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Memo to Matt Hancock

King Billy

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23 hours ago, King Billy said:

Hopefully Australia will close its borders again, 5 minutes after his plane lands. 2 years they were closed for Covid and with any luck that was just a rehearsal for the main event. He could rent LCS’s spare room  and they could spend the rest of their days reminiscing about their NHS glory days.

Cheeky twat. My house is currently fuller than RAF Manston, as every rellie and hanger-on from the UK seems to have picked the start of November for holiday time. A sizeable proportion of them have spent a good deal of time telling me they wish they didn’t have to go back, and asking if I think anyone would notice if they just joined the caravan of grey nomads circling this island for a year or two. I like to torture them with an hour of Sky News UK over breakfast. A couple of 50-something NHS friends, currently on a futon in my dining room, have decided that they’ve finally had enough, have put their house in Oxford on the market and are buying a catamaran in the Whitsundays. Didn’t know they had it in them. 

Interesting times. 

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48 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

My house is currently fuller than RAF Manston, as every rellie and hanger-on from the UK seems to have picked the start of November for holiday time. A sizeable proportion of them have spent a good deal of time telling me they wish they didn’t have to go back, and asking if I think anyone would notice if they just joined the caravan of grey nomads circling this island for a year or two.

You can run to the ends of the Earth, to paradise even. But I can one hundred percent guarantee that eventually some cunt in power is going to ruin it for you.

What do you do then? Keep running until you eventually fall off the edge of planet Fender, or stay and fight?

Personally I've reached a point of peak cynicism and have come to the conclusion that no matter where you are, you're going to end up getting brutally arse fucked by your government. 

It doesn't matter what continent you lay your hat in, as a species we're fucked.

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53 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You can run to the ends of the Earth, to paradise even. But I can one hundred percent guarantee that eventually some cunt in power is going to ruin it for you.

What do you do then? Keep running until you eventually fall off the edge of planet Fender, or stay and fight?

Personally I've reached a point of peak cynicism and have come to the conclusion that no matter where you are, you're going to end up getting brutally arse fucked by your government. 

It doesn't matter what continent you lay your hat in, as a species we're fucked.

That's very good ducks but did you know that no curvature is taken in consideration when laying railway tracks. 

Pondering the pitfalls of man here ducks, I might need some help, will keep you in mind for the most intricate problems.. or maybe Roops as it knows all. 

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19 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You did and you got your arse handed to you in a high-hat. For once, show a little humility…cuntess.

I see. Well show us where I allegedly said that blag passports could not be purchased. When you come up with a big fat zero perhaps you could then be kind enough to demonstrate the 'humility' thingy that you make an issue of.

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11 hours ago, Decimus said:

It doesn't matter what continent you lay your hat in, as a species we're fucked.

You’ll hear no argument from me on this, Decs. 

Rather put me in mind of some wisdom I once heard in a GP waiting room. A young woman was distressed to learn that her mother had a terminal diagnosis. The old man sitting next to her asked her why she was upset. “My mum’s dying” she said. The old fella sighed, and said “I’m sorry to hear that sweetheart, but let me tell you something. We’re all dying. Just at different speeds”. 

I’m not sure it helped the woman, but I thought it was pretty memorable. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I see. Well show us where I allegedly said that blag passports could not be purchased. When you come up with a big fat zero perhaps you could then be kind enough to demonstrate the 'humility' thingy that you make an issue of.

Excuse me but didn’t you dismiss the possibility that they could be used/existed for European travel because of an issue with their expiration period etc? Don’t have me troll through pages of shite just to prove you wrong, I mean, it’s not like you’re going to concede now is it? Anyway, I’m a bit pre-occupied sailing down the Tigris which I’m sure you can verify as soon as I pick up a signal as I pass through Anchorage. Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You’ll hear no argument from me on this, Decs. 

Rather put me in mind of some wisdom I once heard in a GP waiting room. A young woman was distressed to learn that her mother had a terminal diagnosis. The old man sitting next to her asked her why she was upset. “My mum’s dying” she said. The old fella sighed, and said “I’m sorry to hear that sweetheart, but let me tell you something. We’re all dying. Just at different speeds”. 

I’m not sure it helped the woman, but I thought it was pretty memorable. 

Bit easier to say when you're an old cunt with most of their life behind them anyway though, isn't it?

Basically a long-winded way of saying "you'll be joining her soon enough".

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18 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Bit easier to say when you're an old cunt with most of their life behind them anyway though, isn't it?

Basically a long-winded way of saying "you'll be joining her soon enough".

Poor 'ol Frank died years ago.

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On 01/11/2022 at 23:09, The Beast said:

I couldn't agree more.

I generally advise others to avoid divulging personal info on this site, but I will break my own rules.

My now 20-year-old Son, decided he wanted to take this fucking mRNA junk. He knew my stance on it, I advised him not to do it. There was absolutely no clinical indication for him to do so. He was worried about being excluded from university or his life being made difficult if he didn't have it. 

He had his first pfizer dose with nothing more than a sore arm. Within 24 hours of his second dose, he developed pains in his chest. Initially I thought it could be psychosomatic or muscular skeletal as he likes his gym workout. 

Unfortunately, he had pericarditis. He was short of breath and had decreased exercise tolerance for over 3 months. The ineptitude of the medical profession also boils my piss. The cardiologist, which he saw privately, gave the ridiculous advice of not having the pfizer for the third dose, but have moderna instead. He didn't realise the moderna dose is three times higher than the pfizer when I pointed this out to him. He still would not commit himself to advising not to take any more of the fucking shit. A totally ill-informed money grabbing bastard.

I have never committed a criminal offence, and I still work in a position of trust. My politics is always left at the door when I attend work. I always do my best for the people I come into contact with, irrespective of who they are. But without doubt, if I ever encounter Hancock, Zahawi or Javid I will do my best to physically assault them.

I can never forgive or forget what these cunts have done.

I’m sorry to hear that, B. 
While myself and WC had two jabs each, the son had none and is not planning to get any, whatever bullshit they wheel out next. 
I think Denmark stopped the jabs for under fifty.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Excuse me but didn’t you dismiss the possibility that they could be used/existed for European travel because of an issue with their expiration period etc? Don’t have me troll through pages of shite just to prove you wrong, I mean, it’s not like you’re going to concede now is it? Anyway, I’m a bit pre-occupied sailing down the Tigris which I’m sure you can verify as soon as I pick up a signal as I pass through Anchorage. Fuck off.

Bollocks, you've obviously read the thread and have come up with a big fat zero, so practice what you preach and show some humility.

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22 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Cheeky twat. My house is currently fuller than RAF Manston, as every rellie and hanger-on from the UK seems to have picked the start of November for holiday time. A sizeable proportion of them have spent a good deal of time telling me they wish they didn’t have to go back, and asking if I think anyone would notice if they just joined the caravan of grey nomads circling this island for a year or two. I like to torture them with an hour of Sky News UK over breakfast. A couple of 50-something NHS friends, currently on a futon in my dining room, have decided that they’ve finally had enough, have put their house in Oxford on the market and are buying a catamaran in the Whitsundays. Didn’t know they had it in them. 

Interesting times. 

Imagine my surprise when I saw you wrote this. I hope your 50-something NHS pals leave cum stains on the futon, before departing for their Whitswank catamaran.

Are they Brian & Margo, by any chance?

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On 02/11/2022 at 17:33, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm having a bet that he'll last only slightly longer than that other fucking waste of carbon, skin and lard, Gemma Collins. If Gemma Collins and Fwank were standing in front of me and I only had one bullet, me and Fwank would be going for drink in the nearest bar. I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag.


On 02/11/2022 at 17:47, Decimus said:

You'd have wished that you turned the gun on yourself after you wake up face down on Frank's bed the morning after, with an arsehole resembling the Blackwall tunnel and a mouth full of shit.

In unlikely contrast, imagine if Frank and Gemma Collins ended up going back to his spotless little flat in Barnet, and despite his best efforts to fight off an attack by the killer whale (in the midst of an alcohol/drug-induced state), she pinned him down and sat on his face in a classic yet cruel display of 'hogging':

Fatty and Skinny went to bed
Fatty rolled over
And Skinny was dead!

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Imagine my surprise when I saw you wrote this. I hope your 50-something NHS pals leave cum stains on the futon, before departing for their Whitswank catamaran.

Are they Brian & Margo, by any chance?

Bit underwhelmed by this latest effort, to be honest. Some lazy caricaturing of my friends, which surely comes from the deep insecurity associated with not having any. Crude language which I imagine must disqualify you from the Guild of Internet Male Pedantry. 2/10. 

You must be getting terribly lonely in your West Country idyll, with the dual threat of relentless immigration and crushing recession threatening to upend your tranquility. I imagine you lie awake at night wondering if it’s best to turn your over-manicured lawn into a network of defendable trenches, or a vegetable garden. Perhaps you’ll find a niche selling your virtual hole on OnlyFans. Maybe it’s time to go Korean with the dog and weep at the realisation it’s come to this. 

Whichever path you chose, you’re in for a long winter. If there’s any justice, you won’t survive it. 

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29 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Bit underwhelmed by this latest effort, to be honest. Some lazy caricaturing of my friends, which surely comes from the deep insecurity associated with not having any. Crude language which I imagine must disqualify you from the Guild of Internet Male Pedantry. 2/10. 

You must be getting terribly lonely in your West Country idyll, with the dual threat of relentless immigration and crushing recession threatening to upend your tranquility. I imagine you lie awake at night wondering if it’s best to turn your over-manicured lawn into a network of defendable trenches, or a vegetable garden. Perhaps you’ll find a niche selling your virtual hole on OnlyFans. Maybe it’s time to go Korean with the dog and weep at the realisation it’s come to this. 

Whichever path you chose, you’re in for a long winter. If there’s any justice, you won’t survive it. 

He's not really in the west country proper .. more Zomerzet.

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:


In unlikely contrast, imagine if Frank and Gemma Collins ended up going back to his spotless little flat in Barnet, and despite his best efforts to fight off an attack by the killer whale (in the midst of an alcohol/drug-induced state), she pinned him down and sat on his face in a classic yet cruel display of 'hogging':

Fatty and Skinny went to bed
Fatty rolled over
And Skinny was dead!

Jack Spratt could eat no fat

His wife could eat no lean

So Jack ignored her flabby cunt and licked her arsehole clean.


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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Bollocks, you've obviously read the thread and have come up with a big fat zero, so practice what you preach and show some humility.

An afternoon post for you means ‘rattled!’ You know what you said and you also know that you got destroyed. Suck it up, and, once again…fuck off!

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35 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

An afternoon post for you means ‘rattled!’ You know what you said and you also know that you got destroyed. Suck it up, and, once again…fuck off!

You have him by the balls here D.C, go for the jugular and finish this ginger know it all know fuck all wasted whore. 

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8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

An afternoon post for you means ‘rattled!’ You know what you said and you also know that you got destroyed. Suck it up, and, once again…fuck off!

Aside your post being remarkably bereft of humility, one has to wonder why an unemployable ponce who hangs around The Corner 24/7 took nine hours to respond with a limp-wristed rebuttal.

Far be it for me to give you advice on how to wage an internet battle but wouldn't it be easier and devastatingly more effective if you simply use the multi-quote to show where I said blag passports could not be purchased rather than whimper "you know what you said"? An added bonus would be you could also show where I was apparently "destroyed". :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Aside your post being remarkably bereft of humility, one has to wonder why an unemployable ponce who hangs around The Corner 24/7 took nine hours to respond with a limp-wristed rebuttal.

Far be it for me to give you advice on how to wage an internet battle but wouldn't it be easier and devastatingly more effective if you simply use the multi-quote to show where I said blag passports could not be purchased rather than whimper "you know what you said"? An added bonus would be you could also show where I was apparently "destroyed". :rolleyes:

How do you do it, Roops? How do you gather up the motivation every morning to continue arguing and picking apart the most ridiculous, throwaway comments on a site full of them? I'm not judging you positively or negatively here, I'm just fascinated.

You've got an argument for everything, you never back down or change your opinion after you've voiced it, even if the evidence against it has been somewhat convincing in the past. You're a force to be reckoned with on a website with absolutely no relevance, a big fish in a muddy puddle full of tadpoles. Its impressive and entertaining, but also disconcerting and somewhat tragic the sheer amount of effort you must put in to maintain character.

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