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The mysterious disappearance of Kate Middleton

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32 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

No sheep activity for a year! 
Nice to see you ProfB. Hope you’re well.

Spooky. I was having a lamb roast today and I actually hoped it was this odd little retard. I also hope ‘big Kaz’ has cancer.

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

A somewhat arbitrary number?

Still, if you add up the digits you get 5, and that's the number of points on a pentagram, and that must surely prove something. Paging @King Billy to the conspiracy board.

10-4 good buddy (see what I did there?). Looks like we got us a humanitarian aid convoy.
It’s also the number of points on the Star of David, which although I don’t really buy into the big daddy of all conspiracy theories (which I’m sure I needn’t spell out incase my bank account disappears faster than a Nigerian rent boys maggot up Franks Channel tunnel sized rectum in a Greek St. shop doorway), but does seem to have been popping up on the MSM news  again quite a lot since last October (around the 7th. I think).

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2 hours ago, ProfB said:

Mrs Roots once unwittingly left me in control of the corner before, history is repeating itself.

Roops and I are married now ProfB. She seems ecstatically happy (what woman wouldn’t be?). I’m trying my best to feel the same, but I can’t stop wondering what’s going to happen to us soon, when all my life savings have gone, I’m blacklisted by every brass in town and left with no choice but to go home to her?

What do you think?

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

110 days now since the Princess of Wales was incontrovertibly seen in public. 

Those trips to the Windsor Farm Shop seem to have stopped then?

In case you had any doubt, they’re laughing at you.

She’s obviously just fine Doc. Surely Wills and little George showing up unannounced to watch their ‘beloved Aston Villa’ 🤔 last night proves that nothing’s up with mummy back at the morgue, sorry palace?

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You can understand why she wouldn't want to be seen in public during cancer treatment, emaciated and haggard, with just a few stray wisps of flyaway hair clinging to a misshapen bald head.

Not everyone's as brave as Frank.

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31 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

He's heard about Ratty's mum! 

All this fucking mum shit is really sending out signals about the adoleseage (*) range this site is teeming with.. Cunty you're all INBETWEENERS pretending to be older.  Juvenile delinquents. 


(*) Wow Google just invented a new word! 

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On 28/03/2024 at 13:25, Last Cunt Standing said:

incidentally, 92 days now since Katie made a public appearance. This weekend is the fabled Easter deadline. Ten of my Aussie Dollars says we don’t see her doing any Royal “work” this year.


On 29/03/2024 at 22:08, Last Cunt Standing said:

Believe that Eric, and I’ve got a Bridge in Baltimore to sell you. 

96 days, if you’re keeping score.


On 07/04/2024 at 05:14, Last Cunt Standing said:

104 days today since the Princess of Wales was incontrovertibly seen in public. 

It’s an awfully long time, is it not?


On 12/04/2024 at 23:52, Last Cunt Standing said:

110 days now since the Princess of Wales was incontrovertibly seen in public. 

Those trips to the Windsor Farm Shop seem to have stopped then?

In case you had any doubt, they’re laughing at you.

742,891,457,674 days since we began to suffer your running commentary from 9,000 miles away about a subject very few give a flying fuck about.

We've been getting on a little better recently Doc, and I welcome this, but please give the Nicholas Witchell wankfest a break.

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20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:




742,891,457,674 days since we began to suffer your running commentary from 9,000 miles away about a subject very few give a flying fuck about.

We've been getting on a little better recently Doc, and I welcome this, but please give the Nicholas Witchell wankfest a break.

On this subject, one questions why we have to endure the endless shite posted by ELC.  Salman Rushdie eventually got stabbed, after writing endless bollocks.

I live in hope.

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31 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

On this subject, one questions why we have to endure the endless shite posted by ELC.  Salman Rushdie eventually got stabbed, after writing endless bollocks.

I live in hope.

Can you put a figure on that?  I won't be happy until I see a number to back up your argument then I will trust you completely. 

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On 16/04/2024 at 03:35, Wolfie said:

742,891,457,674 days since we began to suffer your running commentary from 9,000 miles away about a subject very few give a flying fuck about.

We've been getting on a little better recently Doc, and I welcome this, but please give the Nicholas Witchell wankfest a break.

All due respect, so none, fuck off. I’ll post what I like thanks. Christ knows any semblance of quality control or self-censorship seems to be a thing of the past round here these days, so if on my infrequent visits I feel like recording an ongoing lie being peddled on the public, I will. I’m surprised by your indifference to be honest, the idea that the heir to the throne might be permitting some elaborate deception to play out while he puts his feet up between his 2 hours of public work per week should be lighting a fire in your taxpaying belly. I can only presume you and those like you are so anaesthetised by the Daily Mail that your critical thinking skills are duller than a February day in Coventry. 

Take a close look at the pictures. Is the woman passenger in the Audi, the woman at the Windsor Farmers Market, and the woman on the garden bench supposed to be the same person?

Not only are they lying to you, they’re laughing about it, too.

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9 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Take a close look at the pictures. Is the woman passenger in the Audi, the woman at the Windsor Farmers Market, and the woman on the garden bench supposed to be the same person?

If Meghan Markle gets cancer I'm going to wank my bollocks off. Let's see them class THAT as a "hate crime".

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If Meghan Markle gets cancer I'm going to wank my bollocks off.

I’d say she’s got one. A six-foot red-headed skin tumour who she’ll likely have cut out and binned at some point. 

Don’t be distracted from the main event though. Something very bleak is afoot in Windsor. 

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14 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

All due respect, so none, fuck off. I’ll post what I like thanks. Christ knows any semblance of quality control or self-censorship seems to be a thing of the past round here these days, so if on my infrequent visits I feel like recording an ongoing lie being peddled on the public, I will. I’m surprised by your indifference to be honest, the idea that the heir to the throne might be permitting some elaborate deception to play out while he puts his feet up between his 2 hours of public work per week should be lighting a fire in your taxpaying belly. I can only presume you and those like you are so anaesthetised by the Daily Mail that your critical thinking skills are duller than a February day in Coventry. 

Take a close look at the pictures. Is the woman passenger in the Audi, the woman at the Windsor Farmers Market, and the woman on the garden bench supposed to be the same person?

Not only are they lying to you, they’re laughing about it, too.

Apart from a triumvirate of twats, Jenny Bond, Nicholas Witchell and you, no cunt here gives a flying fuck about this. You obsessed, big hairy dog’s cock. Fuck off.

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16 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

All due respect, so none, fuck off. I’ll post what I like thanks. Christ knows any semblance of quality control or self-censorship seems to be a thing of the past round here these days, so if on my infrequent visits I feel like recording an ongoing lie being peddled on the public, I will. I’m surprised by your indifference to be honest, the idea that the heir to the throne might be permitting some elaborate deception to play out while he puts his feet up between his 2 hours of public work per week should be lighting a fire in your taxpaying belly. I can only presume you and those like you are so anaesthetised by the Daily Mail that your critical thinking skills are duller than a February day in Coventry. 

Take a close look at the pictures. Is the woman passenger in the Audi, the woman at the Windsor Farmers Market, and the woman on the garden bench supposed to be the same person?

Not only are they lying to you, they’re laughing about it, too.

For someone who values integrity as much as I do, what on earth is going on in your tiny mind? Your opinion has always been my steadfast guide. 

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8 hours ago, Frank said:

For someone who values integrity as much as I do, what on earth is going on in your tiny mind? Your opinion has always been my steadfast guide. 

Francis, we’ve never crossed swords on The Corner and I have no wish to start. I’ll ignore your “tiny mind” swing, and simply say that I don’t believe the official version of “the illness”, believe there is a much darker explanation, and have very good reason to think so. The photos are a bit of a clue. But, feel free to get back to mincing about the overpriced Gentleman’s Outfitters you inhabit, the truth will be along momentarily. Keep watching. 

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10 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Apart from a triumvirate of twats, Jenny Bond, Nicholas Witchell and you, no cunt here gives a flying fuck about this. You obsessed, big hairy dog’s cock. Fuck off.

Just keep paying those taxes then. William is so terribly grateful for the crushed silk toilet roll you’re funding for his tattered arsehole.


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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Just keep paying those taxes then. William is so terribly grateful for the crushed silk toilet roll you’re funding for his tattered arsehole.


Fuck anybody who supports this feudal fucking incompetence that keeps Britain chained to a fake past and a fake present in which the reality about unequal unproductive failing system is covered up with tittle tattle.  

Funny we must ALWAYS be REMINDED by the BBC and the likes of Etonian Cameron how terrible everything is in Iran and not a fucking MURMER about the state of Britain today.  Fools Paradise. 

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