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The Fall of Kabul

Last Cunt Standing

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It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

Oh dear.

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

I think I've identified a potential flaw in your plan. There'll be no nukes left for Africa.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

I knew you’d be working on a plan while you’ve been absent Eric, and it’s a big yes from me at first look. 👍

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

Have you plotted a good depositing location? May I suggest on the border India/China?

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's about time the western nations made an agreement to round up all the Islamic trash we have littering our previously civilised lands, then send the fucking lot of them to the Middle East. Even the ones who are born here, women, kids, the lot. The women are all thick sheep and ugly moustachioed cunts, and the kids will only grow up to be violent nonce cunts anyway.

Once they're all back where they belong, the nuclear powers expend all remaining nuclear ordnance in a grid pattern across the entire region. Harsh you might say... but let's face it, everywhere they go, they transform into a cesspit of violence, hatred and child abuse. And there are three big benefits:

1) No more stinking fucking islamists trying to kill and rape us.

2) No more nuclear weapons.

3) A nice big, empty sterile desert full of craters.. so that's all our landfill problems sorted.😊👍

Eric, I never had you pegged as a fucking pacifist. You sound like Neville Chamberlain, get a grip ffs. 

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On 17/08/2021 at 19:45, King Billy said:

You’re a very bitter, sad little man Panzy. Living in a fairytale bubble full of daydreaming ‘freedom fighters’, who way back then banished the evil, barbaric Brits and led your women and children forward into a golden future.

The reality is rather different though mate. A large number of brave Irishmen, some still teenage boys, (all with much higher intelligence and awareness of the real world than you) realised the imminent danger the Nazis and their fascist accomplices posed to the free world, and joined up to fight alongside their British neighbours and brothers.

The Irish ‘patriots’ who couldn’t let go of their hatred of us Brits stayed at home and actively plotted with the Nazis and planned for the future under German occupation and offered their assistance. The sheer stupidity of this and downright cowardice speaks for itself. The SS were not renowned for showing gratitude or benevolence to people who had betrayed their own nation. They viewed them as vermin and exterminated most of them as soon as they’d outlived their usefulness.

Thousands of brave Paddy’s who returned home from the war were treated abominably by the Irish government, at national and especially local levels. These were the gutless cowards who were enjoying the freedoms and liberties which these heroes had been prepared to die for them to have. These cunts who’d plotted to put their country under the jackboot and would almost certainly be dead if their plans had been successful.

All you nostalgic ‘freedom fighters’ would now be sitting around playing your fiddles and singing about the ‘grand old days, when our brothers the Brits protected us,” until the stormtroopers crashed through the door demanding your papers.

Oh, hang on a minute...... That last bit is actually happening right now. Isn’t it?

”Nobody move! ID and vaccine passports please? NOW!


Mm..join the British army to defend smaller nations agin oppression while Britain props up a bigoted sectarian rump state in Ireland..that makes sense alright...not


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31 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm..join the British army to defend smaller nations agin oppression while Britain props up a bigoted sectarian rump state in Ireland..that makes sense alright...not


An interesting view on the history of the civilised world in the past thousand years or so Panz.

So would you say that siding with the Germans, albeit whilst taking the cowards stance of remaining neutral and actually sympathising with the Nazis has cemented Ireland into the history books as taking the right and honourable path?

If you had to answer truthfully, would you say Britain or Germany has been a greater force for good throughout history?

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm..join the British army to defend smaller nations agin oppression while Britain props up a bigoted sectarian rump state in Ireland..that makes sense alright...not


Panzy, why do you always have to make everything about you and your deep seated hatred of the British?

Is there anything else you don't like that you could tell us about, or is this just some kind of weird calling for you?

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

An interesting view on the history of the civilised world in the past thousand years or so Panz.

So would you say that siding with the Germans, albeit whilst taking the cowards stance of remaining neutral and actually sympathising with the Nazis has cemented Ireland into the history books as taking the right and honourable path?

If you had to answer truthfully, would you say Britain or Germany has been a greater force for good throughout history?

The seeds of the nazi movement was created by the shocking treatment the allies meted out to the germans at the Versailles summit..treatment we were all too familiar with here...like it or not Britain has its share of the blame for the second world war ya know...and colonialism being a force for good?..are you that simple?


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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Panzy, why do you always have to make everything about you and your deep seated hatred of the British?

Is there anything else you don't like that you could tell us about, or is this just some kind of weird calling for you?

Decco baby started it...attackin me with his half baked gibber about deserters rights 


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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Decco baby started it...attackin me with his half baked gibber about deserters rights 


It goes back further than that Panzer, back to 2016 when I cornered you over the same subject along with your whinging about Brexit .. just after you ceased to be from Glasgow and became "Oirish". I seriously doubt whether you have ever seen Darkey Kelly's or been anywhere near Fishamble Street .. what is the bet that you are actually sitting in some grim tenement in The Gorbals posting this shit?

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The seeds of the nazi movement was created by the shocking treatment the allies meted out to the germans at the Versailles summit..treatment we were all too familiar with here...like it or not Britain has its share of the blame for the second world war ya know...and colonialism being a force for good?..are you that simple?


Bollocks! There was nothing "shocking" about the Versailles Treaty, it was simply making the Krauts pay for a slaughter they instigated. In my opinion it didn't go far enough. Germany should have been broken up again and Prussia turned into a big cornfield so it could never bother Europe again. The only blame Britain should take for WWII is that it didn't strangle Nazism at birth.

What "treatment" have you had exactly?. You sucked British cock when it suited you and you enthusiastically joined in with the great imperial project. It was after all, the Irish nationalist Lt Governor of the Punjab who ordered the Amritsar massacre in 1919 and that was some proper cold blooded shit. You cunts would have made us look like rank amateurs given the chance so enough with the pathetic victimhood bullshit.

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12 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mm..join the British army to defend smaller nations agin oppression while Britain props up a bigoted sectarian rump state in Ireland..that makes sense alright...not


More bollocks! That "rump state" exists in perpetuity because W.T Cosgrave requested that the 1925 Boundary commission report was buried in return for the UK forgiving the Free State's share of the imperial debt then your politicians kept quiet about it for nearly 50 years. In other words, they sold it to us you fucking cretin.

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16 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:


More bollocks! That "rump state" exists in perpetuity because W.T Cosgrave requested that the 1925 Boundary commission report was buried in return for the UK forgiving the Free State's share of the imperial debt then your politicians kept quiet about it for nearly 50 years. In other words, they sold it to us you fucking cretin.

Something that Mrs Krankie conveniently ignores as well .. Scotland's share of the blame of Empire.

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29 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Bollocks! There was nothing "shocking" about the Versailles Treaty, it was simply making the Krauts pay for a slaughter they instigated. In my opinion it didn't go far enough. Germany should have been broken up again and Prussia turned into a big cornfield so it could never bother Europe again. The only blame Britain should take for WWII is that it didn't strangle Nazism at birth.

What "treatment" have you had exactly?. You sucked British cock when it suited you and you enthusiastically joined in with the great imperial project. It was after all, the Irish nationalist Lt Governor of the Punjab who ordered the Amritsar massacre in 1919 and that was some proper cold blooded shit. You cunts would have made us look like rank amateurs given the chance so enough with the pathetic victimhood bullshit.

I rattled Panzer back in 2016 .. the truth about Panzer is that he someone's sock puppet.

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

More bollocks! That "rump state" exists in perpetuity because W.T Cosgrave requested that the 1925 Boundary commission report was buried in return for the UK forgiving the Free State's share of the imperial debt then your politicians kept quiet about it for nearly 50 years. In other words, they sold it to us you fucking cretin.

I don't know if this is true or not, but I do hope so.

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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Decco baby started it...attackin me with his half baked gibber about deserters rights 


1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:


More bollocks! That "rump state" exists in perpetuity because W.T Cosgrave requested that the 1925 Boundary commission report was buried in return for the UK forgiving the Free State's share of the imperial debt then your politicians kept quiet about it for nearly 50 years. In other words, they sold it to us you fucking cretin.

I won't pretend to know anything about the situation - even the "Troubles" were well before my time and none of this moaning shite is encouraging me to learn about it either. However, I think if @PANZER MURPHY wants to be heard out, he should probably stop projecting his side of the debate with the same amount of xenophobia and ignorance he clearly seems to think he's been a victim of in the past.

Its getting fucking old.

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45 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I won't pretend to know anything about the situation - even the "Troubles" were well before my time and none of this moaning shite is encouraging me to learn about it either. However, I think if @PANZER MURPHY wants to be heard out, he should probably stop projecting his side of the debate with the same amount of xenophobia and ignorance he clearly seems to think he's been a victim of in the past.

Its getting fucking old.

Obviously you`ve never heard "Men behind the Wire" RK, makes Lennon & Cohen look like rank amateurs, it makes me want to give Lizzy a good kick up the arse and i`m in the Black ffs..   

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