vaccine is unsafe and have suspended it for public use, but you also threaten to stop exports of it to the UK, because you're angry about not getting enough of this vaccine that you don't want? Even though its entirely your fault for joining the queue so late?

They don't want it, but they don't want any other cunt to get it, either? How can you even justify that? 

They are trying (back then and now) every angle that can:

a. Minimise costs to themselves, in case of failure. (vaccine development)

b. Minimise costs of procuring successful vaccines. (vaccine success)

c. Minimise risk of fallout from vaccine side effects. (vaccine failure)

d. Minimise time between orders and delivery time. (vaccine success)

To sum up: they want you pay for it and give it away at their convenience, tow their discount film-flam, revolving bandwagon and eat shit when things go tits up.

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1 minute ago, White Cunt said:

They are trying (back then and now) every angle that can:

a. Minimise costs to themselves, in case of failure. (vaccine development)

b. Minimise costs of procuring successful vaccines. (vaccine success)

c. Minimise risk of fallout from vaccine side effects. (vaccine failure)

d. Minimise time between orders and delivery time. (vaccine success)

To sum up: they want you pay for it and give it away at their convenience, tow their discount film-flam, revolving bandwagon and eat shit when things go tits up.


So they're being unrepentant, rancid cunts because they've got a chip on their shoulder after we dumped them for being unrepentant, rancid cunts. Enforcing the idea that they're a bunch of unrepentant, rancid cunts, to hide the fact that they're also a bunch of second-guessing spackers, terrified of any responsibility that comes with being a political and economical union, but unable to resist the lure of just how much cash and political arse licking that comes with the job.

What a bunch of greedy little mongs.

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

We really ought to leave this collection of swarthy dagoes and Aryan has-beens - maybe have some kind of "exit" from Europe? No chance of that ever getting voted for in a referendum, though.

The I'ties would come out at the drop of a hat but who the fucks gonna bail them out when their economy bottoms out?

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The I'ties would come out at the drop of a hat but who the fucks gonna bail them out when their economy bottoms out?

We could fuck off all that French and German wine off of our supermarket shelves and only stock Italian wine. That should help the I-Tye cunts out and also fuck off the frogs and the krauts.

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2 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Smart thinking as usual, H. Just getting the ball rolling would guarantee a pharmaceutical stampede out of the block.


It's clear that the Fog of Brexit War is obscuring your grip on reality. If the EU has a genuine case it will be proved in court purely on the technical evidence available as the Law of Contract is extremely precise and reliable. 

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Just now, ChildeHarold said:

It's clear that the Fog of Brexit War is obscuring your grip on reality. If the EU has a genuine case it will be proved in court purely on the technical evidence available as the Law of Contract is extremely precise and reliable. 

Good luck to them! Leeches anyone?

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9 hours ago, White Cunt said:

As you fine ladies and gentlemen of this site know, I am a very pro-vaccines individual, who was delighted with the near-miraculous, super-fast development of the new COVID-19 prevention/side-effect reduction treatments.

While I agree that new treatments and technologies carry risks - both immediate and long term, possibly distant future’ ones (such as new mRNA technology) the development in the vaccine area, and the quick delivery of a cheap and effective AZ vaccine to the British public, has been absolutely amazing.

The EU committee, who had placed a vague, late, discounted contract for their lot of Astra Zeneca vaccines, and who stopped the flows of arrivals of batches currently scheduled for delivery (due to clotting issues), are preparing to sue AZ for what the cunts are claiming is a breach of contract.

Forgive me for thinking that they are looking for a claim payout cash to calm the pissed off masses of continental residents, who are not too pleased with their handling of the crisis and complete fucking incompetence and surplus deaths that could have been prevented at some point.

AZ coffers are growing, but as the company supplied the shots at cost, the only kind thing this country could do now, is to offer top lawyers to kick the greedy, self-serving wankers in Brussels to the curb.

Good. When the stupid fucking garlic and bratwurst smelling cunts are all dead we can go over and claim it- ship all the undesirables over there

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Law of Contract will determine that. I don't think that the EU would go to court without a legal case. 

I’m not so sure that a company like AZ would renege on a contract blithely. I think the EU are re writing the law to suit themselves. Of course that just an opinion. The truth is that we only know what the media tells us.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Law of Contract will determine that. I don't think that the EU would go to court without a legal case. 

Objection! I put it to you my learned friend that you are talking out of your unwiped arsehole. I rest my case.

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9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Law of Contract will determine that. I don't think that the EU would go to court without a legal case. 

I personally think they would. There are still some people in the EU that still think they have power and influence to get what they want as there is no-one above them to call them accountable. It still hasn't registered with them that the UK has fucked off and left the party early.

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