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That cunt Corden


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If any of you need to clear your guts of any hard to shift dinner then just watch this cunts final act on his shit cunt of a show in Yankland. Made me bring up my food over the last two days, sadly the cunt is coming back to these shores and it's only a matter of time before the oily cunt will be gracing our saturday night screens with an equally spew inducing pile of wank. He's definitely going to be a doing a 'Schofield' in a few years because despite being married with kids the fat cunt is as queer as a bottle of crisps.

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On 29/04/2023 at 09:05, Cuntybaws said:

I may actually hate this unctuous cunt even more than I hate Chris Moyles.

I'd wager that it'd make the contents of the late lamented Gurt's seem about as vanilla as a virgin Hasidic couple going at it through a hole in a sheet with the lights out.

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20 hours ago, Neil said:

If any of you need to clear your guts of any hard to shift dinner then just watch this cunts final act on his shit cunt of a show in Yankland. Made me bring up my food over the last two days, sadly the cunt is coming back to these shores and it's only a matter of time before the oily cunt will be gracing our saturday night screens with an equally spew inducing pile of wank. He's definitely going to be a doing a 'Schofield' in a few years because despite being married with kids the fat cunt is as queer as a bottle of crisps.

Ant & Dec, McIntyre and their like are true cunts, but this slab of lard is the next level. At least the aforementioned are mostly harmless and don’t genuinely believe they’re anything special unlike the nasty and self important, gelatinous blob that’s Corden.

I’d like to see him have a 10 foot stake shoved us his arse and then be slowly, and aptly, hog roasted. All the shitcunt celebs he’s had cringeworthy interviews with should then be forced, at gun point, to tuck into a corden pulled pork feast. 

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Guest Fatty
13 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

This pig-ugly, greasy fat plasma sack of talentless discharge needs a toe-punt in his eyeball. 

Horrible fat cunt.

What’s Eddy done now?

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On 29/04/2023 at 09:05, Cuntybaws said:

I may actually hate this unctuous cunt even more than I hate Chris Moyles.

Moyles is actually not a bad bloke when you meet him. My cousin used to work at XFM and said he was a nice bloke. From what I've heard about the Corden cunt by all accounts he's a nasty piece of work who has given abuse to anyone who so much as smiled at him. I personally wished that Sir Patrick Stewart had broke his fucking nose at that awards shitfest a few years back. Shame it wasn't Oliver Reed who Corden was having a go at.

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On 02/05/2023 at 12:12, camberwell gypsy said:

Moyles is actually not a bad bloke when you meet him. My cousin used to work at XFM and said he was a nice bloke. From what I've heard about the Corden cunt by all accounts he's a nasty piece of work who has given abuse to anyone who so much as smiled at him. I personally wished that Sir Patrick Stewart had broke his fucking nose at that awards shitfest a few years back. Shame it wasn't Oliver Reed who Corden was having a go at.

Moyles is a crossed eyed northern cunt and your cousin wears a vest, fuck off. 

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Guest Burt

Your right, how this useless fat fucking cunt ever got where he is I'll never know, must have sucked a lot of cock. Let's hope the plane drops out of the sky when he's coming home, only splattering him of course. You imagine being sat next to the cunt it would all be, ME ME ME. 

Fat fucking CUNT.

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