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7 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


Correct, you utter wanker. I dont own a jet boat, and the water blaster ive had serviced is simply a water blaster unit i occasionally use at home. Obviously you know fuck all about either.  Bend over and have your cum encrusted ring piece cleaned, you fag low life.

Doorman, and pleb.   🙂 

Have a nice day.

I don't know how you made your monopoly money fortune, but it certainly wasn't by using your brain.

You utterly thick fucking bastard.

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 You dont have a pressure washer/water blaster. Why would you even need one, living in a terraced dos house, as you do. You dont impress me, i know your sort. 

Lying, bull shitting, cunt. 

Been caught out with your bullshit again. Just accept it.

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3 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


I"m sure anything more than a few hundred quid would be a fortune to you.

You typical uneducated British factory fodder thick as pig shit wanker. 

Catch covid, drink bleach, and have a nice day. 🙂 

I'm quite happy living in a country full of culture, history and with a firmly established place at the top table of world nations. As beautiful as the scenery is in New Zealand, you wouldn't catch me living in a third rate backwater run by a horse faced, lefty-uber liberal cunt. I'm glad you're content though, and are happy being a bullshitting non-entity in a political and culturally non-entity of a country.

Fuck off.

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4 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


I"m sure anything more than a few hundred quid would be a fortune to you.

You typical uneducated British factory fodder thick as pig shit wanker. 

Catch covid, drink bleach, and have a nice day. 🙂 

Why does your fucking rugby team have to do that pathetic dance before every match? They're shit now. They even got turned over by the Argies a couple of weeks ago.


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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Back-pedalling, bullshitting wanker. You mention jet boats, having your “water blaster” serviced and now you say you were talking about a Karcher pressure washer? Funny as I’ve never had my Karcher “water blaster” serviced, as it doesn’t require it. You’re full of shit - not that there was ever any doubt. 

Absolute dickhead.

I think I'll go for a drive in my 'Friction Torque Propelled Tarmac Negotiator'.

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9 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

  You dont have a pressure washer/water blaster. Why would you even need one, living in a terraced dos house, as you do. You dont impress me, i know your sort. 

Lying, bull shitting, cunt. 

Yeah! Imagine anyone other than you being able to afford their own “water blaster” - they cost literally 10’s of pounds! Out of reach for all but the elite few.

Absolute prick.


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9 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 You dont have a pressure washer/water blaster. Why would you even need one, living in a terraced dos house, as you do. You dont impress me, i know your sort. 

Lying, bull shitting, cunt. 

Like most sages here, brother Eric can spot a bullshitter miles off. You’ve made some ridiculous claims here regarding your apparent wealth and perfect lifestyle but the raw sewerage you’ve posted on this thread takes the biscuit.

I had low to medium hopes for you in the corner but of late you’ve shown what a scaffold plank thick retarded cunt you really are. There’s no coming back from this one.

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18 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Yeah! Imagine anyone other than you being able to afford their own “water blaster” - they cost literally 10’s of pounds! Out of reach for all but the elite few.

Absolute prick.


I’ve got one in the shed uncle ape. I hardly ever use the cunt. In fact mrs pecker the daft mare bought the fucking thing. Christ she’s fucking useless

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27 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Yeah! Imagine anyone other than you being able to afford their own “water blaster” - they cost literally 10’s of pounds! Out of reach for all but the elite few.

Absolute prick.


My neighbours '84 Land Rover needs 2 patches welded on the chassis for its MOT, and I've told him that I'll do it. Unfortunately I don't know anyone rich enough to own an 'arcy-sparky metal sticker'. What a conundrum.

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1 minute ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, what you really mean, is an overpopulated grey skied dreary as hell, chav and pikey infested island. A place where the majority are crammed into damp terraced dos houses and are forced to park their shit rust bucket car on the street.  Where the wages are so low for the majority, the only break they can look forward too to escape their daily hell, is a three or four days at a Pontins holiday camp. Drinking themselves into oblivion on Stella to escape their utter shit existence for a few days. Before catching the train or coach home to start beating their wives again. 

Obviously you have never set foot out of the place.

Perfect, welcome to Blighty.  Are you going canal fishing for tiny roach anytime soon to escape reality for a few hours. Idiot. 

We're all just dreaming of being successful enough to afford a Karcher® Pressure washer from Argos. And pay to have it regularly 'serviced'.

Is your 'Water Blaster' serviced by the dealership or do you use a reputable, local 'Water Blaster' service station? 

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19 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, what you really mean, is an overpopulated grey skied dreary as hell, chav and pikey infested island. A place where the majority are crammed into damp terraced dos houses and are forced to park their shit rust bucket car on the street.  Where the wages are so low for the majority, the only break they can look forward too to escape their daily hell, is a three or four days at a Pontins holiday camp. Drinking themselves into oblivion on Stella to escape their utter shit existence for a few days. Before catching the train or coach home to start beating their wives again. 

Obviously you have never set foot out of the place.

Perfect, welcome to Blighty.  Are you going canal fishing for tiny roach anytime soon to escape reality for a few hours. Idiot. 

Roops and Pen at 1:34 

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1 hour ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, what you really mean, is an overpopulated grey skied dreary as hell, chav and pikey infested island. A place where the majority are crammed into damp terraced dos houses and are forced to park their shit rust bucket car on the street.  Where the wages are so low for the majority, the only break they can look forward too to escape their daily hell, is a three or four days at a Pontins holiday camp.

Have you ever heard of GDP, Johnny? Not just notional, but every single definition or calculation of it? The UK outperforms New Zealand in all of these, including per capita before you bang on about only you and a dozen other fucking idiots living there.

So we've established you've abondoned a rich country for an irrelevant, piss poor backwater. Your financial argument is dead in the water, so explain to us how a country of less than five million sheep shaggers has a richer and more fulfilling cultural and entertaining landscape than the UK? What's the artistic, theatrical, musical and cinematic scene like in your ex-colonial, poor man's Australia shit-pit?

Fucking idiot.

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Have you ever heard of GDP, Johnny? Not just notional, but every single definition or calculation of it? The UK outperforms New Zealand in all of these, including per capita before you bang on about only you and a dozen other fucking idiots living there.

So we've established you've abondoned a rich country for an irrelevant, piss poor backwater. Your financial argument is dead in the water, so explain to us how a country of less than five million sheep shaggers has a richer and more fulfilling cultural and entertaining landscape than the UK? What's the artistic, theatrical, musical and cinematic scene like in your ex-colonial, poor man's Australia shit-pit?

Fucking idiot.

Don't fuck about Decs. He has a 'water blaster'.

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40 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Have you ever heard of GDP, Johnny? Not just notional, but every single definition or calculation of it? The UK outperforms New Zealand in all of these, including per capita before you bang on about only you and a dozen other fucking idiots living there.

So we've established you've abondoned a rich country for an irrelevant, piss poor backwater. Your financial argument is dead in the water, so explain to us how a country of less than five million sheep shaggers has a richer and more fulfilling cultural and entertaining landscape than the UK? What's the artistic, theatrical, musical and cinematic scene like in your ex-colonial, poor man's Australia shit-pit?

Fucking idiot.

On a point of order Decs, the GDP difference is tiny. 2019 World Bank figures for per capita GDP put the UK 23rd and NZ 24th, separated by only a few hundred dollars. Enough to buy a Karcher, perhaps. 

Incidentally, Ireland was 5th and Australia 12th. 

Do carry on with the disembowelling....

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

 Haha, what you really mean, is an overpopulated grey skied dreary as hell, chav and pikey infested island. A place where the majority are crammed into damp terraced dos houses and are forced to park their shit rust bucket car on the street.  Where the wages are so low for the majority, the only break they can look forward too to escape their daily hell, is a three or four days at a Pontins holiday camp. Drinking themselves into oblivion on Stella to escape their utter shit existence for a few days. Before catching the train or coach home to start beating their wives again. 

Obviously you have never set foot out of the place.

Perfect, welcome to Blighty.  Are you going canal fishing for tiny roach anytime soon to escape reality for a few hours. Idiot. 

Johnny I think you’ve summed this place up perfectly; it is fucking dreary, and I’m fortunate enough to be able to come and go as I please.. residing in central London or the West Country when I’m coming. God knows how the great unwashed cope. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

How is life under the Westway flyover Frank? Are you still the best under there?

My dead missus called her cousin dentist the other day to book a check-up. 'Wha time you fwee tomowwooohhoooow, Som?' 'Harrow Miiing' replies Som... 'shall we say Tooth-hurty?' 'No can do.. I dead already'.

lol lol


Fuck off.

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:


I can't decide whether to put this video out, Eric. Every artist has his day and this latest piece is no 'walnut'. I think it's good but if it doesn't put me somewhere on the leaderboard that'll be me done. What do you think?

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15 minutes ago, Frank said:

I can't decide whether to put this video out, Eric. Every artist has his day and this latest piece is no 'walnut'. I think it's good but if it doesn't put me somewhere on the leaderboard that'll be me done. What do you think?

It'll be fine. What are you singing?

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