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11 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You shambolic, mess of a human being. Shut your fucking cunt mouth. Nobody wants to know your opinion on anything. Just fuck off.

Your unceasing negativity and immature ranting and little obsessiins actually drives more intetesting people away from the site  You are part of the cloth cap carbuncle mafia on the Corner who get off on bullying and picking fights. 

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

I've just been reading that thread. I've got even money he'll be back later with greater intensity on a revenge mission because he's a fucking mong. He's the type of cunt who keeps a piece of broken glass next to the keyboard for self harming purposes when he's receiving abuse. The other possibility of course is that he's an old bill agent provocateur and we're all going to get nicked under the Malicious Communications Act.

Jesus titty fucking christ, I've just wadded through 5 pages of that as well. Drew, the tit, should know better but we can probably put his stupidity down to him being smashed out of his fucking head for 12 hours of every day. Harold the Stupid, however, really has nailed his colours to the mast with his fantasies beyond all sense of moral code. Yet the silly cunt still rocks up, unashamed of his beastly ways and admin are basically condoning his disgusting little secret and talking zero action over the most sacred of their rules. 

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17 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Your unceasing negativity and immature ranting and little obsessiins actually drives more intetesting people away from the site  You are part of the cloth cap carbuncle mafia on the Corner who get off on bullying and picking fights. 

Fuck off you rank pervert cunt.

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’ve just watched the interview here on Australia’s Channel Ten. 

The interview itself is a bag of shite, especially the chicken coop segments.

My takeaway fact: if you squint hard at the telly, Oprah looks like a cross between Ian Wright and Mrs Doubtfire. 


Or Diane Abbott and John Prescott.

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

After reading the sick and utterly depraved filth you posted yesterday, I'm genuinely astounded that you have the fucking brass to come back on. You're a twisted degenerate who deserves to be burned alive. It won't be long until the Jimmy Savile police come for you. That you can be assured of.

He's got more front than Brighton, and is probably also a regular visitor there for rear action. I can't believe the brass neck of the cunt, Trucking, but it's probably more likely down to being a fucking idiot. 

I'll tell you this much though. Once some of the other regulars login, and read that thread he's gonna be crucified again...

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41 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Jesus titty fucking christ, I've just wadded through 5 pages of that as well. Drew, the tit, should know better but we can probably put his stupidity down to him being smashed out of his fucking head for 12 hours of every day. Harold the Stupid, however, really has nailed his colours to the mast with his fantasies beyond all sense of moral code. Yet the silly cunt still rocks up, unashamed of his beastly ways and admin are basically condoning his disgusting little secret and talking zero action over the most sacred of their rules. 

I've had my suspicions about him for quite sometime Stubbs and everyone on here should be concerned about any future communication with him because the Corner could quickly gain an unsavory reputation as a haven for noncery. How long will his type be tolerated for? Now he knows he can push the boundary, will there be pictures next and will the online nonce squad pounce then post our IPs up on UK peados exposed? He has to fucking go and admin are defo bang out of order for not excommunicating the cunt on the spot.

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1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

He's got more front than Brighton, and is probably also a regular visitor there for rear action. I can't believe the brass neck of the cunt, Trucking, but it's probably more likely down to being a fucking idiot. 

I'll tell you this much though. Once some of the other regulars login, and read that thread he's gonna be crucified again...

As I just said to Stubbs, we don't know where else this fucking wrong'un plies his trade or what he will do next. There are people who track fuckers like him across the net as a hobby then light up anyone they've said boo to as co-conspirators. The sentence must be death.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are the twisted guy because you haven't made a sensible response to any of my posts or noms since I've been here. You are the essence of Dark Matter. Your negativity drives other more interesting people away. Admin knows that. 

It's not rights like you that fuck this site up. Your keyboard ejaculations encrust these threads like a thin veneer of diarrhea. You are a degenerate weirdo who can't put a sensible post together even when you're copy and pasting directly from the pages of the fucking Guardian in a piss poor attempt to make yourself appear to have an IQ higher than that of Harvey Price. Now you're complaining because you're rightfully getting a kicking for posting vile and disgusting fantasies about children that could get this site flagged up by peado hunters?

Just go will you. Fucking go, you filthy animal.

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

It's not rights like you that fuck this site up. Your keyboard ejaculations encrust these threads like a thin veneer of diarrhea. You are a degenerate weirdo who can't put a sensible post together even when you're copy and pasting directly from the pages of the fucking Guardian in a piss poor attempt to make yourself appear to have an IQ higher than that of Harvey Price. Now you're complaining because you're rightfully getting a kicking for posting vile and disgusting fantasies about children that could get this site flagged up by peado hunters?

Just go will you. Fucking go, you filthy animal.

Seems to me you are a keyboard warrior for fantasies only you and a select handful of like-minded weirdos and playground bullies. 

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25 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Seems to me you are a keyboard warrior for fantasies only you and a select handful of like-minded weirdos and playground bullies. 

I think there’s a few on here would happily deal with you away from the keyboard. Sinister, odd creep.

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33 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Seems to me you are a keyboard warrior for fantasies only you and a select handful of like-minded weirdos and playground bullies. 

Is that your problem is it Harold? Were you bullied at school? That makes me think you might be a pig after all. Most of them are nonces and wife beaters.

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4 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

He's got more front than Brighton, and is probably also a regular visitor there for rear action. I can't believe the brass neck of the cunt, Trucking, but it's probably more likely down to being a fucking idiot. 

I'll tell you this much though. Once some of the other regulars login, and read that thread he's gonna be crucified again...

If there’s a town called Brighton somewhere in SE Asia with a reputation for attracting certain types, I’ve no doubt you’re  100% correct 


4 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

I've had my suspicions about him for quite sometime Stubbs and everyone on here should be concerned about any future communication with him because the Corner could quickly gain an unsavory reputation as a haven for noncery. How long will his type be tolerated for? Now he knows he can push the boundary, will there be pictures next and will the online nonce squad pounce then post our IPs up on UK peados exposed? He has to fucking go and admin are defo bang out of order for not excommunicating the cunt on the spot.

Spot fucking on. I for one wouldn’t want the powers that be snooping around here and beyond on the back of his vile comments 

I guess admin don’t give a fuck if peados exposed splash this site, it’s owners and members details all over the Daily Mail. They should, the lazy fucking cunts.

3 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

It's not rights like you that fuck this site up. Your keyboard ejaculations encrust these threads like a thin veneer of diarrhea. You are a degenerate weirdo who can't put a sensible post together even when you're copy and pasting directly from the pages of the fucking Guardian in a piss poor attempt to make yourself appear to have an IQ higher than that of Harvey Price. Now you're complaining because you're rightfully getting a kicking for posting vile and disgusting fantasies about children that could get this site flagged up by peado hunters?

Just go will you. Fucking go, you filthy animal.

That’s top class cunting right there. Newbies take note

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13 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If there’s a town called Brighton somewhere in SE Asia with a reputation for attracting certain types, I’ve no doubt your 100% correct 


Spot fucking on. I for one wouldn’t want the powers that be snooping around here and beyond on the back of his vile comments 

I guess admin don’t give a fuck if peados exposed splash this site, it’s owners and members details all over the Daily Mail. They should, the lazy fucking cunts.

That’s top class cunting right there. Newbies take note

You missed out yesterday, Stubbs. It was proper old school Corner cunting. Me and Dec's fighting back to back against the filthy nonces. I'm sure Ed, Frank, Trucking and Withers will probably all feel the same way. 

I'm reserving a place on my wall for Harold's severed head, but if you feel like taking the scalp then be my guest... 

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1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

You missed out yesterday, Stubbs. It was proper old school Corner cunting. Me and Dec's fighting back to back against the filthy nonces. I'm sure Ed, Frank, Trucking and Withers will probably all feel the same way. 

I'm reserving a place on my wall for Harold's severed head, but if you feel like taking the scalp then be my guest... 

I night of infamy indeed, and I’ve seen the holes the silly cunt dung for himself over 5 pages. I’m amazed admin haven’t fucking him off as this shit is a magnet for prying eyes. 
I sense the beginnings of a truly epic meltdown 

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20 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

You missed out yesterday, Stubbs. It was proper old school Corner cunting. Me and Dec's fighting back to back against the filthy nonces. I'm sure Ed, Frank, Trucking and Withers will probably all feel the same way. 

I'm reserving a place on my wall for Harold's severed head, but if you feel like taking the scalp then be my guest... 

I want his eyes, I WANT HIS EYES!!!

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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's worth it for two things:

1. Spud throwing up into the transparent plastic bag round his head

2. Sick Boy and Renton's extemporised rendiiton of "No More Catholics" in the Loyalist bar.

I’d add the toilet stall Viagra dispute, which leads to a re-enactment of the pursuit and hand-on-the-bonnet smile, to your highlights. 

As sequels go, it’s pretty good. Coming 2 America, on the other hand....

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15 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’d add the toilet stall Viagra dispute, which leads to a re-enactment of the pursuit and hand-on-the-bonnet smile, to your highlights. 

As sequels go, it’s pretty good. Coming 2 America, on the other hand....

Fuck me, Doc. You really brought the beasts out the bushes with your innocuous 'Wet Feet' nom. 

I hope you're a trained trauma surgeon too, but I'd imagine being a doctor from north of the border you're used to patching up cunts... 

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