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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Fuck off you two faced heap of verminous fox shit. You’re without doubt the most disingenuous and precious fucking loser ever and you know it, as does everyone apart from the very few saddoes who’ve got so used to having their tongues so firmly jammed up your vile size 18+ Lizzolike dirtbox that they’ve probably declared their occupation to HMRC as ‘full time bottom feeder’. No one with an ounce of sense gives a flying fuck about your latest pathetic dictat and even less about the consequences of ignoring you stamping your enormous feet. Do yourself and everyone else (with the obvious exception of the aforementioned wankers) a favour, accept that even here on Cunts Corner you’re fucking despised and the only reason you’re tolerated at all is because of your narcissistic threats and actions which you try to justify with your moderators hat on when in reality it’s apparent that you’ve got fuck all else of interest to bring to the table. 
And just as a matter of curiosity why have you got this firework up your arse around the subject of noncing (even if just simply implied) when all manner of other heinous insults and accusations are deemed to be perfectly acceptable? I guess that must be down to the ‘consistency’ that you rattle on about regularly when no one fucking listens to your BS anyway.

Get fucked.

So fact-checking makes you blub. Tough.

As for the query re the "dictat" (sic) this has been answered many, many times - most recently as little as two months ago. That you have the memory and attention span of a cerebrally-challenged amoeba is not my problem. Stay warm.

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I wonder if he also forgets to clean his teeth with Autosol rather than Colegate?

Drew, how do you even know what Autosol is? You don’t strike me as the Tommy Saxondale, ‘Stang in the driveway type. 
 What have you got in the shed?… it’s a ‘Brough Superior’ or an ‘Ariel Square Four’ isn’t it.

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9 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Drew, how do you even know what Autosol is? You don’t strike me as the Tommy Saxondale, ‘Stang in the driveway type. 
 What have you got in the shed?… it’s a ‘Brough Superior’ or an ‘Ariel Square Four’ isn’t it.

Eric’ I’ve been in albir with Tommy Robinson, he’s there until November, shot to bits and in need of a cuddle. The man’s fucked.

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22 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Eric’ I’ve been in albir with Tommy Robinson, he’s there until November, shot to bits and in need of a cuddle. The man’s fucked.

True story, I bumped into Doreen Lawrence last week outside Dirty Dick's. Mrs D is a big fan, in fact she's one of the only blacks that she will tolerate. 

She's still not over the boy, but at least she's done well for herself. All her own teeth and wears more bling than Fiddy.


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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

True story, I bumped into Doreen Lawrence last week outside Dirty Dick's. Mrs D is a big fan, in fact she's one of the only blacks that she will tolerate. 

She's still not over the boy, but at least she's done well for herself. All her own teeth and wears more bling than Fiddy.


Mrs D looks great. Is that a natural tan?

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Drew, how do you even know what Autosol is? You don’t strike me as the Tommy Saxondale, ‘Stang in the driveway type. 
 What have you got in the shed?… it’s a ‘Brough Superior’ or an ‘Ariel Square Four’ isn’t it.

My guess would be an extremely poorly built moonshine still.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

That you have the memory and attention span of a cerebrally-challenged amoeba is not my problem.

I would have expected someone as clever who’s boasted about the huge stack of unopened MENSA periodicals that they insist on sending, but you can no longer be bothered to even open could have come up with a less ridiculous adjective insult than ‘cerebrally challenged’ as even a ‘thicko’ like me (knowing that an amoeba, being a single cell organism with no cerebral cortex whatsoever) has got me wondering if you might not actually be the cerebrally over endowed genius that you profess to be and never miss an opportunity to remind us all, but in reality just the boring unfuckable ginger hag that you see every morning in the mirror  before rushing to the bus stop in the rain, anorak tucked into your knickers and panicking all the  way to work incase one of the younger and much prettier (obviously) checkout girls has got there before you and swallowed a mouthful of the 19 year old temporary deputy assistant managers sticky mess, meaning you’ll have to spend the whole day out in the car park wearing a hi vis vest with ‘Hi I’m Roops and I’m here to help’ printed on it, getting soaked, stacking trolleys and listening to a constant stream of builders muttering ‘fucking hell I hope my missus never ends up in that state’ as they drive past in their Transit vans shaking their heads in dismay.

If I’ve got all this completely wrong ignore it and don’t bother responding but if I’ve got it 100% right then feel free to respond in the expected manner. Stay dry.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Drew, how do you even know what Autosol is? You don’t strike me as the Tommy Saxondale, ‘Stang in the driveway type. 
 What have you got in the shed?… it’s a ‘Brough Superior’ or an ‘Ariel Square Four’ isn’t it.

‘Probably the shiniest collection of empty Carlsberg  Special Brew cans in the world’

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

My guess would be an extremely poorly built moonshine still.

Or several pallets of out of date home brew kits incase the off-licence suffers a direct nuclear missile hit in a pre-emptive Russian strike while our special forces are off duty for Pride Month or abseiling down the side of a council house behind enemy lines somewhere to neutralise a dangerous homophobic teenager armed with severe learning difficulties and scoliosis.

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Or several pallets of out of date home brew kits incase the off-licence suffers a direct nuclear missile hit in a pre-emptive Russian strike while our special forces are off duty for Pride Month or abseiling down the side of a council house behind enemy lines somewhere to neutralise a dangerous homophobic teenager armed with severe learning difficulties and scoliosis.

And this years award for the longest, un-punctuated sentence goes to…

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3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

And this years award for the longest, un-punctuated sentence goes to…

I find it better to not bother usually incase I might add a comma where it’s not  correct (like after the word longest for example) or stupidly hyphenate a word that shouldn’t be (like unpunctuated perhaps?).
Thanks for your concern though as I know it’s genuine.

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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

And this years award for the longest, un-punctuated sentence goes to…

And this year's award (and the previous 4 years) for the most critical poster of other members' posts without lending anything substantive or even mildly amusing to anything...........ever, goes to......

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

I would have expected someone as clever who’s boasted about the huge stack of unopened MENSA periodicals that they insist on sending, but you can no longer be bothered to even open could have come up with a less ridiculous adjective insult than ‘cerebrally challenged’ as even a ‘thicko’ like me (knowing that an amoeba, being a single cell organism with no cerebral cortex whatsoever) has got me wondering if you might not actually be the cerebrally over endowed genius that you profess to be and never miss an opportunity to remind us all, but in reality just the boring unfuckable ginger hag that you see every morning in the mirror  before rushing to the bus stop in the rain, anorak tucked into your knickers and panicking all the  way to work incase one of the younger and much prettier (obviously) checkout girls has got there before you and swallowed a mouthful of the 19 year old temporary deputy assistant managers sticky mess, meaning you’ll have to spend the whole day out in the car park wearing a hi vis vest with ‘Hi I’m Roops and I’m here to help’ printed on it, getting soaked, stacking trolleys and listening to a constant stream of builders muttering ‘fucking hell I hope my missus never ends up in that state’ as they drive past in their Transit vans shaking their heads in dismay.

If I’ve got all this completely wrong ignore it and don’t bother responding but if I’ve got it 100% right then feel free to respond in the expected manner. Stay dry.

The thing is Billy, is that during the last four and a half years you've been here you have "expected" a lot of things. Unfortunately, not one of your predictions, assertions - call it what you will - have materialised. That you repeatedly end up with egg on your face isn't necessarily due to any advocacy on mine or anyone else's part but rather you tripping up on your own baseless "facts" and in some cases, outright lying. Being a gullible foil-clad shmuck with memory issues hasn't helped you either.

Anyway enough of the pleasantries, what has your 262 words of retaliatory nonsense got to do with the "dictat", which was the original cause of you throwing a tantrum in the first place or is your post yet another example of rattled deflection?

Stay warm.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

I would have expected someone as clever who’s boasted about the huge stack of unopened MENSA periodicals that they insist on sending, but you can no longer be bothered to even open could have come up with a less ridiculous adjective insult than ‘cerebrally challenged’ as even a ‘thicko’ like me (knowing that an amoeba, being a single cell organism with no cerebral cortex whatsoever) has got me wondering if you might not actually be the cerebrally over endowed genius that you profess to be and never miss an opportunity to remind us all, but in reality just the boring unfuckable ginger hag that you see every morning in the mirror  before rushing to the bus stop in the rain, anorak tucked into your knickers and panicking all the  way to work incase one of the younger and much prettier (obviously) checkout girls has got there before you and swallowed a mouthful of the 19 year old temporary deputy assistant managers sticky mess, meaning you’ll have to spend the whole day out in the car park wearing a hi vis vest with ‘Hi I’m Roops and I’m here to help’ printed on it, getting soaked, stacking trolleys and listening to a constant stream of builders muttering ‘fucking hell I hope my missus never ends up in that state’ as they drive past in their Transit vans shaking their heads in dismay.

If I’ve got all this completely wrong ignore it and don’t bother responding but if I’ve got it 100% right then feel free to respond in the expected manner. Stay dry.



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@Frank I'm down in Cornwall... The motorhome has been a life saver. Set up a tent last night and it's blown out to sea, thankfully the motorhome has more weight to it. Had some Souvlaki I cooked on my firepit last night, not sure if it was cooked properly though as I now have the shits. My well deserved UK holiday is going to shit Frank, and I'm not sure if these outdoor holidays are for me. I was wondering if you able to offer any advice?

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